Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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Human, I'm sure that it's a meaningful video to lots of people, but I started watching, thinking that it was an update on this case, and it's not. :/

This is what it is all about though, isn't it? Trying to figure out ways to stop these crimes against children? Seeing another child's death whether bit by bit or watching the perp go down in flames gets depressing. I am hoping we can make a difference on here
This is what it is all about though, isn't it? Trying to figure out ways to stop these crimes against children? Seeing another child's death whether bit by bit or watching the perp go down in flames gets depressing. I am hoping we can make a difference on here


Human, I agree. Certainly not all parents can be blamed when their children are kidnapped, raped, and killed -- or any combination of those. I think of little Derrick Robie, 4 years old, almost five. His mom let him walk to day camp that morning -- one block away in a residential neighborhood. Other kids, including Eric Smith, the 13 y/o murderer was on his way, too, on his bike. And so on. It was the very first time Derrick's mom let him walk to the camp -- the baby was fussy, and Derrick wanted to be a big boy. And it all happened within 30 minutes after his mom saw him alive for the last time. Eric just happened to be on his way when Derrick was. And the mom has been living with this ever since. Adam Walsh was playing in the toy dept. of Sears and his mom left him there for only a few minutes. We can all name so many of these "wrong place, wrong time" occurrences and we all want to scream.

And we read/hear about these horrors and we wonder, When can I let him grow up just a little and walk with Stevie to the corner store? Is it okay for David to ride home with his buddy Johnny with Johnny's big brother picking them up from school?

Those are not quite what we have seen here in this case, but the bottom line, i.e., murder-maybe-rape could be the same result. We can't lock them in a room till they are 18 and we can't keep them on a leash till they're 18, either. But we can do all we can within common sense to lessen the chances of a horror happening. Check things out. Talk to the parents and the big brother who may take our son home from school and get a feel for this person. That's what we need to do -- control what we can with a bit of wisdom (please) to temper either our "it'll be okay" vs. "what if a human monster is waiting." Yes, I'm glad my son is 32 y/o, but now they have a 2 y/o and a one month-old. So, we're on the roller coaster again.

Watch out for things that look "wrong" -- we could stop a horror from happening to a child we've never seen before.

Common sense. Think it out; check it out. Control what we can, and teach our children well.

Rant over. For now.
This is what it is all about though, isn't it? Trying to figure out ways to stop these crimes against children? Seeing another child's death whether bit by bit or watching the perp go down in flames gets depressing. I am hoping we can make a difference on here

Yes it is, human.

And by you posting this video you helped make a difference and I appreciate that :loveyou:
This is what it is all about though, isn't it? Trying to figure out ways to stop these crimes against children? Seeing another child's death whether bit by bit or watching the perp go down in flames gets depressing. I am hoping we can make a difference on here

I watched the video and even though it's O/T, it's important enough, for sure. I appreciate you posting it, and hope it makes the difference for someone who feels like they have to keep secrets.

Human, I agree. Certainly not all parents can be blamed when their children are kidnapped, raped, and killed -- or any combination of those. I think of little Derrick Robie, 4 years old, almost five. His mom let him walk to day camp that morning -- one block away in a residential neighborhood. Other kids, including Eric Smith, the 13 y/o murderer was on his way, too, on his bike. And so on. It was the very first time Derrick's mom let him walk to the camp -- the baby was fussy, and Derrick wanted to be a big boy. And it all happened within 30 minutes after his mom saw him alive for the last time. Eric just happened to be on his way when Derrick was. And the mom has been living with this ever since. Adam Walsh was playing in the toy dept. of Sears and his mom left him there for only a few minutes. We can all name so many of these "wrong place, wrong time" occurrences and we all want to scream.

Rant over. For now.

Respectfully snipped by me. True and horrid case, Derrick. BTW and O/T, his murderer was denied parole a few months back.
Respectfully snipped by me. True and horrid case, Derrick. BTW and O/T, his murderer was denied parole a few months back.

Wow. Thank you and borndem! I read the transcript and it was amazing to hear what the murderer himself had to say. Lots of food for thought to keep in mind if and when we hear more from GG about his actions. This isn't the place to say more about Derrick's case but I wanted to thank you both.
Yes, another case Willow Long, perp probably would have been arrested sooner if her mother would have noticed she was not in her bed the night before, called LE at that time. But she didn't want to look bad, so it was not reported until the next day when she finally got up and then realized her daughter was gone.

For some reason, the fact that she went to bed in a bedroom that had two bunks and 3 others when she went to bed (is that right) and no one in that room saw her leave that we know of after father said he saw her at 10 pm.. SMH....the defense will use that to pull some sort of doubt perhaps.


