Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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Just saw HLN real quick. Their jurors cam back HUNG. 2 for Manslaughter - the rest 1st degree.

I know, I know......

I still have faith!
Ignore all negative comments ! someones trying to stir the pot ! use your ignore list. Better to be safe than loose posting privledges.:seeya:
Took longer for peterson. To get a verdict

Scott Peterson Gets Death Penalty
Dec. 13, 2004
The jury in the Scott Peterson murder trial deliberated for 12 hours over three days before returning an unanimous recommendation that Peterson receive the death penalty for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson.
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

They have no idea it's his birthday, IMO.
yes and imo, she planned to kill him in the shower so that there would be minimal mess, dna spread etc. She had to wait until he ended up there. She believed it would then be over in a quick moment and she could do some minor cleanup down the drain and head out. She is arrogant enough to believe it would go as planned. I also believe as evil as she is, that she taunted Travis for some time before striking and that's why we see the
"poses". If this isn't pre-med M 1, nothing is
I completely agree.
Even though I've been jaded and distrusting of juries since OJ and CA, I'm not stressed yet about this one. It just takes some patience.

We've all reviewed, discussed, questioned, and debated the details of this case for months. We've had additional information and shared opinions to assist us in our own conclusions. Those on the jury have not. Assuming they followed the rules they have had NOBODY to bounce their thought and opinions off of, no additional input, and no feedback. If they are a serious jury, dedicated to doing the job they have been tasked with, it should take awhile to do it correctly. Even as strongly opinionated as I am about JA deserving Premeditated Murder 1, I would still want to discuss with the other jurors each witness and whether anything they offered up was credible and of any value in the deliberations. I would want to hold every picture and look at it closely. Even though I feel certain of my conclusion, given the severity of the crime and the punishment I'd want to give every opportunity to make sure something important wasn't overlooked.

I still believe the Murder 1 conviction is inevitable, just not that a decision would be quick.

But I've been wrong before, if this goes the same way as OJ and CA it is clearly time to rethink our justice system. I've always felt that it should require a 10/12 for conviction, not unanimous, to prevent that one juror with a personal agenda or bias from discarding reason and creating a hung jury.
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

They probably don't even know its his birthday today
i don't know if the state would retry ....but if they take a deal i think it would b
e 2nd not 1st. moo

I was reading somewhere, and this was in Washington state, not AZ so it could be different, but that statutes will not allow a person to plead guilty to 1st degree murder without a deal for LWOP already in place because it would otherwise be effective suicide.

Not relevant to this case here and now, just food for thought.
Seems to me a lot of people are making excuses/reasons for why the jury has not come back with a verdict yet. I see no reason why it has taken even this length of time. They have much less to consider, seeing all of the stuff that did not make into the trial.
What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA tweets
Dr. Samuels sent her 8(?) greeting cards. (Thanks SD)
fake pedo letters
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Knives and gun found in hire car (Thanks mobius99)
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?" and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands
JA's parents tapes
JA kicking/killing doggy boy
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
plea agreement with threat to trash Travis
Some of JA's actions and her family's in court. We see close up because of the camera.s
Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The HLN "drama"
JA spiderman t-shirt photo
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art'
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
MS passing notes to JA's mom
JA's outside 'representative'
Dr D's laptop being stolen
911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion
Cost of trial
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letters (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to Nurmi / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
JA's happy smiles when Jury is out of sight
Tire slashing multiple times of both TA & Lisa's tires, and the email sent to Lisa (Thanks OAZ)
Oh the CONTENT of the video viewed in court of TA w/ white/blonde thing on lap (Thanks OAZ)

Funny biz with Helio cell phone.. claimed lost (IRRC melted chocolate?) got replacement which had sex tape/photos claimed lost but then found in G'parents car

Incident w/ Clancy in bathroom WHICH sounds almost like incident she claims happened between Abe & TA

That her & Abe only went on 1 date (my impression is she's insinuated more of a relationship to jury)
Did you see HLN After Dark last night? There was one juror on the Phoenix mock jury that would vote the opposite no matter what. He got a lot of air time.

