Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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BREMERTON, Wash. - Bail was set at $1 million for 17-year-old for Gabriel Zebediah Gaeta, who will be charged as an adult in the death of 6-year-old Jenise Wright.

Gaeta appeared in a Kitsap County courtroom on Monday. Jenise Wright's parents and Gaeta's parents were in the courtroom, sitting about 10 feet from each other.

Gaeta is facing murder and rape charges with "aggravating" circumstances - trying to conceal a crime, sexual motivation and vulnerable victim.

Gaeta was booked Saturday. Court documents say Gaeta "clearly nodded yes" when asked if he was the only one involved.

The documents say Jenise Wright's body was found Thursday, covered by a wood pallet and almost fully submerged in a muddy bog. It appeared that her body was moved between a half-hour and three hours after she died, according to the probable-cause statement.

Court records say the 6-year-old died of blunt-force trauma to the head, and there was evidence she was strangled.

Earlier in the week, searchers discovered Jenise's underwear and shorts in a heavily wooded area near the mobile-home park.

Authorities say forensic evidence analyzed by the Washington state crime lab linked the clothing to Gaeta's DNA. During the investigation, the sheriff's office collected DNA cheek swabs from dozens of nearby residents, including Gaeta.

Detectives interviewed the teen Saturday, during which time he nodded yes when the detective asked whether he was the only one involved, according to court documents. Authorities then served a search warrant on his home and found evidence, including a blood- and mud-covered shirt and a bloody towel in Gaeta's bedroom.

In the above link it is reported that the parents of both JW and GG were in court yesterday... Sitting about 10 feet apart...

I wonder if GG's mother, step-dad, and bio dad were all there at court?

I remember tweets mentioning GG's mother being seen at the court... However... I wonder if step-dad AND bio dad were there, too...

Just some thoughts... :waitasec:
I was also thinking this points away from socio and psycho pathic personalities because he would not react at all if so , right? Like the ' too upset ' to give a dna sample, etc.

My personal opinion is that it is more sociopathic than psychopathic. I do believe he has emotions, but I believe the whole "too distraught" thing was an act (as well as obviously the letting snot hang down during the interview). I think he is spontaneous rather than planning things out, and thats why these acts are so flimsy (as well as all the evidence from the crime). I think if there was any emotion attached to this crime, it was more his guilt about what he has done to his family.
Strange if that is the scenario - that Jenise's body was dumped by foot and within walking distance of her home if the perp had access to cars.

After all, everyone was surmising he must be local and have no access to transport to have left her where he did. Yet another example of his behaviour leading LE to his door. I wonder what made him do that, and not move her body away from the scene of crime and where they both lived and take the heat off himself?

I think some people are guessing that he transported her in the duffle bag. He was a wrestler, and they tend to have long, large duffle bags. It probably wouldn't be uncommon to see him with one, even though seeing him with one going into the woods would be.
I was also thinking this points away from socio and psycho pathic personalities because he would not react at all if so , right? Like the ' too upset ' to give a dna sample, etc.

It's my understanding that a sociopath or psychopath watches other people's behaviors and models their own after it in order to appear "normal" to others. He may have miscalculated that this would be an appropriate response to get LE off his back, when in fact, it actually drew attention to him.

But just throwing that out there in response to your statement as of course we don't know the whole story on this kid.
Strange if that is the scenario - that Jenise's body was dumped by foot and within walking distance of her home if the perp had access to cars.

After all, everyone was surmising he must be local and have no access to transport to have left her where he did. Yet another example of his behaviour leading LE to his door. I wonder what made him do that, and not move her body away from the scene of crime and where they both lived and take the heat off himself?

Because he might have thought leaving the mobile home park would actually be riskier than disposing of her there. He would have had to drive to an unknown location risking being pulled over, seen dragging a body through a location he had no business being in, etc. He knew the area around his home and wouldn't raise suspicion being seen there.
Jamie Tompkins ‏@JamieQ13FOX 57m
Mom/neighbor just told me she confronted Gabriel Gaeta two yrs ago -told him to stay away from her 11 yr old daughter #Q13FOX #JeniseWright

So the arrest wasn't a shock to everyone, I guess.

