Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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Isn't that the truth ! I just mixed up a batch of chocolate chippers, ready for the oven.

The way I have been I'd be eating that dough RAW.

I've been eating rubbish .. made my own meat samosas (terrible idea) .. yesterday I had ice cream TWICE then I had a whole sleeve of Pringles!!! I have been snubbing the spin bike like it WRONGED me, and am wearing my DH's tracksuits .. I've let myself go completely .. I'll have to be a MACHINE to make up for all this afterwards!
I think if the Spidey underware was such an issue, it would have come up in the phone sex recording. They were talking about super hero's and Travis stated he really didn't like spiderman. I think that would have the perfect opportunity to talk about those spidey undies if it was something they did. IMO.

I think the reference of the 12 year old girl having her first orgasm was sarcastic at best. Did you hear how she was talking during that tape? In her little girl sickening sweet voice? I think of it like this.... Have you ever said to your significant other.. You are acting like a baby, or quit acting like a 2 year old or I am going to rip your head off. Now does that make the person saying that a child abuser because they said those words? No it doesn't it is just words. I am the queen of sarcasm and I think Travis was sarcastic at times. I do not think his reference to saying the 12 year old girl comment was a perversion at all. I think he was kinda making fun of her in a backhanded way. I think Travis had a sarcastic streak in him and I think he pissed Jodi off a lot with his words. She seems to be the type to take everything he said to heart when he really didn't mean it that way. IMHO of course.
What I find bothersome is that Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a American Idol-type Christmas caroling contest in which Jodi Arias won! No sure I believe the PR person who said JA's tweets are bothersome. Sheriff Joe has always liked attention.
I don't know much about the Sheriff and the situation but to me there's a difference between an inmate entering a controlled singing competition and spouting off to all and sundry on the Internet. JA has also insulted JM which I'm sure wouldn't be going down well with the Sheriff. I guess we'll find out how much it really bothers them whent the M1 verdict comes through.
I have a feeling we'll be here tomorrow together still!

Justice for Travis!!
Wait I have watched this trial since opening statements. I don't remember anyone say TA was sitting in the shower watching child *advertiser censored* or JA stamfing outside of shower wearing Spider-Man underwear!!

How did I miss that, geez

A juror sneezed.. apparently it could be allergies there is a slight breeze in Phoenix today. But it could also be to perfume it's been reported someone was wearing Obsession today. The juror was reported to ask for pepper packet to sprinkle on their take out lunch perhaps that's what made the juror sneeze.. Keep it here folks.. We'll let you know what made the Juror sneeze after these messages from the pocket hose, AARP & teasers about tonight's line up..

BREAKING NEWS.. A juror sneezed .. Stay Tuned!

PS just try'n to relieve tentions kinda class clown no offense y'all!:rockon:


"Can you imagine..." (to use Juan's phrase), how sick and tired the HLN anchors/reporters must be of talking about the same old carp every day?
We need a '12 week body transformation challenge' thread on WS to undo all the damage from this trial!

This from the woman who coached me on placing a damp towel on the treadmill before my boyfriend gets home from work?
What is the amount of collateral damage to other individuals that would occur during the trial?

What does "when you consider them in the context of all parties' relationship and affiliation with the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, they become a very big deal?"

Is Arias writing this? Does she believe that the LDS Church would be afraid of her?

What does "marriages, standing within the religious communities would be affected, personal friendships would be affected, and most of all the very poignant and cherished memories of Mr. Alexander would be tarnished," mean?

Was Arias so delusional that she believes that Travis Alexander was a prophet that also serves as President of the Church? Did Arias think that Travis Alexander was an extremely important part of the LDS Church? For example, if Travis Alexander happened to be Catholic instead of Mormon - would Arias believe that Travis Alexander was The Pope?

Travis Alexander is a wonderful person - but he was an average person (like the majority of us are).

I do not know what exactly Arias (or whoever wrote this) thought - that The State would back down because an average human being that happened to be Mormon had premarital sex?

Did Arias honestly believe that she had 'relationships' (Travis Alexander, PPL, Travis Alexander's friends) with the top echelon of society - the global elite?

Really, these statements "when you consider them in context of all parties' relationship and affiliation with the LDS Church they become a very big deal ... poignant and cherished memories of Travis Alexander would be tarnished," sound strange.

Did Arias think that the LDS church would stop her murder trial before letting "the secret" that Travis Alexander had premarital sex?

It's impossible to get inside the mind of a psychopath like Jodi Arias. Somehow, the Mormon Church became her salvation, along with Travis Alexander. She had been a drifter/grifter since the age of 17. Her life experiences consisted of waitressing and living in an unmarried state with 4 men. She was going nowhere.

