Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #3 *Arrest*

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CPS won't take children because they share a room. They also can not take children because the home has no running water or electricity - those are "lifestyle choices". I'm not saying either of those things pertain to this case, I'm just pointing out from personal experience with a family acquaintance that for CPS in Washington to remove a child they have to have bigger reasons.

Foster care homes have to follow strict guidelines about how many square feet per child in bedrooms, rooms must have doors and windows, etc...regular homes have no such guidelines.

I am not sure that is true. It is one thing to have made a choice to live in tents and such and not have water and electric it is another entirely to live in a home that is not in working order. So I think that would be depending on the totality of the circumstances.
The only time I have ever seen this have anything to do with CPS is that if a child is in foster care, or there is an open case then they are not allowed to share a room. But, if CPS is not involved in your life, there is no law against it. They can't just remove kids for that reason alone.

Actually , as for apartments go , sometimes there is a law about it. I can remember a friend wanting to rent an apartment and she had 2 girls and 1 boy and said she had to have at least 3 bedrooms. She lived here for a bit but moved and I cannot remember if that was in TX or not. But at least in some capacity , it is prohibited. I would imagine many people would lie about the child's genders because they could not afford 3 bedrooms. mooo
It was stated at one of the Pressers that the Family had prior involvement with CPS. In my mind they would already know the sleeping arrangements in the home. IIRC it was also stated the Detectives observed something that prompted CPS to remove the Children. Words to that effect.
The only time I have ever seen this have anything to do with CPS is that if a child is in foster care, or there is an open case then they are not allowed to share a room. But, if CPS is not involved in your life, there is no law against it. They can't just remove kids for that reason alone.

Not for that reason alone, probably not but it does reflect on the living conditions in the home. Teens of opposite genders have privacy needs and if those aren't being met, then it's a problem. As has been previously stated, underdeveloped minds cannot be trusted to make the best decisions regarding their unsupervised actions. A 12 year old female sharing a room with a 16 year old male is odd enough - now throw in two more children of younger age. I think it's a problem. MOO and I stated it was speculation.

This is a sensitivity of mine, as there were no personal boundaries in my family and this led to sexual abuse, which was covered up and hidden. So if I respond to this situation differently than most, I apologize.
Actually , as for apartments go , sometimes there is a law about it. I can remember a friend wanting to rent an apartment and she had 2 girls and 1 boy and said she had to have at least 3 bedrooms. She lived here for a bit but moved and I cannot remember if that was in TX or not. But at least in some capacity , it is prohibited. I would imagine many people would lie about the child's genders because they could not afford 3 bedrooms. mooo

There are many places, especially with apartments, that have laws about how many people can be in a 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom etc. So, if she had 4-5 people living there they can regulate which size apartment she needs. But not by gender.
Are we allowed to discuss that dad had a prior for molestation of an 8 year old girl?

This type of illness is not something that just goes away. Dad clearly has a propensity for sexual abuse of little girls, and its not too great of a stretch that if he's attracted to an 8 year old he would have a sexual apatite for a 6 year old. Perhaps he tried to set boundaries that he would never abuse one of his own children. He crossed his own red line and needed to dispose of the shame.

I don't like the parents statement to the media that "she wasn't afraid to talk to anyone". This is creating an excuse that takes the pressure off of mom and dad and places it on an unknown stranger that this little girl may or may have not approached. By making such a statement mom and dad are even more suspicious in my opinion.
Actually , as for apartments go , sometimes there is a law about it. I can remember a friend wanting to rent an apartment and she had 2 girls and 1 boy and said she had to have at least 3 bedrooms. She lived here for a bit but moved and I cannot remember if that was in TX or not. But at least in some capacity , it is prohibited. I would imagine many people would lie about the child's genders because they could not afford 3 bedrooms. mooo

I’m in Texas and I believe the room count is not based on what gender the kids are when sharing a room.
I have lived in a lot of apartments in my past and most of my leases state no more than 2 people to a bedroom. I am not sure if that is a state law regarding rentals or a clause that most apartments prefer to use.

As for CPS coming in regarding how many kids are in a bedroom, I can’t say if that is an actual law here.
I had asked about church attendance, that I had based on a comment under some article, and with that newer MSM article confirming a relationship with a particular church.....that does show there has been I wonder if anyone in the household DID attend that Sunday sans Jenise?
I am just wondering if one or both adults/other children were away from home at any point on Sunday....absolutely nothing has been stated as to the various whereabouts of anyone in that family that may not matter, just curious I suppose....

