GUILTY VT - Melissa Jenkins, 33, St Johnsbury, 25 March 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have read an article which states a Stun Gun may have been used, and that may have made the 1/8" checkered pattern, also they recovered a Stun Gun storage box at the trailer.

Here is an article:

3/31/2012 9:08:00 AM
Search Details Reveals Possible Stun Gun Use

Among the items located in the search are an empty black container labeled "Viper Tek:" and a model number written on the side. According to the affidavit of Vermont State Police Det. Sgt Walter Smith, an online search showed the box originally was used to hold a Taser gun.

An inventory of items recovered during a search of Prue's maroon Saturn show police recovered hair, the trunk carpet, tape "lifts" of debris, cigarette butts, driver and passenger seat covers and a kerosene can. Police recovered computer software from the Prue's trailer home, including tape "lifts" of traces of materials, leather boots, a notebook, external hard drive, Toshiba laptop computer, bleach bottle, nine flash cards for a camera, electronic media and a brown bag with assorted condoms.

Article also states that Lt. Jean-Paul Sinclair matched some of the marks on Melissa to a stun gun from looking at the autopsy photos.

The Prues also have a 1978 yellow Camaro which was also searched.

IMO stun gun = incapacitate, not kill immediately. I'm guessing that he was Tasering her at the front of the car when he lost his hat at the front passenger bumper then tossed her into the backseat.

Wonder if the stun gunning was what little Ty saw and interpreted as Michael Jordan?

Could this have anything to do with that?

Shocking ball game hits Thailand
Eight players, one big ball and mini stun guns - it's Ultimate Tak Ball and the sport's first international tournament in Thailand. Co-founder of the game, Leif Kellenberger, says he and his friends were trying to invent a super-extreme sport, whe...
Here is an article:

3/31/2012 9:08:00 AM
Search Details Reveals Possible Stun Gun Use

Article also states that Lt. Jean-Paul Sinclair matched some of the marks on Melissa to a stun gun from looking at the autopsy photos.

The Prues also have a 1978 yellow Camaro which was also searched.

IMO stun gun = incapacitate, not kill immediately. I'm guessing that he was Tasering her at the front of the car when he lost his hat at the front passenger bumper then tossed her into the backseat.

Wonder if the stun gunning was what little Ty saw and interpreted as Michael Jordan?

Could this have anything to do with that?

I wonder if a stun gunned was also chunked at the Moore Dam along with the Tracphone.
Wondering if Melissa and Ty watched some of this since she was a basketball coach and that was what Ty was referring to with Michael Jordan.

Shocking new 'sport' features stun guns
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Picture this: You’re running down the field, only one defender between you and the goal, and just as you’re about to score, you feel it.

It’s not the adrenaline. It’s electricity, and it’s coming from the defender, who is armed with a stun gun and can use it to stop the opposing player.

The game itself is simple enough. It’s a four-on-four competition where the object is to get the ball into an unmanned goal. It’s played in periods, like hockey, broken into seven-minute chunks. The ball is 24 inches in circumference and resembles a soccer ball. The field is also similar to a soccer pitch but measures just 200 by 85 feet.

The player in possession of the ball is a marked man and can be the subject of unlimited shocking by the opposing players.

Ultimate Tak Ball - The Future of Sport Adrenaline, Action, Stun guns and Shocking!!!!! - YouTube

For reference:

Melissa Jenkins Son, 2, Tried To Demonstrate Mom Was Strangled

The toddler had a difficult time telling police what he saw, claiming "a boy" and "Michael Jordan" were in the car with his mother, court papers said.

"At one point the child said that his mommy cried and he pulled on the back of his neck," the documents stated.
I have read an article which states a Stun Gun may have been used, and that may have made the 1/8" checkered pattern, also they recovered a Stun Gun storage box at the trailer.

