WA/Canada - Human feet washing ashore

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Also, I wonder if these bodies were ever found:

13 Jan. 00 - A total of 57 members of Central Fraser Valley, Coquitlam, Surrey, North Shore Rescue and Ridge Meadows SAR teams participated in the search for 2 boaters missing for 2 days off of White Rock. A land search was conducted in conjunction with a marine search under the direction of Rescue Coordination Centre. A number of articles were located including their capsized boat, a floater vest identified as belonging to one of the missing boaters. On 15 Jan, 15 Surrey SAR conducted shoreline and bluff search. Nothing was found and PEP SAR participation was concluded. (See Surrey Leader Article)

22 May 00 - - 88 SAR members from Chilliwack, Hope, Kent- Harrison, Mission and Surrey SAR Teams assisted RCMP during 22 and 23 May 00, in search for a male, who had fallen into the Fraser River between Chilliwack and Hope. Apparently two males had been fishing on the riverbank when one fell in. The second male attempted to rescue first male, however, failed to do so and required rescuing himself. Rescued male was transported to hospital for medical attention. Extensive searches have failed to locate the missing male.


21 April 01 - 18 Surrey SAR members responded to a shoreline search for a missing kayaker last seen west of the pier in White Rock. Surrey SAR conducted an extensive shoreline search to no avail. RCMP Dive team was brought on scene but were unable to locate the kayaker.

04 Sept. 01 - 9 Coquitlam and Surrey SAR members responded in 2 boats to search the Fraser River for a missing male. SAR members found no sign of the male.

5 Nov. 01 - 14 Surrey SAR and 5 Coquitlam SAR responded to RCMP request to search for a male last seen on the Port Mann Bridge. RCMP stood SAR team down after water and shoreline search was unsuccessful.

6 Dec. 01 - 12 Surrey SAR members responded at first light 07 Dec to search the Fraser River near the Port Mann Bridge for a 19-year-old male missing after his abandoned vehicle was located on the bridge. Extensive searches in and around the Port Mann Bridge, Brownsville boat launch and Sky Train bridge areas failed to locate any trace of the missing man. Search was stood down. RCMP continues to investigate.

16 Dec 01 - 16 Dec. - 5 Central Fraser Valley SAR, 13 Surrey SAR responded to an RCMP request, to locate a male reported missing since 6 Dec 01. Search turned up nothing and has been closed. RCMP may request another search pending further investigation.


20 Jan. 03 - 55 SAR members from Mission, Central Fraser Valley, Ridge Meadows, Kent/Harrison, Surrey and Chilliwack responded to search for a missing male near the Dewdney Boat Launch on the Fraser River. The search was stood down after an extensive search was conducted of the area by land, boat and air. RCMP will bring in their dive team to further investigate. SAR assistance will not be required.

15 Feb. 03 - 16 Surrey, 3 Central Fraser Valley and 4 Coquitlam SAR members responded to locate a person who had jumped off the Port Mann Bridge. Coquitlam Fire Dept, Coast Guard Hovercraft, Auxiliary Coast Guard and private vessels were also involved in the search, but the subject was not found.

20 Dec 03 127 searchers from Ridge Meadows, Mission, Central Fraser Valley, Chilliwack, Kent/Harrison and Surrey SAR groups along with members from Municipal and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Coast Guard, and the Fire Department responded to a boating accident in the Fraser River near the Mission/Abbotsford Bridge. 12 of the 13 pleasure craft occupants were rescued immediately. An extensive search of the shoreline and water was conducted with assistance from Coast Guard dive teams and RCMP Air II overflight however no evidence of the missing boater was found. Searchers were stood down by RCMP.

A foot just wash up on the shores i Halmstad, Sweden yesterday. The article doesn't mention if it was a left or a right foot - the article only mention that it is a male shoe - no size.

Could this be connected?
Oh my gosh it has to be, don't you think? Please keep us informed!
The Police in Sweden are looking into a possible connection with the feet washing a shore in Canada.
Just found this article today-

"CNN) -- Two of five feet that have washed up on the shores of British Columbia are from the same person, but authorities said Tuesday they are a long way from solving the mystery of where they came from.
The British Columbia Coroners Service said Thursday that DNA tests indicate a right foot found on February 8 and a left foot found on June 16 were from the same male. The office also determined that a right foot found on May 22 belongs to a female"


The article also has a timeline and info on the shoes, where they were distributed, etc.
I heard that they have identified one foot, as belonging to a man that had been depressed. They did familial DNA tests. Will look for link. : )

Is Footless Body Linked to BC mysterious Severed Feet?

