VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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Thanks fanofws (and a belated welcome!), you're pretty close although I think JA took those nudes using roommate Zach's camera, took the memory card and left his camera in Travis' BMW. JA brought that stick with her on June 4th and put it in Travis' new camera and took the shower pics (possibly thinking she would take the memory card with her, maybe she tried to put it in her camera, it didn't fit so she tossed it in the washer with the camera, it was found separately from the camera in the washer). At some point the nudes were deleted off the memory card before any other photos were saved to it, which is why the thumbnails were located in the unallocated space of the card.

I have to go sew now, see ya's later.

Why in the world would they take nude photos with the roommates camera? No way Travis would agree with that. Wouldn't the roommate have mentioned his memory card was missing and wouldn't his pictures show up with a forensic examine? How did Travis' pictures end up on the memory card?
That is so good to hear. I was really hoping that she went on to have more family. Nothing could ever replace her beloved 2 yr old that passed, but it does warm my heart to know that she did have the chance to raise children and do so in her daughter's memory. My cousin lost her first child, as a toddler, in a tragic accident on their farm. It took her 10 years to move forward enough to have more children. But it seemed to me that her new family really helped her to heal. She had the chance to do the things that she grieved she would never see, like first day of school, etc.

I do think the Alexander family is fully ready ot move forward and to heal. It is just sad that this damned trial has dragged on for so long and been so nasty and low.

I also think the Alexanders are ready for this to be over and back to as normal of a life as they can have.

Thank you for you comment on my sister. Even after all these years she will sometimes, out of the blue, say things about her little girl. One day we were eating cookies and drinking milk too, she said Chrystal loved eating these cookies and drinking milk. I am sure not a day goes by that she doesn't think of her, but it's always good things. (this is 40 years later).
I'm no expert, but it's not her "hand" and the signature is completely different. She has a very deliberate quality of line, and this doodle does not look like her work or her writing to me. What is its provenance anyway?

I have no clue. Someone posted it upthread and I simply commented that this is how she draws in real life, without tracings. It was meant to be funny, not serious. I think Steely said she was no Snowwhite, then someone posted this pic that she thinks she is. I don't think members were saying this was really drawn by her. More like lightening the mood from all the camera, techie, stuff. :wink:

Wasn't there an entire thread on the camera and pics? Or, am I thinking of another case?
I always wondered about them having sex on that last day. Just really seemed out of place to me after TA Angry texts. But I wonder, people have said there may be a possibility of truth in what JA has said. She mentioned that she used sex to calm him down or something like that. Maybe it was really what he did to calm her down. MOO
I was reading last night from my phone and it wouldn't allow me to post. So, here it goes.

First of all, Paul was not a juror in the Devault case, he was an alternate. He has no idea what went on in that room because he was not present. Whatever happened in THAT case with that jury really has nothing to do with the Arias trial. He's a spectator. While I do appreciate and enjoy reading his daily take on trial, it's still one person's view. Personally, I like that he makes direct quotes from testimony. Other than that, it's all opinion and speculation on what he thinks the jury might be thinking.

Second, while I respect Jenn and everyone else who has made "observations" and reported during this secret trial, they are merely speculating like the rest of us. Some WS members have been in court and have actually reported much better than the reporters who are limited to 140 characters. Regardless, everyone sees things differently and this is why observations are really only opinions.

Nobody knows what is going on with the jury or when they will come to their decision. To speculate that it will not be Monday and will be days and days, is just that...speculation. We can try to read the jury all we want, doesn't mean it's correct. Juries have a funny way of proving everyone wrong. Most of the reporters from the first trial, Beth/Jean C. had a very different idea of the job the defense did and didn't think JA would get 1st degree with premeditation, wrong! Their observations were very wrong.

Personally, I feel like the jury will have a verdict on Monday. I do believe they bonded because of the crockpot meal and how they left all together, smiling on Thursday. I think they might take the weekend to sleep on it. I may be right, or I may be wrong, just like everyone else who is guessing. The Angela post was definitely interesting, along with all the "action" at the end of the day.

Whenever it happens and no matter how long it takes, I appreciate the jury and their service! I've been shocked to read anything negative about them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, that I know.

