VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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Unfortunately we see time and again Jurors who believe the soap opera version as offered by the defense.

They don't seem to apply much common sense or logic.

BBM: Exactly ... the "soap opera version" !

JMO but IF this jury comes back hung, there is no doubt in my mind that at least 1 or more fell for the "soap opera version" that was put forth by the defense ... which was pure D BS ! :gaah:

:seeya: Very good "phrase" ZsaZsa !
:seeya: Whew! Just had a ten minute power cut. Darn ice everywhere.

My mind is in limbo this morning - whatever will be will be (thanks, Doris Day)

Juan Martinez Set to Try Ex-Cop Richard Chrisman
July 31, 2013 by Dr KR

For all of you Juan Martinez fans, cameras reportedly have been approved in the courtroom for the upcoming trial of Richard Chrisman with Judge Warren Granville presiding (and no longer Judge Sherry Stevens).
A small mind, intoxicated with power, the vessel of a conscience drunk and passed out in the gutter of life.
Is this new material. Man this chic just LOVES to go on and on about herself. Ever letter is 100 pages long. Just as I would expect from a narcissist.

That letter always makes my blood boil. It just goes to show how vile and deceitful she really is. That she could send such a letter to Travis' family is yet another punch in the gut from her to them. This letter is yet another reason I truly hope the jury comes back with the DP.
As anxious for a verdict as we all are, I hope the jury will take whatever time they need to reach a verdict. What we want—and even what the Alexander family wants—should not matter to them. And I hope the press folks let them come and go in peace.

The "press folks" need to be cordoned off somewhere they'd need binoculars to even catch a blurry glimpse of any jurors imo.
I have been following this trial from the beginning on web sleuths. I have never posted, just lurked! I served on a jury here in Ontario last spring. 3 month trial with 2 defendants facing a 1st degree charge. We just had to decide on the degree and were not allowed to consider the potential sentence. Even though the crime was heinous and evidence was clear for a guilty decision the day we got the case it stirred up feelings some of us never expected. It was very hard to take someone's life away and that was only a prison sentence. I can't even begin to imagine how deciding a death sentence would play on your mind. Just my 2 cents. I hope whatever the outcome these jurors have no regrets either way and that the Alexander's find peace.

Beautifully said and thank you for sharing your personal experience/perspective as a juror.

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 5m5 minutes ago

2 female jurors walking in now.

One wearing a dress, both look down as they pass the media. #JodiArias

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner · 3m3 minutes ago

Two more jurors walked in. We're up to three now

#JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15
Honestly, Jodi has been in jail for so long now that IT IS a way of life for her. She is used to the Rules, the routine, everything about it. And I feel she is perfectly fine with spending the rest of her Life in prison as it wont be much different than what she has been doing the last 7 ish yrs. You see the big deal here...she gets to have a LIFE, she gets to LIVE no matter how cruddy we think it is it is still life..something that Travis and his family would have picked for him had they been given the chance.
I can tell you I had a very dear friend who lost her teen son in a bad car accident...and another friend who had a son who was paralyzed from the neck down due to a wrestling accident, both about the same age etc.. My GF who lost her son in the car accident told me one day that she wished her son could be here with her and alive, even if paralyzed like our other friends son was because as she said, at least he would be here and not dead.(she asked me if that was bad of her, to wish her son alive even though paralyzed. I said no way youre not bad, you just love him and want to share your life with him) You see life, even in prison is life..and in Jodi's case some would say she even has a pretty good one even in jail or prison. At least she is alive, at least she isnt paralyzed so Yea she is good...too good for what she deserves IMO.
When people say she has it rough...I laugh.
Travis and his family deserve Justice, I hope they get it.

Lot's of good points here but I still keep thinking of what someone mentioned the other day re the surviving Manson 'girls'. No-one could be more institutionalised than they - they have gotten degrees, ran programs, worked in the prison gardens etc etc and yet every time they are eligible for parole they try for it. Over and over and over. They are elderly women now, but they still want to be free, even after 40-odd years in prison. Even Susan Atkins tried to get out on compassionate grounds when she was dying of a brain tumour and her quality of life would have been much the same wherever she was, and she was refused and died in prison a few years back. So yes, Arias, like other prisoners, will adapt to a life in prison but it will always be a 'half life' IMO and she will never stop wanting to get out and be free.
That letter always makes my blood boil. It just goes to show how vile and deceitful she really is. That she could send such a letter to Travis' family is yet another punch in the gut from her to them. This letter is yet another reason I truly hope the jury comes back with the DP.

Me too. Unfortunately, I bet there's a juror who read the letter and thought, "Man, this chick really is crazy."
I know that either way she is going to prison for life most likely.

I guess its more about JA thinking this is a win and will be all smiles in the courtroom if she is spared the DP and Travis's family has to see that from the very one who has practically destroyed all of their lives.

I saw only one photo of Jodi yesterday when everyone was assembled in the courtroom for the Judge to give the impasse instruction. Jodi was already smiling (with the characteristic smirk) at the thought of another hung jury.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago

3 jurors have made it in #jodiarias #3tvarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 29s29 seconds ago

2 more jurors, 1 man and 1 woman walk in. This makes 5 I think. #JodiArias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 19s19 seconds ago

2 more male jurors walked in. They looked a little somber. #JodiArias
In the last thread someone commented about Martinez's response to Nurmi's "will you kill this girl?" -- what was his response?

I mentioned his response so even though this probably has been answered, I will answer it since I brought it up. Juan would show the autopsy photos then JA's childhood photos and say, "THIS GIRL did THIS." Brilliant.
DONE!! Hahhaaa

RIP Travis!!
No Negativity ! It ain't over yet............Death Penalty verdict coming up.........2 p.m.

10 of them just have to talk the last 2 of them into it. We're almost there.

Everybody pop a Prozac and drink a couple of beers.............
More Tweets . . . Jurors arriving:

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner · 2m2 minutes ago

Four more jurors walked in. We are up to seven jurors now #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago

7 jurors have made it #jodiarias #3tvarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 30s31 seconds ago

Juror #1 has earphones on. I love how committed they are, not wanting to chance hearing anything. #JodiArias
Morning Peeps. Have my coffee and am cleaning while I wait! This has to be the day.

It has to end for the Alexanders today.
Anyone have the link for the combined twitter feed? TIA!
I saw only one photo of Jodi yesterday when everyone was assembled in the courtroom for the Judge to give the impasse instruction. Jodi was already smiling (with the characteristic smirk) at the thought of another hung jury.

She will, I think, assume that some are reluctant to go for the DP, because of something she said in her secret testimony-or that they think she is innocent. I really hope that none of those jurors believe that Travis abused her, and used that as a mitigator
From Jen:
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 13s14 seconds ago

Another juror has made it and some are looking and smiling at us #jodiarias #3tvarias
I couldn't quote your post for some reason, BetteDavisEyes, but wanted to congratulate you on your WS anniversary! I hope your wish comes true.

*I saw the movie the other night your quote under your avatar is from. I'd seen it long ago but watched again.
Morning all. I'm hoping for a miracle this morning. Thoughts are with the Alexander Family and everyone who has given so much to see that TA's killer was convicted and sentenced justly.

Haven't seen Hope4 since yesterday afternoon, hope to see her back soon.
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