GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #1

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But, how do we know it wasn't premeditated?

I kndo of think they becasue of nature of it they are pretty confident that a second degree will keep him off the streets forever= and dont have to into the mediation dance with the system .i am sure a high lawyer will come in cause of the headlines pro=bono

it would be awesome of he just pled guily and get on with it IMO

Map where the body was found, and where Lyne lived

BNO News video about the murder
Map where the body was found, and where Lyne lived of the crime scene

Have we learned what actually killed her? If she wasn't already dead, just the time it took him to get the saw would be considered enough for premeditation.
Post went nuts can someone describe from map just psoted roughly where her house is on map and car?

Re what with taking the time to slice up thats a good point. I think movie make us think it is not all that hard. But heck some older god knows how sharp etc so that might indicate that he has "practice"

I thought the blood all over clothes was interesting, maybe he was naked.

The drug induced psycosis was good notion. His paretns a long time ago deduced his attack was from alcohol, but the Hanibel threat does certain add a dash more going on that being super drunk.

He might have had some (thinking Rx) addiction (oxcitin?) that would help explain needing 6 roomates at his age. He def was not functiong at his age level.

And the more I ponder, I really want to know if this first face to face. Casue when I sa the first pic of him with the evil dilated eyes I thought she was a nurse, that is gonna register so face Fake a phone call my kid is sick I gotta go by..............

We need to findout if they met face to face before -- I also wonder if this was theri first sexual attempt, he obviouly has serious mentalissues going on for some time - maybe it triggered a rage, if she rejected him. Folks in "blackout" tend not to (males!) be unable to perform when a step away from alcohol toxicity. Kinda works the other physically!
I hate this whole "blackout" nonsense. This family will never have their daughter or mother back. The LEAST they deserve is to know what happened to their mother and why. What a cowardly piece of crap.

True......could he claim he "blacked out" while being seen on surveillance footage driving her car, for instance? And how many hours of being "blacked out" is he claiming occurred? I wonder how many times in the past has he used the "I don't know what happened, I just blacked out" to cover up his acting out on rage and his paranoid schizophrenia while not taking his meds & using drugs/alcohol??--just my hunch and (all moo).
Do we know what his parents did for work??

Records show he did prison time in Utah and Montana, where he was released in December 2014.

carjacking in Layton, a small city 15 miles south of Ogden. Layton police Lt. Travis Lyman told The Salt Lake Tribune on Tuesday that, according to a police report, a woman and her baby were in the back seat of a van while her husband was in a bookstore when Charlton ordered them out and stole the vehicle.

Charlton agreed to plead guilty to a lesser count of attempted aggravated robbery and was sentenced to one to 15 years. Records show he served about 21 months before he was released on June 24, 2008

his son drank and was using drugs

convicted of grand theft motor vehicle, assault, third-degree larceny,
It makes absolutely NO SENSE to dismember her body. If he strangled her or stabbed her or even shot her, it would make more sense to clean up any blood, wrap the whole body up and take it out to the car and then dispose of it in water or wilderness. Cutting up a body is going to leave more blood, more evidence showing she was killed and didn't just leave. If others knew she was going to the game with JC then dismembering her is such a strange, stupid, unnecessary move -- not to mention cruel and gross -- and also very deliberate and hard work. UNLESS you really WANTED to do it. Unless you were really intrigued with being a sicko Hannibal Lecter type. I don't think he's killed before, only because I think he is stupid and he would have been caught. I think maybe this guy wanted to be a serial killer and this was his first kill -- but it wasn't as easy as he thought to get away with it.

......OR..... He has done similar or exactly the same things before & was methodical & never got caught?!! Now he gets a tad sloppier & more confident???!!

We just don't know yet but I bet we will soon!
I don't know how much it really matters, but I have a friend who knows her and she told my friend it was going to be their first date.

Thank you and a big welcome to WS to you, Jason!!!

So your post got me thinking -- this was her first date with him so I wonder what her previous interaction was for the supposed 6-8 weeks of a "trusting relationship" that her friends chatted about in news clips linked here previously?
Did they Skype, talk on the phone, meet for a quick coffee in a public place? What was their relationship like for those 6-8 weeks of "dating"?

And I have a sneaking suspicion that HE never had the Mariners tickets at all which makes me wonder if they have any surveillance footage of them at the game? If not, and she confronted him about that alone could've set him off into a rage much earlier in the evening? Maybe they decided to go to the game & she had to pay $$$$ to scalp tickets?

In other words, I think this guy is a con artist grifter with an "organized" mind. I think he's particularly psychotic when he adds drugs/alcohol into the mix!

