VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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Going back to Juror questions during the original trial. Good Lord, she does not skip a beat, does she?

I've been going back over her testimony when Juan was crossing when I've had some free time,not got to this point yet but I'm still astounded that she believes what she's saying.
I couldn't have been in juans shoes,felt like tossing my laptop back then and again when I'm re watching.
Yeah, but sex was probably a payoff for Jodi. It likely made her feel powerful and in control but also might have helped to lower Travis' guard. I believe there's a lot deeper (and more sadistic) psychology at play too - like her believing she was corrupting his soul.

I have also thought of her wanting to corrupt him before she took his life. Sick evil b*@ch.

With your background knowledge, do you think psychopaths enjoy sex? I wonder if she ever did or just used it to manipulate and control.
JSS swears in 19 jurors:
Retrial begins ~Oct. 22
* unidentified juror dismissed first day due to "family emergency"
* #9/female juror dismissed for asking BK, "Aren't you Nancy Grace?"
Dec. 2
*#3 dismissed due to recent arrest
Last Monday:
#5 female in her 40s, dismissed and left in tears [iirc she's the non-stop note-taker]
#12 older, "loner" guy dismissed [imo he asked off citing stress]

The alternates are: #2 female 40-50 and #13 attentive male who the talking heads thought would have been a great juror.

JSS is very lucky she didn't lose more jurors between Dec. 2-closing arguments.
Of course, unlike every other witness, she got to see the questions first and have her answers ready.

As far as juror questions, I do believe there were a couple of times that the questions were reviewed by the attorneys, a break (or lunch) was taken and then the witness had to answer the questions. I don't think they were always surprised. JMO and IIRC but I do have a major case of ICRS.
BOTH pics of Travis had the ky bottle. Sworn testimony was the bottle in the JA pigtail pic was the same

View attachment 70339

I suppose they could have both been KY, although it seems the largest bottle of KY available appears to be only 5oz(that's not even a cup of liquid) and from the pics, the bottles and surely the size of them don't look the same to me.. :/
KYDiff.jpgThe top pic is against TA's thigh.
My handwriting changes CONSTANTLY. I don't feel like anyone would be able to do analysis on my penmanship because if you went through my notebook almost no 2 pages are the same, even if writing in the same session. Handwriting analysis doesn't mean much to me for that reason.

Interesting find DD. The doodle has upper case letters, but the date appears to be her handwriting. The "A"s aren't the same either.
Yeah, but sex was probably a payoff for Jodi. It likely made her feel powerful and in control but also might have helped to lower Travis' guard. I believe there's a lot deeper (and more sadistic) psychology at play too - like her believing she was corrupting his soul.

She essentially said just that in her journal after she murdered him, remember? She wrote that his death was perhaps punishment for her "sexual transgressions," then in asked in her next sentence, " I wonder how Travis is doing now?"
Those pictures she intentionally took are important to her. She identifies herself as a photographer even though her real profession has always been waitressing. She planned the photos as much as the murder.

Nope. Those pictures, taken the day she killed Travis, were not intended to be seen by anyone else and their purpose was to have an excuse to use his camera without raising suspicion when she got to the point where she needed to distract him. Why do you suppose she went to some trouble to try and destroy the camera and the images on the camera by putting it through a washing machine cycle and with bleach? That wasn't done by accident.
She essentially said just that in her journal after she murdered him, remember? She wrote that his death was perhaps punishment for her "sexual transgressions," then in asked in her next sentence, " I wonder how Travis is doing now?"

WOW. Did she really? I don't remember that. Disgusting.
Well, back to bed for me. 0245 wake up call and work tomorrow (it's my FRIDAY)! Then court the next day and I predict a verdict before lunch! I am actually thankful to have worked the weekend!
Ask anyone who has had a relationship with a psychopath or someone severely personality disordered, years later, what made them stay in the relationship and I'd wager the common theme would be manipulation. You can't see it at the time because you're just too close and trying to make sense of all the crazy around you...Travis himself had a lot of insight but you're also coming as close to the human personification of evil as you ever will. Part of you is screaming that no one is actually that bad, that cold and calculating even when you're confronted with irrefutable evidence that they are exactly that. Ultimately, that person is someone you trusted, someone you cared for. It's nearly impossible to reconcile. And they use everything they know about you as a weapon against you - religion, career success, love of family. Everything that matters to you becomes warped by them.

The only way out of any relationship with a psychopath is very resolute no contact. They'll push every boundary and attempt to manipulate you back in (stalking, threatening suicide, promising counseling, threatening pets, children or family, etc.) but once there, you're trapped all over again and psychological abuse will often escalate. Sometimes lethally.


I really think TA meant and felt what he said to her on May 26, and according to Taylor, TA intended to cut off all contact with her that day. I'd be amazed to see any communications between May 26 and June. I think the DT would have produced them any existed.

She tried calling him numerous times IIRC on June 2, around the time she rented the car in Redding. It took her a lot of tries before he picked up the phone to speak with her. I will never be convinced he knew she was coming, but I can understand, BritsKate, that she was capable of worming herself in once she arrived. He was not in good shape at that point, so all the more vulnerable to her manipulations.
I'm no expert, but it's not her "hand" and the signature is completely different. She has a very deliberate quality of line, and this doodle does not look like her work or her writing to me. What is its provenance anyway?

