WA WA - D.B. Cooper hijacking mystery, 24 Nov 1971 - #2

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He only checks alibi's of people he doesn't know. Saves taxpayers money this way. It's more efficient.:banghead: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: .


Mmmmm I'll bet he's saved the tax payers quite a bit ;). That trial would've been EXPENSIVE. Besides "It's just not reasonable to assume that someone could jump from a plane like that and survive". :laugh:

It is not 100%. He hasn't be arrested or anything. It is just someone the original investigator overlooked? If you go to Inside Edition website, and type in http://www.insideedition.com/ourstories/archives/?showid=443, you will see a picture of him. He is presumed innocent until proven guilty. But, most of the people here, think he is the guy. Judge for yourself.

Yeah...Yeah...presumed innocent...blah blah blah. I will have to sit down and read everything before I decide, BUT I do believe you would not have singled him out without adequate reasoning skills. : )
In other words...I will wait for the book...or the movie as it depends on what I will have time for when it comes. : P
Teddy boy did a local interview with the Mayberry news.

He accuses us of asking him to be Cooper to sell books. And he says he is 4 inches too short to be Cooper, and 40 pounds too heavy.

We did tell him we were writing a book, in order to justify our presence, but, we never,ever asked him to be Cooper. BTW, Cooper is described as 5"10-6, muscular, stocky, compact, Ted is 5"8, Isn't that 2 inches or so. Come to think of it, did they measure his height? I can't remember. Actually, I thought Cooper was sitting the entire time.

The local townsfolk say he "would never put someone in harms' way".

Hmmm, Doesnt' armed robbery put someone in harm';s way?

Hmmm Doesn't two convictions for criminal negligent homicide mean you are responsible for the deaths of two people.

I guess we are wrong. Duane Weber is starting to look good.

Teddy boy did a local interview with the Mayberry news.

He accuses us of asking him to be Cooper to sell books. And he says he is 4 inches too short to be Cooper, and 40 pounds too heavy.

Did he mention that he wasn't "swarthy" ? :D

I guess we are wrong. Duane Weber is starting to look good.

Well H-B sure thinks so. Why else would he have spent so much time in his retirement helping the Widow get an FBI case opened on a dead man? If you can't convince the public that a jump like this is "unreasonable to survive" then feed them a dead man! Whatever you do, pay no attention to the pilot/skydiver with the criminal record ;).

Did he mention that he wasn't "swarthy" ? :D

Well H-B sure thinks so. Why else would he have spent so much time in his retirement helping the Widow get an FBI case opened on a dead man? If you can't convince the public that a jump like this is "unreasonable to survive" then feed them a dead man! Whatever you do, pay no attention to the pilot/skydiver with the criminal record ;).


Good call OD. I thought, according to H-bach, that the skydiver died in the Washougal river. So, why would one investigate a man who just died in 1994? wouldn't that suggest that H-bach is open to the idea that Cooper did in fact survive?

So much so, he demanded the Seattle FBI office spend FBi manhours to investigate Weber, interview his widow, and even pick up his slippers, razor, for DNA. this for a man without any skydiving experience, zero pilot experience, and an ATlanta address for 1971. HMM. There's another 5,000 down the drain in FBI time.

So, it seems that Cooper could have survived. But, if he did, only if he isn't a suspect that could have been overlooked by H-bach.

In other words, Cooper could have made the jump and lived, but, H-bach would never have passed on the wrong man. HMM.

Thanks for the link, I am glad I finally got to watch the show. Although I can not contribute any technical info like many here, I do check several times a day for any updates on this. You and your buddy did an excellent job on the clip. It is evident with your words and demeanor just how sure you are in all of this. You said Teddy was likable but since I am prejudiced against him, he sounded like a buffoon. Not only will I be looking forward to a book, I look forward to hearing if the FBI will ever take your work seriously and do anything.
I thought this was fairly interesting. LC has provided me with the photo and sketch. On the left is a 1974 photo of Mayfield with his skydiving trophy(which was cropped out). On the right is the Unsolved Mysteries sketch done with the help of Florence S. who is one of the 2 stewardesses who saw Cooper. Florence never felt the that the two widely circulated photos looked like the man. Now do you see why?


Wow, that picture is an eye opener!

Thanks for the youtube link to IE. It was a great piece. I would think that some of the nationals would pick it up from that.

I cannot believe the FBI isn't at least going back through some files over this. What are they thinking???
you tube also has a clip from the original news case with Bill Curtis reporting. Great clip for those who haven't seen it.
Mmmmm I'll bet he's saved the tax payers quite a bit . >>

Actually, if you think about the taxes the fallen skydivers would have paid the last upteen years, I don't think your assumption is valid.
Thanks for the link, I am glad I finally got to watch the show. Although I can not contribute any technical info like many here, I do check several times a day for any updates on this. You and your buddy did an excellent job on the clip. It is evident with your words and demeanor just how sure you are in all of this. You said Teddy was likable but since I am prejudiced against him, he sounded like a buffoon. Not only will I be looking forward to a book, I look forward to hearing if the FBI will ever take your work seriously and do anything.

Thanks Lorann. YEs, I am confident in every word I said. He is lying about us asking him to be Cooper. He also lied to us about the fBI calling him 5 times that night, lying about "not" knowing H-bach, lying about "quitting" his job when he was "fired" for armed robbery, etc.

On the surface, if you met him somewhere, he is a very sociable, intelligent, nice kind of guy. But, now he is on the defensive.

Reminds me of what Tina said, "he was never cruel or nasty, he just knew wanted he wanted,",,, so, you can tell Cooper was not some out of control nut case, but a cool, calculated criminal. Hmm

Glad you enjoyed the piece on IE. They did a great job. I'm not going to let a five time felon accuse me of lying.