This is a Mom who followed her instincts and its likely saved her daughter from a terrible fate, like what happened to Jenise. It's looking real bad for Gaeta-- " buddying up" with little girls. May he get what he gave. Hopefully the circumstances will educate parents on the warning signs leading up to a child's assault. My husband used to think I was crazy, but I never let my daughter go to a sleep over where there were older brothers in the house. I probably was so over-protective because I was a victim when I was only seven years old, thus my complete empathy for what Jenise endured. Poor baby girl. We will make sure you receive the justice you deserve. And big hugs to all who have been through this themselves. If you need support, please PM me. *advertiser censored*
One more thing, this is a good example of why all parents need to be really careful about having teenagers/male friends of your sons, etc spend the night, especially if there are younger siblings in the house, jmo. I know that there are many great kids/people out there, and GG is probably one in who knows how many, but we all have to be really, really careful about whom we bring into our homes.

99.999999999% of teen boys are nothing like this, IMO. I think most are quite sweet, despite their rough housing, stupid behaviors, risk taking, outbursts of anger, etc.

I believe, respectfully, that it's totally unfair to view teen boys as innately dangerous. I think about the teen boy who found a baby in the woods decades ago and finally got to meet her recently, who choked up at the memory of finding her and how that made him feel. Or the friend of Abigail Hernandez who rushed to her and grabbed her up in a joy-filled bear hug when she was found. Or my brother in law, at age 18, telling me why his best friend Miguel is so cool: "If you take everything good about humans and wrap it up into one person, that's Miguel."

Disgusting anomalies like Gaeta should not cast a shadow on the reality of teen boys as a whole, who are, I maintain, at a special, sensitive spot in a man's life, not yet burnt by the sun, not yet fully embittered by the numbers of women who will reject them for not being "cool" enough, or a bad enough "Bad boy", still aware of the magic of childhood, yet old enough to appreciate the cuteness and joy of little kids.

No, I think teen boys are really some of the sweetest people out there, in general, just overgrown puppies, and the occasional monster should not make people fear them.
Could GG have been in hospital after a suicide attempt? Perhaps the reason he was prescribed anti-depressants? It may have been presented to classmates as an 'operation' he needed.

Wow! IMO... This is certainly something to consider!

I think some people are guessing that he transported her in the duffle bag. He was a wrestler, and they tend to have long, large duffle bags. It probably wouldn't be uncommon to see him with one, even though seeing him with one going into the woods would be.

It wasn't too far into the woods though, was it?
Just jumping off your post...

regarding anti-depressant meds...

I am glad that LE DID ask if GG needed his meds during the interview... To cover all bases... To "protect" his rights... Etc.....

but depending on the type of meds GG took... And the length of time he was questioned by LE... GG may not have needed to take his meds during that time frame...

perhaps he takes them each morning...(so he had already taken his "dose" for that 24 hour period...)

or perhaps he typically takes them each evening/night... So he would not have needed them until later in the 24 hour time frame..

additionally... Some meds are not "quick acting" or used just when anxiety/depression is experienced.. But rather are used daily to build up a constant level of the needed serotonin, etc...

all... JMO

BBM Thanks for posting that response IHNC, I was just about to say the same thing.

Do we know if they have him on suicide watch? If not, they should.
99.999999999% of teen boys are nothing like this, IMO. I think most are quite sweet, despite their rough housing, stupid behaviors, risk taking, outbursts of anger, etc.

I believe, respectfully, that it's totally unfair to view teen boys as innately dangerous. I think about the teen boy who found a baby in the woods decades ago and finally got to meet her recently, who choked up at the memory of finding her and how that made him feel. Or the friend of Abigail Hernandez who rushed to her and grabbed her up in a joy-filled bear hug when she was found. Or my brother in law, at age 18, telling me why his best friend Miguel is so cool: "If you take everything good about humans and wrap it up into one person, that's Miguel."

Disgusting anomalies like Gaeta should not cast a shadow on the reality of teen boys as a whole, who are, I maintain, at a special, sensitive spot in a man's life, not yet burnt by the sun, not yet fully embittered by the numbers of women who will reject them for not being "cool" enough, or a bad enough "Bad boy", still aware of the magic of childhood, yet old enough to appreciate the cuteness and joy of little kids.