I wonder if he was really living with the other men in a "recovery house"?

All thoughts & questions are hypotheticals & moo
I started a map. So far I have where the suspect was staying, the ballpark, location of remains and that she was living in Renton. Do we have a specific location of her home? And do we know where the SUV was found?

Hello CARIIS! If you go to the link in ClaireNC Google map she has identified the locations of the arrest at the Eastgate Higlands Condos in Lake Stevens,the remains found in Central Area,Ingrid's home on Camas St in Renton(but no actual house number),Safeco Field.The car was found downtown Seattle that all the details.

Post went nuts can someone describe from map just psoted roughly where her house is on map and car?
Kyle Parker who assaulted, killed, and dismembered 14 month old Shaylyn in Indiana last month is another that comes to mind for that 'list' of sorts. (Way more I'm leaving out but linking her thread if you're interested)

Another, I mean as far as KP fitting the 'list' of suspects who from other cases where looking at them most people would assume it would have been someone who had killed prior due to the particularly horrific things they did to their victims in what (in most cases so far, has ended up truly proving to be their first murder, at least...not first crime period)
I had not heard Shaylyn had been dismembered?

ETA: The violence he inflicted upon that little angel was nonetheless horrific!
Thank you and a big welcome to WS to you, Jason!!!

So your post got me thinking -- this was her first date with him so I wonder what her previous interaction was for the supposed 6-8 weeks of a "trusting relationship" that her friends chatted about in news clips linked here previously?
Did they Skype, talk on the phone, meet for a quick coffee in a public place? What was their relationship like for those 6-8 weeks of "dating"?

And I have a sneaking suspicion that HE never had the Mariners tickets at all which makes me wonder if they have any surveillance footage of them at the game? If not, and she confronted him about that alone could've set him off into a rage much earlier in the evening? Maybe they decided to go to the game & she had to pay $$$$ to scalp tickets?

In other words, I think this guy is a con artist grifter with an "organized" mind. I think he's particularly psychotic when he adds drugs/alcohol into the mix!

I wonder if he was really living with the other men in a "recovery house"?

All thoughts & questions are hypotheticals & moo

According to the police investigators the tickets were pulled up on her computer in her house when the mom used her key to enter her home. Along with her wallet and phone. Now who knows if they ever made it to the game. Also according to one of her friends who texted her she responded she was on a date. He KNEW that her children would be home in the morning according to the text that he sent when he responded to the mom or sister inquiring about her whereabouts. He said they had attended the game together and he didn't stay the night because her children would be coming home the next morning (of course he later told police he did stay and had sex with her and then he doesn't remember how he got home, he also mentioned she was acting weird). Imo he attempted to have sex with her and either couldn't perform or she didn't want to go to that level yet, that enraged him, he raped her, possibly strangling her and then covered it up by disposing of her body. What doesn't make sense to me is why do that? Why not just leave her unless he didn't use a condom and was worried about his DNA being found. But he told police when questioned they had sex, so I'm not sure why dispose of a body if your only concerned about your DNA unless you are hiding something else or it was a thrill kill and he actually got off on dismembering her body. Also the found a leg, foot, arm and head (the head was fresh) according to the homicide detective report which is how they identified her by comparing to the flyers and Facebook pictures. I do not think they have her hands which would have his DNA under her nails if the scratches on him were from her or the LE wouldn't have called in the FBI for help. I'm concerned they don't have enough evidence to pin the murder on him. Yes he was sloppy but I don't think this was his first and I don't think the LE would reach out asking the FBI if there were any similar cases recently. There is a lot more to this sick mans story than we are being told. IMO
According to the police investigators the tickets were pulled up on her computer in her house when the mom used her key to enter her home. Along with her wallet and phone. Now who knows if they ever made it to the game. Also according to one of her friends who texted her she responded she was on a date. He KNEW that her children would be home in the morning according to the text that he sent when he responded to the mom or sister inquiring about her whereabouts. He said they had attended the game together and he didn't stay the night because her children would be coming home the next morning (of course he later told police he did stay and had sex with her and then he doesn't remember how he got home, he also mentioned she was acting weird). Imo he attempted to have sex with her and either couldn't perform or she didn't want to go to that level yet, that enraged him, he raped her, possibly strangling her and then covered it up by disposing of her body. What doesn't make sense to me is why do that? Why not just leave her unless he didn't use a condom and was worried about his DNA being found. But he told police when questioned they had sex, so I'm not sure why dispose of a body if your only concerned about your DNA unless you are hiding something else or it was a thrill kill and he actually got off on dismembering her body. Also the found a leg, foot, arm and head (the head was fresh) according to the homicide detective report which is how they identified her by comparing to the flyers and Facebook pictures. I do not think they have her hands which would have his DNA under her nails if the scratches on him were from her or the LE wouldn't have called in the FBI for help. I'm concerned they don't have enough evidence to pin the murder on him. Yes he was sloppy but I don't think this was his first and I don't think the LE would reach out asking the FBI if there were any similar cases recently. There is a lot more to this sick mans story than we are being told. IMO

