Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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yes, after they asked the questions about the specif friends in the neighborhood, but they asked if the specif friend had hmm i dont like that word that used so i wont type it. my wording is rape. they asked gg if there was anyone else in park they should be concerned about no specif name .
my opinion they already did the dna test on the underwear and shorts, My opinion they have more dna they cant match.

so other words they said neighborhood about the specif friends
and they said park, when they asked about anybody else they should be concerned about.

Hadn't thought of this DNA angle. I had thought help after or saying something fishy to someone that was reported then LE needed to rule them out. Interesting thought. Just a note, GG signed the banner for Jenise at the Vigil. Now the sponsor does not want to give it to the parents. They have printed a new one but are having little luck getting it signed. So Sad!!

I was SO hoping he hadn't, when I saw the pic of him at the vigil, standing so close to it. I have a special new loathing for him, JUST for that.
Regarding the banner signed by the perp, someone creative certainly should come up with a solution to cover his signature and words up! This should be an easy fix! Come on people!
Those are my thoughts also. I am no MH expert but it seems odd to me that this would be a first crime. I thought usually these types of people escalated. I know he was reported as hanging around Jenise and maybe other kids but that, to me, would make it more likely that he would have engaged in behavior previously, since potential victims were so seemingly accessible. And perhaps he did do so and that will come out. That would at least make more sense to me. If he had acted out as a pedophile previously that at least would explain the motivation here.

From SM he communicated that he had at least one girlfriend he was attached to. Course it all could have been an act. But it would seem easier to just avoid girls if he wasn't actually interested in those his own age.

I guess these acts are just inexplicable and it probably makes no sense to try and analyze them in terms of normal behavior. Maybe he had been struggling with pedophilia and finally acted out for some reason and it did not go at all as he imagined and then he became filled with rage becasue of how wrong it went and acted it out on the victim as the source of his predicament. It's just so difficut to understand a seemingly normal youth one day becoming both a pedophile and murderer with a victim with whom he was acquainted in his own neighborhood.

I don't the ins and outs of other teenage sexually motivated killings (in contrast to teenage feud killings). Is it typical at all or is there a case to link to that has a teenage sexual killer that started off with rape and murder from the get-go? I find it hard to believe that people in his community didn't notice anything was fundamentally wrong with him. If he lived in a different setting I could understand but I lived in a mobile home park most of my life and it is hard to not notice when your neighbor flushes the toilet or hurries down their hallway. You hear most arguments, and their homes are a lot closer in the photos I saw then the park I lived in. So you'd see them come and go. Everything they did outdoors would be seen and everything indoors would practically be heard.

I just don't get this case.
Regarding the banner signed by the perp, someone creative certainly should come up with a solution to cover his signature and words up! This should be an easy fix! Come on people!
Totally agree.
BBM. I think she was talking about the silence. I remember that silence well. I remember when airplanes started flying again, it was very noticeable after all the silence.

Yes, there was deafening silence after my son passed. He filled my world with endearing sounds - all missed so deeply and felt so harshly in those early days. I can sympathize with this statement from Mr. Wright. *sigh*
Good grief! Just mark his name out! :facepalm:

No matter what, having that banner knowing he signed it, no matter how it was blocked out, covered up, etc., you'd still know he signed it. He ruined that just like he ruined Jenise and tore the family and community apart.
They think it MIGHT be on the banner.

Hopefully they will find out for sure before they destroy and replace a perfectly good banner. I like the idea of just blanking out his name.

ETA Oops, guess that idea isn't going to fly here.:blushing:
No matter what, having that banner knowing he signed it, no matter how it was blocked out, covered up, etc., you'd still know he signed it. He ruined that just like he ruined Jenise and tore the family and community apart.

He was also in their home, sitting at their table, walking on their floor....what do they do about that? Move?
I would think more about the people who signed it in goodwill....not allow the awful person to ruin yet another thing in my life
I think he just is not a skilled communicator and has had difficulty using completely proper terminology in his statements where he has had to describe his very complicated emotions which include both anguish along with his reliance on faith in God which dictates forgiveness and mercy. He and his family have experienced something horrific and don't seem to have engaged a PR professional or spokesperson or attorney as so many vicitm's families do. Thus, he has only his own vocabulary to depend on and he has taken it upon himself to be the primary spokesperson for his family. I see a similar pattern in many of his statements where his phrasing or choice of words is somewhat off. But I have also always been able to discern what he is actually saying and I try not to hold him to some standard he can't meet, at least at this time.

I think he is just expressing the very normal reaction that it is always more shocking to have someone close to you, someone you have extended hospitality and kindness to, commit a heinous crime against you, than to have it be some stranger who had no relationship to you. The former means you and your family have had their trust violated so that going forward you will likely never trust people the same way again so that all your future relationships and interactions will be forever tainted by your experience.

Jim Wright said it is betrayal he didn’t see coming. “A family member infiltrating our family and creating harm. It’s much deeper than the harm done itself from the loss,“ Wright said.

Does this mean he thinks the betrayal is worse than losing Jenise? Am I reading that right?
Regarding the vandalism...

There is rampant gang violence (and random violence, too) here in Chicago and it's not uncommon to see, after a murder, the home and/or car of the friends/supporters of the guilty, be damaged. It's almost like..."Oh, you support that jerkface? Alright, cool, I got about I light your car on fire, and let's see if you still support him/her/it."

I don't know if it's a way of "showing support" (albeit entirely misguided) or perhaps it's someone who is lashing out against GG's mom/support network of friends, and they couldn't GET to GG's mom, so they did the friend's property...anyway, it's not uncommon out here.

Which is unfortunate, because his Mom didn't do this, HE did. He owns his acts, not her, but everyone is so desperate for answers (myself included) that sometimes we look to the wrong places. :(
Yes, there was deafening silence after my son passed. He filled my world with endearing sounds - all missed so deeply and felt so harshly in those early days. I can sympathize with this statement from Mr. Wright. *sigh*

Sorry about your son.....
The statement about how quiet it was is a statement by the accused persons mom.
He was also in their home, sitting at their table, walking on their floor....what do they do about that? Move?
I would think more about the people who signed it in goodwill....not allow the awful person to ruin yet another thing in my life

Absolutely! Have the people sponsoring that banner attempted to ask the Wrights how they feel about it?
Yes, there was deafening silence after my son passed. He filled my world with endearing sounds - all missed so deeply and felt so harshly in those early days. I can sympathize with this statement from Mr. Wright. *sigh*

Absolutely! Have the people sponsoring that banner attempted to ask the Wrights how they feel about it?
From what I'm being told the police want the banner. Not sure why that would be. LE does not have possession of it currently.
Ask fm is not allowed on this site. This is why when you enter an address from there, it comes out *******. Because it is almost entirely used by minors, we don't allow it.

Sleuthing minors is also not allowed, except in this case, GG, because he is being charged as an adult. Please do not sleuth ANY of his friends or family or Jenise's friends or family that are minors, this includes their social media accounts.
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