Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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Ok.. Forget even attempting chat.. twice tried twice managed to knock myself off internet during VERDICT WATCH ahhhhhhhhhh I'm done trying ;)
Back to my self imposed TO. Somehow I have got to concentrate on work.
Stay calm, deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths.
I used to work for a company that made pneumatic tubes! LMAO!! Ones that travelled far and near - like around factories and stuff!!!

Lots of banks still use those, don't they? At least in Texas they did - at Chase! So we aren't talking about some tiny bank here.
Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto uses them to the delight and glee of patients and staff alike!
I didn't think I'd be this anxious during deliberations and as time goes on I get more and more worried. Does a juror actually believe the lies? Does the gun or knife first argument even matter in this trial? she killed him 3 times over and if she didn't "know" he was dead she left him for dead. How is any of that forgivable? How does one not intend to kill someone even though they slit the victim's throat all the way to the vertebra? It should have been decided already.

Don't forget she's got Judge Perry tonight.:rockon: His interview made my day yesterday, and the three girls that were found got me through I guess him and Nancy will get me through tonight if we don't have a verdict.:moo:

And don't forget Deanna Reid will be on Dr. Drew...gosh I hope he lets her talk
yes and imo, she planned to kill him in the shower so that there would be minimal mess, dna spread etc. She had to wait until he ended up there. She believed it would then be over in a quick moment and she could do some minor cleanup down the drain and head out. She is arrogant enough to believe it would go as planned. I also believe as evil as she is, that she taunted Travis for some time before striking and that's why we see the
"poses". If this isn't pre-med M 1, nothing is

She thinks she is a:
I'm feeling disgusted right now. And depressed. There is no reason whatsoever that it should take this long to find Murder 1.

If there is someone on the jury who is arguing against this being premeditated murder, then we have a stupid jury once again.

I can see taking a long time to determine life or death, but GUILT? In this case? Something is not working properly.

Can someone talk me down?

Just keep remembering that they haven't been able to talk about this AT all this whole time. They are swapping "OMG" moments etc. It could take days for them to hash everything over. Doesn't mean they aren't going to do murder one. :hug:
I noticed today that one of Jodi's tweets was something along the lines of " I'm not profiting from my art, other people are"..kind of a guilty remark huh? (a lot of states have that law that prohibits criminals from profiting from their writing etc) for her to say that is just one more thing that tells me she knows darn well she murdered him in cold blood and it had zero to do with self-defense!
Good grief, I wish my husband would stfu. He just told me that if they don't come back with a verdict of Guilty of M1 by the end of today, they aren't giving her M1 at all.

I love him and I know he's just trying to discuss my interests but...ugh.

I liken this to when Lucy and Ethel decided they would like to fish and hunt and golf to share interests with Fred and Ricki. Sad, tired, and pitiful, but :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: and adorable.
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~
OT: But why wasn't that dispatcher nicer to her? He treated her like a troublemaker.
I imagine the defendant sitting alone there with nothing to do and possibly thinking "Gee, the jury hasn't invited me to the deliberations yet. Maybe they're planning a party for me?"
Is Jodi "tweeting" now? Or are folks talking about yesterday? Does this mean that she has access to a phone at the courthouse to call whoever is "tweeting" for her? Does she use her attorneys' phones?

She was very active last night -- you know, all that time she had to spend in the holding cell.

I'll admit, I'm a bit peeved, and am wondering how someone who is incarcerated, or in jail, can have access to a twitter account. I don't think this should be allowed (IMHO). I get the whole, innocent until proven guilty, but she is tweeting about the case -- taking jabs at the public, nancy grace, juan martinez. It disgusts me to no end.

I dread hearing what she's going to say tonight. Oh, the jury must think I'm innocent, blah, blah, blah. I don't want to hear it, but I know I will (it will be on-line, ROL, HLN, etc).

She's loving this attention, and she doesn't deserve it. I can only imagine what the Alexander family thinks of all this nonsense.


do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday? if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would remember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~
The former Conrad Murray Juror lady was the best thing ive seen on HLN in a long time. She made sense and I thank her for her insight!

Likewise. Her info was super encouraging.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
do you think the jurors consider travis brothers birthday if they vote not guilty? out of respect for family would they wait a day if the verdict is not in familys favor? would they decide more fast to say guilty as a gift to the family on brothers birthday. if i was a juror i might think every year for rest of his brothers life he would rember his birthday as the day jodi got innocent, guilty ot other verdict. maybe they are waiting until next day to not torment family if its not guilty to full degree. just a thought. what do you think of my reasoning in search of anything that could be possible ? if only we can decide ~

Even her own lawyer said it was manslaughter .. no chance not guilty, lesser charge if anything.
Just saw one of the jurors from the Michael Jackson doctor's trial. She said the first thing her jury did was go over the jury instructions which took a quite some time..I believe she said hours. Then they started going over the evidence not only how it applied to the verdict but also to make sure it fit per the jury instructions. So maybe theses jurors are doing the same. They would have to review the jury instructions to make sure they were all on the same page.

I also think I recall Juan saying he hoped to get a unanimous guilty on premeditated murder AND felony murder. Does anyone else recall that? If they apply the above process to the evidence in each of those charges it is certainly going to take a while. What I'm not understanding is why one would need a guilty verdict on both counts of First Drgree Murder, isn't one guilty enough?
I wonder what Juan is thinking about now. He seemed confident that Monday there would be a verdict. Less than 2 hours left.
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