Victim: Maureen Brainard-Barnes, 25, missing July 2007, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *POI Rex Heuermann*

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Meltruth-is this quote something that is worded incorrectly, or do you know the identities of some of the other victims:

It remains unclear whether the slayings of six others — including a man who had been dressed as a woman and a toddler who apparently was the daughter of one of the unidentified dead women — might also be linked. But Cann knows their names, too. And Cann knows by number the Jane Does who have yet to be identified. "Jane Doe No. 9" and "Jane Doe No. 10," she says.

I can understand if you do and can't say who they were due to an investigation, but can you confirm if you actually know the other victims' identities?

The quote is correct. It doesn't say she knows them. It says she knows them by their Jane Doe numbers (9 & 10).
Actually, it says "But she knows their names too. AND Cann knows by number the Jane Does who have yet to be identified..."

To me, this looks like she knows both the man and the toddler, AND knows that there are victims 9 and 10. It says she knows their names, and then says that she only knows by number Jane Does 9 and 10.

Is this just worded incorrectly?
The women who wrote this meant I know them by their names that Suffolk county gave them as the unidentified as the Jane does numbers. I don't know their names I wish I did because than their families can have them home and they can rest in peace and have a proper burial. But I don't know their names, just the Jane does and john does numbers.
Actually, it says "But she knows their names too. AND Cann knows by number the Jane Does who have yet to be identified..."

To me, this looks like she knows both the man and the toddler, AND knows that there are victims 9 and 10. It says she knows their names, and then says that she only knows by number Jane Does 9 and 10.

Is this just worded incorrectly?
Thank you, Mel! I had a feeling that this was just written in a misleading way. I'm an English teacher, so I tend to read too much into how things are written.
Just bumping this up again.
I really wish I knew how to help here.
If anyone has suggestions what to google or research, please let me know.
I still feel that there must have been someone trolling the port authority. And someone who trolled enough to know who were the regular working women and who weren't. Was it someone (possibly a pimp or pimp/drugdealer) keeping an eye out for people working his territory? If the sk was a client, wouldn't there have been some way to track him down? Do we know if there was a client she was in contact with during her stay in NY or prior to that LE was unable to track down? Were there any port authority workers (all types) with flexible schedules and time unaccounted for during the period she went missing? There must be some video of her during that time! Hell, she went missing in 2007 right? It was after 911, there must have been video cameras everywhere!
Just bumping this up again.
I really wish I knew how to help here.
If anyone has suggestions what to google or research, please let me know.
I still feel that there must have been someone trolling the port authority. And someone who trolled enough to know who were the regular working women and who weren't. Was it someone (possibly a pimp or pimp/drugdealer) keeping an eye out for people working his territory? If the sk was a client, wouldn't there have been some way to track him down? Do we know if there was a client she was in contact with during her stay in NY or prior to that LE was unable to track down? Were there any port authority workers (all types) with flexible schedules and time unaccounted for during the period she went missing? There must be some video of her during that time! Hell, she went missing in 2007 right? It was after 911, there must have been video cameras everywhere!

The killer trolls via the internet on Craigslist, Backpage and other similar sites. Other online websites, sections etc. such as the “casual encounters”, “therapeutic services” sections and dating sites should also be considered as possible trolling venues. The internet affords the killer the opportunity to troll for victims in private and at his leisure with less interference and distractions. He doesn't have to worry about people noticing his trolling behavior on the net (particularly if he uses proxy servers). If he trolled out in the open, the killer would have to take precautions against attracting attention thus distracting him from his pleasure.

With that being said, I don't think we should discount the possibility that the killer did/does(?) troll the Port Authority or other places physically and out in the open. Additionally, he probably started out physically trolling and stalking out in the open before moving on to the internet. Also, it seems to me that the killer loves to tempt discovery so, trolling in the open would definitely tempt discovery.

An article about the Stunts 4 Justice fundraiser held last Saturday in Colchester, CT. (The article was first posted on 04/20/12)

"I'm hoping that the extra money will provide an incentive to come forward," Cann said. "I believe the person who will come forward will be in the same business as the girls. This person is afraid and will probably need money to start over."
If anyone is interested in watching the fundraiser video for stunts 4 justice here is the link.

[ame=""]Stunts 4 Justice Motorcycle Stunt Show - YouTube[/ame]
Just bumping this up again.
I really wish I knew how to help here.
If anyone has suggestions what to google or research, please let me know.
I still feel that there must have been someone trolling the port authority. And someone who trolled enough to know who were the regular working women and who weren't. Was it someone (possibly a pimp or pimp/drugdealer) keeping an eye out for people working his territory? If the sk was a client, wouldn't there have been some way to track him down? Do we know if there was a client she was in contact with during her stay in NY or prior to that LE was unable to track down? Were there any port authority workers (all types) with flexible schedules and time unaccounted for during the period she went missing? There must be some video of her during that time! Hell, she went missing in 2007 right? It was after 911, there must have been video cameras everywhere!


