VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2

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I can honestly tell you I have co workers who know nothing of Jodi Arias...they know nothing about a lot of things unless they see it on facebook or something like that . ALot of them never even watch the news and if they do they just believe whatever the talking heads on tv tell them. No investigating anything...sadly its true. I doubt any of them even realized how bad the recession was that we went through cause they didnt lose their jobs so it didnt happen if you know what I mean.
I like these people but unfortunately not everyone is like us..

This made me laugh out loud. I remember being about 17 and I was listening to a group of co workers on lunch break. They were rambling on with how they hated the Senator. I asked them if they had looked up his voting record on their issues before they voted. They looked at me like I was from Mars. I realized then that the reason All In The Family was a popular show is because there are a lot of real life Archie Bunkers, and everybody knows one. They go through their entire lives with only a tiny bit of information and bias and never ever ever learn or grow in any way except for aging.
I'd rather be from Mars. I also realized it was scary that although they likely never did once in their life go vote....they could.
You could be right about a lot.

How do you think the pics ended up on his camera? Do you think she copied them from a camera memory card she had brought with her?

Especially that 1 pic I was referring to. I really think she looks to be younger than even back in 2008. I think she personally liked that pic and I think that one particularly was not taken at Travis house on that day. Maybe all of them

I find it odd that the pictures I've seen of JA and Travis nude that day, is that they are all out of focus. They are not well taken, somewhat blurry, wrong setting for the light, etc. If Travis took those photos of JA (including the anus shot), why would they be so out of focus? The photos of Travis are odd; they're not centered or sexy or anything. They're just strange photos.
Mahalo Zoey. I find this very sad especially the phone call Mimi received. On the Travis Journal thread post #31, page 2, there is an entry which Hope4More posted with the breakdown.

Respectfully snipped.

5/15 Mimi tells Travis she just wants to be friends. Mentions to him when asked that she didn’t receive an email he sent her.

I'm curious if you know when Mimi received her phone call.

Just another piece of evilness displayed by the convicted murderer.

I learned a new word, with your greeting. Thank you!! I will try to find out for you about the date.
Scott Peterson is a young guy on death row. I haven't seen any huge outcry to save his murdering butt :) Well said paintr, but i'm still 100% put her in solitary confinement 23 hours a day :)

Peterson murdered a woman and her unborn child. His wife. His child. Advocacy groups do not normally reach out to criminals of his ilk.

Arias is evil, twisted, dangerous. But she is female. Her victim was an adult male.

She deserves no consideration by any group for any reason, but on Death Row she will likely garner some sympathy from one somewhere along the way. I do not think she would get that attention if she gets a Life sentence.

Still, I want her on Death Row.
Just had my annual visit with my ENT Doc. He is really cool. I always pick his brain while I am there, from Obama's new health care to new cancer treatments. This time I asked him about bullets to the head. l described TA injury and asked if he could have moved after. He gave me a general answer I wasn't expecting. He said bullets to head are strange and there have been cases where people didn't even know they had a bullet in their brain AFTER awaking from the concussion of the bullet, and they only seem to have a headache. But it was rare and upon concussion of the bullet they went unconscious. He said if victim was dead the ME could more tell how devasting the wound was and what type of bullet was used. I told him about the wound tract and how there was very little blood in it and ME said he was probably dead. Doc told me that was probably true because everyone knows how much a head wound bleeds, even a slight one. As a mother of three boys I could attest to that.

He asked why all my curiosity about bullets to the head. I told him I was following a trial about a man who was killed and the murderer said he continued to attack her even tho she had shot him in the head. He wanted to know what case it was. I told him and he smiled and said he thought I was talking about a local crime he hadn't heard of. He never heard of the Arias case, but that doesn't surprise me because he is the Head Professor at a major University Hospital and a very busy practicing surgeon on top of it.