Not suggesting anyone do this because I just saw some pretty morbid photos when I did a google image search for stun gun injuries. However, after looking at the photos I think it the injury would more likely be the 1/2 inch diameter round mark on Melissa's neck.
Every since I read Jaycee Dugard story I think most abductions happen quickly with the use of stun guns.
William Inman and his parents used a stun gun on Summer. They also strangled her.

Summer Inman's kidnapping appears to have been well planned and included the use of a Taser and plastic zip-tie handcuffs, according to authorities.

A witness told police he came within a foot of two men who were forcing Inman into a car outside a downtown Logan bank about 11 p.m. on March 22, a week before her body was found. The men were using a Taser to stun the 25-year-old mother of three, said the witness, whom police have not identified.
Condoms packages have lot numbers printed on the them. Even if there was no DNA evidence found on the condoms recovered where Melissa was found (which I would find very hard to believe), if any of the lot numbers matched the condoms recovered from the search of AP and PP home that would be some pretty damming evidence that they were involved. Melissa and AP's DNA might also be recovered from the same discarded condom. That would sure be a home run but would also mean that Melissa was sexually assaulted by this sicko, which I hope is not the case.

I'm almost sure I read that condoms and wrappers were recovered from the site near the river. Meaning more than one. But like I said before those condoms could have been discarded by just about anyone out for a little late night parking fun.

Lets just hope if DNA is not recovered the lot numbers match.

The report notes, "Detectives found Jenkins' body at about 2 p.m. Monday, still underwater and buried beneath the branches. Police said they also found condoms and wrappers nearby.

An inventory of items recovered during a search of Prue's maroon Saturn show police recovered hair, the trunk carpet, tape "lifts" of debris, cigarette butts, driver and passenger seat covers and a kerosene can. Police recovered computer software from the Prue's trailer home, including tape "lifts" of traces of materials, leather boots, a notebook, external hard drive, Toshiba laptop computer, bleach bottle, nine flash cards for a camera, electronic media and a brown bag with assorted condoms.
Won't there be DNA in his hat? Didn't he leave his hat behind in the car? I think that will be plenty, especially since he apparently gave at least a partial confession...JMO
I really wonder about the Leather boots, I dont see PP wearing Leather boots, also the 9 flashcards, which I assume are memory cards worry me that there may be photos, and not just of this crime. I have 5 Cameras for hunting and my business survielance, and I dont have 9 cards.
Won't there be DNA in his hat? Didn't he leave his hat behind in the car? I think that will be plenty, especially since he apparently gave at least a partial confession...JMO

LE found a "black" hat lying on the ground near Melissa's abandon car. Melissa's ex-boyfriends roommate picked up a hat according to the affidavit thinking it had fallen out of his car. Once he realized it was not one of their hats he supposedly dropped it. I don't know if the hat has ever been tied to AP or not. A witness who drove past what he described as the Prue's car along the road where Melissa's car was eventually found described an individual wearing a "white" hat pacing back and forth. So there is some contradiction as to the hat.

You would think that if this was a hat belonging to AP there would be his DNA found on it. I agree with you there is plenty of evidence, but the more they have the better.

If the prosecution brings up the hat found by Melissa's car as having AP's DNA on it, AP's defense attorney will explain it away by saying they (AP and PP) came upon Melissa's car which they recognized as being her's and stopped to see if they could provide assistance. Melissa wasn't there, they didn't notice her child in the back seat, must of dropped his "black" hat at this time and drove away. That is how his hat got there. I don't imagine AP will take the stand so no cross examination would be afforded. If the prosecution puts the witness on the stand who say's he seen a "white" hat the defense will say it was a black hat that was found and that a black hat is the hat that AP must of dropped when he was there checking on Melissa's car since it has his DNA on it. So the person who must of murdered Melissa was the man wearing the "white" hat and he had already left with her body by the time his client arrived at Melissa's abandon car.

Pretty hard to explain away how your DNA is on a condom along with the victims DNA though. I'm sure if lot numbers match the condoms found in the house and at the river his attorney will say AP and PP where having a little fun down by the river and AP throw a condom and wrapper out the window.

