VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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My good friend was supposed to be spending Christmas Eve having dinner with Susan Berman, the night she was murdered by this nutcase. He was a good friend of hers and a writer, and they were working on a Showtime Special when she was killed. He called her several times that day and she didn't call back. He almost drove up to Benedict Canyon anyway but his gf got mad at him and wanted him to be with her instead. So he didnt go. But then the cops came to see him a day or 2 later because he had called her so many times the day she was killed. And he was an initial suspect. :eek:

Wow! Susan was in part 3. Shot in the back of the head. And Durst had given her $50k for living expenses which they think may have been hush money bcse she may have had info about Durst and his missing wife
What would happen if someone used a stun gun on a person who was wet and had wet feet? Anyone know?

Stun gun does nothing much at all. It's sort of like a shock from a 110/120 volt outlet in your own house if you contacted that? Not a biggie. Stun gun = up close to touch the skin to engage to shock.

Taser gun (whole different thing) is a whole 'nother story. Taser shoots projectiles/probes into the "victim" from a distance. When the taser's probes engage is different.

Taser in water: probes:

Stun gun is NOT a TASER. They are not equal.
Odd. I see him resting his chin on his forearm. I don't see anything that you describe.

Hard to tell it's so blurred, but his chin appears to be above his forearm but not resting there.
Hard to say what would have or could have happened that fateful day. She went there with a plan and ended up carrying out some form of the plan. I don't think it all went down the way she envisioned, not in the least.

At one time she could have fantasized about being Mrs. T.A. sure, but then at some other point she obviously realized that wasn't going to happen. She met Gus first, right? So Gus showed her a potential for what she thought might be easy money and looking important. TA carried himself in just that way. He looked the part, walked the walk, talked the talk.

By the point she moved away from Mesa, she knew she was never going to be Mrs. T.A. The plot to kill him happened, I believe, later, and partly as a result of what went down in those horrible text messages. I think that pushed her over the edge, though she was probably already teetering close to it. She had been and continued to be obsessed about Travis. Obsession is not a pleasant emotion, not even close to pleasant. It is a torturous feeling and someone in the grip of it is suffering because it is painful. But it's how one chooses to deal with it. Getting help, therapy, even meds if necessary. Not destroying the object of the obsession, which is what JA (and many others) do.

I could be alone in this, but like I have said in the past I believe that she moved away from Mesa once she decided to kill him. To put distance so she wouldn't be a suspect. She knew before she left she was going to kill him.
Wow! Susan was in part 3. Shot in the back of the head. And Durst had given her $50k for living expenses which they think may have been hush money bcse she may have had info about Durst and his missing wife

Yes. My friend told me that she was very very paranoid. It seemed odd to him but she was very secretive and jumpy and he always thought it was because of her childhood and upbringing. He said she was always looking over her shoulder and he did not understand why because she lived in a secluded home and had guard dogs. Anyway he has always said that he really dodged a bullet because he was planning to go there around 4 or so to write with her and then they would have dinner. And she was shot that night, I believe. yikes I guess she sensed something was up.
Ohgreat. Almost 1 am here and now y'all got me googling and watching the docudrama on durst. Dang you sleep gods!!!
I could be alone in this, but like I have said in the past I believe that she moved away from Mesa once she decided to kill him. To put distance so she wouldn't be a suspect. She knew before she left she was going to kill him.

wow. I never thought of that. I am going to ponder that one. I can see the possibility.
I could be alone in this, but like I have said in the past I believe that she moved away from Mesa once she decided to kill him. To put distance so she wouldn't be a suspect. She knew before she left she was going to kill him.

That's what I believe as well.
Yes. My friend told me that she was very very paranoid. It seemed odd to him but she was very secretive and jumpy and he always thought it was because of her childhood and upbringing. He said she was always looking over her shoulder and he did not understand why because she lived in a secluded home and had guard dogs. Anyway he has always said that he really dodged a bullet because he was planning to go there around 4 or so to write with her and then they would have dinner. And she was shot that night, I believe. yikes I guess she sensed something was up.

She sounded like quite a character. Daughter of a Las Vegas mob figure. Found dead days after the Durst missing wife case was reopened
I could be alone in this, but like I have said in the past I believe that she moved away from Mesa once she decided to kill him. To put distance so she wouldn't be a suspect. She knew before she left she was going to kill him.

Oh you don't believe Jodi when she says she left mesa to permanently cut ties with TA? ITA with you. Her fantasizing and planning his murder began prior to the 5/26 fight. Ive recently pondered quite deeply if her plan was to get Him to yreka and kill Him there instead (carjacking?) and june 4th was plan b. Do we know the concrete date she planned her alibi i mean trip to utah?
The drive to make Arias seem so much more than what she is, is something I've always found interesting.

She's a personality disordered, mentally unhealthy adult who murdered one person. That's it. Her violence stems from the reaction to the level of rejection and abandonment she perceived. This is not an unusual type of crime. It's actually very common. Jealousy, rage, abandonment also aren't unusual motives. Had Arias successfully killed TA with 1 gun shot and then left, this case wouldn't seem nearly as interesting.