I thought this was fairly interesting. LC has provided me with the photo and sketch. On the left is a 1974 photo of Mayfield with his skydiving trophy(which was cropped out). On the right is the Unsolved Mysteries sketch done with the help of Florence S. who is one of the 2 stewardesses who saw Cooper. Florence never felt the that the two widely circulated photos looked like the man. Now do you see why?



Great job with the side by sides OD. To think that FS did this sketch 17 years later is amazing. I'd give it a 8 out of 10.

The long nose, the big cheeks, the bozo haircut, the big neck, the widow's peek. I'm starting to think all he did was dye his hair. Maybe, he didn't wear a hair piece.

Definitely, looks nothing like the "bing crosby" sketch done in 71,

thanks again od

Wow, that picture is an eye opener!

Thanks for the youtube link to IE. It was a great piece. I would think that some of the nationals would pick it up from that.

I cannot believe the FBI isn't at least going back through some files over this. What are they thinking???

Thanks. Ya, the first time I saw that sketch on Unsolved Mysteries back in 2001, my heart skipped a beat. Luckily, I was taping the show, and I went to a "video" specialist who made a photo of the sketch from a video tape. I think it came out quite well.

I don't know what the FBI is doing. THE current FBI does not share their investigations with the public. Nor does the IRS. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hopefully, a national will pick it up.

Mmmmm I'll bet he's saved the tax payers quite a bit . >>

Actually, if you think about the taxes the fallen skydivers would have paid the last upteen years, I don't think your assumption is valid.

I think OD was being sarcastic. Kind of sticking it to H-bach for not investigating the best candidate in Portland at the time.

Yes, you are correct. Two of those deaths resulted in two counts of criminal negligent homicide.

When you own a skydiving center, or an airplane, or a driver in a car, it is your responsibility for the safety of your divers, passengers, etc. It's the law. I don't want to hear, "she should have gone downwind, or he died doing what he loved", Now, does that seem like a "compassionate" guy who would call the FBI on THanksgiving Eve and offer to help?


Those side by sides are amazing. Why didn't KOIN do that in their piece?

IF we had those side by sides back in 71, do ya think H-bach would have looked at Teddy? or would he have found a different excuse?

you tube also has a clip from the original news case with Bill Curtis reporting. Great clip for those who haven't seen it.

Thanks AZ.

So, what are you thoughts after hearing the arguments against Weber, the IE piece, and the sketch in the previous post. Are you convinced that Teddy should have at least been looked at? and possibly could be the guy? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


I tend to be the ultimate skeptic and when I get excited about a theory, I try to prove myself wrong.

I don't think there is any way Weber is Cooper.

I can't find any reason why your guy isn't Cooper, and I have tried. The arguments against your guy being Cooper are less than convincing at best.

The side by side pictures that OD posted put the nail in the coffin for me.

The IE piece was very well done, although it was too short for me. :)

I am absolutely impressed with your work and it is a pleasure to correspond with you. I can't wait to buy your book.

The things I would like to see in your book are:

1) factual description of crime that expressly points out and clears up any misconceptions
2) actual portions of interviews from witnesses and law enforcement through the years
3)thorough background of Mayfield including pictures
4) new interviews with T or F where we learn their reaction to Mayfields pictures and video clips

I tend to be the ultimate skeptic and when I get excited about a theory, I try to prove myself wrong.

I don't think there is any way Weber is Cooper.

I can't find any reason why your guy isn't Cooper, and I have tried. The arguments against your guy being Cooper are less than convincing at best.

The side by side pictures that OD posted put the nail in the coffin for me.

The IE piece was very well done, although it was too short for me. :)

I am absolutely impressed with your work and it is a pleasure to correspond with you. I can't wait to buy your book.

The things I would like to see in your book are:

1) factual description of crime that expressly points out and clears up any misconceptions
2) actual portions of interviews from witnesses and law enforcement through the years
3)thorough background of Mayfield including pictures
4) new interviews with T or F where we learn their reaction to Mayfields pictures and video clips

Thanks for the endorsement AZLAW.

You are like most people on the net. They start skeptical, so, one really has to convince them of their suspect. I appreciate the honesty.

We do plan to address the items you mentioned in our book.

Like I said before, we spent 7 years doing this, and if we didn't think we had the right guy, we would have folded our hand long ago.

for example, when I found out about the armed robbery, I was convinced our case was over. He must have been in prison. But, I researched the case, and found out a lenient judge only gave him 5 years probation. OH, the 70's. That would never happen today.

Our book will explain the heist, why it happened in Portland, what triggered the event, and why the hijacker insisted on handing the note while on Portland soil, and why the hijacker insisted on getting money, chutes,etc, in Seattle, only to travel south again and jump over Portland.

Once we found out he lived across from the airport, we were finally able to figure out how he did it without an accomplice.

As for the jumpsite, I've always believed he had several jump sites in his plan. IF he missed the first, he would simply wait for the backup.

then, the final piece was making certain the FBI didn't suspect him. IF they had, I'm certain he would be on his way to Mexico or another destination. Even if captured, I'm sure his plan was to hide the 200,000 and have it for his family or when he got out of jail. who's to say if he was caught, that the FBI would be able to place him on that jet. Especially, wearing sunglasses, and being careful to get his ransom note back, and wiping his prints from his drink of bourbon and water. there is no doubt about it, he was, and is, still at war with the FAA, and the FBI. It is rather obvious, and he doesnt' try to hide it.

I'm glad you participated in this thread. I sure hope you do read our book, and if all goes well, hopefully, it will be out within a year.


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