I'm still in a 'fog' over the pics on Travis's camera. Juan stated that JA was not in a fog when she took the time to selectively delete certain photos after she murdered Travis. I think there were 90 pics remaining. If she did perform 'selective editing' why did she leave the gross naked pics on the camera?
Is it possible that the pics of TA and JA were not taken on June 4? The color of JA's pigtails looks much lighter to me than the pic of her after she left the salon in Salinas.
The pigtails seem strangely out of character to me. First of all, JA was in a rush to complete her mission and get to Ryan Burns. She spent some time and $$$ to have her hair colored and styled. Why would she ruin it with pigtails? She looked pretty ratty in the photos - I'm sure she would have had to wash her hair and blow dry it before she left for SLC. Then again, she probably had to wash all the blood splatter out of her hair. I still can't believe they had sex that day - twice! Why didn't she delete the pics?
Oh, and one other thing that caught my attention: when Det. Flores told JA that he had a time-stamped photo of her - naked with pigtails, JA replied "Pigtails"??? She sounded genuinely surprised about the pigtails. Not the fact that there were pics of her taken on the day of the murder...but about the pigtails. She asked him if they could have been taken on another day.
I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, but I can't understand why she didn't delete the pics. Makes no sense....to coin a phrase.