Victim: Amber Lynn Costello, 27, missing Sept 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

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According to MBB's sister (her WS nickaname "meltruth") MBB told her that she would go to NY the evening of July 6th (Friday), stay for the weekend and return July 9th (Monday)
So that would mean MBB was in NY 4 days; Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday and monday when she apparently disappeared.
Posted by meltruth post #202
"she (Maureen Brainard-Barnes ) called me on the 6th (July 2007), I was at work and she was home in CT and she said she was going to NYC that night. For the weekend and would be home by Monday the 9th."

Exactly. It's a well established fact that Maureen went to NYC to work over the weekend.

And just to blow off steam...I wish EVERYONE would take the time to back up their "statements of fact" with a link, because that is SUPPOSED to be how we do things around here. (end of rant)
Gross or not, it must occur somewhere, some time, or I doubt the comment would have been made.
I've identified who "Morrie" is in real life. It wasn't too difficult.

I'd rather not identify him publicly. I don't want to post this guy's name/address if its against Websleuths rules, or if would unnecessarily cause some harm.

Can a moderator weigh in please on whether this information is "sleuthable" and "postable"?

Does anyone want to contact "Morrie" and ask him why he stated the following about Amber Lynn Costello?:

"A friend of ours told me today that 'You won't hear from those 2 girls anymore!'"

By the way, his nickname is a play off of where he grew up:

Mooresville, NC

Get it? He lives in Middle Island now.

Middle Island, now that is very interesting. That town has come up in several of my research efforts.
I've identified who "Morrie" is in real life. It wasn't too difficult.

I'd rather not identify him publicly. I don't want to post this guy's name/address if its against Websleuths rules, or if would unnecessarily cause some harm.

Can a moderator weigh in please on whether this information is "sleuthable" and "postable"?

Does anyone want to contact "Morrie" and ask him why he stated the following about Amber Lynn Costello?:

"A friend of ours told me today that 'You won't hear from those 2 girls anymore!'"

By the way, his nickname is a play off of where he grew up:

Mooresville, NC

Get it? He lives in Middle Island now.

I'm assuming the other girl is Amber's sister?
Uggghhhh. Thats disgusting. Whatever happened to going to a bar and talking to a girl who caught your eye, getting yourselves tipsy, and then asking her? Then having an awkward morning.
Uggghhhh. Thats disgusting. Whatever happened to going to a bar and talking to a girl who caught your eye, getting yourselves tipsy, and then asking her? Then having an awkward morning.

That wasn't an actual UG post, I wrote it, but it was "inspired by" an actual post I read on UG. Someone please call the Cohen brothers or Christopher Guest, this stuff is getting absurd yet hilarious.
Truth is we have discussed these murders being linked to a group. The particular UG group's regulars aren't that many and it could very well be that they "have each others back" and have someone to take care of the girls who cause them trouble. My gut tells me that a group is it dirty LE, dirty politicians, dirty brokers or businessmen, or human traffickers...IMO, these scummy UG members are definitely suspect.
the urban dictionary is very useful for all these nasty little pseudonyms.
Would an escort leave makeup behind?

“When police searched the hotel room they found Waterman's clothing, makeup, cell phone and other belongings, Ela said.”
I think like most women they probably carry some touch up make up in there purse. Was her purse left behind?
Exactly. Now, if she had intended to meet a client at this point, why would she have checked out of her hotel room (where she did business), and why would she be calling home to see if anyone could come get her? Doesn't make sense, imo. I suspect that she knew her killer, and called him for a ride (perhaps a previous client, acqaintance, connection, who knows?)...but that's simply speculation. Nothing solid to base that on.

I'm a little confused. DID she check out of her hotel room? If so, it makes NO sense at all to least e anything behind. Maybe she was going to meet a last minute client when she was calling her friends for a ride. But wait she must hve returned to her room after calling her friends if her phone was in the room. Unless she had two phones. I just had a thought. What if a client had a room in the same hotel. That might explain why she left her phone if she went to his room . I don't remember was there hotel video footage of her leaving the hotel?
And MB was reported to have gone outside supposedly to wait for a ride.

