Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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Well I was clearly wrong that they had a verdict last night, and that's why they were coming in late. LMAO!!

Just thought I would put that out there for anyone who was offended by my posts this am, and contradicted me.

You were right...I was wrong. It happens! Not often, but I am big enough to admit it when I am...occasionally wrong. (hehehehe!)
I do, I took one of my wife's because I thought it was ambien too. I slept like a baby and not one hot flash that I can recall. Must be the placebo effect..:floorlaugh:

Honey, if you'd had a hot flash you'd remember it!!!
I always wonder who the people are who sit around dreaming up names for drugs. I think I'd like to have that job. We could have a Jodivan for perhaps a migrane.

I worked on the R&D for an approved prescription drug before it got approved. We had monthly meetings where all the different areas would come - like the clinical folks (they were the ones who ran the clinical trials in people), the folks who do the safety testing, us, who did all the lab research, the chemists who concocted the drugs... Etc etc. When we got close to approval, a new group starting coming to the meetings, the Marketing folks. And they asked us to submit our suggestions. Everything - from what we thought the shape and color of the pills should be, to what we thought the name should be. There were all these rules. In fact, I am surprised that Amberen made it as a name since it is so easy to confuse with Ambien - and having a very unique name was a very desirable thing. Having odd letters or lots of vowels was good, the name should not be real word, but it was good if it brought real words to mind that were positive words. On and on and on. The drug I worked on was for HIV, and it was eventually named Sustiva. That name was one of many suggestions, they took all the good ones and then actually did some sort of testing of the name, probably phone surveys or something...
Anyhow, sorry for all the OT, but it's good memories for me, and look, I just filled five minutes more of your waiting time!
Oh, and the capsules are purple and gold, which we all thought was perfect!

Jodi Arias was 27 no amount of mental gymnastics will change that fact. She was not 12. She may have sounded 12, she may have sounded like a screeching cat, but she was not. She was a 27 year old grown woman.

ETA: There were no little boys underwear. She would've taken photos. No pics, didn't happen.
I don't think we are going to get a verdict today peeps
While I do not believe TA had any type of pedo tendencies, I admit, as the mother of an 11-year-old girl, that comment turned my stomach and still does. It's just gross and icky and ewwwww.

But I think it was just TA trying to sound like he was kinkier than he was.

And being tacky and gross in a phone call isn't something that required killing.


I will say this: if I ever heard an acquaintance say those words, that person would cease to have any contact with my child. Honestly, I know people talk like that all of the time, but in this day and age I cannot be too careful and I owe that to my child.

Couldn't agree more.
Is it too much to ask for a little more Beth and a little less Jean? C'mon now, ppl at HLN! :crazy:
Do I think Travis was perfect? Nah... I don't think he would want us to think that either. From what I have heard about him, Read by him and meeting people that he knew, He was a good guy. Sweet and kind. Caring and loving. He was not a monster. He was a man. A real honest to goodness man that was sexual and living his life. He made a big mistake in his life. That mistake was to fall for Jodi. Sadly it cost him his life.

But when I think about Travis, I think about a funny ,sweet kind guy who over came a horror of a childhood to become someone that WOULD NEVER EVER Hurt anyone.

I think the crime scene proves that. I think that her not being more messed up from that day only goes to prove that he could not even hurt her as she was killing him.

No. Travis was not a saint, But he was a good man. A very good man.
Well I was clearly wrong that they had a verdict last night, and that's why they were coming in late. LMAO!!

Just thought I would put that out there for anyone who was offended by my posts this am, and contradicted me.

You were right...I was wrong. It happens! Not often, but I am big enough to admit it when I am...occasionally wrong. (hehehehe!)

I was wrong too!

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Verdict Watch Gripe: I never put a ringtone on my texts because I don't want them going off when I am in court. But, today, for verdict watch, I put the ringtone on my texts. All of the sudden, everyone is texting me! I know I can make a different tone, but that's an extra step when I have to keep turning it off for court.

My heart has jumped several times at the sound, only to find out Amazon shipped my package. Not what I was hoping to hear!

HANG IN THERE EVERYONE!! We are almost there!
I have a feeling we'll be here tomorrow together still!

Justice for Travis!!

I can handle one more day if you can...I'd hold your hand if I could. We'll all muddle through together and try to play well with others to avoid a T.O.
Someone said they only actually deliberated 12 hours. A long holiday weekend fell in the middle. Also, they lost a couple jurors and had to start over when they brought in alternates.

7 days.

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Love that ignore feature.... wish I had one for the family :floorlaugh:

Oh, wouldn't that be great! Certain family members, neighbors, co-workers, celebrities! Oh to dream... if someone could make one they would be an instant millionare!
OMG.. Did you all see Jean C. giving her interpertation of what she describes as a deviant juror that looks like Jodi's mom?

I saw that -- was she talking about the juror we call "housewife"? I think she described her as stomping and defiant.
With all the times Jodi lead the conversation and fished for compliments, taped a man without his consent...asking him to repeat and repeat himself....for future playings to GFs(do you hear that, Mimi? Only I (Jodi) can cure Travis of anything that I say ails lots of sex and my power and control.)....that's how Jodi manipulates and rolls.

How do we know what kind of fantasy role playing Jodi wanted to play out before she pressed that record button? "She is an aggressor and she picks fights with opponents who have been duped into believing she is a friend or a lover. Once she befriends her victims, she relies on their reasonableness to forgive her transgressions. However, most of her actions are hidden, because she has learned to fight with invisible weapons and wields them with the deadliness and accuracy of a samurai warrior. Invariably, you don’t see anything until the fight is over and she has won.
As to age....depends on whether one's world is hip or not. I know 50 somethings that know nothing but what they knew 20 years ago. Some people just hold on to old ideas and refuse to learn the new ideas.
:) I never did mind about the little things.
Newbie here...I do not believe TA was in any way, shape, or form a pedophile. If that is the case, there must many, many men guilty of using the "little girl" phrase. Take Bruce Springsteen's song, "I'm on Fire" with the lyrics, "hey little girl is your daddy home".

Pedophile? No way! I hope JA gets M1 with DP!
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