VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2

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would anyone have sympathy for ISIS murderer Mohammed Emwazi? For beheading innocent victims? That's what Jodi did. She is no different, IMO. He will be caught and brought justice soon and I hope he gets a heavy dose of waterboarding before he fries.

Hope he is caught and tortured and tormented relentlessly as he did to others. I have no sympathy for him..
Am I the only person from the UK here? We get cold, wet and cloudy all year round (or at least up in the North East of England we do). I remember seeing the sun once. It scared us all.

We had a fella here for a while. But he left us quickly. He introduced a funny UK word too.. It started with a B? Synonym for BS?
Their lives have been on hold during this overly long sentencing retrial. They've probably had to shuffle many many day-to-day duties on an "I'll let you know when I know" basis, except for Fridays which have always been free to them.

Not to mention that they will only get a pittance from the court, so maybe they work their regular jobs on Friday. I do not blame them one bit. I think they are united and probably have made their decision but the defense made them wait how many months now? So I don't mind that they are taking their time. To me there is nothing mitigating that outweighs what she did to Travis, but I am not on the jury. I think if they were still undecided they would have left the court looking more frazzled and certainly not be laughing, which I also don't mind because they have had to keep silent all these months AND not watch the news or internet regarding the trial. If they had come back right away, I think the defense would be accusing them on not doing their due diligence. But I really can't wait until it's over and I would like to hear what they have to say.
We had a fella here for a while. But he left us quickly. He introduced a funny UK word too.. It started with a B? Synonym for BS?

Was that on the OP thread? I think I remember him and that word. We all got such a kick out of it. Wish I could remember what it was. LOL you have me rethinking about those photos....quick google says:

Can't change date/time stamp with the camera because the date/time stamp is now embedded into the image and the camera can only do that as the picture is taken.

BUT... Stamp can be changed by editing each photo with image-editing software like Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.


Open the photo and use the "clone" tool to obliterate the date/time stamp.
Then optionally use the "text" tool to put the correct date on the image, then save it.
Re-saving a .jpg image in the same format will slightly degrade it as some colour data is discarded during the compression/saving process.

Ok. We agree about her goal- planting evidence, so why not on his camera, same scenario of running out of time or whatever. I'm off to look more into it the possibility. Thanks? ;)
I used to be a neighbor, kinda. Lived in Grand Forks, so know all about the -30 plus degree thing and plugging in cars and not seeing black pavement or green grass from November through April. Ugh. On the other hand, we used to go to Winnipeg a lot. What a cool city! Certainly from the point of view of those stuck in Grand Forks, "city" with one movie theater, no theaters or live music or anything else cultural, and where the phone book's list of restaurants took up less than a quarter of a page and included Arby's.

On one trip there in the dead of winter, on a sunny day, the wind blowing so hard already fallen snow filled the air as if a blizzard, we saw one of those amazing things I've ever seen...two snow dogs, miles apart, shooting straight line rainbows up as far as the eye could see. Awesome.

Have you Manitobans ever seen the northern lights??? On my wish list of things to see......

Yes! And they are truly amazing. One winter I even watched a spectacular display of red northern lights. It was horizon to horizon and looked like a red curtain rippling and shimmering in the sky. I was so enthralled I forgot about the cold! I even saw some last summer one night, but the summer ones are not as jaw-dropping as the winter lights. More like small white puffs of light.

That's one of the pleasures of living on the prairies. The sky seems like a huge dome and it often provides something to watch: pretty sunrises, gorgeous sunsets, and sometimes the northern lights. It's also a good place to watch the stars. Every August there's an annual meteor shower (I forget its name) and I make a point to sit outside (with a citronella candle for the mosquitoes, our provincial bird) to watch the show. It really is awesome.

Winnipeg is indeed a cool city. It's kind of like a northern version of Chicago. I try to go there often, and especially for the restaurants. The restaurants here are pretty sad. I remember when a Mexican restaurant opened here and my friends and I actually got excited!

