Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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another thing that struck me when reading the PCW was that GG placed some sort of luggage or computer tote atop the pallet he used to cover little Jenise's body. Where did the tote come from? Was it his or just something he happened to find laying in or near the boggy area he left her in?

I read it that way at first too but I believe it was just the strap from a bag, such as a duffle bag, laptop bag, etc. that was on top of the wood pallet.
Another thing I wondered about where Jenise was found, did GG put the pallet on top of her to further conceal her or to mark her body so he could go back and move her? Maybe he was planning on getting her clothes, the strap, and her body to take to a different location but couldn't because people had started looking for her.
It is not referring to those items listed, it is referring to a strap found that could have fit one of those items. A strap was found.

thank you psyquestor. So are folks thinking that may have been the device used in strangling her? I am interested in this case because I follow another recent case in which a girl was both strangled and suffered BFT to the head. A coroner in that case has speculated that the perp strangled victim but then just to be sure she was dead also bludgeoned her with something. This case has caught my eye because of the similarities in that regard.
I second this! :thumb:

Woe.Be.Gone's timeline is VERY helpful!
Indeed, that was so helpful. I haven't been able to keep up at all - family and work obligations have intervened - and wow, this thread is just massive. So I really appreciated the concise timeline.
Could GG have been in hospital after a suicide attempt? Perhaps the reason he was prescribed anti-depressants? It may have been presented to classmates as an 'operation' he needed.
While there are obvious differences between GG and ARS (GG was a popular athlete, etc), and differences in the circumstances of the 2 cases relating to both Jenise and Jessica R, I can not get over the similarities in these cases. Whatever kind of malfunction, whether it be cognitive, hormonal, etc, these 2 perps must have the same "illness", whatever that may be.

I also want to say, jmo, that whoever commits a crime like this is clearly not right in the head to say the least. Does this mean I think they should be found not guilty due to insanity or any other reason relating to their mental state? Absolutely not.
What a shame. GG was a good looking kid and had his whole life ahead of him. Now, not only is he affected but so is sweet little Jenise and her family. It's just an absolute shame. All of it.
I had unexpected company for overnight guests so have tried to scroll the last thread and up to this point.

The gist seems to be that GG is a wrestler, is on anti dep meds, and at some point was in the hospital. Correct? Was the hospital due to a wrestling injury, and was that to his head? Do we know what the problem was?

What caused his depression, he is awful young? Does he take his meds regularly? If not, this could certainly play games with thoughts, moods, depression! Also, where LE asked him if he needed his meds and he said no (this is similar to the conversation, but point was he said NO). This should give LE a clue that GG either is not taking meds correctly or does not want to continue them and they could have a problem with him. One does not take these meds as they "think about it" or stop taking them abruptly. Is GG trying to get an insanity when tested?!

Did LE take his meds from home as evidence? Can they tell if he actually had been taking them as prescribed? Would they have done a blood test on him when he was arrested? This would have shown the drugs in his system.

This is of great concern to me! Young people are not too dependable in taking prescribed meds. Taking them on a hit and miss plan is bad, but does not qualify him for insanity as he did it to himself! My opinion only, he will try to play the system, but he is too smart to play that dumb and the pros will detect it!

Just jumping off your post...

regarding anti-depressant meds...

I am glad that LE DID ask if GG needed his meds during the interview... To cover all bases... To "protect" his rights... Etc.....

but depending on the type of meds GG took... And the length of time he was questioned by LE... GG may not have needed to take his meds during that time frame...

perhaps he takes them each morning...(so he had already taken his "dose" for that 24 hour period...)

or perhaps he typically takes them each evening/night... So he would not have needed them until later in the 24 hour time frame..

additionally... Some meds are not "quick acting" or used just when anxiety/depression is experienced.. But rather are used daily to build up a constant level of the needed serotonin, etc...

all... JMO
One more thing, this is a good example of why all parents need to be really careful about having teenagers/male friends of your sons, etc spend the night, especially if there are younger siblings in the house, jmo. I know that there are many great kids/people out there, and GG is probably one in who knows how many, but we all have to be really, really careful about whom we bring into our homes.
I haven't had the time to read all ya' alls reaction to the identity of the defendant. I still maintain that nothing hinted at this outcome in Gaeta's life. He was not a loner, not obsessed with violence, evil, was not bullied, etc. apparently.

And after reading the probable cause statement, I don't believe psychosis is to blame. He obviously was acting for LE, pretending to be crazy or immobilized by what had happened, while instantly stretching, yawning and being normal when he thought no one was watching.

That points to a sophisticated ability to manipulate and to a lack of true empathy, IMO.
I haven't had the time to read all ya' alls reaction to the identity of the defendant. I still maintain that nothing hinted at this outcome in Gaeta's life. He was not a loner, not obsessed with violence, evil, was not bullied, etc. apparently.

And after reading the probable cause statement, I don't believe psychosis is to blame. He obviously was acting for LE, pretending to be crazy or immobilized by what had happened, while instantly stretching, yawning and being normal when he thought no one was watching.

That points to a sophisticated ability to manipulate and to a lack of true empathy, IMO.
I was also thinking this points away from socio and psycho pathic personalities because he would not react at all if so , right? Like the ' too upset ' to give a dna sample, etc.
My opinion on the part of the PCS, when GG is fixated for an hour, staring off, snotty, crying, pacing, etc. I'm not sure he was necessarily acting / setting up an insanity defense, etc. That moment was probably a huuuuge revelation to him on how his life is over, kwim? I'm sure LE's tone was much more stern that what comes across in the report, jmo. My guess is that during this time, he thought about his mother extensively. (Odd since many of these types of people might not have a "conscience", but they're still very affected when it comes to their own mothers). Also, I've seen with other pedophiles the shame and fear they have about being labelled a sexual offender or pedophile, for instance, Travis Forbes. He was so concerned about about not being labled a SO in prison, that he included this clause and specific request in his legal dealings, as a condition in order for him help LE, lead them to Kenia's body, etc.

Also, another note about Travis Forbes, he says he admits he might have really wanted to get caught, deep down. He even left his credit card, iirc, buried with Kenia's body---he basically said if LE was smart enough to find the body, then he deserved to be caught anyway, or something along those lines, iirc.
I think this happened in one of the cars. Mobile homes are small and someone would have heard something. Her body was moved 30 minutes to 3 hours after her death. In my mind that eliminates the site she was found at as the crime scene. It also explains why the cars were impounded.

He lured her into a vehicle, raped and killed her and then moved the body to the bog. That's the only scenario that makes sense to me at this point.

Strange if that is the scenario - that Jenise's body was dumped by foot and within walking distance of her home if the perp had access to cars.

After all, everyone was surmising he must be local and have no access to transport to have left her where he did. Yet another example of his behaviour leading LE to his door. I wonder what made him do that, and not move her body away from the scene of crime and where they both lived and take the heat off himself?
He assaulted her in his car. This is why no one heard or saw anything. The items placed on top of the pallet were taken from that car in order to weigh down the pallet. The strap could very well be what was used to strangle her.

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