Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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Definitely something's wacked about GG. He's trying to pull an "I'm crazy" with the snot scenario. All he had to do is tell LE he wanted a lawyer and they would have had to stop the questioning. IMO, he is practiced in the art of "turning it on and off". Probably why everyone thought he was such a nice guy. He's not crazy, he just thinks he's slick. I doubt if he feels that way anymore with the charges he has hanging over his head. LE didn't buy into his nonsense.

At first I thought he was behaving as a competitor as he is trained to be - with a tough "game face" during the interrogation, and then stretching and keeping limber, relaxed during the break (and I still think so), but then I re-read the Probable Cause report and see that he was read the Miranda warning twice.

He was TOLD by the officers that anything he said could/would be used against him. Doesn't it make sense that he would be quiet? I am in no way defending him, but he should've remained silent, and I think we're off track reading more into it than he was following the Miranda warning that the police read to him twice before interviewing him.
I'm so sorry VA and I mean no slight, but ' unsecured teenage boy' is a pretty amazing phrase. I like it a lot !

You are so right. Unsecured teenage boys are dangerous creatures.
Where are we getting this info that GG is a manipulator capable of turning the "I'm crazy" on and off? I think you guys are giving him far more credit than he deserves. He's 17 and possibly more damaged than "slick".

And ... Isn't it easier to get a know a family before sending your child there rather than hosting a last minute interrogation that is offensive and implies that teenage boys are so risky that they change the dynamic of the home? If someone asked if I had guns or other weapons unsecured I would understand but asking if I have an unsecured teenage boy would not go over as well.

ETA: I'm not defending GG. He committed unthinkable acts against a precious child and he must be punished for having done so. If there is info out there on his mental state I just want to read it. I may never understand but I want to try.

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Well, he is also possibly more slick than damaged. There is not much to go on, both sides are possible.
I'm so sorry VA and I mean no slight, but ' unsecured teenage boy' is a pretty amazing phrase. I like it a lot !

Most of the time it would be an appropriate question. Worried about your kid coming home with a new hair color? I now lock up all powdered drink mixes when J has company to prevent it from happening (again). Worried your kid may sneak out? It's okay, they only go to the back yard to play laser tag forgetting that the last eleventy billion times (likely including the weekend before) the lights woke up everyone in the neighborhood. But worried that my son poses a risk to your daughter? Keep her home because she doesn't need to hear everything I am going to say about you once I slam the door.

*Thats a general "you" not a slap at Schmae. I love her bunches.

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Oh man :( This is so bad. I do feel sad for the mom. I hope she has family and friends who will support her and hold her together.

Yes, indeed. I am also thinking of GG's siblings who are/will be going back to school... They will have to face folks, too. Everywhere they go, whether it's a new school (due to moving) or not. That's gonna be tuff for them, too.
Yes, indeed. I am also thinking of GG's siblings who are/will be going back to school... They will have to face folks, too. Everywhere they go, whether it's a new school (due to moving) or not. That's gonna be tuff for them, too.

The sibs are adults and live far far away. I doubt if many or any people know anything about it
So now I had a different scenario come to me this morning. One where sexual motivations were not the trigger for the assault and murder.

We know GG was taking antidepressants <modsnip>

We do not know if he has been on the antidepressants very long, or if the dose was recently increased or a new medicine was tried. LE even knew about the antidepressants so at some point it was made known to them. Perhaps by GGs mother during one of those times when GG was acting weird about the dna sample??

So this scenario is that GG did not have pedo tendencies to start with. Oh sure, he has probably come across some anime or hentai to desensitize him to it. Ask any teen male if they have ever come across weird stuff on the internet and most would say Yes.

But what he does have is depression. We know sometimes meds cause bad reactions in people. I saw a post last night on some different board where a guy was asking if a med could make him act weird and he would have no memory of it. Nothing bad, just that his friend said he was acting weird and saying weird things. Another poster said that when they tried a certain med it gave them hallucinations and that it was a side effect of that med.

Graphic warning.
So. Here is a scenario. At some point, whether Saturday evening or Sunday morning, GG and Jenise's paths cross. Maybe she is being an annoying kid, teasing, or whatever. Maybe it continues and GG snaps with rage and strikes her on the head. Whether he knows he will be in trouble or not, he explodes on her, beating her unconscious. Because of the rage and adrenaline, he gets physically aroused. He moves her shorts aside and begins to rape her. She starts coming around and he grabs whatever is nearby, maybe it is that strap that is mentioned in the probable cause statement, and he strangles her. Whether she dies from the head trauma or the strangulation, we don't know.