"DNA evidence led investigators to obtain a warrant on Gaeta’s home, where they said they found blood-stained clothing and a bloody towel in Gabriel’s bedroom.

\and then this>>>>>>>>>>>

“We have finished with the deep canvass inside the park,” he said Wednesday. “We have received nothing but exceptional cooperation from residents inside the park. As a matter of fact … not a single warrant had to be obtained to gain consent, to gain authority, to go inside” all of the homes to search for Jenise.

the bloody/muddy clothing was not seen in the initial search.

Someone here has a timeline...can you please post it here on this thread again for comments at this time? TIA
atthelake said:
Someone here has a timeline...can you please post it here on this thread again for comments at this time? TIA

Bringing this over from the media thread:
OP by Ghostwheel:

Ghostwheel said:
Thanks to Woe.Be.Gone:***GRAPHIC-WARNING***/page7&p=10849133#post10849133

Sunday, August 3, (21:53 hours) - 911 call came in - LE arrived at residence 22:34
Jenise's father, JW, told LE that he last saw Jenise in bed at 22:00 hours on August 2.
According to JW, on August 3 at 07:00 hours, Jenise was not at home.
Even though unusual for her to go out so early in the morning, JW figured she left the house to play.
At 20:30 hours (8:30 p.m.), J's siblings began looking around the neighborhood and knocking on doors to find Jenise.
After another hour and twenty-three minutes had passed, someone dialed 911 to report Jenise missing.

Monday, August 4 - LE went to GG's residence and found him at home with his mother and stepfather.
They explained that GG was too upset at the moment to really speak to LE or to give a DNA sample.
Mother asked LE to come back later.
GG's stepfather told LE that GG was home all weekend.

The search and rescue team found a pair of little girl's underwear (size 5) while searching the southeast perimeter of the Steele Creek mobile home park along with a pair of young girl's shorts.
Both had red stains on them. A quick test confirmed the stains were blood.

Wednesday, August 6 - The crime lab confirmed the blood was Jenise's and collected semen from the underwear as well.

Thursday, August 7 - At 11:00 hours, a body of a deceased child was discovered 15 to 20 feet away from where Jenise's shorts were found.
The body was almost entirely submerged in mud bog adjacent to the trailer park.
The mud was three to four feet deep.
There was a small pallet on top of the mud and a strap* was discovered there too
(*belonging to some kind of nylon bag, duffle, suitcase or laptop bag).

Friday, August 8 - The body was identified and confirmed to be Jenise.
She suffered blunt force trauma causing multiple skull fractures, vaginal tearing and genital trauma, signs of strangulation by ligature.
Lividity on the abdominal area and back indicate her body was moved 1/2 to 3 hours after death.

LE returned to GG's residence and collected his DNA sample.
GG was emotionally upset and could hardly get out of bed.
GG leaned up against a wall while LE was there.
GG's mother mentioned to LE that GG displayed similar behavior when her sister, GG's aunt, died.
LE noted the residence is two mobile homes west of the wooded trail access to where Jenise's body had been found.

Saturday, August 9 - Washington State Patrol Crime Lab made a DNA match to a male profile from the stain found on the front of the underwear.

The same day, blood stained underwear, blood and mud stained shirt and blood stained shorts and bloody towel were all found in GG's bedroom.

GG was arrested and brought to the jail at 14:50 on Saturday.

Sunday, August 10 - GG was jailed at 12:30 a.m.
Charged with two counts of murder in the first degree and one count of rape of a child in the first degree*

Probable Cause Statement*

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For some reason, the fact that she went to bed in a bedroom that had two bunks and 3 others when she went to bed (is that right) and no one in that room saw her leave that we know of after father said he saw her at 10 pm.. SMH....the defense will use that to pull some sort of doubt perhaps.


Fortunately, that's not the kind of doubt that can erase the fact that the GG's semen was found on the crotch of the victim's underpants, mixed with her blood, in addition to bloody underwear and a towel hidden in his room.... while he procrastinated a cheek swab DNA test...that consequently identified him as the owner of the semen found in the underpants.

It does give me doubt about some things, but not GG's guilt of the rape and murder of sweet Jenise, which is what GG's trial will be about.
Fortunately, that's not the kind of doubt that can erase the fact that the GG's semen was found on the crotch of the victim's underpants, mixed with her blood, in addition to bloody underwear and a towel hidden in his room.... while he procrastinated a cheek swab DNA test...that consequently identified him as the owner of the semen found in the underpants.

It does give me doubt about some things, but not GG's guilt of the rape and murder of sweet Jenise, which is what GG's trial will be about.

It gives me doubt on some things too. I hope that the DA doesn't just go with 1st degree w/no lesser includeds because I'm afraid that will be a tough sell.