BBM: No, Paul WAS a juror in the verdict room. Yes, I followed the DeVault case, most of it was tweets, and I was the unofficial tweet poster on the DeVault thread when cameras weren't streaming. I read his book. He probably has far more knowledge than Jen or Beth, or any other Court Watcher because he's gone through the process. Just because someone sits in the public gallery, or claims to be an attorney, a lot of these people do NOT know anything about the Judicial Process in Arizona with a DP case and are just regurgitating what they hear.

is the "go to" person if you want accurate info on how the court works. Beth and Jean have never represented ANYONE in an Arizona court, they DON'T KNOW the process. They were also getting paid the first time around by HLN, who long ago lost the "reality" in their reporting. It's all about ratings. JVM running after a juror in downtown Phoenix? Is that professionalism?

This is Arizona. We do things differently.

Not bashing the tweeters, it's the culmination of all of them that give you a "fair" assessment of what's going on in the court room, because everyone of them come up short on one thing or another.
Interesting find DD. The doodle has upper case letters, but the date appears to be her handwriting. The "A"s aren't the same either.

Even better, look at the "D" in Jodi and the "NN"'s in Ann and the "R"'s in Arias, Not the same at all. It's a fake, not her handwriting.
I have no clue. Someone posted it upthread and I simply commented that this is how she draws in real life, without tracings. It was meant to be funny, not serious. I think Steely said she was no Snowwhite, then someone posted this pic that she thinks she is. I don't think members were saying this was really drawn by her. More like lightening the mood from all the camera, techie, stuff. :wink:

Wasn't there an entire thread on the camera and pics? Or, am I thinking of another case?
The Snow White doodle has been around since the first trial and got attributed to Jodi, but clearly it's not her handwriting, so someone else drew it to pass it off as Jodi's.
BBM: No, Paul WAS a juror in the verdict room. Yes, I followed the DeVault case, most of it was tweets, and I was the unofficial tweet poster on the DeVault thread when cameras weren't streaming. I read his book. He probably has far more knowledge than Jen or Beth, or any other Court Watcher because he's gone through the process. Just because someone sits in the public gallery, or claims to be an attorney, a lot of these people do NOT know anything about the Judicial Process in Arizona with a DP case and are just regurgitating what they hear.

is the "go to" person if you want accurate info on how the court works. Beth and Jean have never represented ANYONE in an Arizona court, they DON'T KNOW the process. They were also getting paid the first time around by HLN, who long ago lost the "reality" in their reporting. It's all about ratings. JVM running after a juror in downtown Phoenix? Is that professionalism?

This is Arizona. We do things differently.

Not bashing the tweeters, it's the culmination of all of them that give you a "fair" assessment of what's going on in the court room, because everyone of them come up short on one thing or another.

None of the above people except AZLawyer are licensed to practice law in AZ, so they don't know what they are talking about. I trust a lawyer licensed to practice in that state far more than just some talking head with an opinion, and possibly paid to take a side.
Why in the world would they take nude photos with the roommates camera? No way Travis would agree with that. Wouldn't the roommate have mentioned his memory card was missing and wouldn't his pictures show up with a forensic examine? How did Travis' pictures end up on the memory card?

BBM - Well jeez it's no worse than him loading a bunch of *advertiser censored* on the bishop's computer is it? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
BBM: No, Paul WAS a juror in the verdict room. Yes, I followed the DeVault case, most of it was tweets, and I was the unofficial tweet poster on the DeVault thread when cameras weren't streaming. I read his book. He probably has far more knowledge than Jen or Beth, or any other Court Watcher because he's gone through the process. Just because someone sits in the public gallery, or claims to be an attorney, a lot of these people do NOT know anything about the Judicial Process in Arizona with a DP case and are just regurgitating what they hear.

is the "go to" person if you want accurate info on how the court works. Beth and Jean have never represented ANYONE in an Arizona court, they DON'T KNOW the process. They were also getting paid the first time around by HLN, who long ago lost the "reality" in their reporting. It's all about ratings. JVM running after a juror in downtown Phoenix? Is that professionalism?

This is Arizona. We do things differently.

Not bashing the tweeters, it's the culmination of all of them that give you a "fair" assessment of what's going on in the court room, because everyone of them come up short on one thing or another.