"B.C. Coroners are looking into whether a body with no feet found on a beach in Washington state is connected to the mystery of the severed feet that have washed ashore on the west coast. "

Apparently the body was found in March 2007, five months before the first food was found in British Columbia.

Also here is the link to a story on one of the feet being linked to a missing man, as ShowerSinger mentioned.
I don't understand some facets of aberrant human behavior, or behaviour, for our Canadian posters, :), and I am not sure if this theory has been discussed, but here it is.

Here in the USA, we have had 2 separate LONG TERM incidents involving crematories where the owners did NOT cremate the remains sent to them, Both owners pocketed private and state funds for cremations not done. In one case, the rotting corpses were displayed and posed, photographed in graphic poses together. This went on for a period of YEARS. I would say without a doubt that the man was/ is a necrophiliac.

The other case was just as abnormal. A crematory owner/ operator ( similar to the first guy) didn't cremate the people he was paid to cremate. He let their bodies stack up in his attic, then in his living spaces. There were decaying bodies stacked as high as could be stacked, even in his kitchen. I heard about this case recently in the mainstream media, so there may be some necrophiliac acts connected with these corpses, as well. I do not know for certain.
They both were married at the time, with nice lookikng wives, to the best of my memory.

Here's the point. If someone would be so sick as to perform variations of necrophilia for years on corpses in their custody, who's to say that Canada doesn't have a foot fetish necrophiliac? The person could be a funeral home worker ( feet are not normally viewed or publicly displayed after the body arrives at the funeral home or crematory) a morgue or mortuary worker, or a crematory worker or owner.

The " kicker", pardon the pun, is the SHOES.
I think the police are missing something because the feet have shoes on, and we tend to associate corpses at a funeral home type setting as being nude, then redressed in dress clothing. There's nothing to say that the shoes ALWAYS belionged to the people with severed feet, or that they were placed on the feet prior to death. They could have been second hand thrift shop buys, or bought new. Also, if the person is a true foot fetishist, the shoes may have special meaning to the perp. The most reasonable answer is that since there are only a few feet known to have washed up, maybe these were the decedent's own shoes, simply left on.

As for the washing up on shore, it is simple- shock value, just like the posed rotting corpses in the deep Georgia woods. Plus, unless the perp was actually caught in the act of dumping the feet, there is much less way to trace his movements in water vs. over land.

I never in a million years would have thought of this if not for the two US sickos, who deserved much worse criminal penalties than they received, IMO. I hope no one thinks I am weird for making the slight jump from one type of necrophilia to another.

Breakthrough in B.C. case of five missing feet

One of five human feet discovered on the shores of British Columbia has been matched with the DNA of a missing man, CTV News has learned. http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/ab...wsitemid=CTVNews/20080718/mystery_feet_080718

Thanks for the update! I hope we'll find out next week if the missing person is a presumed accident/drowning vic or one of the others missing under suspicious circumstances.

At your link I also saw this:

Body found with missing feet
Meanwhile, in Washington State, police say they found a body with missing feet in the nearby San Juan Islands.
The body has not been linked to the missing feet in B.C., but it washed ashore five months before the first foot appeared.
Local coroner Randy Gaylord said he never contacted B.C. authorities about the body until CTV News spoke to him about the detached feet.
With a report by CTV's Rob Brown and CTV British Columbia's Jon Woodward
Here's a newish article, sorry if it's been linked already.


Lucky, thanks for linking the newest update!

It will be interesting if the identified foot came from one of the missing BC young men. It was in a shoe that was primarily distributed in India, and I saw that at least 2 of the missing young men had Indian names. It isn't a big leap in logic to think that a missing Indian immigrant might be wearing an Indian brand shoe.

IIRC both of the Indian men were relatively young (at least one under 18?) and living at home when they disappeared... If the parents cannot pinpoint any reason why their foot should have been found in the sea I would really wonder if we are dealing with another serial killer.