Ah ha! this clears it up for me...somehow I'd missed reading this one ...Maureen checked out and was calling for a ride and Megan was the one who left everything behind. My thought about having a client in the same hotel was for Megan. Also the question about footage . But to avoid further confusion no need to reply I will repost in the appropriate thread. Is there a way to move the posts about Maureen and Megan off of Amber thread ? It got me all mixed up! Which really isn't that hard to do with all the victims and information out there. ; )
Amber Lynn Costello (who went by the working name "Carolina"), was last seen on the evening of Sept.2, 2010. According to her roomate, Dave Schaller, Amber had negotiated a "date" with a client that day for $1500 . According to Schaller, the client had phoned Amber 3 times that day, with the last call occuring at approximately 10:30 pm. Moments later, wearing jeans and a pink hoodie , Amber left the house. She was never seen again.

On the morning of Sept. 3, Schaller phoned Amber's sister, Kimberly Overstreet, concerned because Amber had not returned home from her "date" the previous evening.

Amber was never reported missing.

I find it odd that Dave didn't report her missing when she didn't return. Unless he just one of those people who didn't want to involve the cops. He might have thought she was on a binge but eventually he HAD to of realized something was very wrong. I always had the feeling while watching his interviews that he was leaving something out. Maybe they had an arguement and he thought that she had left him. JMHO
According to MSM reports, Morrie says "A friend of ours told me today that 'You won't hear from those 2 girls anymore!"

When Morrie uses the words "a friend of ours", he must mean someone from their group, website, etc. Someone everyone knows, but Morrie leaves out his name for obvious reasons.

What "friend of ours" is Morrie possibly talking about?

Based on my research of UtopiaGuide threads, which I can't link to here, Morrie is the owner of (the site where the threat against Amber was initially made) as well as a member of a group called the CCC. This group also includes these members:

- teps
- lightweight
- wolf
- billyS
- magicfingersny

One member of the CCC claims that the group regularly uses "backchannels" to communicate with each other outside of the main bulletin boards. My research suggests that this is an e-mail distribution list and Private Messaging through

They meet up to visit strip clubs, particularly on the Edison Strip in West Babylon, and they review their experiences with different "providers".

They post publicly on the UG boards to share their experiences with non-group members, but it seems much of their communication is over e-mail and private message.

One of their group members, magicfingersny, was kicked out of the CCC group in late 2008. MagicFingersNY claimed that someone from another board (presumably had been making physical threats against him, which he claimed "were prosecutable".

Apparently he had been kicked out for a lack of discretion, like calling CCC members at home, work, etc. There was also something going on related specifically to "Morrie's girl".

On January 15, 2010, someone from UtopiaGuide reported that the Suffolk County Police Department had informed them that magicfingersny had died. No cause of death or link was provided.

I researched Suffolk County police news for the days preceding the 15th, and all I found was an unsolved murder of a 44 year old man on January 13, 2010 in North Amityville. Apparently someone shot 3 men in a parking lot, leaving 1 dead and 2 with gun shot wounds. At this point, I have no way of verifying if this victim was magicfingers. It could be totally unrelated, but it seems to me unlikely that SCPD would contact a fellow UtopiaGuide poster if that person wasn't in their immediate family and inform them of a person's death (i.e., overdose, etc.). It seems more likely that there was some type of investigation going on, perhaps that involved police contacting numbers from the victims phone, etc., and that's how this UtopiaGuide poster came to learn about the death of MagicFingersNY.
I'm a little confused. DID she check out of her hotel room? If so, it makes NO sense at all to least e anything behind. Maybe she was going to meet a last minute client when she was calling her friends for a ride. But wait she must hve returned to her room after calling her friends if her phone was in the room. Unless she had two phones. I just had a thought. What if a client had a room in the same hotel. That might explain why she left her phone if she went to his room . I don't remember was there hotel video footage of her leaving the hotel?

Maureen had checked out of her room, yes. Maureen didn't leave her phone behind, though. She had it with her. It pinged to a tower on LI (as did Mellissa's).

Megan is the girl caught on video tape leaving the hotel in Hauppague.

Hope that helps. :)

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