Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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I don't see him crying at the vigil.

I sure do wonder what goes through their minds when perps attend these vigils or "help" the investigation.

Does anyone have info on that?
I'm not disagreeing with you--I think he will plead guilty. It's odd that the maximum possible sentence would be considered a plea deal though. Maybe they're dealing something else, such as moving to a facility closer to where his family moves.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it mentioned by MSM today that there could be more charges on this case for the accused? So if they were planning to add more charges, perhaps his attorney has mentioned to the DA that he will plead G on the current charges?? ((guessing on my part))
I don't see him crying at the vigil.

I sure do wonder what goes through their minds when perps attend these vigils or "help" the investigation.

Does anyone have info on that?

my guess would be that they think it would appear guilty if they do not attend, a more cynical view imo would be that they are reliving their crime or enjoying the suffering they have created in some way.
In order to take a plea, they would have to offer one, which seems unlikely considering they have a confession and DNA.
Wouldn't they also have to ask the victims parents?

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I'm still trying to catch up, but I saw it mentioned in the last thread that the crime was committed on the anniversary of GG's aunt's death, or one day before. I'm just curious about where that information came from. I remember seeing a big smiling photo of him on FB, taken very close to this time last year. Anyone remember what I'm talking about? I'm wondering if the date of that photo is near to the date his aunt died because his mom said he was so upset about her death. I'm nosy.

The info came from his aunt's obituary, I believe. The photo you are referring to was posted about a week after she died.

I'm trying to be careful with how I phrase this because I mean no disrespect to Jenise. Honestly, I think that this was the first time it progressed to beyond touching, and he wasn't expecting that intercourse would cause her so much damage. He panicked when he realized there was blood and realized there would be no way for her to go home like that and not have hellfire rain down on him.

While I really understand the need to not believe this was some sick monster thing that happened, her being strangled and her head beat in….let's just say the overkill here indicates to me something sociopathic or psychopathic, not a case of "oops, now what do I do?" and his over the top behavior with the crying and then focusing on a spot so as not to give away what what going on in his head…all indications to me there was nothing close to accidental.

Some sick perverse pleasure or flat out rage. But his emotional show does not "fit." All MOO.
Drew Mikkelsen @drewmikk
Prosecutor won't call it a confession, but the 17yo accused of Jenise Wright's murder didn't exactly deny involvement
I hope there is no trial. What a waste of time and money
Just jumping off your post...

I am wondering if GG attempted to act distraught (when asked by LE for DNA) as he did at the news of his aunt's death because he learned how to invoke sympathy by his parents and others...

I still am wondering, though, if he was sincerely distraught at his aunt's death...

I was thinking he acted like that so he wouldn't have to go to her funeral?
Did someone say that August 3 at 12:03am or something GG was on fb?
So he was chatting and helping with the search.
That makes sense. Whyblook for someone you know won't turn up alive.

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This reminded me of something odd GG said on his ask account; he stated he listens to music all night in his sleep; I found that odd. Another post stated he didn't sleep well. (depression / anxiety?).

I think someone mentioned steroid use as a possibility earlier in the thread. They can cause difficulty sleeping......and of course severe mood swings.
So IMO the youtube video is a silly joke about the minor in the video and the punching bag he is hitting with his head, hence the title "Sensational brain damage recovery." I doubt this has anything to do with his surgery IMO. On Saturday, I remember seeing a pic on one of his SM accounts, a pic of a bunch of get well cards. He posted something about how the whole wrestling team sent him get well wishes after his surgery. IMO the surgery and this video uploaded from an Android phone in April of 2013 are not related. I would guess that he had some surgery on his arm as other posters have note a long scar there.
Drew Mikkelsen @drewmikk
Prosecutor won't call it a confession, but the 17yo accused of Jenise Wright's murder didn't exactly deny involvement

hmmm doesnt the PC statement say when asked if he was the only one involved he nods his head yes?

i guess that isnt technically a confession? i think most people would consider it one in a practical sense.
Warning - graphic!

I don't know about the antidepressants but yes, I noticed the overkill too. Multiple head fractures and strangulation. That's more than trying to stop her from screaming - the word "rage" comes to mind. Also, I have questions about her underpants and shorts having evidence in them yet they were found away from her body and not on her.

WARNING GRAPHIC** Please roll and scroll if needed.

I wonder if after GG raped Jenise, she didn't jump up and try to run away while he was distracted. That would account for her blood and his semen getting on her panties and shorts. They were found around 15 feet from her body.

He chases after her and catches her, struggles with her, I don't know if he hit her at this point or tried to strangle her or both. Afterwards he drags her to where she was found.

There was blood on his underwear, shorts and a towel in his room, but only blood and MUD on his shirt. How did he not get mud on his underwear and shorts?

But then, the report says there was lividity on her stomach AND back, so she was moved within 30 min to 3 hours after she died. So I don't know if that's how it happened.

It's so hard to type those words above, thank you to anyone who chooses to read them. I'm trying to understand what happened to her in her last moments on this earth, so I'll feel like I'm there with her and she's not alone. Make any sense? Probably not, nothing about this horrendous case does :(
My son loves Sophia the first. It's totally fine for boys to like "girl" things and vice versa. Those are just gender stereotypes society perpetuates.

I used to have such a sweet matchbox car collection the neighborhood boys would try to trade with me. One kid even stole my dump truck. My sister and I used to dress my brother up in our first communion dresses and created an alter ego "Mary grace" and made a hilarious home video.

We all turned out to be (IMO) basically the coolest, most successful, and happy people ever. ;) your kid is gonna be fine

Well said!
maybe that was the agreed upon thing to say
Maybe the step dad meant that he was "home" all weekend as in he was here in the area, not somewhere else.

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I think someone mentioned steroid use as a possibility earlier in the thread. They can cause difficulty sleeping......and of course severe mood swings.

along with the antidepressants that would spell trouble, the antidepressants alone (depending on what he was on) could have sexual side effects that would be ummm frustrating for a male that age...
Yeah, it's common for girls/teens but not so much for teenage boys, IMO.

No way! My guy friends had their dorky boy slumber parties as often as we did in high school. They got together and played video games. If they weren't playing games together in the same room, they were playing together online. LOL.
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