I posted it because a poster mentioned Snow White and this "doodle" came to mind. Not sure if JA drew it, but 01-09-13 was already 1 week into the trial. I've always wondered if she doodled this while in court.
I have also thought of her wanting to corrupt him before she took his life. Sick evil b*@ch.

With your background knowledge, do you think psychopaths enjoy sex? I wonder if she ever did or just used it to manipulate and control.

Sex was how she was able to get attention from and bond to her boyfriends. It's a tool that many women use. I doubt very much she thought about his soul or what was good or bad for him. Sex was pretty much all they had in common, certainly by the end of TA's life. That day it was a tool she used to be able to stay in his home, maybe try to persuade him into taking her to Cancun or who knows. She probably did enjoy sex, I mean it is enjoyable. But it can be both enjoyable AND used to manipulate, it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, and it isn't something JA felt bad about (nor TA either).

In the end the reason I believe JA killed TA is because of her deep rage about feeling abandoned and rejected by this man she was obsessed over. She could not take the rejection and nothing she had tried worked and I think it was as simple as "if I can't have you, then no one will have you." This crime isn't that unusual in terms of intimate partner homicide, what made it unusual is all the flotsam and games played over the years.
I think they took the photos that day. I think the odd "unsexy" feel comes from the fact that we are seeing photos of her working out how to murder her victim while she is nude.

She probably had some sadness, like - this is the last time we will be together because he won't be who I want him to be and has to be removed.

That is why the shower pic is s so heartbreaking, his sadness and sense of betrayal. She documented the moment that he realized she was going to murder him.

BBM. Agreed.
Snow White has a black eye, is crying and has a smile on her face. What are the symbols below supposed to represent? :waitasec:

Cougarlicious must have lured someone into her den and is too busy.

He did have a Sony. His was like mine only a later generation. IIRC

Mormon Symbols:

We know TA had a Sony camera, but some posters are wondering what his previous camera was because some believe the nudie pics were not taken Jun4 and it's possible memory cards were switched out.
Sex was JA's preferred lure. It had always worked well with Travis so why wouldn't she use it on Murder Day?

I think even if TA was on guard somewhat when she arrived at his house she did what was necessary to get him to let down his guard, with little protest from him. Even those times when he had been majorly ticked off at her for any variety of misdeeds on her part, she knew how to bring him around.

I do not say this as a put-down to Travis. Men throughout history have fallen to the wiles of women. Even citizens without biblical background or beliefs understand the meaning behind the stories of Adam and Eve and Samson and Delilah. Jodi was no weak little waif but Travis was larger and heavier, and she needed the upper hand in order to overtake him physically. It is certainly plausible that she also embraced the idea of corrupting his soul but I think her real motive with the sex was getting him to let down his guard long enough to relax in her presence, and eventually put himself in a vulnerable position--the shower.

Things went as she had planned in advance, with the exception of him being able to fight his way out of the shower after being attacked. I do not think she had ever considered that might happen and she would need to get him back into the shower before she could make her getaway. Had he just extended her the courtesy of staying put while she was killing him she would have had more time for other things, such as more effective cleanup. But she had less control over him at that point because sex was not an option then.

All JMO.
Nope. Those pictures, taken the day she killed Travis, were not intended to be seen by anyone else and their purpose was to have an excuse to use his camera without raising suspicion when she got to the point where she needed to distract him. Why do you suppose she went to some trouble to try and destroy the camera and the images on the camera by putting it through a washing machine cycle and with bleach? That wasn't done by accident.

I think she was planning on taking camera with her, and during her clean-up, she couldn't find out.

She washed the bedding and bloody towels and IMO, the camera got lost in the shuffle.

Regardless, I don't believe she intended to leave the camera on purpose (She wouldn't of deleted the photos). TA was already dead, she did not need to manipulate him or his interests.

Sex was JA's preferred lure. It had always worked well with Travis so why wouldn't she use it on Murder Day?

I think even if TA was on guard somewhat when she arrived at his house she did what was necessary to get him to let down his guard, with little protest from him. Even those times when he had been majorly ticked off at her for any variety of misdeeds on her part, she knew how to bring him around.

I do not say this as a put-down to Travis. Men throughout history have fallen to the wiles of women. Even citizens without biblical background or beliefs understand the meaning behind the stories of Adam and Eve and Samson and Delilah. Jodi was no weak little waif but Travis was larger and heavier, and she needed the upper hand in order to overtake him physically. It is certainly plausible that she also embraced the idea of corrupting his soul but I think her real motive with the sex was getting him to let down his guard long enough to relax in her presence, and eventually put himself in a vulnerable position--the shower.

Things went as she had planned in advance, with the exception of him being able to fight his way out of the shower after being attacked. I do not think she had ever considered that might happen and she would need to get him back into the shower before she could make her getaway. Had he just extended her the courtesy of staying put while she was killing him she would have had more time for other things, such as more effective cleanup. But she had less control over him at that point because sex was not an option then.

All JMO.

I've always suspected she thought it would go down like Psycho, with all the poses and such, of course he did not collapse like Janet Leigh messing up the fantasy.That's the thing with killers, the fantasy rarely comes true.
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