Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Can anyone enlighten a latecomer as to who the person is that got fired and why? I'm sure all of you have discussed it so have pity on a lady who was tending to two foster dogs, one stray cat, two daughters and a bucket of laundry.

I need a good amount of comfort food this week. With this verdict and the Arias trial hearing coming up I might go bonkers!
I had to go to the airport and stuck 20 pages back and trying to catch up.

NOT a 9mm but smaller pistols have slighty harder recoil than larger pistols.

Now use common sense.
On your back.
Weight on top of you
Holding moving your arms pushing them down towards your body and face.
You manage to get the gun in front of you, one handed, non dominate hand.
It's not rocket science.
Ok, it is...

Honestly, the only handgun I've fired personally is a .45 . At the shooting range I can control it for about 10 shots before my arms get tired of the kickback. Are you suggesting to me that a man can't control the kickback from firing his own side arm one time?
Do you know how MOM became his attorney? How were they hooked up?

I'm wondering because I don't think MOM has been doing the best job for him. He seems a bit too self-interested.

No. I don't. But we disagree. I think MOM has been amazing. I've been in awe of his skills during the trial. Just stunned. He was so good, it sometimes appeared scripted. JMO. OMO. MOO.
No, JA didn't call NEN before she killed Travis - but she did call LE several times immediately after he was found (when she was 'notified'), whiile the investigators were on the scene - to offer her assistance, so JA did definitely initiate contact with police. IMO, JMO, MOO

She sure did. She's not the brightest bulb. Aside from being the first name out of everyone's mouths when people heard Travis had been murdered, she definitely put herself even more on LE's radar. She called the investigator directly.
And I would prefer not to live next to a trigger happy person that has a problem with anger issues that refuses to follow instructions/advice. But that's just me. Give me the teenage boy that went to the store for his "possible" step brother to get him some candy instead.


Have you ever seen a 'teenage boy' who gets pissed and aggressive when someone talks or looks at them funny?

Trust me, they exist.
LE remove one protester. Thank God they're keeping an eye on everyone so things don't get out of hand.

The other thing you guys should realize about kick back is that it only affects your shooying if you're firing several rounds. You're arms have to get tired of controlling the kickback from several rounds first before your shooting becomes erratic.
IMO the msm has an issue with CCW permits and are predominately pro gun control..They also have a narrative to maintain in this case...IMO watch for the 1 or 2 " anti conviction " loons to be highlighted ...That is whatwill frustrate me ..and again JMO livestream has switched from outside the courthouse to inside view of state seal on wall.

Probably doesn't mean much.

Richard Hornsby just had a funny tweet that caught my attention.

Richard Hornsby ‏@RichardHornsby 9m
WE HAVE A ... never mind it was just gas. #ZimmermanTrial #VerdictWatch
The big mystery to me is how did TM wind up near the T when he had a 4 minute head start on GZ and according to RJ (if you believe her) he was at or very near his daddy's house.

The only one who could tell us that is GZ. Because he, too, had 4 minutes to walk back to his car from the time he hung up with the dispatcher. So it is a mystery why GZ has not provided that information. Even the police detective questioned him on the amount of time from the end of the call until the first 911 call about the fight and the subject was changed before he could answer. We never did hear what he was doing. He knew for a fact that the street going towards the back gate was Retreat Circle because he lived on Retreat Circle so that is a mystery to me, also. Why not just say meet me at the back gate??? I just don't get it. Where was GZ in all that time because he should have been back to the car in half that time. The only one who really knows that answer is GZ. If there was a reasonable explanation GZ's attorneys would have gotten it in. It's just hanging out there with no explanation. If I were on the jury that would be a big issue for me. jmo
No, JA didn't call NEN before she killed Travis - but she did call LE several times immediately after he was found (when she was 'notified'), whiile the investigators were on the scene - to offer her assistance, so JA did definitely initiate contact with police. IMO, JMO, MOO

After the fact. Not the same as calling NEN ahead of time. Not at all. JMO. OMO. MOO.
Dang and here we go as tweeted by ABC ABCActionNewsCourt @actionnewscourt
PHOTO: Courthouse demonstrator who yelled, "Go get your crack!" separated: - via @TheDaraKam
Probably the thing that ticked me off more that anything in this trial is why did the blonde Hispanic get a translator while the girl from Miami has to fight off the lawyers in her third language. Why didn't she get a translator in Creole? IMO

"Fight off lawyers in her third language"? IMO, pfffft! She was a seriously disrespectful, mouthy teen who was more concerned about tweeting a picure of her pretty "court nails" than standing up for her so called "good friend" and was consistently shown in a "I'm sorry, we know you're having a hard time understanding us since you're Haitian, etc..." light by the prosecution to compensate for her illiteracy and cultural street slang manner of speaking -- not confused during questioning due a language barrier.

She understood English perfectly well and spoke it without even so much as a hint of an accent.

IMO of course but having lived in Miami from the age of 10 to the age of 30 and having gone to school with, worked with and was friends with Haitians who TRULY did have a language barrier I feel that my experience is very supportive of my statements.
Can anyone enlighten a latecomer as to who the person is that got fired and why? I'm sure all of you have discussed it so have pity on a lady who was tending to two foster dogs, one stray cat, two daughters and a bucket of laundry.


Here is a link to the actual document. (It's a PDF file)

From one animal lover to another - kudos on the fosters.
And I would prefer not to live next to a trigger happy person that has a problem with anger issues that refuses to follow instructions/advice. But that's just me. Give me the teenage boy that went to the store for his "possible" step brother to get him some candy instead.


Toris... The text messages that the judge ruled out showed that Trayvon was a teenage boy who had been suspended from school for fighting, had conversations about teaching his brother to fight and about fights he himself had been involved in and about guns and buying and selling them.His locker at his school which he was caught defaming with spray paint and the letters WTF also had jewelry that was presumably stolen and a screwdriver or some tool which was considered to be a robbery tool...
Just wondering if that had any influence at all on your opinion ?

If the media and politics had stayed out of this case, would this case have been handled differently? IMO, yes.

:twocents: I agree, and in particular, the "politics" had absolutely no place in this case ...

I am sitting here with "knots in my stomach" for George Zimmerman !

It is frightening that a person can no longer "defend themselves" in this country and that the "perpetrator" has more rights than the victim, which in this case is George Zimmerman ... IMO


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