Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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I'm glad she is being forced to be with nothing but her thoughts rights now, but I just can't see her being scared. I don't think she's capable of that emotion. I don't think she'll be scared if she gets M1. I think she'll just start thinking of appeals and new headlines she can make. She's a martyr in her own mind.

If JA is in a cell on her own, every time she hears footsteps, a door opening, she'll be wondering if this is it. The holding cells must be one of the grimmest places she's been held too.
OT: But why wasn't that dispatcher nicer to her? He treated her like a troublemaker.

He acted as though he couldn't be bothered with details and kept trying to rush her off the phone. Maybe he's on verdict watch?
If it's taking this long to find her guilty of murder 1, we know she will NOT get death. :(
They probably don't even know its his birthday today

your right-lol. i think everyone reads websleuths and forgot jury can not know what we know. too bad or the vote would be done i bet. also when i said not guilty i meant to the verdict of self defense she could go free in some way ? i am grasping at straws i guess- overthinking - if i was a juror i would take over and they would all hate me i bet. once i get something in my head i fight to prove my point yet i can reconsider if someone can debate me better-lol.
folks: this is just my take: these people have sat for months listening to all this carp and they are reviewing it all: IT IS THEIR JOB. We have to have faith and patience. Reflect back on their questions.. they clearly know what they were hearing. right now we just have to let them do their jobs and have a little trust.

These people deserve to talk it out.. fgs they most likely need group therapy after all that testimony :twocents:

:seeya: nursebeeme! Part of me has faith in JM and this jury to bring a Murder 1 verdict home for Travis. But another part of me worries that the jurors who asked all the great pro-prosecution questions during the trial might have been dismissed or ended up as alternates... :eek:hoh:
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

:waitasec: How in the heck would the jurors know when his birthday is? There was no testimony to his brother's birthday. The jurors do not know who's birthday it is or isn't.
I'm feeling disgusted right now. And depressed. There is no reason whatsoever that it should take this long to find Murder 1.

If there is someone on the jury who is arguing against this being premeditated murder, then we have a stupid jury once again.

I can see taking a long time to determine life or death, but GUILT? In this case? Something is not working properly.

Can someone talk me down?

I wish I could talk you down, but CA trial is haunting me... I think I can guess by their descriptions which juror is holding this up... Cuz at least one of them certainly has to be at this point.
If JA is in a cell on her own, every time she hears footsteps, a door opening, she'll be wondering if this is it. The holding cells must be one of the grimmest places she's been held too.

Me so sad for her ....

Whatever the jury comes back with, will be their verdict.

I know they asked many relevant and intelligent questions and took their duty very seriously.

If the verdict is one that upsets a lot of people, I hope that these jurors do not receive death threats, character assassinations, or terrorism by an angry mob.

No matter if I agree with them or not, this is their case to decide. They have the responsibility, not any of us. This is how our system works. And if juries start to become nervous about handing down their verdicts because of public opinion, well, that would be a travesty.

They have every right to decide the case. That's what they were charged with. Whatever their verdict is, I hope that people can accept it.

Can't argue with that!!!
My son came home and we were talking about the 3 girls being found in Cleveland. Then, out of nowhere, he loudly asks "Wait, wait Mom, is there going to be a TRIAL"?? The way he said "trial" was hilarious. He's been very patient with me throughout this one, but I think he's ready for it to be over with, he wants his Mommy back.

Come on jury, give him his Mommy back...with a guilty verdict!
He acted as though he couldn't be bothered with details and kept trying to rush her off the phone. Maybe he's on verdict watch?

Lol! He's like, "man, this girl calls up all excited, I thought we had a verdict."
I've gotten to the point where I'm wondering whether the jury is purposely doing this to make JA sit through the same torture they sat through.
I do not think this will ever wind up as second degree.

It may be a hung jury but for those who fully believe it is premeditated will never compromise imo.



I sure hope it's not a hung jury. What's the cost of her defense to date? I think it was around 1.8 million - that's a lot of tax payers money down the drain.


The Scott Peterson jury deliberated SEVEN DAYS and found him guilty and gave him the DP. :seeya::seeya:

Yep and I quit celebrating my birthday(same day he left for SQ) on the day he left for San Quentin and bumped his murdering head. Now I just celebrate another yr. for him on death row for murdering Laci and Connor(my 1st missing person and murder trial) although I kinda followed Danaille Van Dam.
I am going to stay confident, but IMO

I wish the prosecution just never would have tried to claim whether the shot came first or last. They did not need to even go there IMO. They could have just said the crime was so bloody and brutal that they cannot tell which came first and it DOES NOT MATTER because either way Jodi came there to kill Travis. Its things like this that just bring unnecessary debate for the jurors IMO. If any of those jurors believe the shot came first, then they may get caught up on that and then think what else may be wrong too. We still have a lot of people that cannot agree on what came first.

So, just wish they would not have even gone there.
Gonna lurk for a while....gotta do some landry and things here.

Still on here ( have HLN) on too.....just gonna step out to do a few things.
OT: You guys in the states get the best meds .. stuff we haven't even heard of. I want Amberen .. AND I WANT IT NOOOOOW!!!!
ugh o/t James Holmes (CO movie theater shooter) changing his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity... shocking.... ugh.
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