It's not uncommon to take summer "off" from regular attendance. Sunday School probably isn't meeting in the summer, for example.
Not for that reason alone, probably not but it does reflect on the living conditions in the home. Teens of opposite genders have privacy needs and if those aren't being met, then it's a problem. As has been previously stated, underdeveloped minds cannot be trusted to make the best decisions regarding their unsupervised actions. A 12 year old female sharing a room with a 16 year old male is odd enough - now throw in two more children of younger age. I think it's a problem. MOO and I stated it was speculation.

This is a sensitivity of mine, as there were no personal boundaries in my family and this led to sexual abuse, which was covered up and hidden. So if I respond to this situation differently than most, I apologize.

I'm not getting into whether it is right or wrong...for me, it is a parents choice, bottom line. What I am saying is they cannot take children for that reason. They can't even hold it against you. They can only regulate it once there is an open case.
Are we allowed to discuss that dad had a prior for molestation of an 8 year old girl?

This type of illness is not something that just goes away. Dad clearly has a propensity for sexual abuse of little girls, and its not too great of a streach that if he's attracted to an 8 year old he would have a sexual apatite for his own 6 year old. Perhaps he tried to set boundaries that he would never abuse one of his own children. He crossed his own red line and needed to dispose of the shame.

It's been discussed at length.
I wonder if one were to ask all the children of the park who the 'creepy' neighbor is, you know, the one you steer clear of.... if they would all have the same answer....and I wonder if their parents would have the same answer.
Kids sometimes have a knack for pinpointing the odd duck, kwim? In spite of what adults think....

If CPS was already involved they may have already been advised as to the sleeping situation as well.
4 children in one small bedroom ranging in age for 6 to 16 of the opposite sex would not be acceptable only due to space. When you own a home I am not sure how far they can go. In my area CPS would be a thorn in their side until the family moved or they probably would remove the children.

All posts are MOO
I think we can all agree that laws vary from area to area and state to state.
it can also still be discussed

Well, yes of course :). What I meant was that we're already aware of it. The poster appears to be new, so I was just informing him/her that this issue has been discussed in case he/she wants to go back and read it.
Obviously I am new to this case....RIP sweet child.....I have to ask do either of the parents work?
Thanks in advance to anyone that knows.

Not sure that has been disclosed. If it was it was one of the few I missed.
The sexual abuser in some neighborhoods do not appear to be such one instance in my neck of the woods, a very elderly man whom NOBODY would ever suspect.....and no I never told anyone as the attention was quickly taken care of by me.....scared me to death but I was afraid to admit it to I don't know if he ever advanced on other kids or not....this was in the 50's when this type thing was almost unheard of in a tiny town.
Regarding removing the other children, it could be simply a precaution because it wasn't known if Jenise was stolen (or sneaked out) from the bedroom. Without assurance that the bedroom was indeed secure, they removed the children. That's been my assumption. The father's past might have something to do with it as well. I think LE was playing it cautious because there were so many unresolved questions, and I think they were absolutely right in doing so.

I'm assuming if another culprit is apprehended for the crime, the children will be returned.
If the other two kids were asleep with J in the same room Saturday night, I don't see how she could have been snatched from her bed, or even coaxed out if she knew the attacker, how would they get her attention to wake up without disturbing the other kids. I have heard that they had bunk beds I think If I'm remembering correctly. Would be interesting to know the layout of the beds, if her bed was closest to a window if she slept on the top or bottom bunk.
Actually , as for apartments go , sometimes there is a law about it. I can remember a friend wanting to rent an apartment and she had 2 girls and 1 boy and said she had to have at least 3 bedrooms. She lived here for a bit but moved and I cannot remember if that was in TX or not. But at least in some capacity , it is prohibited. I would imagine many people would lie about the child's genders because they could not afford 3 bedrooms. mooo

I think it may have been a rental/occupancy law, not a child protection law. (Though if you can find the state/law, I'd be very interested to see it!)

I see it like...some states may have a rental law that the carpet must be changed out between tenants. Conversely, the government can't take your children away because your carpet is stained and ten years old.
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