verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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I don't have a cat :cry: Are you abusing those of us that don't have cats basil by leaving us out of your solidarity plans?

Clean dog poo? Clean rodent tanks, bird cages, fish tanks, rabbit hutches? Clean your own toilets?

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:eek: Ahh yes, the teenager. A species all of their own! :giggle:

:dunno: I think proper attire should be worn in court, I don't care who you are. When I was a juror, I dressed appropriately (business casual). That's just me. And yes it is very hot here too!

"proper attire" is subjective.
i don't get my hackles up about much, but there is a big vein of ageism running through this trial that really PISSES ME OFF!!!!

i'm about your age. i'm tired of anyone implying we don't know about life and new things and technology, and phone sex, and crotch shots, and kinky sex, etc. not ONE of those things is news to me or any other 'old' people i know.

has everyone forgotten the 60's and 70's???? i was 21 in 1970. think i did a few things? MORE than a few? you'd think right if you said 'YES.'

i've not heard one thing in this trial i haven't heard before. i didn't live in a cave all these years, for cryin' out loud.


It's a prejudice that seems to be quite acceptable to many. They wouldn't dream of spouting similar assumptions about people that are of a particular race or religion.
Prejudice is prejudice. Not cool.:maddening:
OK! It's getting deep over here. JVM and guest talking about the jury having people over 60 years old on it, and how they might not get the "new" dating thing, and not having computers! GMAFB! I'm within days of being 65. I've had a computer since "forever", and everybody I know (my age and older) have had one for ever.. I pretty much know all the dirty words, even if I don't use them all. I do think anal sex is gross, and I'll never get that some people are into it. Other than that....I"m pretty much like everybody else. Oh.... and I have a ton of common sense, something that's lacking in a lot of the younger people today, thanks to our age group giving them everything their little hearts desire! Rant is now over......move along.....nothing to see here!

Good for you Maryann, I have just turned 68 going on 45. I too have had computers since they were plain DOS with 64kb memory. As a man who has never wanted to have anything to do with anal sex, I have yet to meet a woman who really wants it either (if they are being truthful) As for common sense, our age group has more than we know what to do with.:twocents:
I have to have my pacemaker replaced soon and have BEGGED the doctor to just schedule the !@#$% surgery, but he keeps refusing. Why we have to wait until the battery says it's down to its last 15 minutes I don't know. Today would have been a really good day.


i know this is not funny.......but this gave me the church giggles:floorlaugh:

hope u get it changed with time to spare :D
You said it, they are weird. My 16 yo son is still wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt to school and it's been in the 80's here. But come winter when it can be 30 degrees in the morning, he'll wear the same thing. No jacket, or extra layers at all. I guess he dresses for year-round weather.

They do outgrow it, although I'm ashamed to say I actually had a discussion with my 27 year old son yesterday about whether he should wear a jacket. Sigh. The mom in me has trouble letting go.
Hi all! I've been a lurker in websleuths since the very beginning of the Casey Anthony "event". I was here every day, and completely lost faith in justice with that verdict. I swore I was NEVER going to get emotionally involved with another case, but then I heard about this trial. I joined in late. I missed Jodie's cross from Juan, and picked up the States witnesses. Watched the closing arguments, and I'm sitting here on verdict watch as well.

I have to believe that this jury gets it right, no matter how long it takes them.

1st post

While you wait you should watch Juan's cross on Youtube. And welcome!!!!
My chihuahua snores like a man but it's far more endearing. He also runs and barks while sleeping.

my hubby gets mad when I say this, but "A snoring Pug is adorable, a snoring husband is NOT!" LOL
I drove 20 over all the way there and back (didn't know Sam's nurse could scream so loud, and cuss like a sailor!!),

They put her away forever yet??
I simply cannot wait. I hope the same for the Cleveland brothers...
:banghead::banghead::banghead:JA has 55,575 followers on Twitter
Well thats ok....just there is no reason to knock jurors (not saying you are because you definitely aren't ) for dressing how we don't think they should. There are a variety of styles I have seen during jury duty here.....some dress business casual, others are more casual. Everyone has different opinions but as long as no rules of the court are broken then why should people in general pick on anyone? It's just catty and rude.

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......I think it's great that the jurors maintain their style....can you imagine if they all started dressing like the Mitigation Specialist all of a sudden...
Laura08 posted about the CNN coverage on Smart's comment that women should be told they are still valuable even if raped.

What convert Jodi didn't realize is that she has zero value as a prospective wife in the Mormon single adult world.

I didn't want to get a TO, so I couldn't really mention this before but Jodi never had a chance for the very reason that Elizabeth Smart has commented on yesterday and expanded today. (link below)

She says she didn't cry out for help because she had been taught --clearly while very young--that losing her virginity meant she was like a used piece of gum. Totally worthless and disposable. In this article, others in the Mormon faith speak of the analogies which were used to persuade young women to avoid premarital sex.