There are a lot of people who have never heard of this trial even in AZ. My BF in Scottsdale told me that. She is somewhat surprised but said could understand why the court decided JA could get a fair trial because not everyone has heard of her. There are actually people out there who don't know who the President of the US is. I saw it on a news program. Many don't know who the VP is and the list just gets longer for the people under them. What we find as interesting others tune out. Go figure

bbm. Something very similar happened just this week. A kid who thought he had been grazed by a bullet went to the ER a few days later complaining of a headache. Yep. Bullet fragments in his head. He had no idea.
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just posted this on the last thread :banghead:

she looks so remorseful...NOT

Curious where this pic came from, twitter ? Very similar to her mug shot. Why would anyone want to post pics of the contemptible killer anyway.... Oh, what am I saying, her scary, nutjob supporters of course... Yes, remorseful not, a totally foreign concept to her.
I find it odd that the pictures I've seen of JA and Travis nude that day, is that they are all out of focus. They are not well taken, somewhat blurry, wrong setting for the light, etc. If Travis took those photos of JA (including the anus shot), why would they be so out of focus? The photos of Travis are odd; they're not centered or sexy or anything. They're just strange photos.

It could be that he didn't know how to use the settings on the new camera.
Interesting! BBM very interesting!

I've been reading with interest the posts about her changing time/date/EXIF in photos, but I have not completely jumped aboard that train of thought.

Until yesterday. I watched the Fox 10 raw video of Troy Hayden's post-M1-verdict interview with her. (Let me just pause to say hooray for editing that 43 minutes down to ~10) Somewhere in there (and I think most of it is in the edited version of this tape that I've seen) she starts going on and on about how she has photos on her hard drive that will prove that she was with her sister on the CA/OR border when the burglary at her grandparents' house took place. Then she starts rambling about how she has all of these photos that prove all kinds of stuff for her, but her attorneys refused to bring it in.


This assertion of hers has always intrigued me, and I feel it's one of those stories that have a kernel of truth to it. Meaning 1) the infamous pedo letters were never allowed in as evidence, and the ruling strongly implied they were forged, but of course she felt they should have been allowed, and 2) the "witnesses" namely, MM and his affidavit. This guy was willing to lie for her, lord only knows why, but wouldn't go as far as taking the stand. How convienent for her that heresay is allowed during the penalty phase. MM could finally lie without any negative repercussions. Oh, I just remembered mom's role with the pedo letters, no wonder she didn't want to get on the stand.

Also, though I think she likes making these types of statements b/c it reinforces the notion she's a victim.
Thanks Mindmatters—I think you must mean Daisymae. My kitties are well.

Here's the raw, unedited Troy Hayden interview. It's ~47 minutes.

I thought it was wonderful when one of the jurors this time asked the question to one of the experts don't the post-verdict interviews Jodi gave reveal secondary gain. That was asked of Geffner. That even one juror saw ANY of her vile interviews made my day. They show a complete lack of remorse. She takes every chance Troy gave her to say I am sorry....and instead makes another jab at the victim, AND his family. The juror that saw the interviews will be able to compare and contrast to her lawyer's claim that she is remorseful.

She mentions that she did not look over at his family during the trial because they all look alike and it reminds her of her abuser, and she doesn't want to see "THAT".

She tells Troy that Travis fantasy on the sex tape regarding a 12 year old girl is "A pedophile , by definition". She thinks we all forgot that it was SHE who sent TO Travis a text saying " I want to f you like a dirty horny LITTLE SCHOOL GIRL", before he played into that on this tape. I think Travis did just as she testified...that they would try to one up one another with the sex talk just kidding back and forth, each one trying to get more and more graphic each time. One cannot be shocked when the other person is parroting back your own words. She told on direct and acted so offended by the time Travis put "****" all over her face. Juan Martinez not going to ever miss a beat, slapped up on the projector HER TEXT TO TRAVIS asking him to ejaculate on her face and pound her *advertiser censored* ( which according to the urban dictionary means SHE was ASKING for him for anal sex). Jodi was the one texting requesting the dirty things like  on face. sodomy.jpg screenshot of JodiArias' brother.jpg We later learn from her own brother admitting it that the entire sex tape was her baiting him to say the Mormon girls are a bore so she could send it to his love interests.

She said on the interview that she had no mitigating factors; because, there was no abuse, physical or sexual in her childhood, no drug or alcohol addiction. This time she claimed there were all of the above. She tried to even have the jurors infer she suffered some thing like fetal alcohol syndrome due to her mom being a pot head during her pregnancy. I am sure the juror who saw the interview noticed there are SO VERY MANY DIFFERENT LIES JODI TOLD ON THIS.