I think you're absolutely right. This guy trolled the Port in 2000. This area of NYC is well known, even to someone on Long Island, as a place where they could go *advertiser censored* shopping without bumping into their local priest. Really, it's kind of like the most decadent place someone on Long Island could possibly think of "hanging out" with other creeps. 8th avenue, but not in the dangerous part. More importantly, you'll find all manner of transvestite prostitutes right around here, which is important because we know one was found on Cedar Beach. I think this tells me that he's got some kind of fetish that normal *advertiser censored* that you'll find in the local stores won't easily satisfy. My guess is he's gay/bisexual (you'll find those "Buddy Booths" near the Port) and he's really looking for some risky sex and hardcore freak *advertiser censored* (BDSM, incest, etc.) when he heads all the way to the city from Long Island. It's his compulsion, and he's mad at himself for this because it goes completely against his otherwise decent character. He's all twisted up inside and doesn't know why (he's really angry at his crazy mother and whoever his molester was - probably his mother or father). This anger boiled over one day in 2000 and he ended up strangling Jane Doe #6, just like Joel Rifkin. He doesn't know why he did it. He just did it. He liked it, and it became his new habit. So he's definitely got time on his hands. Not a regular 9-5 office worker. More like a landscaper. My guess is that when he made those phone calls to MB's sister, he was back to his old trolling habits. Hanging out in buddy booths, picking up transvestites and street prostitutes. Using Craigslist was just an easier and safer way to find girls closer to home. Less risk of picking up a NYC cop, less risk of disease, less risk of security cameras.

Here's my question.

What was his M.O. if he picked up a Craigslist escort and she arrived with her bodyguard? Does he go through with the act? Does he pay? Does he make some excuse and duck out? Is he into some freaky deeky sex? Does he wait in the bushes and make sure they arrive alone, otherwise he just "no-shows"? What's his plan for that contingency?
Also, remember the SG case took off because of the 23 min cell phone call SG made to the police. We never did hear the content of that tape. I am sure the police will tell you they can't disclose it because of the investigation.Maybe there is something they don't want you to hear. SG was saying 'They are trying to kill me." Who exactly is "THEY"

I cannot possibly conceive that once she said that the dispatcher didn't ask her the same question.
Also, remember the SG case took off because of the 23 min cell phone call SG made to the police. We never did hear the content of that tape. I am sure the police will tell you they can't disclose it because of the investigation.Maybe there is something they don't want you to hear. SG was saying 'They are trying to kill me." Who exactly is "THEY"

I cannot possibly conceive that once she said that the dispatcher didn't ask her the same question.

Really does seem like a cover up by LE doesn't it. Maybe it's a cover-up so that they can get the perp though.
Really does seem like a cover up by LE doesn't it. Maybe it's a cover-up so that they can get the perp though.

I would like to believe that, but something tells me that isn't the case here. SG was screaming over the phone for 23 minutes - and nobody came. What exactly was it that she said? In 23 minutes she must have said something of value.

SG accomplished a lot in those minutes. Makes an hysterical call and somehow manages to have her tight jeans come off while she is running thru the weeds.
The Silver Gun Rapist robbed some of his victims after he raped them.

Ron Bower is in jail for that crime, and has been in jail for about 20 years now. Many of those involved in that case, including the principal detectives DON'T believe Bower did it. They actually believe a fellow cop is the rapist.

One of those detectives went to his grave pleading with his boss to do the right thing before he had to meet his maker. The district attorney could care less once they got a conviction.
This is the Maureen Brainard-Barnes thread, :please: STAY ON TOPIC
This is the Maureen Brainard-Barnes thread, :please: STAY ON TOPIC

JUSTK brought up the Silver Gun Rapist. I thought the readers would be interested in my POV as someone that was there. The point is that in the criminal justice system you sometimes don't get what you think is true.

The prosecutor, IMO, will do almost anything to get a conviction and the truth be damned.

If you read my other posts you might have realized that I have little faith in the system, especially in Suffolk County to get to the truth if it doesn't suit their agenda.

I can only tell you what I would do in this investigation based on what I have read and what I know about Suffolk County.

SG was hysterical out of fear. Can anyone doubt that? She said, "THEY" are going to kill me. She wound up dead. Her body was found not far from the 4 other ladies that were prostitutes. What did she really know or suspect that drove her to become so irrational that she made that call?
JUSTK brought up the Silver Gun Rapist. I thought the readers would be interested in my POV as someone that was there. The point is that in the criminal justice system you sometimes don't get what you think is true.

The prosecutor, IMO, will do almost anything to get a conviction and the truth be damned.

If you read my other posts you might have realized that I have little faith in the system, especially in Suffolk County to get to the truth if it doesn't suit their agenda.

I can only tell you what I would do in this investigation based on what I have read and what I know about Suffolk County.

SG was hysterical out of fear. Can anyone doubt that? She said, "THEY" are going to kill me. She wound up dead. Her body was found not far from the 4 other ladies that were prostitutes. What did she really know or suspect that drove her to become so irrational that she made that call?

I have no problem with what you are posting, I just have a problem with when people post in the wrong thread/topic.

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