Verdict Watch Discussion Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think this might be it ...

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So according to LH, MS was very cunning when it came to his testimony. She said (if I understood correctly) that MS used things, that were talked about in legal arguments away from the jury, in his testimony. In LH's viewpoint this was a very cunning move on his part. IMO, he did this knowing that say he could talk around a topic knowing no one could force him to elaborate as he knew it was inadmissible evidence.

This was probably like his comment thrown in about the compartments being built into DM's white van. MS would have already known that this was info argued out about DM building separate compartments. So if he throws in a comment making DM look like a creep, he does so knowing no lawyer can touch the topic and ask him to clarify.

IMO, MS said these things trying to look all funny or like an innocent dupe to the jury.

Very interesting.
Me too. I've always been convinced of two guns right from the get go. I'm not saying they both shot TB but I do believe they were both armed. I haven't posted much on these threads but when I have I have always referred to 'gun(s)'.

I think they both took a shot because if one hadn't, a more truthful story would have been told by one backed up by the evidence.
On an unrelated note, I wonder if there is a judge who never had this desire to take his or her gavel and make a schnitzel out of the accused.

Thats funny. I wonder if they wish they could have a button wired to an ejection seat for some of these "hostile witnesses".
Hypothetically if one knew of the other murders would them sharing that with the other jurors be grounds for a mistrial? And wouldn't anyone who knew be weeded out at jury selection via certain questions?

In Canada, jurors are not asked many questions at all during jury selection, unlike the jury selection process in the U.S.

Because their deliberations are secret, I am sure that if someone brought that up, the foreman would simply say that it wasn't a matter of consideration for this trial. Because all the jurors are from the area, I am pretty certain that most, if not all, have been aware of these cases well ahead of jury selection, and must set that aside when deliberating. I don't think it would be grounds for a mistrial.

However, that is simply my opinion, FWIW.

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I'm going to chime in as a member and take my mod hat off. It's been such a long road for the Bosma family and many that have followed along seeking justice for Tim.

Those thoughts for me are shared with the families of the accused. They have suffered also.

May the jury find the strength to make the right decision and may peace find it's way to all.

Lovely to see you take your mod hat off! Thank you.

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If anyone knows can you answer a couple of questions.
Is the jury alone in the jury room?
Is there any recording done of what is said?
Are the votes by way of secret ballot?

One things I know about juries in Canada that differs from what we might expect is that by law their deliberations are secret. So we would never see the kind of juror interviews or tell-all books like we see in some American cases. Whatever their verdict, we won't know how they got there.

So according to LH, MS was very cunning when it came to his testimony. She said (if I understood correctly) that MS used things, that were talked about in legal arguments away from the jury, in his testimony. In LH's viewpoint this was a very cunning move on his part. IMO, he did this knowing that say he could talk around a topic knowing no one could force him to elaborate as he knew it was inadmissible evidence.

This was probably like his comment thrown in about the compartments being built into DM's white van. MS would have already known that this was info argued out about DM building separate compartments. So if he throws in a comment making DM look like a creep, he does so knowing no lawyer can touch the topic and ask him to clarify.

IMO, MS said these things trying to look all funny or like an innocent dupe to the jury.

Very interesting.
I read that too except I think DM made himself look like a creep all on his own. Interesting how others are using the same word MM did about him
I wonder if the Crown's strategy is to get MS for 1st degree in the LB trial and that is why they allowed so much evidence not to be heard.
I am so pissed off from reading what the jury couldn't hear that I need a stiff drink. Anyone else joining in? It's 5 o'clock somewhere (4:44pm where I am so close enough!).
Yes. The omission of the text to MWJ is exactly where our justice system needs overhaul. This is an example of the Legal system trumping the Justice system. DM and MS rights are trumping TB and SB's rights.
Accused rights ahead of victim's rights. Quite frankly, it disgusts me.
Prayers for SB, she would have known this was disallowed. Prayers for the Jury to come to the correct verdict despite this omitted evidence.
O/T. Just to clarify, Polkaroo is the character from TVO's long-running TV show, The Polkadot Door. Romper Room had a female host Ms. Nancy who used a "Magic Mirror" to speak to the kids from TV land, lol, and the late great Ernie Coombs was the main character "Mr. Dress-Up" and host of the popular and long-running CBC TV show of the same name.

All MOO.

The best EVER was The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. That was just a great kids show. Smart, funny, interesting. In a time of sometimes lame Can-Con, that was a serious gem.
Something would be very weird if they deemed it a suicide and didn't retrieve the gun.


I assumed that WM "killed himself" with his own gun....hence the suicide. If it was a unregistered "Big Iisho special" the murder charges to DM and MS for WM would have come a lot sooner than it did. If DM and MS were trying to make it look like a suicide I think it is likely that it was based on the fact that DM's father owned a registered gun. Otherwise it would not come across as believable and would beg for more investigation by police. So if police have a gun it is likely DM's fathers gun. If police did have the Big Isho special in relationship to WMs killing himself.....then....I would be stunned that it took them so long to cry fowl over DM's fathers death.
Does anyone know what punishment DM gets for breaching a court order (writing to SS and CN)? If he didn't get any punishment or a slap on the wrist, what normally happens to an accused if this happened outside of this trial?

Don't know but we can make up what we'd like to see happen.
Thank you for that. Timing of this text is everything, and could be right about that.

Yes, I just noted that too that it was from Feb 2012. Wonder if he killed anyone else between Feb & June that year?
I must ask my parents as well. They moved to Etobicoke right around Sherway Gardens back in the early 60s and never left the same home. I'm sure my folks have never heard of them either.

They were pretty much a 3rd-tier, perpetually struggling with the times, cargo concern into the 60's and 70's. The company and various personalities were known of, inside of aviation circles - for various interesting reasons.

The regional Millard fortunes/public exposure had definitely been on the wain, long before Millardair pretty much ceased being a viable commercial flying operations circa 1990'ish. Wayne flying for Air Canada, later went off doing his anti-sealing thing on the Atlantic Ice-flows, etc etc.

It doesn't surprise me that the General Public didn't have all that much awareness of what once stood in a grubby corner of Apron and Hanger at LBP, Just another business, come and gone. This one, ignominiously.
I think the fact that the jury already had a question(s) for the judge is encouraging. It shows that they're keen to start dissecting and discussing the evidence and especially after a very long day that entailed listening to the judge's instructions.

All MOO.
Yes, I just noted that too that it was from Feb 2012. Wonder if he killed anyone else between Feb & June that year?
Without a doubt, they're extremely dangerous psychopaths and should never walk our streets again. It's one thing to have a lone psycho on the loose, but when I think how DM & MS complimented each other, it sends shivers down my spine. I have confidence in our system- that the Jury has enough info to find them both guilty as charged. Not unlike the MR trial where he was found guilty even though mounds of evidence was never heard. I think the same thing will happen here.

I have to admit- waiting for a verdict is stressful and it's only just begun! I'm still holding out on my prediction that we'll see it on Thursday afternoon. They'll work thru a lot tomorrow. MOO
There is so much more evidence that was excluded and we won't get to see until spring 2017 when LB's trial is held. I'm hoping that the Bosma Army's prayers are answered. I just have to have faith that the right verdicts will be delivered for both accused despite the things that the jury could not know. God (or a higher power) is known to work in mysterious ways. :)

No matter what the jury decides, I am still prepared to accept their judgment and trust it will be guided by the evidence, common sense and wisdom.

All MOO.

Prepared yes but will be difficult for me to accept anything other than first degree murder for both.
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