Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #3 *Arrest*

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I'm sat here trying not to judge the parents again, as I myself am not a parent. I have never been able to have kids. But at the same time I'm sat here thinking as a parent how can you be so careless to not be aware where the beautiful child you have been gifted with is for so many hours? 6 years old and it's not a concern you don't know where they are for an hour, never mind several. I'm trying not to judge but I can't get past that. I'm 42 and when I was 6 I wasn't allowed anywhere without my mum or dad (my only and older sibling was MUCH older and had got married when I was 6)
I just managed to catch up after having to leave here yesterday just before the Presser. My deepest sympathy's to those who loved Jenise and her Community. Heartbroken by this recent news. As I have said many times (too many times) at this point in a case. My head has processed Jenice is gone but it may take awhile for my heart to catch up. Praying for an arrest as we all are. RIP little Jenise. You were loved by many.
Warning rant ahead.
I've been biting my tongue on many issues and I cannot any more , so scroll on by if you feel tender this morning.

RE: Dad's interview. I normally do not watch videos on any cases because they tend to bias us so much. He looks this way or that or said this or that. Yesterday I saw dad's interview on accident, while looking for the neighbor's interview. I don't really think he looked or sounded any particular way. I saw him suppressing a tear at one point that seemed genuine to me and like a man would do, he quickly took it back the best he could. Here's the thing while we sit and judge that I'd like to know. How many of us on WS have ever been interviewed by MSM while our child was missing? For any of you who have, I am horribly sorry but I would bet the vast majority, nearly 100% of us, have not. Do you know what you would say or do or think if you were in that position? I personally don't know that I could muster the ANYTHING to do such an interview in that condition . I personally have gad and ocd and and think, every time we ( the ws community ) are judging how a parent SEEMS on camera, that I would really give you something to talk about if I was on camera. I'm awkward! I'm flat affect ! I'm a kooky basketcase in good times...much less in times of duress . Mom's not been on camera and that's been talked about too. If I were in her shoes, I'd be so sedated I'd need to be in a hospital . The cameras are the last thing I 'd want to hear, know, think about . And yes, you will say' she should plea for her child's return'. YES ! That's a wonderful theory. Can anyone name the last time a perp saw a parent plea for their child's return and that perp was so moved by mom and dad's tears, he just drove the child to the police department and gave that child back and said " wow I didn't know how bad the parents missed the kid '' ? Anyone ? SO yes it's a beautiful theory but pleading for the child's safe return does not get them returned. I am not suggesting parents should not make those pleas but seeing how they don't really net any results, I don't know why it matters.
So, for all of us who have not been in their shoes and want to judge how they should act, how should they act?
What says '' this is a real true grieving , terrified parent'' ?

RE: Free range....... It's looking more and more like little Jenise was taken from her home on saturday night. Agreed? If that's the case then negligent/free range/ wandering etc. is off the table. If she were picked up by a perp 5 miles away on a highway , then I get that. But if she's taken from her bed, that could have been ANY child , free ranging or not. So , I implore you , think about that. We believe neighbors who say she was ' always running around barefoot and hungry'' and we discount their other children saying ' they're great parents''. Why did we decide to believe one group and not the other? What if LE only believed one group and not the other and were WRONG ? There just doesn't seem to be a lot of balance.

Respectfully Snipped section 1:

What bothered me the most in this interview is not his affect, the spoiled little brat, etc. It was overall tone. The she gets her way, does what she wants, independent. It's common to see parents of neglected children describe them in these terms. Doesn't make him a murderer. It just sends all my sensors on alert. When the littlest victims go missing, and I observe what I perceive as indicators of a neglected child, I can't not say anything. The young and neglected are vulnerable and seem to be the easiest pickings for many of the child predators of this world.