Jenise is laying on the ground as GG calms down enough to realize what has been done. He panics and leaves the immediate scene. He realizes then that his only chance is to hide her body, but where! Maybe he can find that mud bog place. He returns to Jenise's body and moves it, turning it over and carrying it towards the bog. This would explain the lividity on both the abdomen and back.

He takes off her shorts and underwear. Maybe because he knows they have his dna on them, or maybe to keep them.

He steps into the bog just enough to have mud on his legs but not all the way up to his shorts. The mud sucks his shoes off his feet. He throws her body towards the middle of the bog. It sinks a bit but not all the way. He looks around and sees a wood pallet and brings that over and puts it on top of her, causing her to sink more. He throws the strap onto the pallet as well.

He hears people. Maybe transients in the area. He panics and runs off, forgetting about the underwear and shorts. He rinses off the mud on his legs using a hose, and takes off his shirt. He is able to enter the house without looking too out of place.

He intends to go back for the underwear on Sunday, but his stepdad and mom have plans for him all day long, so he misses that chance. Cops descend on the neighborhood by nightfall and it is game over at that point. He knows he is screwed if they get the dna swab, but there is no avoiding it.

So basically this is a scenario where the depression, repressed rage, and possibly medication side effect are the cause, and not a pedophilic urge.

Just speculation.
Where are we getting this info that GG is a manipulator capable of turning the "I'm crazy" on and off? I think you guys are giving him far more credit than he deserves. He's 17 and possibly more damaged than "slick".

And ... Isn't it easier to get a know a family before sending your child there rather than hosting a last minute interrogation that is offensive and implies that teenage boys are so risky that they change the dynamic of the home? If someone asked if I had guns or other weapons unsecured I would understand but asking if I have an unsecured teenage boy would not go over as well.

I also think we are giving GG credit for an intelligence and experience that he doesn't yet possess.

As to the 'unsecured boy' being a risk, well I also pay attention to all the girls who my daughter is hanging out with and having sleepovers with, and especially their older sisters as well as brothers. I don't think those questions are offensive or invasive in this day and age of drugs in the middle schools and teenage rapists. But let us agree to have our difference of opinion. I also would not take reciprocal offense if someone took umbredge at my questions (none ever have). I would rather ask who is going to be sharing a night with my daughter than risk her first exposure to sex or drugs when it could have been prevented by a 2 minute conversation.
The sibs are adults and live far far away. I doubt if many or any people know anything about it

This case has been on the National News circuit. Doubtful that they won't be effected wherever they go. Moreover their SMS were shared countless times.
So now I had a different scenario come to me this morning. One where sexual motivations were not the trigger for the assault and murder.

We know GG was taking antidepressants <modsnip>

We do not know if he has been on the antidepressants very long, or if the dose was recently increased or a new medicine was tried. LE even knew about the antidepressants so at some point it was made known to them. Perhaps by GGs mother during one of those times when GG was acting weird about the dna sample??

So this scenario is that GG did not have pedo tendencies to start with. Oh sure, he has probably come across some anime or hentai to desensitize him to it. Ask any teen male if they have ever come across weird stuff on the internet and most would say Yes.

But what he does have is depression. We know sometimes meds cause bad reactions in people. I saw a post last night on some different board where a guy was asking if a med could make him act weird and he would have no memory of it. Nothing bad, just that his friend said he was acting weird and saying weird things. Another poster said that when they tried a certain med it gave them hallucinations and that it was a side effect of that med.

Graphic warning.
So. Here is a scenario. At some point, whether Saturday evening or Sunday morning, GG and Jenise's paths cross. Maybe she is being an annoying kid, teasing, or whatever. Maybe it continues and GG snaps with rage and strikes her on the head. Whether he knows he will be in trouble or not, he explodes on her, beating her unconscious. Because of the rage and adrenaline, he gets physically aroused. He moves her shorts aside and begins to rape her. She starts coming around and he grabs whatever is nearby, maybe it is that strap that is mentioned in the probable cause statement, and he strangles her. Whether she dies from the head trauma or the strangulation, we don't know.

Jenise is laying on the ground as GG calms down enough to realize what has been done. He panics and leaves the immediate scene. He realizes then that his only chance is to hide her body, but where! Maybe he can find that mud bog place. He returns to Jenise's body and moves it, turning it over and carrying it towards the bog. This would explain the lividity on both the abdomen and back.

He takes off her shorts and underwear. Maybe because he knows they have his dna on them, or maybe to keep them.

He steps into the bog just enough to have mud on his legs but not all the way up to his shorts. The mud sucks his shoes off his feet. He throws her body towards the middle of the bog. It sinks a bit but not all the way. He looks around and sees a wood pallet and brings that over and puts it on top of her, causing her to sink more. He throws the strap onto the pallet as well.

