VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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I think she used a simpler ruse to first get in the door. I think she gave him the check, apologized to him, told him she was on her way to see her new love interest, and was just really tired, and needed to rest. Once he saw that she was moving on, was paying him back, and was headed to another state, he relented and let her come in and rest. Then his guard was down, imo. She is very evil and manipulative.
I think she used a simpler ruse to first get in the door. I think she gave him the check, apologized to him, told him she was on her way to see her new love interest, and was just really tired, and needed to rest. Once he saw that she was moving on, was paying him back, and was headed to another state, he relented and let her come in and rest. Then his guard was down, imo. She is very evil and manipulative.

Sounds like a closer scenario. The check and perhaps the photo CD's she had not got done previously and had with her.
I have also thought of her wanting to corrupt him before she took his life. Sick evil b*@ch.

With your background knowledge, do you think psychopaths enjoy sex? I wonder if she ever did or just used it to manipulate and control.
It varies. Some do enjoy sex (though it isn't an emotional experience for them the way it is for folks who are 'normal'), some use it to gain what they want (like seducing a rich widow) but some use it simply as a means to boost their ego, because they're bored, or for a 'power high'.

I think it's really important to point out though that the sexual partner is objectified by the psychopath.
My handwriting changes CONSTANTLY. I don't feel like anyone would be able to do analysis on my penmanship because if you went through my notebook almost no 2 pages are the same, even if writing in the same session. Handwriting analysis doesn't mean much to me for that reason.

I wasn't intending to analyze the handwriting. I just found it interesting that Daisy D. was able to do the comparison and I compared. :giggle:
Is it maybe that some can't picture TA having sex with JA after calling her the worst thing that ever happened to him? If I'm not mistaken, he in that same message tells her that she knows he ALWAYS takes her back. I'm not surprised he allowed her back into his bed that faithful day. The pictures don't look "staged for a sexy photo shoot" to me but more "okay we had sex, let's test out some settings on your camera".

The layout of his bathroom makes it hard for me to believe she stood there, so close to him, and took those pictures without him noticing. Chances are he was convinced by her to pose. It could be that he was forced to pose - (if she had a gun pointed at him, but that's opening a mother whole can of worms.)

A lot of people say she put the pictures on the camera but so far I haven't read a good reason as to WHY she would do that on the day she planned to murder him.

I always found it odd that there weren't any photo's of Jodi being tied to the bed. I mean that was the reason for a knife to be in the bedroom. Which Jodi said Travis laid out the "soft rope" across his bedroom and down the hall into the bathroom and cut it in there. That has never made any sense to me, but it got the knife in the bathroom for Jodi. Wouldn't you measure from one wall, across his bed and to the other wall? ALV said Jodi told her that she got the knife off the nightstand by the bed, then she changed it the next day and said she mis spoke. Anyway, why none of Travis or Jodi tied up? Wasn't that "part" of the fantasy that day?
I always found it odd that there weren't any photo's of Jodi being tied to the bed. I mean that was the reason for a knife to be in the bedroom. Which Jodi said Travis laid out the "soft rope" across his bedroom and down the hall into the bathroom and cut it in there. That has never made any sense to me, but it got the knife in the bathroom for Jodi. Wouldn't you measure from one wall, across his bed and to the other wall? ALV said Jodi told her that she got the knife off the nightstand by the bed, then she changed it the next day and said she mis spoke. Anyway, why none of Travis or Jodi tied up? Wasn't that "part" of the fantasy that day?

just guessing here. Jodi lied about there being a rope. :)
Nope. Those pictures, taken the day she killed Travis, were not intended to be seen by anyone else and their purpose was to have an excuse to use his camera without raising suspicion when she got to the point where she needed to distract him. Why do you suppose she went to some trouble to try and destroy the camera and the images on the camera by putting it through a washing machine cycle and with bleach? That wasn't done by accident.

Well, that's an opinion-- that when she took the photos she never meant for them to be seen. My opinion is that she originally did intend for them to be seen, just not on his camera.

I think she asked him to take photos of her 3 holes, if you will, as a very specific payback for the May 26 insults, and the photo of him with lube on the bed to backup the May 10 call.

I think she intended to copy the photos onto her camera, or more likely, download them onto his computer with altered date and time stamps.

She ran out of time though, so had to settle for just throwing the camera in the wash. JMO.
I don't know if this was posted. Creepy Eerie.

"Enrique Cortez was one of Travis Alexander's roommates at the time of his murder. Enrique recently contacted me and talked about what he and others went through following Travis' death. I had never heard this story and I thought I had heard everything surrounding this case. Jodi Arias has caused and continues to cause horror, grief, sadness, fear and a myriad of other emotions to those who knew and loved Travis Alexander. As I sit at the courthouse in Maricopa County, Arizona, waiting for a jury of twelve citizens to determine if Jodi Arias will be sentenced to life or death, I decided to finally post this story."
Wasn't "Gerard" the one to use the word diddums? Or, are we still trying to figure that out?