It's the way it played out that made it seem like so much more. This otherwise normal looking woman, who had some people fooled (but certainly not all or even most) expressed her rage in a way that most women never do. And of course the media attention where there is an angle to publicize a crime (young people, secretly having sex, attractive woman by some standards, normal guy, twisted relationship, kinky sex). The kinky sex angle and the amount of blood and gore are what captured and catapulted this story. And then the games played after the murder and through the media.

Women follow this case far more than men and women despise with the heat of a thousand suns another woman who murders a "nice guy." The murdering woman has to be seen as a "she-devil" AND in the ultimate insult, she must be called derogatory names about her appearance (as if that actually matters).

Diagree, respectfully. Most (IMO) couldn't understand a "nice" girl doing what she did ... shot and stab a guy 27 or so times. Never heard of this before, but IF you have ....

Not typical in my world or any case I'ver ever read about. Maybe I'm not that worldly?

"We" (general we) do see this with a woman trapped in an abusive relationship ... SEE the burning bed scenario. Not someone who drove 1000 miles to go kill some guy she dated at one point in time. Makes no sense. Well, to me. Don't see Travis/Jodi as that kinky. Don't see them as long time lovers. Don't see them as lovers ever. Equal sharers in just sex. Big whoop.

One person's death or more, makes no difference. It's the amount of depravity. Much like Melissa Huckaby. Melissa raped (with a screw driver)/murdered her neighbor's little girl, Sandra Cantu. Sandra was Melissa daughter's good friend. The depravity there was appalling. To me. Big time disconnect in that case as most tried to pin Sandra's murder on some guy ... father, step father, mom's boy friend, neighbor guy ... but it was a WOMAN that killed Sandra. We just don't expect women to be so depraved, unless it's a MOM with a small child ... then statistics say ... mom first. :(

Thank you, if I've felt sure of nothing else, that is one thing I have felt sure of. Travis did not know she was there, and never expected she would show up. He believed she was long gone. Which is why we see that completely startled, frightened look on his face when he's standing in the shower in that one photo. Shortly after, he is on the floor of the shower with the most indescribable expression on his face, in his eyes, a combination of fear and realization....and horror as if facing some demon. It's almost too devastating to think about. This case will haunt me forever. CMJA = Most Evil
The first shower photo is at 5:22:24. The first shower photo where he is looking out towards jodi is at 5:27:18. Thats 4 mins and 54 seconds he would have been showering with the door open and not realizing that it was open. Thats quite a bit of time to be moving right/left/back/forward without realizing the door is fully open. I believe he knew about the photos but was startled at 5:27:18 when not only was she holding the camera but ALSO a weapon. imo.

Well, that depends on what Jodi had...tasers do not leave physical marks on the victim. It's a mute point. She could have shown him the gun when he was in the shower, or a huge knife. Jodi will never tell, but it's obvious that Jodi had control of the situation, and Travis didn't stand a chance...

TASERS do leave marks. The probes fired from a laser gun leave marks. NOT the same thing as a stun gun.

Yes the jury heard that she bought a 9 mm after the murder. She testifed it was for a camping trip. What they didn't hear was that it was taped to the engine nor about the knives in her moving boxes.

Thank you. The first jury didn't hear about ALL the that. This penalty jury didn't either, as far as I know.
You don't have to forgive someone to move FORWARD. That certainly doesn't mean you have hate in your heart or can't be free. It just means you are moving forward and not forgiving. Not all things are forgivable. JMO

Can't sleep so I am attempting to catch up on this thread. Sorry to just jump in here out of order.

You are so right, AngelWings444. Not all things are forgivable. I have not forgiven the person responsible for my only son's death (I have 2 daughters also). We were waiting Thanksgiving dinner on him 15 years ago when we got the notification. A drunk driver had hit my son and killed him. My son was in his junior year of college and was riding a Kawasaki motorcycle.

I felt total rage and devastating heartbreak. We wanted to tear the guy limb from limb, and had the most damaging hate in our hearts. I never forgave this person and never will. I suppose I am not capable of forgiving him taking our only son from us in such a senseless accident.

What we did do was take it one day at a time and try to remember every moment with our son. I think of our son every single day and still have some bad days, but do not think of his killer anymore. To forgive his killer? No, I cannot.

My sympathy to all who have lost loved ones because of another's actions. Been there. I do not want sympathy, please. I just had to have my say on this. GB the Alexanders and may they get the verdict they want.
Comparing hair color in different lighting is not really informative. The pic in car is in natural light. The June 4 pic is in a bedroom with the shades drawn and recovered from a blurry thumbnail that had been through a wash/bleach cycle. That being said she ain't blonde. She even tells Flores that the neighbors wouldn't recognize her at Travis's house that day because she was a platinum blonde when she left. The ky bottle is in the braids pic as well. Both sides agree that this pic is from June 4 even though it was one of two pics where the time stamp was not recovered

I so agree with what you have written. And just piping in after several days of this discussion.