He hears people. Maybe transients in the area. He panics and runs off, forgetting about the underwear and shorts. He rinses off the mud on his legs using a hose, and takes off his shirt. He is able to enter the house without looking too out of place.

He intends to go back for the underwear on Sunday, but his stepdad and mom have plans for him all day long, so he misses that chance. Cops descend on the neighborhood by nightfall and it is game over at that point. He knows he is screwed if they get the dna swab, but there is no avoiding it.

So basically this is a scenario where the depression, repressed rage, and possibly medication side effect are the cause, and not a pedophilic urge.

Just speculation.

Just to had never been released that he is depressed. We don't know that he has depression. Antidepressants are prescribed for a rainbow of reasons.
Great job ! Each parent deserves the knowledge of who will be home and when if their children are doing sleepovers !

While I completely agree, I just realized in my 32 years of being a parent and my girls having countless sleepovers & birthday slumber parties (and still do), I have never had a single parent ask me who else is going to be at my home. Maybe it's just because everyone who knows us, knows we have a house full of kids?
Right ! Clearly teenagers do not watch crime dramas. Big screwup on his behalf. But I'm glad !

I just had to laugh, because all of mine do (as did the older ones when they were teens, and still do now). :) I guess it all depends on the kids, and likely what kind of shows/movies the parents watch (being an influence on what the kids find interesting as they get older).
I also think we are giving GG credit for an intelligence and experience that he doesn't yet possess.

As to the 'unsecured boy' being a risk, well I also pay attention to all the girls who my daughter is hanging out with and having sleepovers with, and especially their older sisters as well as brothers. I don't think those questions are offensive or invasive in this day and age of drugs in the middle schools and teenage rapists. But let us agree to have our difference of opinion. I also would not take reciprocal offense if someone took umbredge at my questions (none ever have). I would rather ask who is going to be sharing a night with my daughter than risk her first exposure to sex or drugs when it could have been prevented by a 2 minute conversation.

I don't think we are necessarily disagreeing. I pay attention to and get to know the family before I agree to let my kids stay. If I have a bad feeling about any member I just decline and offer to host the sleepover.

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Just to had never been released that he is depressed. We don't know that he has depression. Antidepressants are prescribed for a rainbow of reasons.

Thank you for that. I know it was seen <modsnip> that there was a reference to it, but it has never been stated publicly by MSM that he actually has it, just that he's taking anti-depressants. If it comes out that this is in fact what he was taking meds for, then it might help explain things a little better. Maybe. Or maybe not, since millions of people take them and we don't have an epidemic of this kind of crime.
Thank you for that. I know it was seen <modsnip> that there was a reference to it, but it has never been stated publicly by MSM that he actually has it, just that he's taking anti-depressants. If it comes out that this is in fact what he was taking meds for, then it might help explain things a little better. Maybe. Or maybe not, since millions of people take them and we don't have an epidemic of this kind of crime.

Right. I've never heard anti-depressants being linked with side effects that cause people to violently rape, beat, and murder a child...then attend a vigil and function in a community like nothing happened.
I have heard of antidepressants causing psychotic breaks in teenagers. I remember it being said at the end of a commercial and looking at my husband and saying "I think depression is a better choice than a psychotic break."
Please remember that anything gleaned off family social media accounts is rumor and not allowed here.
I have heard of antidepressants causing psychotic breaks in teenagers. I remember it being said at the end of a commercial and looking at my husband and saying "I think depression is a better choice than a psychotic break."

I remember reading that the CDC said 1 in 25 adolescents 12-17 take antidepressants. (I think the year was 2011, I will come back and post the link.) There were 25 million 12-17 year olds in 2011. So, that is A LOT of 12-17 year olds on antidepressants. I wonder if anyone can find the statistics on how many teens killed children that year, or committed violent homicide in general?
Right. I've never heard anti-depressants being linked with side effects that cause people to violently rape, beat, and murder a child...then attend a vigil and function in a community like nothing happened.

Please understand that I am NOT defending GG in any way shape or form.

1.We have no clear indication of what medications GG has been prescribed.
2.ALL medications have side effects whether they are antidepressants, anti psychotics, or anti anxiety medications. Aspirin has side effects for some people.
3.The plethora of antipsychotic and antidepressants being prescribed today are endless and have side effects so severe (especially for teens) that some of the side effects suggest that suicidal thoughts may occur while taking these medications.

I agree that medication did not dictate that GG took the actions that he took, however, medications could certainly have caused physical, sexual, and mental side effects that MIGHT have led to the outcome that we have seen.

And get ready, because his lawyers will most likely being playing this card.
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