BBM/section 2: Not to me. Have police stated that? It looks like, to me, that due to their 'it takes a village' parenting, the parents are no more help than any of the neighbors in helping police narrow the window of when exactly Jenise went missing. They didn't raise the alarm until she may have been missing for 24 hours. (Possibly less help if a neighbor actually saw her Sunday) If she wasn't taken from her bed, if they actually used a check-in system throughout the day as the dad has implied, we'd likely have a 2-4 hour window, which if it didn't save her life, it may have narrowed down the possibilities and raised the likelihood considerably of successfully apprehending the perp.

Also consider this. A perp who may have taken her out of her own bed in her own home might be a member of the community, and a member who may have been banking on the fact that, as they knew how the child being missing would not overly alarm the family unless/until she was gone 'til dark the next night, knew he had the entire day to do what he wanted to do with her and dispose of her body.

I can listen to all groups; neighbors, kids friends, parents, siblings, and come up with a picture which neither 100% believes one or the other, nor 100% disbelieves one or the other. I'm assuming police do too. The parents admit that though they'd not laid eyes on her since 10 pm Saturday, not laying eyes on her all day didn't make them panic until 8:30-10:00 Sunday. That means the neighbor 'busybodies' appear to be accurate and that she must be often wandering everywhere but home, eating elsewhere often, if their 6 year old being out of their eyesight for 18 hours is not in and of itself alarming. I believe the siblings love their parents/see them as loving, see them as 'good' parents. Someone else might not (CPS), but the siblings do.
I'm sat here trying not to judge the parents again, as I myself am not a parent. I have never been able to have kids. But at the same time I'm sat here thinking as a parent how can you be so careless to not be aware where the beautiful child you have been gifted with is for so many hours? 6 years old and it's not a concern you don't know where they are for an hour, never mind several. I'm trying not to judge but I can't get past that. I'm 42 and when I was 6 I wasn't allowed anywhere without my mum or dad (my only and older sibling was MUCH older and had got married when I was 6)

I think for me, I can forgive a one time mistake. I had a childhood friend who was kidnapped and murdered on his way home from school. The parents happened to be out of town and weren't there to pick him up from the bus stop. The babysitter was waiting at the house. It was a crime of opportunity, bad luck on everyone's part. But a pattern of not supervising a young child is just soo....shocking.
I am not familiar with the cases you indicated. However, I maintain that parents are responsible for their children's safety i.e.) making sure windows are secure, doors locked at night etc. You can spin it any way you want, but ultimately....parents are responsible for their children's safety. I am not going to get into a futile argument with you as my interest is J.

how about Polly Klaas. In her room with 2 friends at a sleepover and the man that scum broke in and took her and killed her.
I am sorry. Maybe you should do a little research because parents are not always in charge of the monsters out there and keeping them out.
I have to wonder if you are a parent because even as a diligent parent my son went missing.
Life is not absolute. There are monsters out there that will stop at nothing to get their hands on the innocent.
I know it was posted on the last thread that it would be a stupid move to leave Jenise so close to her home. Perhaps not. That's 103 plus people under scrutiny. Yet I get many other dynamics could have come in to play as well.
Who in the park saw Jenise???? Come on!!! Not one confirmed sighting?? This is pizzing me off and I really think she was gone during the night. JMO

IF Jenise was in the community on Sunday:
-she would be calling on friends to play with, so WHOSE doors did she knock on?
-she would be hungry so who gave her food?
-she could have gone to the playground so WHO saw her?
-she would need to use the toilet, so WHOSE toilet did she use?
This is pretty telling. No one has come forward to say they saw the child Sunday.

All posts are MOO
I think for me, I can forgive a one time mistake. I had a childhood friend who was kidnapped and murdered on his way home from school. The parents happened to be out of town and weren't there to pick him up from the bus stop. The babysitter was waiting at the house. It was a crime of opportunity, bad luck on everyone's part. But a pattern of not supervising a young child is just soo....shocking.
There will always be the opportunist criminal that watches a child waiting for an opportunity to grab them. Then there are the people that know the killer, abductor that lives next door, but don't know what is in their soul.