This whole area seems to be lousy with serial killers, maybe the weather drives them mad. I am in Central Washington though, and it's dry as a bone here and we've had our share of sick killers over on this side of the Cascades. Still though, it is weird how many serial killers have been in operation in Wa/BC areas. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if we have another. To target men though is very unique and strange.
“Running shoes are quite buoyant,” said Mr. Ebbesmeyer, who is completing a book, “The Floating World,” to be published by HarperCollins. “They would tend to encase a foot and keep it floating. A body comes apart naturally; it’s called disarticulation. The head usually comes off first. The parts of the body that are protected will last the longest. The shoe usually floats soles up, so that might prevent the seabirds from pecking at it.” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/04/world/americas/04feet.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

I just had to comment on how very funny it is that a guy who's name is "Ebbesmeyer" is an oceanographer who studies currents.

The book sounds interesting, I think he or another oceanographer was on the King5 news awhile back talking about these feet and how he himself gets his shoes for free scouring the beaches for leftovers from cargo spills. He said he goes to certain beaches for the right and certain beaches for the left. Perhaps he can be really instrumental in helping investigators scour probable sites for human detritus...
Thanks for the update! I hope we'll find out next week if the missing person is a presumed accident/drowning vic or one of the others missing under suspicious circumstances.

At your link I also saw this:

Body found with missing feet
Meanwhile, in Washington State, police say they found a body with missing feet in the nearby San Juan Islands.
The body has not been linked to the missing feet in B.C., but it washed ashore five months before the first foot appeared.
Local coroner Randy Gaylord said he never contacted B.C. authorities about the body until CTV News spoke to him about the detached feet.
With a report by CTV's Rob Brown and CTV British Columbia's Jon Woodward

In this article (courtesy of RR) it says LE won't comment on the "footless" body found in US.. They have ID'd one man from the feet and more info expected tomorrow..
“The major crime investigators were able to notify a family that one of the found feet was a match with their familial DNA,” he said.

He said the man is not being identified at the family’s request.

“We’re being very sensitive to the family’s demands,” he said, adding further information will be released on Monday.

“They wanted the time to reach out to their immediate family and share the news among themselves.”

I'm not sure if this belongs with this thread or if another thread should be started for this foot?

Story Published: Aug 3, 2008 at 11:02 AM PDT
Story Updated: Aug 3, 2008 at 12:56 PM PDT

By Peninsula Daily News

PORT ANGELES - An athletic shoe containing bones and flesh has been discovered on a Strait of Juan de Fuca beach about 30 miles west of Port Angeles.

The discovery Friday - and reported to Clallam County authorities Saturday - came nearly a year after the first of five shoes containing feet were found washed ashore in British Columbia.

A woman who declined to be identified found the large black, high-top shoe in seaweed while walking along the shore near the Merrill & Ring Silver King Resort at the mouth of Jim Creek on Friday.

The woman, who had been camping on private land near Milepost 34 on Highway 112, reported it to the Clallam County Sheriff's Department at about 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

More here: http://www.komonews.com/news/26222194.html
I'm not sure if this belongs with this thread or if another thread should be started for this foot?

Story Published: Aug 3, 2008 at 11:02 AM PDT
Story Updated: Aug 3, 2008 at 12:56 PM PDT

By Peninsula Daily News

PORT ANGELES - An athletic shoe containing bones and flesh has been discovered on a Strait of Juan de Fuca beach about 30 miles west of Port Angeles.

The discovery Friday - and reported to Clallam County authorities Saturday - came nearly a year after the first of five shoes containing feet were found washed ashore in British Columbia.

A woman who declined to be identified found the large black, high-top shoe in seaweed while walking along the shore near the Merrill & Ring Silver King Resort at the mouth of Jim Creek on Friday.

The woman, who had been camping on private land near Milepost 34 on Highway 112, reported it to the Clallam County Sheriff's Department at about 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

More here: http://www.komonews.com/news/26222194.html

Lol. I just logged on to post this.

No name yet on the identified foot? I didn't think that something like that was allowed to be kept "secret" after family had been notified... I am interested in the possible link to a serial killer.
A foot just wash up on the shores i Halmstad, Sweden yesterday. The article doesn't mention if it was a left or a right foot - the article only mention that it is a male shoe - no size.

Could this be connected?

no way??!! That's where I was born!! That's a LONG ways for those feet to float too - but I guess anything is possible!!??
I too was going to post the latest find - about the hiking boot that floated to shore... wondering if someone killed this poor hiker and decided to put into the water, so the authorities 'think' this belongs with the 'other' mysteries!!

I was going to post a time line that was in one of the articles - so we have something here, just in case this case goes anywhere! I'll post it on the next post!

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