ETA: I should add that when I saw the red northern lights it was in a place further north than where I live. Down here in the "south" the northern lights are the usual green.
I had to step away and just getting back, and I like your question. I would like to try to answer in what I think may have happened.

I think those sex photos that were found on his camera were mostly from JA putting them on his camera and were hers that she brought with her from previous dates + times. The main reason I think this is the 1 single photo where she has braids and is naked. Im not good at guessing ages but she sure looked really young in that photo. I think that one may even predate her even knowing Travis. I think she just liked the photo herself and always kept that one.

My theory about the pics is I think JA wanted to make sure his phone had lots of sex photos of the both of them on it. So I think she had brought along a camera memory card that had photos on it OR a flash drive with those pics.

Someone had mentioned Skybot date matching one of the pics dates. So maybe she used a flash drive first to put them on his PC, and then copied them to his camera card via the PC. And by chance the Skybot software updated the date/time or something along those lines.

I think her intent was to NOT have any of the date/times of those sex photos be that particular day. I think she just messed up as she tried to manipulate the date/time stamps on those pics. In fact, I think the detective said most were just thumbnails so maybe as she deleted the pics, the thumbnails never get deleted and are somewhere else on the disc or something along those lines.

But the main thing is the date/time stamps looked "Funny" on some of those pics. Some of them had different "Fonts", so it looked like she had either manipulated them herself or something like Skybot software overrode the date/time.

I think she finally gave up with that idea and just deleted them all, but of course the camera's memory card had certain "trash images" left in the space on the card that was freed up to be written over. Similar to how a PC works where it doesnt actually delete the data but just flags the space as resusable. Which is how she got burned.

Because your original question is right that she did not want the date of the photos to be that day. I think she was trying to make them all be a certain date from a month or so back.

But anyway, Im kind of in a fog on all of it anyway so I could be way off base.
The only thing that I keep thinking for sure is that the 1 sex photo at least was not from that day, and those date/times sure looked funny on some of them. So she was trying to do something. And failed like she usually does. :)

I don't know about the technical stuff, but about her looking younger.. We've seen her look very different in courtroom pictures from one day to the next. I remember one picture where everybody was shocked at how decent she looked.

What would be the purpose of her putting those pictures on his camera though? Why would she want his camera to have lots of pictures of them on it? (Remember that TA's camera was brand new and JA had moved away from Arizona before he got it. So any date on the time stamps would have to match a day she would have been in AZ. She hadn't come back after leaving.)
CTV showed all the pretty flowers popping up in Vancouver and all their tree blossoms last night on the news. It's coming Becky!!

Please don't make me weep! I grew up in Vancouver. I miss the ocean so much. :( you have me rethinking about those photos....quick google says:

Can't change date/time stamp with the camera because the date/time stamp is now embedded into the image and the camera can only do that as the picture is taken.

BUT... Stamp can be changed by editing each photo with image-editing software like Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.


Open the photo and use the "clone" tool to obliterate the date/time stamp.
Then optionally use the "text" tool to put the correct date on the image, then save it.
Re-saving a .jpg image in the same format will slightly degrade it as some colour data is discarded during the compression/saving process.

Ok. We agree about her goal- planting evidence, so why not on his camera, same scenario of running out of time or whatever. I'm off to look more into it the possibility. Thanks? ;)

Good research. That could explain why a lot of the photos looked "cloudy". They should have been much sharper and better if the camera had taken them and they were not altered in some way.
I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba

:snowball: Hi Seanna! East coast Canadian here and Texas does sound a tad nicer this time of year ohhhh and the food.....:)
I'm about ten pages behind, but wanted to jump on the Texas bandwagon. I lived in Point Venture , just outside of Austin, for several years, still thinking of going back!

As for the jury...let them eat cake.

They have a hard job to do, a life, even a despicable one, is in their hands. This is something they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives. Interesting that those who bashed the judge. Every. Single. Day. Are the same people so happy to jump in and bash the jury. Seriously, for eating cake.
I don't know about the technical stuff, but about her looking younger.. We've seen her look very different in courtroom pictures from one day to the next. I remember one picture where everybody was shocked at how decent she looked.