She was a blond when she met up with Ryan Burns at that mid March 2008 PPL seminar meeting (He even said so as he was so surprised when she arrived a brunette in Utah).

She indicated in her journal IIRC she was "thinking" about changing to a brunette (later part of March 2008 IIRC). But did she change her hair color prior to moving back to Yreka?? The indications are that she moved back or was on her way back on ?April 6, 2008 (as she is at her half-sister's place evening of April 7, 2008 IF we take into account that it is a very long drive and did she first stop by Gus' place on the way??).

If she changed her hair color prior to April 6, 2008 (i.e. between mid-March 2008 to April 6, 2008), then was there another sex photo shoot or did she decide to take these of herself in braids etc.?? Travis by this time period appears to be quite done with her.

Is there not anyone who saw her after Ryan Burns saw her mid March 2008 besides Travis during this time period prior to her moving to Yreka?? This has always bugged me that this hair color change or not has never been mentioned by anyone other than Ryan Burns AFTER the murder. Except that the guy who rented the car to her claims she was a blond.

I am still of the opinion that she had a hair salon appointment on June 3, 2008 (or just that day had done the change of hair color, it looks recently done IMO). That selfie appears to indicate hair done either recently by a salon or by she herself. The lighting from the outside inside a car versus a darkened bedroom is so different not counting the washing cycle (and whatever enhancement had to be done IIRC to this photographic evidence). This was a new camera to Travis (we now know he purchased the camera on April 23, 2008 according to speech he made at PPL meeting on April 24, 2008) and to her and perhaps the settings were not quite right when they took these photos on June 4, 2008 (indoor photos).

These camera photos June 4, 2008 and the hair color evidence should be so simple to resolve and yet it has become so complicated. The hair color alone should have been easy to figure out. Who saw her between mid March 2008 and April 6, 2008? Seems hard to believe it was only Travis.

There are just a few mysteries here and there that would seem easy enough to resolve from whatever evidence that could not be released during the trial. I so hope so. There will always be those that we will never know.

All just in my humble opinion.
I could be alone in this, but like I have said in the past I believe that she moved away from Mesa once she decided to kill him. To put distance so she wouldn't be a suspect. She knew before she left she was going to kill him.

I have never thought of that,but it's a really good point.

I wouldn't put it past her because we all know she thinks she is come criminal mastermind.

8.18am here...4pm can't come quick enough for the jury to turn up.
Can't sleep so I am attempting to catch up on this thread. Sorry to just jump in here out of order.

You are so right, AngelWings444. Not all things are forgivable. I have not forgiven the person responsible for my only son's death (I have 2 daughters also). We were waiting Thanksgiving dinner on him 15 years ago when we got the notification. A drunk driver had hit my son and killed him. My son was in his junior year of college and was riding a Kawasaki motorcycle.

I felt total rage and devastating heartbreak. We wanted to tear the guy limb from limb, and had the most damaging hate in our hearts. I never forgave this person and never will. I suppose I am not capable of forgiving him taking our only son from us in such a senseless accident.

What we did do was take it one day at a time and try to remember every moment with our son. I think of our son every single day and still have some bad days, but do not think of his killer anymore. To forgive his killer? No, I cannot.

My sympathy to all who have lost loved ones because of another's actions. Been there. I do not want sympathy, please. I just had to have my say on this. GB the Alexanders and may they get the verdict they want.

I'm so sorry for your loss La and you are right if someone killed anyone of my kids they'd never be forgiven EVER.

The only people I have sympathy for also is the alexanders and everyone who knew travis.
Can't sleep so I am attempting to catch up on this thread. Sorry to just jump in here out of order.

You are so right, AngelWings444. Not all things are forgivable. I have not forgiven the person responsible for my only son's death (I have 2 daughters also). We were waiting Thanksgiving dinner on him 15 years ago when we got the notification. A drunk driver had hit my son and killed him. My son was in his junior year of college and was riding a Kawasaki motorcycle.

I felt total rage and devastating heartbreak. We wanted to tear the guy limb from limb, and had the most damaging hate in our hearts. I never forgave this person and never will. I suppose I am not capable of forgiving him taking our only son from us in such a senseless accident.

What we did do was take it one day at a time and try to remember every moment with our son. I think of our son every single day and still have some bad days, but do not think of his killer anymore. To forgive his killer? No, I cannot.

My sympathy to all who have lost loved ones because of another's actions. Been there. I do not want sympathy, please. I just had to have my say on this. GB the Alexanders and may they get the verdict they want.

So sorry about your son, LaLaw. Bless your courage and strength, you're probably much stronger than I would be if something like that happened to my son.

Like you, I can't sleep either. Thought I could, then started thinking about the upcoming verdict. Ridiculous that it's keeping me awake but I can't change it. :sheesh:
See it in his nostril (on our right)? And the lip?

View attachment 70416

Click if it doesn't come full-sized

I don't see any blood or swelling. What I see is The "shock of recognition" in his eyes and almost resignation of what was to come. This photo has haunted me since the first time it was shown. Makes my heart hurt.
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