Great exact thoughts......where's the torso, hands to help identify if his DNA is present?.....I'm thinking he'll NEVER give that up.
He's not as dumb as he seems to be, except for the stupid facebook post he posted on Saturday after not posting for a long while....

He made mistakes, like dumping some remains in what he thought would be hauled away quickly, but they were calculated, and he assumed they wouldn't be found....

Wonder if he thought of CAMS in the areas where he was at or would be? Wonder if he calculated/thought those in? Hopefully, NOT.
I just received my copy of the Wednesday April13th Seattle Times. The article reiterates LE are desperately attempting to locate the rest of Ingrid's remains. The only new information was at 10:35 pm Friday night Ingrid texted a friend that she was on a date.

Ingrid Lyne and her mother Jorga Bass shared a cell phone account.Saturday morning Jorga was summoned to bring her house key to the family home. Ingrid's ex husband Phillip Lyne had attempted to return their children back home after spending Friday night with him.Inside Ingrid's home Jorga and Phillip found her purse and cell. Jorga noted numerous cell calls to a cell with Montanna area code later linked to John Charlton. And the rest of the details we have read in numerous online accounts of the story.
I just received my copy of the Wednesday April13th Seattle Times. The article reiterates LE are desperately attempting to locate the rest of Ingrid's remains. The only new information was at 10:35 pm Friday night Ingrid texted a friend that she was on a date.

Ingrid Lyne and her mother Jorga Bass shared a cell phone account.Saturday morning Jorga was summoned to bring her house key to the family home. Ingrid's ex husband Phillip Lyne had attempted to return their children back home after spending Friday night with him.Inside Ingrid's home Jorga and Phillip found her purse and cell. Jorga noted numerous cell calls to a cell with Montanna area code later linked to John Charlton. And the rest of the details we have read in numerous online accounts of the story.

Exactly they are desperate to locate the rest of her remains. They have until Thursday to charge him formally, which leads me back to they don't have anything other than circumstantial evidence on him. Without finding her hands for his DNA they can't prove anything other than they went on a date, had sex and he "woke up on a sidewalk". He is not the stupid man he seems to be. IMO
I just received my copy of the Wednesday April13th Seattle Times. The article reiterates LE are desperately attempting to locate the rest of Ingrid's remains. The only new information was at 10:35 pm Friday night Ingrid texted a friend that she was on a date.

Ingrid Lyne and her mother Jorga Bass shared a cell phone account.Saturday morning Jorga was summoned to bring her house key to the family home. Ingrid's ex husband Phillip Lyne had attempted to return their children back home after spending Friday night with him.Inside Ingrid's home Jorga and Phillip found her purse and cell. Jorga noted numerous cell calls to a cell with Montanna area code later linked to John Charlton. And the rest of the details we have read in numerous online accounts of the story.

Yep. their trying to find the rest of her body for help proving their case.....DNA hopefully would prove its his DNA, especially in her nails, like JHarlin posted above.
THAT would be huge in proving their case, especially if he has scratches on his face, or somewhere else on his body. Wonder WHY the judge ordered no face shots of his face during arrangement? Hmmm?
was he calculating enough to insure that THAT hand had no DNA on it? Where's the other hand?
I just think he screwed up in thinking that THAT dump site would never be found.....just a fluke.....I just hope he screwed up OTHER dump sites too.
I don't think the alleged perp can be described as particularly calculating.
We know there was a head, arm/hand, and leg/foot found so far. I wonder what else was in the bags? I would think those things would be able to fit into one bag. I wonder if these were obviously identifying parts? Obviously her head would be. But I wonder if she had any tattoos on her foot/ankle or arm/wrist? If so, I'm thinking he put these identifying parts together and tossed them thinking that the garbage would go out and nobody would find them only to put them in the most unlucky trash can.

IMO there was not huge mess in her home. I don't see that being reported anywhere. What I did see was that there was blood found IN THE DRAIN which I'm sure means he cleaned up. I'm fairly certain her mother would have at least canvased the place before she called police and it seems no obvious crime scene was noted as her texts to JC did not elude to anything other than her being missing.
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