What would be the purpose of her putting those pictures on his camera though? Why would she want his camera to have lots of pictures of them on it?
(Remember that TA's camera was brand new and JA had moved away from Arizona before he got it. So any date on the time stamps would have to match a day she would have been in AZ. She hadn't come back after leaving.)

I wondered about that too and the only thing I can think of is she may have wanted LE to think a jealous lover killed Travis. Maybe she was hoping the pictures would frame one of his girlfriends.

Or maybe just to simply throw suspicoun away from her because they were "lovers".

Its hard to tell what she was thinking.
I have not caught up today but I wanted to write this before I forget. Last night I was thinking about the jury and wondering if any of them would consider just HOW cruel this was by demonstrating stabbing 29 times? I sat on my bed and just threw my arm down on the bed that many times and WOW it takes a long time for one thing, and for another it means she had ALOT of rage to do that AND THEN go on to slit his throat the way she did AND THEN to shoot him, which IMO, she did because his body was probably still making noise and she wanted to make it stop. Also I was basically just pounding the bed. I did not have a knife that I was stabbing into anything or anyone. If they did this, again IMO, they would rule out any question of anything they thought would be a mitigator. That's just my opinion. Have any of you tried what I described. She wasn't just mad, she was hell bent on ending him and making him pay. again JMHO

This is good observation. I was thinking that I would present EACH stab as an aggravator! Then the neck, gun shot. with the photos, opposing their mitigators.

"One juror felt his knees shaking as he sat down to decide if an Ahwatukee Foothills woman should live or die.

Another says she spent the evening before the death penalty deliberations eating saltines and vomiting."

"Including the jury in the Ahwatukee case, the trial of Wendi Andriano, Valley juries have voted the death penalty for 14 of 18 defendants since Aug. 1, 2002"

What got me when reading this was the one hold out said she was adamantly against the DP! WHY was she on the jury then? I really think the jury needs to have things explained in a lot more detail than currently because they just don't understand sometimes. Like the last foreman not understanding he was creating a mis-trial. And I do not understand WHY the judge cannot tell them that? They should know how everything works IMO.
Yes! And they are truly amazing. One winter I even watched a spectacular display of red northern lights. It was horizon to horizon and looked like a red curtain rippling and shimmering in the sky. I was so enthralled I forgot about the cold! I even saw some last summer one night, but the summer ones are not as jaw-dropping as the winter lights. More like small white puffs of light.

That's one of the pleasures of living on the prairies. The sky seems like a huge dome and it often provides something to watch: pretty sunrises, gorgeous sunsets, and sometimes the northern lights. It's also a good place to watch the stars. Every August there's an annual meteor shower (I forget its name) and I make a point to sit outside (with a citronella candle for the mosquitoes, our provincial bird) to watch the show. It really is awesome.

Winnipeg is indeed a cool city. It's kind of like a northern version of Chicago. I try to go there often, and especially for the restaurants. The restaurants here are pretty sad. I remember when a Mexican restaurant opened here and my friends and I actually got excited!

I am soooo envious you've seen them!!! And I couldn't agree more about the unsurpassed beauty of a wide open sky. I take frequent for pleasure trips to New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada just for that reason. The East Coast is a sucky place to live IMO for every reason except great cities to go play in.

I also remember the excitement of a Chinese restaurant opening in Grand Forks. The first one ever! My DH ate takeout every night for a week, because it was the only food available in the "city" that actually had spice in it. The next week or so we went back, ordered the same food and lo! All the spices were gone! We asked why, and the owner said that Grand Forkians couldn't deal with the taste. Only bland would do. Really.
I can't hear the video on my phone :facepalm: But she does look like on the verge of actual crying not nose crying.

She was on the verge of actually crying. It was, of course, for herself. She was fit to be tied because the jury had betrayed her. She had not expected that.
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