I myself heard the bandaid analogy--how many times can you rip off the bandaid and still have a bond? If you google duct tape and Mormon, you will find an analogy on the web right now which compares losing virginity to peeling off duct tape again and again.

Many have posted regarding a "licked cupcake" comparison being taught right now in Young Women's classes. When a returned missionary goes to choose a wife from the cupcakes on the shelf, will he choose one with a big lick mark on it?

Jodi's inappropriate behavior shows that she was completely ignorant of the morays of the subculture she joined. What was viewed as being cute and seductive in her lower class dormitory-living underclass is viewed as being repulsive by virtually all Mormons. She might as well have been wearing a tattoo on her forehead "Not Marriage Material" and an arm bracelet saying "Keep Me Away From Your Husband."

The only reason Ryan Burns would have anything to do with her was because he was a JACK MORMON and didn't care so much about maintaining his reputation.

This is also the reason that Travis felt so bad about Deanna. He apologized to her and she suggested it was because she was ready for marriage "then" and is no longer so interested. The truth is he felt responsible for taking up her time and her virginity, leaving her less desirable and past the prime age. Now she's in a married ward and has zero chances of marrying anybody but a divorced man or a widower.

And I can tell you from personal experience, most of those divorced men/widowers in their thirties and even forties are also wanting those twenty-something virginal naive Mormon women with no kids.

Thanks for your post Anagrammy!

I was raised in church background (non mormon) but the analogy that was widely used was.. "Why would you choose a hamburger when you could have a steak?" I also agree with you about TA feeling bad about monopolizing the most important years of Deanna's life.. Yes we all say she's in her 30's now her mid 30's but the actual truth is...

It's hard in your mid to late 30's to meet & marry let alone in the Mormon faith. When it comes to Divorced & Widowed men.. Well my Momma warned me about Widowers (young not later on in life) that depending on how long married before losing wife & how loss ie illness vs accident that they tend to hold their previous wife on a pedelstal and you'll spend your life trying to measure up with her especially if it was an accident w/in the first 5 years of marriage because there wasn't enough time to show glaring flaws & holding on to the what ifs..

And as for Divorced men in their late 30's & 40's w/in Mormon faith they may definitely be searching for younger wife without children due to celestrial families etc But for Deanna if she was to attempt to marry outside her faith to convert a man perhaps meets thru work friends etc She like me faces situation where men have went thru Divorce for whatever reason has caused the man a deep hurt & most likely mistrust. Then factor in they've most likely have children that they now pay substantial amounts of their paychecks to support & due to their age many of them have children in college, high school, jr high even grammer school so when they meet a woman who is of a certain age single never married no children they ask themselves 2 questions:

Do I really want to start all over again with this woman at my age sleepless nights, diapers & another 18+yrs?

If I do think I may start over again if it doesn't work out I've now had children with 2 (maybe 3) different women what does that say about me?

I say all this because well.. I'm in same boat as Deana So I know it's extremely hard for Deana to marry & have a family! Jodi thought just because Mormon faith emphasizes families that it was easy pickings within a Mormon circle of friends but just as you said anagrammy she was seen as vulgar, loose woman, not the Mother of future children.. once she showed glimpses of her true colors the relationship was most likely never going to end with thrown rice & cans tied to the bumper!

JMO etc
FYI....if you're sick of HLN, Fox has Bengazi hearings which are far more interesting.
i don't get my hackles up about much, but there is a big vein of ageism running through this trial that really PISSES ME OFF!!!!

i'm about your age. i'm tired of anyone implying we don't know about life and new things and technology, and phone sex, and crotch shots, and kinky sex, etc. not ONE of those things is news to me or any other 'old' people i know.

has everyone forgotten the 60's and 70's???? i was 21 in 1970. think i did a few things? MORE than a few? you'd think right if you said 'YES.'

i've not heard one thing in this trial i haven't heard before. i didn't live in a cave all these years, for cryin' out loud.


I can remember when one of my son-in-laws decided to tell a dirty joke and my daughter said, "Gram's here!" meaning my grandmother. Her reply was, "There is nothing new under the sun. I've heard and seen it all." Where to the 20 something's think computers came from??????
It's a prejudice that seems to be quite acceptable to many. They wouldn't dream of spouting similar assumptions about people that are of a particular race or religion.
Prejudice is prejudice. Not cool.:maddening:

I see a lot against teenagers and ones in their other cases a lot but in this case assuming the young men thinking that she is "hot" and will aquit her. I have seen a remark on another site about a young man wearing a hoodie in court on the jury and that they were worried about how he would vote. So he was young, wearing a hoodie, and was of the male gender-why does that mean he does not have a brain automatically? Seriously its a DP qualified jury....age does not matter nor does gender. its only people projecting their own bias and uncomfortableness with certain ranges of ppl.

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As a former restaurant manager...our rule was don't pick up the plates until the diner has put their cigarette out in their baked potato.

the idea of that stresses me out. i can pre bus a table like no ones business.
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