I always thought he was an alternative, not on the jury. Hence, 13th juror. I guess I am wrong. Please don't think I was disrespecting him in any way. I read his FB posts daily. He offers things that others do not. But, he is wrong some of the time, especially with AZ law. Even AZL has stated as much. It's just that nobody knows what is going on through the minds of this jury, the Arias jury. Yes, he has a perspective from being on a death penalty murder case, so do people who have relatives that have been killed, so do other people. Everyone is simply posting what they think the jury is thinking. We won't know until later, if we ever do.

I agree with the cumulative tweets. If you follow all of them (excluding Kiefer :wink:) you get a "feel" for what is going on. Unfortunately, JSS has shut out the cameras and held a super duper secret trial. It's a shame.

If you have followed my posts, I always respect the opinion of AZL, and thank her.. She has given us so much insight, perspective and her posts have been invaluable here. Don't know what we would have done without her.

And, NO, JVM is not professional. I didn't shed a tear when HLN shut her down. JMO
I think there was they just couldn't get at them.

Did LE testify to this? (other than related to June 4?) I know JA has said so. I don't believe her. I think the whole *advertiser censored* movie thing was entirely her construction, and if a video was made on June 4 it was her idea and hers alone.
She thinks she is. Ugh.


see how she sketches when no tracing paper in sight,
Is it maybe that some can't picture TA having sex with JA after calling her the worst thing that ever happened to him? If I'm not mistaken, he in that same message tells her that she knows he ALWAYS takes her back. I'm not surprised he allowed her back into his bed that faithful day.

The end of the quote about "you know I always take you back" is the most important. He went on to say, and that's "why you keep ruining me."

He wasn't expressing understanding or forgiveness, or saying his door was open to her.He was describing exactly how she manipulated him. When she did something to make him angry she manufactured drama until his anger was drowned out. He backed down, forgave her, and apologized for his anger, and she rewarded him by doing something else to harm him.

It is odd and sad that he didn't throw her out when she surprised him with an unexpected visit on June 4. (Though I do have guesses why he didn't).
And yet her purpose for having those photos on the camera may have been for Mimi to see them.

Why not send them directly to mimi via an anonymous account like she allegedly did the threatening emails?

Why not just upload the pictures on a fotosharing file and anonymously spread it to all TA's love interests?She could claim she was hacked. Much more simple than stealing a sony memory card, putting old nudes on it, putting them on another camera, changing exif data and all of this while planning a murder.
The end of the quote about "you know I always take you back" is the most important. He went on to say, and that's "why you keep ruining me."

He wasn't expressing understanding or forgiveness, or saying his door was open to her.He was describing exactly how she manipulated him. When she did something to make him angry she manufactured drama until his anger was drowned out. He backed down, forgave her, and apologized for his anger, and she rewarded him by doing something else to harm him.

It is odd and sad that he didn't throw her out when she surprised him with an unexpected visit on June 4. (Though I do have guesses why he didn't).

Yeah. "Keep" ruining me. As in: JA had done it all before but for some he kept communicating with her, kept seeing her. She had a hold on him.
The butcher-killer passed 100 hours of Twitter silence. :silenced::behindbar
The end of the quote about "you know I always take you back" is the most important. He went on to say, and that's "why you keep ruining me."

He wasn't expressing understanding or forgiveness, or saying his door was open to her.He was describing exactly how she manipulated him. When she did something to make him angry she manufactured drama until his anger was drowned out. He backed down, forgave her, and apologized for his anger, and she rewarded him by doing something else to harm him.

It is odd and sad that he didn't throw her out when she surprised him with an unexpected visit on June 4. (Though I do have guesses why he didn't).

She brought the bottle of KY and a check for the car. "For old time sake, what do you say? Let's part as friends." And that was that.

Maybe I simplify everything in my head but I truly think that's how it happened.
I have moved on without forgiving. I had to develop a feeling of indifference toward the perps and the situation. If I ever saw those people again I am sure it would trigger PTSD but my life is so far removed from them and the situation that I have been symptom free for several years now. I never think seriously about it or them--only a reference here and there, like now. I have not forgotten and never will but it does not dictate the course of my life anymore.

Whether TA's family ever forgives the killer or not is their call, no one else's. It is wonderful that people care and are concerned about them but I think that in time they will be just fine. They will never forget. They may never forgive. But they will certainly move on and begin to smile more when they remember Travis because they will more easily tune in to how he lived rather than how he died.

It's hard to forgive someone who isn't contrite.
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