The problem here is that she was left open too all kinds of risks. However if she was taken from her room by a stranger, That is just not something that can be laid at the parents feet.
I had not noticed this detail previously; may have no bearing on the case but may be why the children were removed from the home. Pure speculating on my part.

Wilson said the Wrights have a blended family with a total of six children. Two are adults and are not living in the home.

The four younger children, aged 6 to 16, generally share one bedroom in the small home, Wilson said. However, the 16-year-old, a boy, was not in the county over the weekend. The other two, a 12-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, were removed from the home and turned over to Child Protective Services on Monday morning, he said. He said he could not disclose the reason for the children’s removal other than to say that the child-welfare agency has had previous contact with the family.

Article here:
There will always be the opportunist criminal that watches a child waiting for an opportunity to grab them. Then there are the people that know the killer, abductor that lives next door, but don't know what is in their soul.

The problem here is that she was left open too all kinds of risks. However if she was taken from her room by a stranger, That is just not something that can be laid at the parents feet.

I'm only commenting on her patter of roaming. Obviously if she was taken from her room, that is completely different.
I had not noticed this detail previously; may have no bearing on the case but may be why the children were removed from the home. Pure speculating on my part.

Article here:
So the 16 year old son was not in the home that night. 1 less person to sound the alarms. It sounds like someone knew enough about her and took advantage of the big brother not being there...
(If it was someone in the community that knew he wasn't in town)

All posts are MOO
I know it was posted on the last thread that it would be a stupid move to leave Jenise so close to her home. Perhaps not. That's 103 plus people under scrutiny. Yet I get many other dynamics could have come in to play as well.

Normally, I'd agree....actually I still is so stupid. But nothing surprises me anymore, especially after where Caylee was found.
Because they share a room?

Children with that sort of age range who are of different genders, should generally not share one bedroom. I believe this goes beyond my own personal opinion, as I've seen children be removed from a neighbors home (years ago) for the very same reason.

"I'm awkward! I'm flat affect ! I'm a kooky basketcase in good times...much less in times of duress "

I have a family member who reacts to just about everything with a tuff-guy posturing. Since I've known him so long, I am used to it. This Papa's interview reminded me of something he would do and say in this situation...Overcompensating to cover grief and worry.
Please don't throw any tomatoes at me

Children with that sort of age range who are of different genders, should generally not share one bedroom. I believe this goes beyond my own personal opinion, as I've seen children be removed from a neighbors home (years ago) for the very same reason.


The only time I have ever seen this have anything to do with CPS is that if a child is in foster care, or there is an open case then they are not allowed to share a room. But, if CPS is not involved in your life, there is no law against it. They can't just remove kids for that reason alone.
I had not noticed this detail previously; may have no bearing on the case but may be why the children were removed from the home. Pure speculating on my part.

Article here:

Do you mean the implication that 4 children (varying ages/opposite sexes) sharing a room? If so, I think CPS likes to see certain things regarding where a child sleeps, but I've researched and cannot find any law (federal/state) on the books that states where/how/what configuration family members must sleep in.

I can find you laws on big gulps, though! ;)
I had not noticed this detail previously; may have no bearing on the case but may be why the children were removed from the home. Pure speculating on my part.

Article here:

CPS won't take children because they share a room. They also can not take children because the home has no running water or electricity - those are "lifestyle choices". I'm not saying either of those things pertain to this case, I'm just pointing out from personal experience with a family acquaintance that for CPS in Washington to remove a child they have to have bigger reasons.

Foster care homes have to follow strict guidelines about how many square feet per child in bedrooms, rooms must have doors and windows, etc...regular homes have no such guidelines.
I had not noticed this detail previously; may have no bearing on the case but may be why the children were removed from the home. Pure speculating on my part.

Article here:

If they removed the children because they were all 4 sharing a bedroom, then they should probably remove 95% of the world's children. Not a crime. Not even an indication of bad parenting. It is what it is. {and no, my boys do not share bedrooms with my girls}.
Obviously I am new to this case....RIP sweet child.....I have to ask do either of the parents work?
Thanks in advance to anyone that knows.
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