Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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I was seriously thinking about ordering the SunSetter Awning and then came to my senses and realized I don't even have a patio for it to cover. Verdict watch over-load!:blushing:

Too funny!! Glad you realized you are patio-less before you hopped online and ordered. :floorlaugh:
No I assume and rightfully so due to Travis comment about her sounding like a 12 year old girl while orgasming and liking it. The underwear was talked about via text. I said pedophile fantasies or tendencies. He wouldn't be one unless he did something which to all of our knowledge he hasn't. I don't like Jodi her grammar and smugness was annoying. Her better than now attitude really out me off. But from someone that isn't as emotionally charged as a lot of you seem to be by the attacks I'm looking at things from both sides.

Fair enough. But surely you'll agree that it is inconsistent at best for a pedophile to be involved with an adult woman. Pedophiles do not have a sexual attraction to mature adults of either sex -- regardless of whether they dress the part. Their attraction is to the physical form of a child.
I bought 3 pocket hoses to replace the heavy black hand staining hose that came with the house. NO DRIZZLE HERE> i hooked all 3 together and works like a dream !!!! SO light and easy to handle.

OMG!!! I always get up and do things during commercial breaks, and I never pay attention..

All this time..when you guys would mention pocket hose, ummm...never mind. Pouring a drink and trying to get my mind out of the gutter. :floorlaugh:
Why is someone who has a different opinion automatically a troll?? I've stayed quiet today, for a multitude of reasons, but it bothers me that people aren't "allowed" to have different opinions here. Yes, this is a pro-victim website, I support that 150%, I believe 1,000% that JA is guilty of 1st degree murder, but I know others out there don't agree with me...have their own opinions & I feel like they are entitled to have them & share them just like I am. Maybe it's my being a veteran or my husband being deployed fighting for our freedoms that riles this up in me, I don't know. :twocents:

:clap: you are right. Even on here sometimes opinions differ. But all have the right to their opinions. We don't have to agree, but we have to get along. Sometimes we have to resort to the only common ground we have..... we agree to disagree lol.
No I assume and rightfully so due to Travis comment about her sounding like a 12 year old girl while orgasming and liking it. The underwear was talked about via text. I said pedophile fantasies or tendencies. He wouldn't be one unless he did something which to all of our knowledge he hasn't. I don't like Jodi her grammar and smugness was annoying. Her better than now attitude really out me off. But from someone that isn't as emotionally charged as a lot of you seem to be by the attacks I'm looking at things from both sides.

are you aware of the fact that there's a picture in Travis' closet of him sitting on his father's lap when he was a little boy, about 5 years old, and he's wearing spiderman undies in that picture?...are you aware of the fact that Cameron Diaz was in a movie and wore spiderman undies? are you aware of the fact that Target sells spiderman undies for women?
Did you see HLN After Dark last night? There was one juror on the Phoenix mock jury that would vote the opposite no matter what. He got a lot of air time.

i do not watch HLN so I did not see it........but did he give a reason as to WHY ? i am always interested in opposing opinions.
sindydee- I can't find your post where you ask, but to subscribe to a thread just go to the top of the thread (underneath the page numbers), click on "Thread Tools" and "Subscribe to Thread". It will prompt you to make a selection or two at that point.

I think you're in the UK, right? I'm not sure if you can receive any text alerts telling you when the jury reaches a verdict. Just rely on WS :)
Originally Posted by windridge
I'm just kind of surprised that with all the parents on this forum that there is such a "hang her" feeling. I heard Spider-Man underwear and orgasm like a 12 year old girl and I was repulsed. Amongst the lesser offensive *advertiser censored* and three hole wonder comments. I think she's guilty of something but do many people are so passionate about a horrible person with pedophile turn on's .

There was nothing pedophilic in Travis' words. It was an expression. AND there's no verification any spideywear ever existed!

She slaughtered Travis! Yeah, she's guilty of...something.
Ok, well it's not happening today either. I think our hopes will not be as high tomorrow as they were today, seems like they are taking their time. Which is a good thing I suppose.

For some reason I keep feeling 5/9 as the date, maybe because of the eclipse Tuba mentioned.

I was SO hopeful it would be Monday so I could start being productive again!

See y'all in the morning!

I remember a couple of other trials where I was anxiously waiting and after a couple of days kinda chilled and went about my business and actually had a life whilst waiting . Hopefully, if this goes on much longer I will be able to do the same this time.
No I assume and rightfully so due to Travis comment about her sounding like a 12 year old girl while orgasming and liking it. The underwear was talked about via text. I said pedophile fantasies or tendencies. He wouldn't be one unless he did something which to all of our knowledge he hasn't. I don't like Jodi her grammar and smugness was annoying. Her better than now attitude really out me off. But from someone that isn't as emotionally charged as a lot of you seem to be by the attacks I'm looking at things from both sides.

Because no guy in the history of the world talks about the schoolgirl fantasy. (btw, she talks to HIM about it before this phone call). Also, there are pictures of her in braids on her myspace page so she doesn't have a problem with that.

Ah yes, the spiderman underwear. Go look up Cameron Diaz/Charlie's Angels on youtube and you will have your answer. If this and JA's word is what you're basing your pedo opinion on, then its pretty weak. There was no evidence of any sort of pedo activity on his computer or in his house. At all.
Will the jury stop deliberating an hour later today? Or, since they came in 1 hour later will they stop 1 hour earlier? IYKWIM
No I assume and rightfully so due to Travis comment about her sounding like a 12 year old girl while orgasming and liking it. The underwear was talked about via text. I said pedophile fantasies or tendencies. He wouldn't be one unless he did something which to all of our knowledge he hasn't. I don't like Jodi her grammar and smugness was annoying. Her better than now attitude really out me off. But from someone that isn't as emotionally charged as a lot of you seem to be by the attacks I'm looking at things from both sides.

I thought it was something Jodi said. I haven't seen any text messages discussing it. Can you please provide a link?
Thanks mods for fixing the server issues .. the threads here seem to be moving fine now :)
are you aware of the fact that there's a picture in Travis' closet of him sitting on his father's lap when he was a little boy, about 5 years old, and he's wearing spiderman undies in that picture?...are you aware of the fact that Cameron Diaz was in a movie and wore spiderman undies? are you aware of the fact that Target sells spiderman undies for women?

That actually worries me more. The Cameron Diaz explanation kind of made me laugh. I thought that was the worse mess up of Martinez...bringing that up again...looks its just my opinion. I want to stress that she is guilty, I'm just not sure of what.
Family Dollar has them for twenty bucks.

Omg dollar general is the worst company to ever work for. My boyfriend is a manager for them and that's all I'll say. People complain about Walmart, but really with that company there is a high cost to the low prices. And I'm going to shut up and go back to verdict watching now.
The underwear and pedophilia are smokescreens.

TA was not a pedophile.

Both topics have nothing to do with premeditated murder, nor does the sex they participated in between two consenting adults.

The trial is about MURDER!
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