Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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MY Big 2 cents worth.
There is absolutely nothing brought up during the whole trial that justifies deeming Travis disgusting or whatever word one chooses to use. HE WAS AMAZING.

IF- anyone feels they can deem Travis disgusting or any other bad word as a result of anything discussed with regard to him that person is basing that opinion on testimony related to SEX. Or on naked pictures and sexual emails, texts ete.Any person that deems anyone disgusting based on their private sex life is very, well-
conservative sexuality, uncomfortable with their own sexuality, prudish perhaps and so on. For sure Jodi and Travis had a wild and active and crazy wild sex life. SO WHAT!

She killed him, she was a s-l- ?-t, she slept around to manipulate men. Travis liked sex, Jodi wasn't his first. He had sex with women he was in relationships with.

The jurors do not know that Travis was "amazing". The have not been watching TV or listening to Chris or Sky Hughes' interviews. As far as the jurors know he had sex with Deanna Reid. That is ONE woman, not "women".
IMO, JM should not have called Mimi Hall to the witness stand to testify about Mormon "sins". That is where conservative sexuality came into play. IMO
My DH hates my passion for this trial. I have not talked to him about the case (as it only infuriates him). Last night a news cast came on his channel and he said "that girl is so ugly - she actually looks a little better with glasses".

I asked him what he knew of this case and he said - "she stabbed him 30 times and shot him in the head". I asked "do you think she's guilty?" he replied "she confessed and admitted it!" . . . I asked if he thought she deserved the death penalty and he replied "yes - you bet I do and I think it is a total waste of taxpayer money to have a trial . . . just sentence her". He didn't believe TA abused her and knew of the Mormon component.

I just thought I would post what a man (who doesn't want to hear about this case whatsoever and avoids trial coverage at all cost) had to say.

Funny my husband who is pushing 50 thinks the same thing. He said as long as she admitted it why is AZ wasting all this money. He doesn't get that they have to. I really think men feel threatened by what they hear about Jodi Arias. I would say the last month is when he has paid any attention. Before that after KC Anthony and Drew Peterson he said not another trial.
Yrs. after OJ I got involved in the Drew Peterson fiasco that guy drove me nuts. Then KC Anthony I said never again.
Here I am JA and then GZ in sanford fl. coming next. I have my cell on, the TV on, looked for a radio station too LOL didn't find one. Past 2 days nervous energy kicked in and I have accomplished so much while I listen.
I am ready to sit down and watch the Jury results and the rest that they need to do to tuck her safely in prison to wait for her real day of Judgement.
I think with all the evidence they have to review it is going to take time. I don't believe there is a hold-out. Hope I am right :):):)
How not to lose your mind during Verdict Watch:

1. Walk away from the computer every little bit. It's still a beautiful world outside. :spring:

2. Share your nervousness and be supportive of one another. :hug:

3. If you are :maddening: het up and catch yourself using "you" in addressing another poster, or making judgy comments about another poster, probably best NOT to hit Reply on that one! :slapfight:

4. If you disagree with a post, just move on past it. No need to respond or snark at one another. Life's too short. :rubberducky:

We'll get there!

#4 is the one I really had to learn to do....I am practicing it and so far so good. If I don't feed 'them' there is nothing for them or me to argue about....but I do have a couple little voodoo dolls sitting on my desk and some really sharp pins!! :floorlaugh:
What worries me is the age of some of the jurors. That some might not be "hip" enough to understand the defense sex BS.

Even if the sexual bs the defense put up is shocking to them, they should be smart enough to realize what they did behind closed doors has no bearing on the case.
OMG!!! I always get up and do things during commercial breaks, and I never pay attention..

All this time..when you guys would mention pocket hose, ummm...never mind. Pouring a drink and trying to get my mind out of the gutter. :floorlaugh:

OT, but I have to tell my pocket hose story.

My husband luuvvvsss gadgets. Any type, any kind.

Well he got the miraculous pocket hose a 3-4 weeks ago. We were having some landscape guys clear a pocket of wilderness so we could plant a new garden. They wanted a bonfire so they asked that we get them some water to keep in some 5 gallon buckets for safety. Husband excited as helll to grab his new pocket hose to fill the buckets.

The guy and I are standing there watching as hub hooks the new pocket hose to the spigot and holds it out proudly. Slowly the hose begins to lengthen and hub breaks out in a triumphant grin. Then suddenly when it reaches it's full length the head pops off and hits the worker in the shoulder followed by a burst of water. I quickly turned off the water as the rubber hose rapidly shrank back inside the clothlike sheath. I looked at my guy's disappointed face as he stared down at the limp sheath dribbling the last bit of water. I then looked at the landscaper and we both laughed so hard we cried.
Beth Karas · 35,950 like this
50 seconds ago ·

I'm outside the courtroom in the hall. Jurors set their hours for deliberations. Last Friday, they said they intend to quit at 4:30 pm -- five minutes from now. But I suppose they can work a bit longer if they want. #jodiarias
I just realized what the hold up with the jury is....I bet they are stuck at whether to rule for Felony Murder or not! Becaus there is no way in hell this jury could be believing anything less than that, no way.
How long left for jury tonight? Im UK time so past midnight here
knock it off it here! thanks! (do not attack the poster: if you see a post that you have a concern with alert it.)


Beth Karas
I'm outside the courtroom in the hall. Jurors set their hours for deliberations. Last Friday, they said they intend to quit at 4:30 pm -- five minutes from now. But I suppose they can work a bit longer if they want. #jodiarias
“Even after stabbing him over and over again, even after taking a gun and shooting him in the face, she will not let him rest in peace. Now instead of a gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. ” ~Juan Martinez

Where is that quote from (I love it!). Is it from opening or closing arguments? Juan has been such a voice for Travis. No wonder we're "Juanderstruck". He summed it all up in one sentence.
O/T, and let me preface this by saying I did NOT follow the Amanda Knox case and have no opinion one way or the other. But I've been watching HLN all day and they're showing clips of a interview with her to air tonight on CNN. Kind of like Jodi, she pretends to cry and her voice is shaky but I don't see tears. I saw the same thing in a interview with her a few weeks ago. Just an observation! Carry on....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do, I took one of my wife's because I thought it was ambien too. I slept like a baby and not one hot flash that I can recall. Must be the placebo effect..:floorlaugh:
My husband just came in the kitchen to tell me that some man on HLN said that there was a woman hold out the jury...and that was why there wasn't a verdict reached yet.

This is why I drink.
There are a list of people who after being interviewed by the media the next door neighbor who killed 10 people was a nice guy. My neighbor seemed like a great guy he had a collection of child *advertiser censored*. He also taught Sunday school. All these people who say he was a great guy also thought he was an observant Virginia Mormon. He had two lives and none of us know who this guy was and that seems to include his family and friends. Friends that have even seemed to have changed their opinions on Travis.

Good Point, but you are missing THE MAIN POINT with regard to Travis, there was nothing about Travis brought out during any testimony that indicated he was anything but a wonderful, caring, generous man. He Was Amazing!!
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