WA WA - D.B. Cooper hijacking mystery, 24 Nov 1971 - #1

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"Is DB Cooper alive and well in the Northwest?" What a great line, and boy, it took a long time in coming to this frruition!

So now you'll think this is a dumb question, but when the suspect states "I think he had it planned to the 'T', he is speaking of DB as though he is someone other than himself, right. In other words he thinks Cooper did a great job in planning and carrying out the hijacking, right?

What a great story! Thanks Left Scandi

Right, He is basically patting himself on the back, and at the same time referring to DB as someone else.

If he really thinks DB had everything planned to a "t", then why did he tell investigators the guy was inexperienced and probably was killed during the jump? He purposely misled fbi agents during their investigation. WHy?

And why did he tell us it would take days to get out of the forest? If DB had it planned to a "t", that would include an escape route on the ground. Any idiot knows that. The lewis river, the Lake Merwin Dam, etc. are all very good landmarks.

This jump was a piece of cake.

For example, when McCoy did his jump in 1972. He landed, buried the money and chutes, had a change of clothes, and hitched a ride into town. He was at a convenience store within 2 hours after his jump. Mccoy then went back the next day and picked up the money and chutes, and stupidly brought them to his house. So, it can and has been done.

Call me stubborn, but I really feel that he is the guy, and he landed at the BTG Vor, or one of the designated drop zones just south of BTG.

okay that makes sense on him handing the note over before take off... good idea, I would say! LOL!

Yea... I didn't think you would reveal that... oh well!

Yes - received your pm... can hardly wait! Thanks a bunch for that! :)

Right: Handing the note on the ground in Portland, assures the Portland fBI office will be handling the investigation. Why? Because the crime occurred on Portland, ORegon soil. Hence, when he calls the FBI office in Portland, he assumes the agent he knows will be handling the case.

just watched the video... Good Luck to you all up there, Leftcoast - I hope you got your man!! ;)

I'll be waiting anxiously for my tapes... :blushing:

Hey Scandi {wavey:guy}
Hi Niner! :blowkiss: I'm glad you got bit by the Cooper bug too. LOLOLOL I think they did a stellar job on that 'tease' and have watched it many times. The guy who does the voice over is fantabulous - makes it soooo dramatic.

I always thought Cooper was a bit of a braggart from when I first read that article I posted last week when he was in a line up with that other arrestee. Cocky, and I think that comes through in this tease when he says it was planned down to a T.

I am so anzious to see what the result of this exposee will be. Have the guys at the station said anything about this Left, or said if the FBI has their case lit up again and ready to dig in?
Hi Niner! :blowkiss: I'm glad you got bit by the Cooper bug too. LOLOLOL I think they did a stellar job on that 'tease' and have watched it many times. The guy who does the voice over is fantabulous - makes it soooo dramatic.

I always thought Cooper was a bit of a braggart from when I first read that article I posted last week when he was in a line up with that other arrestee. Cocky, and I think that comes through in this tease when he says it was planned down to a T.

I am so anzious to see what the result of this exposee will be. Have the guys at the station said anything about this Left, or said if the FBI has their case lit up again and ready to dig in?

I really have been out of the loop at KOIN. they have been keeping this close to the vest, probably, to make sure they have an exclusive story.

AS for the FBI, good luck getting information out of the current fBI. Things have changed since 1971. Now agents are not allowed to speak to the press, unless they are the designated spokesperson for the office.

so, who knows what the FBI is doing. They had countless, countless, chances at this guy, and never investigated him. It boggles my mind, that when a new agent was assigned to this case in 1980 when H-bach retired, he simply would call H-bach about suspects, instead of doing his own work. As you can see, there is plenty of blame to go around, it isn't just one man's fault. But, a serious fault in the system.

Amazing, isn't it? I thought what you said was very telling, that you were shocked that this guy was never investigated!
Amazing, isn't it? I thought what you said was very telling, that you were shocked that this guy was never investigated!

I'm so excited . I just watched the teaser on KOIN. WOW! & having "leftcoast "posting right here. Thank you for starting this forum Scandi. I am totally all anticipation:D :silenced:
I'm so excited . I just watched the teaser on KOIN. WOW! & having "leftcoast "posting right here. Thank you for starting this forum Scandi. I am totally all anticipation:D :silenced:

YEs, and thanks to Scandi for starting this thread.

This case is a perfect example of why "cold case" squads are so effective in solving old crimes.

A new set of eyes, people who spend money, divorces, running of the mouth, continued criminal contact, etc. all help in making some crimes easier to solve as time passes.

And by the way, interviewing witnesses is always a good idea :mad: :furious: . How can one investigate a crime when the person investigating never speaks to the flight attendants?

regardless, this guy should have been in federal custody by the end of Thanksgiving 1971.

Amazing, isn't it? I thought what you said was very telling, that you were shocked that this guy was never investigated!

Shocked is an understatement.

When he told me at lunch he never asked the guy for an alibi, I almost had a coronary. Even the other retired FBI agent who was with us at lunch couldn't believe it. Then, when he told me that our suspect "didn't sound like a guy who just hijacked an airliner", I thought I was at a comedy club.