When she discovered PPL, she also discovered Mormon men; young, clean-cut, successful, hardworking, non-smoking, drinking....the polar opposite of the men she had associations with. She quickly sized up the situation and learned that is was MORMONISM that was the key to the good life.

She took it upon herself to study every aspect of the Mormon Laws...including the fact that a Mormon man had to wait one year before marrying a convert to Mormonism. She didn't waste time - she got baptized and asked Travis to officiate. Two months after she met him!!!

Jodi became the 'good Mormon woman', as Nurmi described her in his Closing.
(That's when I wanted to throw my computer out the window!)
She joined a weekly meeting group of Mormon women (can't think of the name of it) and passed herself off as a 'good Morman woman'. Wouldn't Travis be proud of her?

The Church became her sanctuary....that... and Travis. It must have been pre-ordained that she would become Mrs. Travis Alexander, doncha know?
She was following all the rules EXCEPT for the Laws of Chastity. In one of her recordings, she referred to Mormon women as 'freaky' about sex, inferring that Travis was so lucky to have a sexy Mormon woman. She mentioned something about her need to 'blossom'...

Jodi hardly ever worked while she lived in Mesa. She was smothering Travis. He started to pull away - she would reel him back in with the sex. Meanwhile, she was building up her arsenal of 'blackmail'. If she couldn't have Travis, she would ruin him. He was the 'bad Mormon boy'...and she was the 'good Mormon woman'!

After the May 26 rant, JA told Travis she was going to call her lawyer. Instead, she plotted the 'murder road trip'. C. Hughes said she planned the road trip one week before she murdered Travis. It all fits.

IMO, JA was going to murder Travis according to the archaic Mormon Blood of Atonement ritual. He needed to be punished for being a 'bad Mormon boy'. She thought she would get away with it and return to the Mormon community - the grieving ex-girlfriend of the beloved Travis. The Mormon boys would flock to her.

When she was trapped in her own lies and had nowhere to turn after she was arrested, JA once again resorted to her arsenal of blackmail... and a plea deal. In her sick, depraved mind, JA actually thought Travis's family would allow her to get a few years in prison after savagely murdering their brother rather than exposing him as a 'bad Mormon boy'! REALLY???

When Jodi Arias meets her Maker, her epitaph should read: Here LIES a Good Mormon Woman.
I'm fairly certain after reading the legal question thread the only thing they are supposed to be considering right now is M1, M2 or MS.

They have two murder one charges to consider, premeditated murder and felony murder. They are required to decide if she's guilty of one, neither or both. That can take a lot of time. I'm sure those jurors hadn't even heard the term felony murder before the closing arguments, and have to really study those jury instructions to understand it.
I have 3 daughters in their 20s...all of them have worn batman, spiderman, sponge Bob underwear, they all even had the boy fit type undies and there was nothing pedophile about any of it. Anyone who believes Jodi, I have swampland for sale you deserve it.
:seeya: I thought there was only one person in this primitive state with a computer :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Where are you? I'm in Eugene.

Eastern Oregon out near WarmSprings. Hello Eugene! The place to be to smell the ocean breeze - beautiful down there.

I guess there are two of us with computers - no longer alone :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
If there were ANY written communications that mentioned BOYS underwear, there is absolutely NO way Nurmi wouldn't have flashed it 100 times during the trial, and mentioning it even more than he does his other three quotes.

The key word here is BOYS underwear as opposed to SPIDERMAN underwear (which they now make for women). Jodi tried to pretend that it was made for "little boys" so she had to cut it a little to fit in them. That proves it's a lie because they've been making that type of underwear for women for years now. No need to buy actual little boy underwear.
Originally Posted by Whack A Mole
amberjul I live in Oregon. We don't get fun drugs.
Hello Fellow Oregonian!
I'm an Oregonian too. I don't live too far from that fun state of Washington!
testing... I just tried to reply to someone and got a message saying a moderator would have to review my post before it shows up. Am I in trouble?? I'm confused.
For those of you freaking out about deliberations, please remember this:

After 35 hours of deliberations, stretched out over nine days, jurors acquitted Robert Blake of first-degree murder in his wife's death.

Scott Peterson was convicted of first-degree and second-degree murder for killing his wife and their unborn child. The jury deliberated for seven days.

After four days of deliberations, the Menendez brothers were convicted of two counts of first-degree murder for killing their parents.

Let's stay positive folks!!! ♥ GO TEAM TRAVIS ♥

Remember David Westerfield who killed poor little Danielle VanDamn?
10 days...Guilty kidnapping and murder one...
Keep the faith folks !!!
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