Something still feels so off with this case. I don't know what it is but every time a new post is made I fear that it has somehow gotten worse. It isn't the "unparenting" because nothing could make me happier than seeing those charges. Idk ...

O/T After the discussion of kids wrecking and whether or not never having wrecked before increased their odds of wrecking - my kid totaled my car Sunday. Luckily he walked away without a scratch and the elderly woman who pulled out in front of him only suffered a broken arm, caused by her air bag. Mark me as on the side of having had a wreck my child is now less likely to suffer another please.

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It gives me doubt on some things too. I hope that the DA doesn't just go with 1st degree w/no lesser includeds because I'm afraid that will be a tough sell.

Something still feels so off with this case. I don't know what it is but every time a new post is made I fear that it has somehow gotten worse. It isn't the "unparenting" because nothing could make me happier than seeing those charges. Idk ...

O/T After the discussion of kids wrecking and whether or not never having wrecked before increased their odds of wrecking - my kid totaled my car Sunday. Luckily he walked away without a scratch and the elderly woman who pulled out in front of him only suffered a broken arm, caused by her air bag. Mark me as on the side of having had a wreck my child is now less likely to suffer another please.

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I am sorry to hear this. I am glad your son is alright.
I don't know much -- but my secret wish is that the Judge would have received a copy of the mental eval by now and has looked it over. Hopefully, 28th will bring a formal indictment of the charges and an opportunity to have GG plead guilty right there on the spot saving all families the despair of a trial (MOO)

Ah, newone, you're a dreamer ! I like that about you . I would be shocked if that's what happens.

ETA , That being said, his best chance at ever seeing daylight is to plead guilty and hope the judge is lenient. Twelve jurors
will NOT look kindly on this kid no matter what happens. No one can dispute he did it. The only thing that will be in dispute is some kind of horrific ' not my fault because of xyz factors in my life'. That flies sometimes with a drug charge, a dwi, a store robbery. It's not going to fly with 12 adults who are likely parents. Plead guilty and lay all your hopes on the judge, gg ! That's my advice !
I can't believe this thread has gone dead dead. But, it isn't our fault as there is no new updates coming out from the LE. I wish something would break. jmo

i KNOW....i check here regularly. Most of use are waiting for more info imoo.
I think about this beautiful child every day.

Human, I agree. Certainly not all parents can be blamed when their children are kidnapped, raped, and killed -- or any combination of those. I think of little Derrick Robie, 4 years old, almost five. His mom let him walk to day camp that morning -- one block away in a residential neighborhood. Other kids, including Eric Smith, the 13 y/o murderer was on his way, too, on his bike. And so on. It was the very first time Derrick's mom let him walk to the camp -- the baby was fussy, and Derrick wanted to be a big boy. And it all happened within 30 minutes after his mom saw him alive for the last time. Eric just happened to be on his way when Derrick was. And the mom has been living with this ever since. Adam Walsh was playing in the toy dept. of Sears and his mom left him there for only a few minutes. We can all name so many of these "wrong place, wrong time" occurrences and we all want to scream.

And we read/hear about these horrors and we wonder, When can I let him grow up just a little and walk with Stevie to the corner store? Is it okay for David to ride home with his buddy Johnny with Johnny's big brother picking them up from school?

Those are not quite what we have seen here in this case, but the bottom line, i.e., murder-maybe-rape could be the same result. We can't lock them in a room till they are 18 and we can't keep them on a leash till they're 18, either. But we can do all we can within common sense to lessen the chances of a horror happening. Check things out. Talk to the parents and the big brother who may take our son home from school and get a feel for this person. That's what we need to do -- control what we can with a bit of wisdom (please) to temper either our "it'll be okay" vs. "what if a human monster is waiting." Yes, I'm glad my son is 32 y/o, but now they have a 2 y/o and a one month-old. So, we're on the roller coaster again.

Watch out for things that look "wrong" -- we could stop a horror from happening to a child we've never seen before.

Common sense. Think it out; check it out. Control what we can, and teach our children well.

Rant over. For now.
It gives me doubt on some things too. I hope that the DA doesn't just go with 1st degree w/no lesser includeds because I'm afraid that will be a tough sell.

Something still feels so off with this case. I don't know what it is but every time a new post is made I fear that it has somehow gotten worse. It isn't the "unparenting" because nothing could make me happier than seeing those charges. Idk ...

O/T After the discussion of kids wrecking and whether or not never having wrecked before increased their odds of wrecking - my kid totaled my car Sunday. Luckily he walked away without a scratch and the elderly woman who pulled out in front of him only suffered a broken arm, caused by her air bag. Mark me as on the side of having had a wreck my child is now less likely to suffer another please.

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How utterly frightening! I'm so happy he's okay. Cars can be replaced, but not our babies :loveyou:
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