No Nali was asking who had the knowledge about camera and stuff. I rememebr him being very knowledgable.

Eta by him I meant predator.
Did LE testify to this? (other than related to June 4?) I know JA has said so. I don't believe her. I think the whole *advertiser censored* movie thing was entirely her construction, and if a video was made on June 4 it was her idea and hers alone.

Iirc there was testimony that there was video that had been deleted and that's why they couldn't get it.
You haven't seen those gross photos?

Lol, unfortunately I have but I don't remember pictures of, count them ladies and gentlemen, 1, 2, 3 distinct phallic depositories. Am I blocking out the memory?
There were some of her lying down and from the backside.

Schuby! Bates Motel starts up again on March6. :happydance:

Ah, you know I did what I always do which is miss an episode and then decide I don't want to watch the new one until I've seen the old one and next thing I know I've talked myself out of a whole seasons. Grrrrrh!
There is a part of me that thinks if selected to be on a jury that I would completely abide by the rules and not have any outside communication regarding the trial. Then, there is that other side of me that wishes someone in the jury would know about everything kept from the jury.
Iirc there was testimony that there was video that had been deleted and that's why they couldn't get it.

Right, for June 4, iirc. I was commenting more generally on her claims (which are inconsistent) about sex photos/videos being made and deleted on other days, and saying I don't believe any were taken.

In her 2013 testimony, for example, she said that in July 2008 Travis begged and begged to take naked photos of her, bought her Victoria Secret whatevers, then took photos of her with HER camera which they promptly deleted. Such BS.
Lol, unfortunately I have but I don't remember pictures of, count them ladies and gentlemen, 1, 2, 3 distinct phallic depositories. Am I blocking out the memory?

I hope so, for your sake. :D. Talk about PTSD-inducing trauma.... geez.

Let's just say the most....unusual and graphic shot was a 2- fer.
Right, for June 4, iirc. I was commenting more generally on her claims (which are inconsistent) about sex photos/videos being made and deleted on other days, and saying I don't believe any were taken.

In her 2013 testimony, for example, she said that in July 2008 Travis begged and begged to take naked photos of her, bought her Victoria Secret whatevers, then took photos of her with HER camera which they promptly deleted. Such BS.

But i was talking about June 4th
There is a part of me that thinks if selected to be on a jury that I would completely abide by the rules and not have any outside communication regarding the trial. Then, there is that other side of me that wishes someone in the jury would know about everything kept from the jury.

I'd be so interested to see a study on how well jurors follow the direction of the court. For the most part it doesn't matter, 99.9% of cases have no special jury instruction and the trial starts and ends before
afternoon rush hour. Would be interesting though.
Iirc there was testimony that there was video that had been deleted and that's why they couldn't get it.

Well Thank God it was deleted or Nurmi would have made us watch it!!! ICK!!
I've been going back over her testimony when Juan was crossing when I've had some free time,not got to this point yet but I'm still astounded that she believes what she's saying.
I couldn't have been in juans shoes,felt like tossing my laptop back then and again when I'm re watching.

I just rewatched portions too, including ALV going over the May 26 text, and Nurmi asking JA about it.

Had completely forgotten that JA's explanation for the fight was she called Travis to tell him she wasn't going to push him anymore about getting help with his pedophilia, and that made him angry.

Putting aside how vile and distorted her story was, I mean, REALLY??? She thought that would make sense to the jury?
I don't know if this was posted. Creepy Eerie.

"Enrique Cortez was one of Travis Alexander's roommates at the time of his murder. Enrique recently contacted me and talked about what he and others went through following Travis' death. I had never heard this story and I thought I had heard everything surrounding this case. Jodi Arias has caused and continues to cause horror, grief, sadness, fear and a myriad of other emotions to those who knew and loved Travis Alexander. As I sit at the courthouse in Maricopa County, Arizona, waiting for a jury of twelve citizens to determine if Jodi Arias will be sentenced to life or death, I decided to finally post this story."

This is from a Nancy Grace show. I don't think I've ever seen this video:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They didn`t trust each other.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My job is to speak for Travis right now. And everything Travis is telling me is that, Jodi did this to me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One day he showed up and was telling us that he had broken up with Jodi.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Travis didn`t want their relationship to be public. And the next day, he got in his car and noticed that all four tires were slashed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s no way anybody else...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How is she going to get you? Does she have a weapon?

ARIAS: She had a knife.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You said she had a gun before.

ARIAS: I don`t know if she had a gun.

OK, let`s say for a second that I did and I say I did it. I mean...


ARIAS: I wouldn`t -- I wouldn`t even say I was jealous. I mean, there may have been some jealousy there, but...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Then what caused this?

ARIAS: I think it`s -- maybe Travis was jealous.


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