We don't know for sure if the condom found by the river was still in the package or if it was possibly a used condom too.


Link to Prue Affidavit:
What a wonderful outpouring of love and support for Ty...

At Ramunto's Brick Oven Pizza restaurants in St. Johnsbury, Williston and Claremont, N.H., all three pizzerias did a "Pies For Ty," fundraiser Saturday night. The lines were long, people couldn't get through on the phone to call ahead, and people happily waited, paid for their larger-than-usual orders, and threw more into the tip jar labeled "Tips For Ty," all night.
I just read this story after NG tweeted about it earlier today. Absolutely disgsusting and evil.
I am so completely disgusted by this crime, I can't even discuss it.

I definitely believe the charges will be upgraded to first degree. No doubt in my mind, Melissa was THE girl they set out to "get."

Waste of skin.
In Vermont, even if they are charged with only 2nd degree, the jury can upgrade it to 1st degree should they feel it warrants it. If the prosecution is good, then hopefully it will be 1st degree as these animals should go away for life!
If they have done this before, could they be the CT River Valley Killer(s)? Dumping the body in NH is what makes me consider it. Though all confirmed victims in that case were stabbed, there are others who may be victims who were bludgeoned or strangled.
Did they take her body across state lines? If so, wouldn't that turn this case into a federal case?
Hi. I'm brand new to this site and late to this discussion. I live not far from where this crime took place. I did not know the victim but identify with her on many levels. The viciousness of this attack has rocked our community, and it both chills me to the bone and breaks my heart.

Anyway, I've read through this entire thread and I want to bring up two possibilities that struck me along the way. My gut feeling the more I think about this case-- and knowing that locally one of the suspects is said to barely have two brain cells to rub together-- is leaning toward some kind of third part involvement. This may not be direct involvement (police have certainly not hinted at the possibility of another suspect out there)-- maybe it was from afar, over the internet. But I feel someone was egging this perp on and giving him tips on what to do. My reason for thinking this is partly because of all the flash drives he had (which I agree, may link him to other crimes as well).

Also, I can't entirely discount the possibility that Melissa was targeted partly for having a bi-racial son. It may have angered AP that she had been with a black guy but didn't want him. It's not like everyone in VT is enlightened and free of racist tendencies, especially if they're less educated. Plus again, with the internet it's possible to hook up with all kinds of discussions that have white supremacist leanings, adding further fuel to that fire. My reason for feeling there may have been some racism contributing to the motive is the apparent anger and viciousness of the attack-- strangulation and severe beating. I initially dismissed this possibility because they didn't touch Ty-- but now I wonder if they may have left him alone partly to point away from a hate crime (which would also qualify this as a federal crime). Don't get me wrong, I doubt the police would be able to gather enough evidence to charge this as a hate crime, and I doubt racism was the only motive, but it could have been a factor. Attacking her right in front of her child indicates no regard for him. Some locals claim this guy was so stupid and unaware he didn't even know Ty was there. But then I also heard Melissa yelled to her son to stay in his seat (although I'm not sure how anyone would know if she yelled to him unless the child somehow relayed that information). Anyway, maybe the anger was more directed at Melissa, again, for having been with a black guy but not wanting AP. I'm not sure if PP was an instigator or an equal participant, but I agree she had some major anger issues herself (and probably jealousy) to take part in this. Plus the look on her face in that first photo is chilling and even a little smug, I thought-- she looked like she had zero remorse and was just focused on denying everything.

Anyway, my feeling about someone else having a hand in this, even if not directly, is all just a gut feeling. I honestly think weve only heard the tip of the iceberg about this case, and I'm not really sure I want to know more. I hope Melissa is in a far better place now, but it saddens me to my core that her son had to see her dragged off never to return. As much as this case sickens and saddens me, I still feel the need to understand.

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