No, I think teen boys are really some of the sweetest people out there, in general, just overgrown puppies, and the occasional monster should not make people fear them.

I just read about the sixteen year old boy in Frisco, Tx. who shot and killed both his parents just this morning. So, I don't think all are so sweet. jmo
I was also thinking this points away from socio and psycho pathic personalities because he would not react at all if so , right? Like the ' too upset ' to give a dna sample, etc.

I don't know. Because psychopaths and sociopaths can be great actors and turn on the waterworks or displays of emotion, convincingly. I think his ability to act and his apparent lack of concern when he thought no one was watching, actually points to sociopathy or psychopathy. But I'm not a psychologist.
I agree that abuse should NOT be used as an excuse...

But family history is a useful tool when attempting to profile future pedophiles (future behaviors in anyone, for that matter)... So for scientific/sociological/psychological reasons... IMO... It is important to ascertain any correlations between abuse and deviant behaviors...

all... JMO...

I truly truly believe that there is an underlying biological factor created by a mixture of elements (like a perfect storm)...

I first came up with this perfect storm analogy as related to psychological illnesses when thinking about my own severe OCD condition and trying to explain it to others. In order for a hurricane to form, you have to have certain elements---warm water, low pressure, etc. Without the mixture and presence of all of these elements, the storm will not thrive. On that note, my ocd exploded when a few elements were mixed (stress, underlying genetic predispositions, etc)----ugh, what I'm trying to say is that I think its a formula- these guys have certain chemical, hormonal, biological factors mixed with possible environmental/external elements---ugh, having a hard time explaining myself here. And as strange as this sounds, even some sort of vitamin deficiency (in addition to an elevated level of testosterone). JMO
The reason this case is getting so much attention is because it is so rare. Especially to have a young adult in the center of a brutal unthinkable murder. There is nothing normal here that anyone could prepare for, unfortunately.
The reason this case is getting so much attention is because it is so rare. Especially to have a young adult in the center of a brutal unthinkable murder. There is nothing normal here that anyone could prepare for, unfortunately.

Respectfully, this is not rare. We see young adults in the center of crimes like this all the time. That's why a "17 year male" was #1 on my list as a suspect, without me knowing anything about Jenise's brother's friends, her hanging out with teenagers, etc.
I have to wonder if GG was sexually abused as a child.
My opinion on the part of the PCS, when GG is fixated for an hour, staring off, snotty, crying, pacing, etc. I'm not sure he was necessarily acting / setting up an insanity defense, etc. That moment was probably a huuuuge revelation to him on how his life is over, kwim? I'm sure LE's tone was much more stern that what comes across in the report, jmo. My guess is that during this time, he thought about his mother extensively. (Odd since many of these types of people might not have a "conscience", but they're still very affected when it comes to their own mothers). Also, I've seen with other pedophiles the shame and fear they have about being labelled a sexual offender or pedophile, for instance, Travis Forbes. He was so concerned about about not being labled a SO in prison, that he included this clause and specific request in his legal dealings, as a condition in order for him help LE, lead them to Kenia's body, etc.

Also, another note about Travis Forbes, he says he admits he might have really wanted to get caught, deep down. He even left his credit card, iirc, buried with Kenia's body---he basically said if LE was smart enough to find the body, then he deserved to be caught anyway, or something along those lines, iirc.

I, too, am thinking there is a possibility GG wanted to be caught... Even if only on a subconscious level..

Just taking in to account responses in his ask account... Where he references the 7 evil sins... And references to right and wrong...

In addition to an overall feeling of sadness I see in some of his post-pubescent pics...

I just get the feeling he may be quite conflicted by his emotions/urges...

but... I could be very wrong here...

all... JMO...

and my thoughts are subject to change as more information is gathered....
IIRC, these explanations happened at two different times. On Monday he was too distraught for the DNA swab. On Friday, he complied with DNA swab but was acting strange and his mother explained he behaved that way when his aunt died as well.

BBM, Snipped by me too.

I think that it was *that* moment that the mom realized her son had something to do with it and said anything she could think of to explain his behavior, to make it make sense... to make it mean anything other than what she knew it meant. In her position, I would be horrified and heartbroken.
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