Just goes to show, there is no such thing as a stupid question. I learned that first hand.

PLus, on top of this, H-bach and the FAA were both responsible for getting our suspect kicked out of an airport in 1970. Talk about another incentive, revenge. When you screw someone, they have long memories. Our suspect had to find another airstrip, and then at the new place, the neighbors were suing him and trying to get him kicked out of the neighborhood for using their land as a runway because he only had a couple of acres to take off from. Then, he gets his own airport in 1972, and puts up a huge building on lease land. Come on.

Just connect the dots.

when he told me that our suspect "didn't sound like a guy who just hijacked an airliner"

What the heck does he expect this guy to say? "HEY! I JUST HIJACKED AN AIRLINER!!! LOOK AT ME!!!"
What the heck does he expect this guy to say? "HEY! I JUST HIJACKED AN AIRLINER!!! LOOK AT ME!!!"

good one. You know, I didn't have a response. You know how someone says something so stupid you are caught off guard. I couldn't believe a FBI agent would say such a thing.

Glad you enjoyed the quote.

After I questioned him, he accused me of putting a "what if, on top of a what if, on top of a what if, etc." He says they are taught at the FBI academy not to do such a thing. I thought, well, did they teach you to ask people for an alibi, and to suspect armed robbers may just steal again?

One of his other quotes was "i've never known him to smoke, HAVE you". Like that had anything to do with whether or not he was the hijacker.

I keep harping on this, but, why didn't this guy call while the hijacker was on the plane?

for the record, our suspect denies calling the FBI that night. He claims the FBI called him 3 times while Cooper was still on the plane. The FBI agent states that never happened, and it is obvious our suspect is lying. Each time, his story changes as to the number of times the FBI called him while the hijacking was going on.

He claims the FBI called him and asked him for a few things, including his expertise on whether or not a person could jump from a 727. I find this impossible to believe. THe FBI is asking convicted felon to help during the middle of a hijacking. But, this is the story he has been telling friends and family for years, and they all bought it. Plus, you need FBI sources in order to prove his story is false. Luckily for us, we took that extra step.

The hijacking was happening in Seattle, and the FBI is using a Portland citizen to obtain intelligence. Please. McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis are right there, not to mention Boeing. They would know 100 times more than our suspect about planes, not to mention they aren't convicted armed robbers.

It is true that a lie is harder to remember than the truth.

This is so exciting (I even have it written on my calendar!)!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Is the KOIN special a small series-type thing or is it just on for one night?
This is so exciting (I even have it written on my calendar!)!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Is the KOIN special a small series-type thing or is it just on for one night?

I think it will run for three nights. Starting Monday May 14th-16th. Ya know, two or three minutes a night. KOIN is hyping the heck out of it on local tv.

Glad you enjoyed the story. We really have enjoyed the chase. It sure would be nice to close this mystery out for good.

Looking forward to seeing this. Those of you that see it live - a synopsis with highlights would be cool! :D

Scandi or I will fill you in

Believe me and Read My Lips! :D I will be prepared ahead of time and take copius notes as a reporter-type. Then I will give my impression of what I really took away, his demeanor, the stance of KOIN in exposing this, etc. It will be excellent I know already. I have been watching and listening to Mike Donahue ever since he became a broadcaster - well, a newsman at first. He has now graduated up to be a foremost broadcaster in Portland. Very easy going, straight forward and to the point, as you saw from the 'tease'.

As an aside, I know from experience in life that when there is great anticipatioin about something, once the event has climaxed there is usually a feeling of let down that follows. It is human nature. Every great singer, pianist, performer, etc feels this, and it does pass quickly.

We will be very keyed after the cat is out of the bag, as to how the law takes a look at all of the diligent work that has been done by our friends, and how they are going to proceed in criminal action against this suspect. If there is need for more media attention to the subject, we know the ropes here, and might want to assist in garnering attention to the case all across the land. Whatever it takes to bring this case to conclusiion so the crime is solved and the one stewardess especially will finally have peace of mind.

KOIN has gone out on a limb, with their attorneys approval, for a very good reason. The info gleaned in the last 7 years can be backed up again and again, backwards and forwards to point to this specific individual. If it didn't, they would never put their necks out on a line like this, actually interview him and say to him specificly, "I just have to ask, Are you D.B,Cooper?"

So till tomorrow it is. The beginning of the answer to who committed the only hijacking in US history that was never solved, as it is at hand. It is a major event in the history of crime in the United States. Scandi
I have been following this thread for what seems like for ever! I am so excited it has almost come to a head.
Can someone please post a link to the tv channel that has the teaser?
I have been following this thread for what seems like for ever! I am so excited it has almost come to a head.
Can someone please post a link to the tv channel that has the teaser?

No problem. http://www.koin.com/. It is half way down the page, with a picture of Cooper, just hit the play button on the picture.

Left if this is gonna show up on UK tv let me know!!!!

Hey UK

I don't know. But, you can view it on the KOIN website. They have a teaser on there now, and I believe each episode will be aired on the net the following day. http://www.koin.com/.

Miss talking to you. Maybe you can add some input here.

Good to hear from you.

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