Victim: Maureen Brainard-Barnes, 25, missing July 2007, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *POI Rex Heuermann*

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@ Theforeigner, You see when that 48 hours was taped it was only a few months after she was identified and I suffer anxiety attacks from all I have been through. It was just a simple mistake that I had said. Let me clear this up she called me on the 6th, I was at work and she was home in CT and she said she was going to NYC that night. For the weekend and would be home by Monday the 9th. As to how I know she was in NY. I will not comment on that.
Meltruth thanks a lot for answering such a private question. I asked because over the years LE was looking for the Green River killer, Gary Leon Ridgway had his name on prescriptions for Gonorrhea and HPV. Gonorrhea he picked twice and the second time was from one of his victims, to the best of my knowledge.

I hope this will turn out in the best way possible and the soulless b..tard will get what he deserves.

Can you please check a few latest posts in the theories thread . Especially on the burlap issue. There is an image which I find interesting for an apparent blue color. The picture doesnt look like a burlap (made of jute) to me. Can this burlap thing be media concoction or a complete misunderstanding? Because burlap sacks are deemed as one of the most solid facts in the case.
I am not sure if the burlap is truth or not. I am not told any evidence in the case. Either does the rest of the families. I do know that in media reports that the police have said that they were found wrapped in burlap but that was from what I watch on the news through police media conferences.
Meltruth thanks a lot for answering such a private question. I asked because over the years LE was looking for the Green River killer, Gary Leon Ridgway had his name on prescriptions for Gonorrhea and HPV. Gonorrhea he picked twice and the second time was from one of his victims, to the best of my knowledge.

I hope this will turn out in the best way possible and the soulless b..tard will get what he deserves.

Can you please check a few latest posts in the theories thread . Especially on the burlap issue. There is an image which I find interesting for an apparent blue color. The picture doesnt look like a burlap (made of jute) to me. Can this burlap thing be media concoction or a complete misunderstanding? Because burlap sacks are deemed as one of the most solid facts in the case.
@ Theforeigner, You see when that 48 hours was taped it was only a few months after she was identified and I suffer anxiety attacks from all I have been through. It was just a simple mistake that I had said. Let me clear this up she called me on the 6th, I was at work and she was home in CT and she said she was going to NYC that night. For the weekend and would be home by Monday the 9th. As to how I know she was in NY. I will not comment on that.

Thank you very much Meltruth.
I am not sure if the burlap is truth or not. I am not told any evidence in the case. Either does the rest of the families. I do know that in media reports that the police have said that they were found wrapped in burlap but that was from what I watch on the news through police media conferences.

For what it's worth, I think LE wanted to keep the burlap info out of the public eye. Unfortunately, they thought to do so only after many msm reports had already let that cat out of the bag.

The burlap lead is solid, imo.
@ Theforeigner, You see when that 48 hours was taped it was only a few months after she was identified and I suffer anxiety attacks from all I have been through. It was just a simple mistake that I had said. Let me clear this up she called me on the 6th, I was at work and she was home in CT and she said she was going to NYC that night. For the weekend and would be home by Monday the 9th. As to how I know she was in NY. I will not comment on that.


Do you have any idea which exact cell tower Maureen's phone was "pinging" from in 2008? Which town at least?
For three years, the NYPD had reported no trace of her—except, in 2008, for one cell-phone-signal ping off a Long Island tower, just a few miles from Gilgo Beach. “Someone was trying to access Maureen’s cell-phone voice-mail,” Cann says.
I remember back then if you were sitting out on the beach at gilgo....cell phone reception sucked. WHich means there was no tower in the immediate gilgo area. Thats massapequa tower could have been the closest tower to gilgo at the time.
I remember back then if you were sitting out on the beach at gilgo....cell phone reception sucked. WHich means there was no tower in the immediate gilgo area. Thats massapequa tower could have been the closest tower to gilgo at the time.

It has always been reported that the attempt to access her voicemail was from a Long Island tower. I'm not a NYer, but it is my understanding that Massapequa isn't on LI. ??
Massapequa is on long island (the mainland), not the strip of land that OB is located however.

I'm sure you know this, but the "Massapequa" reference was for Melissa, not Maureen. I'm asking Meltruth about Maureen's cell phone call in 2008. I'm not sure it was ever reported which tower/town this call "pinged" from. My POI is from West Babylon, which is at the top of the Robert Moses Causeway, possibly considered a few miles from Gilgo. I'm pretty sure we can assume the SK made that particular call, so it might help place his location.