The juror that saw her interviews knows that she is NOT at all scared of the public; because she is clearly seeking out the limelight by giving interviews.
They must have been wholly offended seeing the entire press and public ejected for HER while Travis' entire family has had to be there in the public eye the whole trial.

I cannot even opine on her singing the inmates to sleep at night. I wonder if the juror that saw one or more of her interviews saw her headstand and or her parents interviews. It is as funny as her seeing herself as the hero who wanted to jump up and put herself in the place of her experts when Juan was bullying them on the stand. She went on to say Juan has lied so many times in his career, in other cases. She was far too busy memorizing her five self help books her experts sent her, and her tests, trial testimony to keep her lies straight to be reviewing Juan's case files. She got that little gem from Kirk or her bestie Kiefer. God help us all.

It was obvious either she wrote Nurmi's closing or had it memorized as she quoted from it, verbatim, often in this interview. I do not know how Troy kept a straight face. For anyone who thinks he was buying into her crap.....I do not think so, not for a minute. It was a huge get and there is not one reporter, not local or national that would not have interviewed her if they could have traded places with him. He let her talk and expose herself, fully. That she did.

I would imagine the jurors saw far more than just one of her interviews and truth be told there are likely several of them that have researched the case privately and will take that to their graves. Considering the gravity of their decision I wouldn't be surprised if they are looking up things this weekend to answer questions that are haunting them. According to Judge Larry Seidlin it is a fantasy that they are not. Nurmi quoted him the next day after he appeared on HLN . Nurmi was insisting that the jury be sequestered immediately as the evening before HLN was discussing the 600 pages of Jodi Arias' journal that they had just got from the clerk and also the parents interviews that were just released.

I wish it were not true but it very likely is true that the jury is investigating, very very privately.

What is like to be on a death penalty trial It took them two and a half days to decide on death for Steven Hayes
Forget the cake, Someone bring the steak!

I can't hear the video on my phone :facepalm: But she does look like on the verge of actual crying not nose crying.
I think that the DP is the RIGHT verdict and the verdict that she DESERVES. Having said that, I am afraid that she just might get it.

I have been doing a little research and death row prisoners are the focus of a great many 'help' groups. They will not give a flying fig about JA as a person but she would make a great symbol for their cause. She is still young, female, presentable looking, and has the personality and brains to throw herself wholeheartedly into the drama of abolish state killing. She will be their poster child. There will be online petitions, appeals to the public, and well meaning people will jump on the 'don't kill this girl' bandwagon just because they are opposed to the DP.

Her years will be spent manipulating and using these people who think they are using her. Travis will be pushed to the background. This terrible bloody crime will be ignored. Through their public efforts, someday down the road a few years, they just might get her sentence reduced. It has happened.

Add to the anti DP crowd, the people who will rally to the cry of domestic violence. They, having not followed this trial too closely, will claim that she is being given the DP for defending herself against an abuser. In two years, maybe three, facts will be forgotten or ignored and JA will be expert at playing the system. She learns quickly and manipulating is as easy for her as breathing. She will drag Travis and his family through Hell for years to come. They will NEVER be free of her.

I am more afraid of JA getting the DP than she is. :cow: MOO

This is the EXACT reason I'm so torn!
Peterson murdered a woman and her unborn child. His wife. His child. Advocacy groups do not normally reach out to criminals of his ilk.

Arias is evil, twisted, dangerous. But she is female. Her victim was an adult male.

She deserves no consideration by any group for any reason, but on Death Row she will likely garner some sympathy from one somewhere along the way. I do not think she would get that attention if she gets a Life sentence.

Still, I want her on Death Row.

you're correct :) I've considered both scenarios . If she gets LWOP -I think it will be much like Troy's news piece where she has friends in jail, singing with her, like a big old sleep over. She's manipulative. I realize it won't work all of the time...but still, she can work her way up to having a job, socializing, etc. BLAH....In solitary confinement even with big parties rallying behind her, all she would be able to think about is that group and saving her sorry butt. She'll be always swimming against the current...I truly feel that she'll have a much harder time on death row then LWOP
yet she still couldn't eek out a single tear! And she was just convicted of first degree murder. Oy vey.

I can't hear the video on my phone :facepalm: But she does look like on the verge of actual crying not nose crying.
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