Did you see Vinnie's mock jury about 10 minutes ago. The foreperson said "hung jury" 8 (M1)/4 (MS).

I'm getting sick to my stomach.


do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

Not at all. How and why would they even know it was his birthday? They're not supposed to be looking for anything pertaining to this case, and they'd have to do a good deal of digging to find out it was his birthday.
I can't imagine that ever being a factor. JMO
This is amazing to know that JA has nothing and I Mean nothing but her two hands to distract her during this wait. I'm glad to know she has nothing to pass the time. I hope she is scared to her marrow right now; I do.

I'm glad she is being forced to be with nothing but her thoughts rights now, but I just can't see her being scared. I don't think she's capable of that emotion. I don't think she'll be scared if she gets M1. I think she'll just start thinking of appeals and new headlines she can make. She's a martyr in her own mind.
Whatever the jury comes back with, will be their verdict.

I know they asked many relevant and intelligent questions and took their duty very seriously.

If the verdict is one that upsets a lot of people, I hope that these jurors do not receive death threats, character assassinations, or terrorism by an angry mob.

No matter if I agree with them or not, this is their case to decide. They have the responsibility, not any of us. This is how our system works. And if juries start to become nervous about handing down their verdicts because of public opinion, well, that would be a travesty.

They have every right to decide the case. That's what they were charged with. Whatever their verdict is, I hope that people can accept it.

Well said, except that if she gets less than 1st degree I'm sure most folks will have a very very difficult time accepting the verdict. I for one will be concluding that in order to get a conviction, a murder will have to be captured on video, start to finish, with the murderer declaring at the end.."I am the murderer and I approve of this message."
I used to work for a company that made pneumatic tubes! LMAO!! Ones that travelled far and near - like around factories and stuff!!!

Lots of banks still use those, don't they? At least in Texas they did - at Chase! So we aren't talking about some tiny bank here.

Our hospital uses them too.
Best comment of the day! :goodpost::yesss::thewave:

Whatever the jury comes back with, will be their verdict.

I know they asked many relevant and intelligent questions and took their duty very seriously.

If the verdict is one that upsets a lot of people, I hope that these jurors do not receive death threats, character assassinations, or terrorism by an angry mob.

No matter if I agree with them or not, this is their case to decide. They have the responsibility, not any of us. This is how our system works. And if juries start to become nervous about handing down their verdicts because of public opinion, well, that would be a travesty.

They have every right to decide the case. That's what they were charged with. Whatever their verdict is, I hope that people can accept it.
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

They should not be privy to his birthday.If they did..that would mean that they read things that they shouldn't have.So my guess is a big fat NO.
Thank you to all the calm sensible WS friends who are hand-holding us worrywarts. Need to give myself a TO before I implode.


I was reading somewhere, and this was in Washington state, not AZ so it could be different, but that statutes will not allow a person to plead guilty to 1st degree murder without a deal for LWOP already in place because it would otherwise be effective suicide.

Not relevant to this case here and now, just food for thought.

iirc I thought I heard that the guy who did the movie theater shooting in CO plead guilty and LWOP so he could avoid DP. Not sure though?
I noticed today that one of Jodi's tweets was something along the lines of " I'm not profiting from my art, other people are"..kind of a guilty remark huh? (a lot of states have that law that prohibits criminals from profiting from their writing etc) for her to say that is just one more thing that tells me she knows darn well she murdered him in cold blood and it had zero to do with self-defense!

This is another time I think back to Juan's statements in closing arguments "It's Not her fault".. nothing is never her fault... she never takes responsibility for remorse...wish we could go from a (Hopefully) guilty verdict to a needle in her arm instead of waiting 10 + yrs to execute her
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