Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #1 *Arrest*

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I'm sure this is routine when a child goes missing but I wonder why the mother isn't taking one too.

For all we know, she may have been at work on a 12-hr shift and knew nothing about the missing child until she came home. Pure speculation on my part. I just can't fathom two adults behaving so irresponsibly.
For all we know, she may have been at work on a 12-hr shift and knew nothing about the missing child until she came home. Pure speculation on my part. I just can't fathom two adults behaving so irresponsibly.

That's the kind of thing I was thinking about, too. There are probably extenuating circumstances that would make it more likely her disappearance would be unnoticed.
Body language are tells. They cannot be faked. Some ppl read body language and unfortunately I am one. I also am a musician and voices are also great tells. I would say he or his wife know exactly what happened. Speaking of that where is MOM, any way? No, no plea....from either one. Another tell.m it's sometimes in what a person doesn't say, there lies the truth. Usually. Sadly.....IMO and experience.
I use to live right down the road on Fairgrounds this is so surreal for me. I honestly can't attest to what the area is like now we moved 18 years ago- mainly because other areas of Bremerton were getting bad-lots of gang activity and meth use-we moved 40 minutes away to a town my kids could safely play outside. But my youngest was born there so there is still a sense of home.

What I find sad is this isn't even the lead story locally- the mom who killed her kid in the motel in OR tops the headlines.
I'm not pointing fingers at the family other than they clearly had other stuff going on to not notice a 6 year old wasn't at home- not accusing anyone but having the other kids removed speaks "meth" to me more than anything, not sure they are actively responsible for her disappearance.
It is hard to process. I want to be empathetic, and compassionate. But I am so pissed off that they weren't taking care of her that it is hard.
I was hoping that Jenise would be found safe by now. She hasn't been seen in nearly 48 hours at this point and hope has to be diminishing fast. Between dad coming across so oddly and mom not even being seen, I'm not feeling good about this at all. I have a 6yo niece and Katy is a "social butterfly" too but there is more going on here than a child happily bopping around the neighborhood for 2 days enjoying summer break. Idk if her parents harmed her (though I have my suspicions) but I know that their inability to supervise her sure as hell would have made it easy for someone else to abuse her. Sweet baby deserved better and I hope that eats her parents up.
I just don't know what to think. :(
I don't think they were the ones that disappeared her. I think they would have had a better story that didn't show them to be so irresponsible. They could have said they woke up at 9 am and she was missing, and called it right in.

I think they were irresponsible, neglectful, and share the blame for her being missing, but I am not convinced they are the perpetrators, yet.

I bet there are plenty of potential suspects all around their trailer.
Well, the story might be partly true. She may have been horsing around the neighbourhood for a while without supervision before she disappeared.

It's just odd that no one in the neighbourhood saw her, apart from one unconfirmed sighting in the afternoon. None of her early morning playmates or siblings confirmed that they were with her, no morning joggers saw her, no one making breakfast noticed the little girl, nobody on their way to church or work caught a glimpse of her. In a small community where folks know when their neighbours burp, it's not very likely that she was out and about during daylight hours on Sunday.
Well, it's after 7 pm out here and no word. It doesn't look good. I'm sort of familiar with the area albeit I live on the other side of Puget Sound. There used to be a Value Village in Bremerton that I went to occasionally.

I'm reserving judgment for the moment but it's hard. There may be reasons why the dad is wasting his breath on blaming Jenise for being a princess but darned if I know what they are. I'm glad he agreed to a polygraph. I don't have a lot of faith in them but they are useful tools for LE in the interview process.

So for now I'm waiting for more information to come out.

When I first heard about Jenise (it's Jenise, right?) I thought about Joshua Phillips - the boy who murdered his neighbor, 8-year-old Maddie and hid her body under his waterbed. Hopefully the tracking dogs would uncover a similar crime. I guess I'm suspicious of the neighbors. And everyone else.

Alison Grande from Kiro 7 seems to be at the scene also. I don't know how to link her tweets - she just showed a picture of the park.
The unfortunate thing is that perpetrators of violence against children are opportunists. I think this is why we so often see crimes like this against children who are given so much free reign and lack of oversight.
As a parent, I wish it were not so...that kids could be as free as the good ole days...but this world is a dangerous place...
and a 6 year old wandering around a trailer park unattended is ridiculous.
I am a pretty laid back, free range parent but I wouldn't ever allow my young child to wander freely for hours and hours on end. That is plain old fashioned neglect. This isn't a teenager, she's a 6 year old baby.

I hope LE and neighbors are checking every locked car and trunk, all sheds, pools, trash cans and crawl spaces. Did anyone (neighbors, local kids) see her out and about Sunday?

I'm sending all my prayers and good thoughts.
Well, the story might be partly true. She may have been horsing around the neighbourhood for a while without supervision before she disappeared.

It's just odd that no one in the neighbourhood saw her, apart from one unconfirmed sighting in the afternoon. None of her early morning playmates or siblings confirmed that they were with her, no morning joggers saw her, no one making breakfast noticed the little girl, nobody on their way to church or work caught a glimpse of her. In a small community where folks know when their neighbours burp, it's not very likely that she was out and about during daylight hours on Sunday.

All true. Which is why I was thinking that she had a special secret friend that might have been grooming her. Like a nice uncle across the way, that tells her to be quiet when she sneaks over, so the mean neighbor lady wont see them. But he gives her candy and treats and says let's make this our super secret club.

Some pervs are very slick. They know how to lure little kids on the down low. If she slipped out at 8 am and walked afew trailers away, maybe nobody would notice.
Has anybody found social media pages for the parents yet?
I just got back from vacation and found out about this case!! I am local. My son went to school with the 12 yr old sister. I remember meeting some of the family at a b-day party when the older sister turned 6. So close to home. I need to go read the thread.
Any pressers coming up or searches/vigil? Going to read thread now.
Well, it's after 7 pm out here and no word. It doesn't look good. I'm sort of familiar with the area albeit I live on the other side of Puget Sound. There used to be a Value Village in Bremerton that I went to occasionally.

I'm reserving judgment for the moment but it's hard. There may be reasons why the dad is wasting his breath on blaming Jenise for being a princess but darned if I know what they are. I'm glad he agreed to a polygraph. I don't have a lot of faith in them but they are useful tools for LE in the interview process.

So for now I'm waiting for more information to come out.

When I first heard about Jenise (it's Jenise, right?) I thought about Joshua Phillips - the boy who murdered his neighbor, 8-year-old Maddie and hid her body under his waterbed. Hopefully the tracking dogs would uncover a similar crime. I guess I'm suspicious of the neighbors. And everyone else.

Alison Grande from Kiro 7 seems to be at the scene also. I don't know how to link her tweets - she just showed a picture of the park.

From your link:

Mother of missing 6yo Jenise Wright just taken for polygraph test. FBI is doing the polygraph. Dad had one earlier
I just got back from vacation and found out about this case!! I am local. My son went to school with the 12 yr old sister. I remember meeting some of the family at a b-day party when the older sister turned 6. So close to home. I need to go read the thread.

Hurry, get caught up and then come tell us everything you know, lol. We know so very little about the family and what we do know of them isn't favorable so it's hard not to assume the worst. I would love to hear your impression of them since you weren't introduced to them in the middle of a crisis.
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