"Cellphone records for Ms. Barthelemy traced the calls, which were to her voice mail, to two motels near Massapequa — the Budget Inn and the Best Western"
Again, the 2 hotel thing bugs me. If Melissa left NYC with a pimp or driver, visiting 2 hotels wouldn't seem strange to me. But if she left with a client, why on earth would her phone ping from 2 different hotels?


Perhaps the killer took it to the 2nd hotel??

More thoughts, there was a 2nd client? The 2nd hotel had a bar? Meeting someone for drug pickup?
I've thought of that, Merc.

I know this thread is for MBB, but you bring up a good point. From the Bronx, I'm pretty sure Melissa Barthelemy would have taken the D-train and transferred on the A-C-E to Penn Station, then taken the LIRR to Massapequa. The one hotel (Best Western) is right across from the LIRR platform in Massapequa, and the other (Budget Inn) is east of there. So she would have gone to the Best Western first, she called the SK and he said "no, I'm at the Budget Inn, right down the block". He would have watched her from his car and made sure she was alone. When she got to the Budget Inn, she called him. No answer, so she checks her voicemail. From there, he probably attacked her or pulled up to her and said "hop in". There's definitely no bar at the Budget Inn, it's a pretty run down location that I wouldn't feel comfortable staying in. Best Western is much nicer and probably more expensive.

This scenario tells me that the perp is intimately familiar with this area if he's using it as an pick-up site (not necessarily the "attack" site, but probably somewhat close to it - like his house). This very easily could have been his M.O. for Megan Waterman and Maureen as well. His last victim Amber was only a slight modification of his tried-and-true M.O. ("I'll meet you at the corner" rather than "meet me at the hotel - oops, wrong hotel!"), but he would need to be intimately familiar with that location in West Babylon as well. This guy is a pro. It seems he's using the LIRR as part of his M.O. - to ensure his victims are alone and that there are no witnesses. The perp may have a connection to the LIRR.

Do you have any idea which exact cell tower Maureen's phone was "pinging" from in 2008? Which town at least?
For three years, the NYPD had reported no trace of her—except, in 2008, for one cell-phone-signal ping off a Long Island tower, just a few miles from Gilgo Beach. “Someone was trying to access Maureen’s cell-phone voice-mail,” Cann says.

This si what I could find on the issue.
Also note that in this article it is confirmed that MBB left CT for NY
July 6th, 2007, and had planed to go back home to CT the following Monday which would be July 9th, 2007 :

Brainard-Barnes, a single mother from Norwich, Conn., struggling to support two children, was introduced to prostitution through a modeling job in Manhattan, her sister said.

To her family, it was an unexpected path for a bookish young woman who published poetry on her MySpace profile and invented games for her children. Brainard-Barnes insisted to her sister that it was not her full-time profession and in early 2007 she worked as a telemarketer.

By July, however, Brainard-Barnes had been laid off and faced eviction from her apartment, Cann said. On Friday, July 6, 2007, Brainard-Barnes left her children with their fathers, took a train to Manhattan, got a hotel room near Times Square and posted an ad on Craigslist, Cann said.

This is a quote from a newsreport published June 11, 2011 , title of the newsreprot “Did Gilgo victims let their guards down?”:

Brainard-Barnes did not return to Connecticut the following Monday, as she had promised, Cann said. She did call friends that day — her last contacts before going missing. “There was nothing distressful,” Cann said.

The next year, police contacted Cann and asked whether her sister had ever worked on Long Island. “Never,” Cann replied.

Police then told Cann a surprising detail: Her last cellphone call pinged a tower on the South Shore, Cann said.”
So...we have confirmation that all of the GB4 were brought into the Long Island loop.

Interesting to note that his first known victims, Maureen and Melissa, share commonalities. Both started off in NYC and were brought into the LI loop, both had their cell phones, and both of their phones pinged on LI. His last two known victims, Megan and Amber, also share commonalities. Both were already in the LI loop, and both left to meet him without their cell phones.

If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that something about the murder of Melissa (or Shannan, if she is indeed a victim) spooked him and caused him to refine his game.
It would be helpful to know both Melissa & Maureen's "introduction" into the escort business. If I understand correctly, Maureen was independent and she initially was following a modeling lead... but, who/where? And, did Melissa actually work at a strip club? This information would be helpful in determining any possible links.
So...we have confirmation that all of the GB4 were brought into the Long Island loop.

Interesting to note that his first known victims, Maureen and Melissa, share commonalities. Both started off in NYC and were brought into the LI loop, both had their cell phones, and both of their phones pinged on LI. His last two known victims, Megan and Amber, also share commonalities. Both were already in the LI loop, and both left to meet him without their cell phones.

If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that something about the murder of Melissa (or Shannan, if she is indeed a victim) spooked him and caused him to refine his game.

I know this is a long post, but please carefully review the following information. I think you'll find some insights here, as I did.

Mountain_Kat, I think the antithesis is true. The killer was getting more comfortable, bold and confident, not more cautious. This is the case with many serial killers, and is usually why they eventually get caught. This is the premise of my analysis below, which is based on geographic profiling techniques.

Under the theory that he was getting bolder rather than more cautions, he would be operating closer and closer to home. Megan was advertising from Happague, so that would indicate that he lives on Long Island. By extension, Amber Costello would indicate that he lives in West Babylon, or very close to it.

We might start by saying that his first clumsy murders (under a single killer theory) were Jessica and Jane Doe#6, where he physically went into Manhattan by car. These two murders don't factor into my geographic profile below, so please keep reading even if you don't subscribe to the single killer theory).

For the GB4, his first M.O. was apparently to lure them from Manhattan to a location relatively close to home in order to confound police through multi-jurisdictional investigations. He was only able to lure them out so far through the promise of lots of money for an overnight. He found that was effective. We see him use the same technique with Amber.

In choosing his rendezvous destination with Maureen, Melissa and Megan, he needed to arrange to meet them somewhere relatively close to home. He would choose a hotel that they would be familiar with (Budget Inn, advertised as a short stay on UtopiaGuide). His predominant security precaution would be that he'd need to avoid security or other cameras en-route to pick them up from the Budget Inn, and obviously then back to his "kill" site - most likely his house.

By having a rendezvous location, he could also scout their arrival to ensure he never ran into a pimp or other witness. This whole process is where he gets off - its the thrill of the hunt, so to speak. This is his hunting ground. The serial killer can almost certainly be physically placed at the Budget Inn, since Melissa's last call was traced there.

We also know for a fact that the serial killer picked Amber up in his car on America Ave in West Babylon. Anyone familiar with Long Island would know that the parkways have security cameras along the entire route, so anyone with a need to avoid those security cameras would need to take back roads. The main east/west "back roads" on the south shore are Montauk Hwy and Sunrise. He'd want to avoid these particular roads because there are cameras in play, from shops to banks to red light cameras, etc.

We also know with about a 99.9% certainty that the serial killer took the Robert Moses Parkway, since that's the only way to get to Gilgo/Cedar Beach. The only other options to get to Gilgo/Cedar are the Wantagh and Meadowbrook, both in Nassau County. Their distance from where Amber was abducted rules them out.

So if the SK went to Massapequa to meet up with Maureen/Megan/Melissa at the Budget Inn, he would most likely live somewhere between the southernmost entrance to Robert Moses in West Bayshore and Carman Mill Rd. in Massapequa (the Budget Inn). He would have pre-determined his driving route that optimized his ability to avoid security cameras. This route would take him:

- From his home to Carman Ave. (the Budget Inn, where he likely used as a rendevous location for Melissa, Maureen & Megan)
- From Carman Mill Rd. to his kill site - his home
- From his "kill" site (home) to the southernmost entrance to Robert Moses (intersection of Montauk Hwy. and Robert Moses in West Bayshore)

With Amber, we see him becoming more bold. Here's an escort operating in HIS operating zone. This is his "comfort" zone, and its too much to resist. He knows like the back of his hand the driving route that gets him from his kill site (home) to Amber's house and then to his dump site, optimized for avoiding security cameras. This route takes him:

- From his home to America Ave. in West Babylon
- From America Ave. back to his "kill" site (home)
- From kill site to southernmost entrance to Robert Moses (West Bayshore), and down to Gilgo/Cedar

Robert Moses doesn't have cameras that I'm aware of, possibly with the exception of the drawbridge which wouldn't be as worrisome since they're probably pointing at the water. He wouldn't have entered the Robert Moses ay farther north because there would have to use Sunrise Hwy or Southern State Parkway, which would have way too many traffic cameras. Based on the above reasoning, he almost certainly had to use the entrance to Robert Moses from Montauk Highway in West Bayshore.

Again, his east/west route to avoid cameras would need to avoid:
1) Montauk Hwy.
2) Sunrise Hwy.
3) Southern State Pkwy
4) LIE

These are the streets (in blue) that he likely used in the commission of his crimes.


Based on the above analysis, let's geoprofile this serial killer based only on his "known" or "highly likely" locations. To maximize our precision, we'll exclude outliers (such as Times Sq., Port Authority, Gilgo/Cedar, Manorville).

Let's plot the locations that we can reasonably assume that the serial killer can be physically placed.

A) Carman Mill Rd. (Budget Inn)
B) Amber's house on America Ave.
C) Montauk Hwy. Entrance to the Robert Moses (avoids 1-4 above)

Here's how we'll geographically profile and identify the killer:

Problem: assume you have three points, A, B and C, located some distance from each other:

Your task: is to find out point X, which is the point that is equally as distant from all three points. How do you go about this?

Solution: it's not that difficult. first of all, make it a triangle:

Next step is to draw a line from each corner of the triangle to the middle of the opposite side:

the intersection is point X.


Let A = Serial Killer's Rendevous Location with Victims
Let B = Amber's Pickup Spot
Let C = Entrance to Robert Moses Parkway

Let X = Kill spot (most likely Serial Killer's home)

Here we go:

Triangle showing the three "known" locations of the serial killer.


The "Kill" Spot - this is where the GB4 were killed (the "kill" location) - Point X - in YELLOW.


Enlarged image of the "Kill" location


Street view of the "Kill" location.


As I expected, it turns out my person of interest (POI) who has NOT been mentioned in MSM lives exactly 1 block from Point X (the "Kill" location) identified above. This person also:

- appears in a photograph taken in 2003 in Manorville (50 miles away) at a shooting range within a few hundred yards from where victims Jessica Taylor and Jane Doe#6 were found (other remains from these 2 victims were also found with the GB4 at Gilgo/Cedar Beach)
- annually (and actively, since 2000) attends an event at Cedar Beach (duck hunting related), exactly where the GB4, Jessica and Jane Doe#6 were found
- appears in a duck hunting photograph with a large camouflage burlap tarp (which is used as camouflage in his duck hunting sport)

If you think my method is B.S., check out "Geographic Profiling":

1 - Route to Avoid Cameras.jpg

Serial Killer's 3 Known Locations.jpg

Kill Site.jpg

Kill Site (enlarged).jpg

Kill Site (enlarged map view).jpg
Under the theory that he was getting bolder rather than more cautions, he would be operating closer and closer to home.
Where's home, though? If he has a place in the city and a place on the island, and spends most of his time in the city but occasionally goes out to the island - then both places are "home". He knows them equally well.

We also know with about a 99.9% certainty that the serial killer took the Robert Moses Parkway, since that's the only way to get to Gilgo/Cedar Beach. The only other options to get to Gilgo/Cedar are the Wantagh and Meadowbrook, both in Nassau County.
As you point out, Robert Moses is not the only way to get to Gilgo. Besides Meadowbrook State Parkway and Wantagh Parkway, there's also a short trip over generally calm waters in a boat launched from anywhere on the mainland.

There's nothing to stop someone in New York City from seeing an ad that an escort in Hauppauge or West Babylon has placed; the SK could easily have motivation to monitor ads like that from NYC if he's intending to head out to the island anyway. And there's nothing to stop someone from picking up an escort in Hauppague or West Babylon, bringing them back to New York City to kill them, and then evenutally using the Meadowbrook or Wantagh to get them to Gilgo.

My POI, who has also not been mentioned in the MSM, doesn't live anywhere because he's dead. But when he was alive he lived southeast of where you say your POI lives, where residents generally have greater financial means and greater familiarity with the beaches.
I have always said the easiest question to answer is the one you have the answer for. Put Einstein on Jeopardy and ask him what MLB team plays in the Bronx at Yankee Stadium and there is a good chance he might not be able to answer it.

I wrote before that when I first retired and was driving home in my neighborhood I saw a lot of police activity. A dozen or so detectives were standing around a car. Before I put the car in park I already knew there was a body in the car and it was a mob hit. When I asked the sergeant what happened, he confirmed that. I asked him where the car was from. He told me. I then told him who killed the guy and where he should be found.

All the detectives were standing around with their hands in their pockets. They didn't have a clue. Been there, done that. When the sergeant told the detectives what I just told him a detective scoffed at my information. It is not that I was any smarter than they were, I just knew it because I had experiences with the killers. Knew where they lived and what they were capable of. I also knew why the body was driven to Nassau from Queens.

Didn't think I was any smarter than they were, but I knew the answer to their questions because I knew the answer.

Of course it was the guy I named and he was later convicted of that murder in a federal Rico action.

The answer to Gilgo Case is probably staring us right in the face and we can't see it. It may be as simple as that.

When I learned on ther radio that my cousin's son was picked up as a Queens serial killer I knew it instatly they had the right man.

I have been watching SCPD and the DA for many years now. Certain things they did rang alarm bells in my mind. I see it as a cover-up to protect somebody I might even not know. I think I can read the tea leaves pretty good, and when you know the type of people that are running this case you also come to believe something ain't right here.

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