WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #1

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now it makes since....putting the two together....*taken the first time she called 911* becasue Lindsey *rumor* called 911 on her brother.....hmm...i will have to sleep on that one....she did write that comment on her myspace about her brother....hmm...no..need to sleep on it....
Here are the original posts in this thread with both MLAchester's comments she had written on the king5.com news site.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09
"Lets look at the truth guys. This little girl was abused by her brother. He has choked her till she passed out chased her with kitchen knives and shovles. The McCleary police was called on the incidents and they took her back home CPS didn't even do anything for poor Lindsey. And her mom didn't treat her much better."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09
mlachester 2 hours ago wrote:
NN1, AND SUMITHRYO, I am close to her and I know a lot more than the media or law enforcement are saying right now. As for Scanner, sorry if you don't like the truth but I have never been one to keep the truth in and she should of been taken the first time she called 911 from my house asking for help instead of put in a police car and taken back to her abuser!

Thanks FifthEssence, That puts the abuse in perspective as with physical danger and not sexual. I didn't know those 2 posts were written by the same lady.

I don's see how a 12 yr old boy could dispose of a body if something bad did happen and he killed her. He was with her earlier that night, seems he could be violent towards her and yet the police have cleared him? That was pretty quick to clear him don't you think?

I hope she is alive is all I can say right now. Need sleep. lol Manyana
SInce I have nothing left to research, I am now picking apart every statement made by anyone even remotely connected.

Mlachester says in one post that her brother was basically putting her thru he!!, but then says the police would send her home to her abuser...singular. Since she had already made it clear that the brother was the one doling out the abuse, I think she would have said abusers if there were someone besides the brother that was abusing her. I think the brother is the only abuser to speak of, and the mother is just...absent. There in body, absent in spirit. That's the impression I get from her news videos.
If this is true about her brother, than thats really scary. If he is the abuser, why did he become one? Maybe its her parents, and he plays off it onto her. Maybe she is abuse by her parents to.
IF he did this, how can he dispose a body? He would have at least 45 minutes before his mom started calling people, and would she noticed him not home at that time?
Also I want to point out, that a neighboro very wel could of done something, and it could be there first time or they might not have ever gotten caught.

"Those are my private parts" a book I just bought my kids. Easy learning book for younger children, I highly recommend it. In the back are some statistics about sexual abuse. A high percentage of parents who don't talk to there kids about the body, don't understand that its not ok to be touch.

Mlachester says in one post that her brother was basically putting her thru he!!, but then says the police would send her home to her abuser...singular. Since she had already made it clear that the brother was the one doling out the abuse, I think she would have said abusers if there were someone besides the brother that was abusing her. I think the brother is the only abuser to speak of, and the mother is just...absent. There in body, absent in spirit. That's the impression I get from her news videos.

If this is true about her brother, than thats really scary. If he is the abuser, why did he become one? Maybe its her parents, and he plays off it onto her. Maybe she is abuse by her parents to.

(Respectfully snipped)

Charts show strong potential for abuse of Lindsey by the mother, who appears (astrologically) to have little to no self esteem, violent tendencies and possible addiction issues. The interactions between mother's chart & Lindsey's are disturbing.

As Keeponsearching noted, where does a 12 y.o. child (the brother) 'learn' to be abusive/ learn that it's 'OK' to be abusive, if not from parent(s)?!

I will post on the Case Briefings Thread in the Forensic Astrology Forum this evening.

Skimming through these posts quickly, but had to add, that when the Mom's friend spoke, she did remind me of Misty (Haleigh Cumming's case)..not just the scrunched up expression and closed eyes, but the way her voice pitched up and got squeaky..it sounded just like Misty. Also, maybe I have just seen and read of too many of these cases, but my first thought was the friends (KK?) boyfriend..The Mom seems to barely be holding onto her composure, but way more than I would (or could) be, if it was my daughter. There seems to be a lot of water in this area-easy to hide a body.
where was the mother that night?

im starting to think its someone she knows.....

4 blocks from home
no screams
late in the evening
seems like she is friends with older kids/adults/
adult myspace
wierd postings on her myspace/nightmares/affraid something bad is going to happen
seems to have to much freedom/not enough suppervison
mentions brother going to juvi and happy about it
*rumor* other 911 calls about abuse

I agree with this. What I want to know is, who was the "adult" that broke up the fight with Lindsey's 12 year old brother and sent him home? Also, where did they go swiming early that day and who was with them in the video store?

The reason I ask is I believe some stranger did not just come upon her by chance. I think it was someone who knew her who either offered her a ride or invited her into their home, a crime of opportunity. Or maybe she met this person at the pool.

When I was a little girl about Lindsey's age there was this man in the neighborhood that used to ride his bike around and when he would see me he would always ride next to me and tell me I was pretty - I would always instantly run, but another child like Lindsey who needed love and attention my have not.

I am worried for this child, seems like I am more worried than her mother..who sits on the porch and waits for news and believes she is still alive.

I think LE was right to look in every home and car.
i was thinking maybe her mom...got onto her myspace....but moms myspace hasnt been viewed for awhile....i would think mom would check her's ....just incase lindsey contacted her....a bit weird...

Most online networking things like that have the function to forward messages to your email, so maybe she doesn't actually have to check the site itself to know she had no messages.
I find it hard to believe she wrote all of that herself at 10 almost 11 come next Tuesday. Even her bumper stickers were way out of range for her age, imo.

Where would she have gotten the money for a bus ticket? And wouldn't they think it is odd that a 10 yo got on a bus alone with no luggage?

Well, if we take Greyhound, for an example:

Children Traveling

Unaccompanied Children
Any passenger under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a passenger at least 15 years of age or older at all times. Passengers between the ages of 8 and 14 years of age inclusive, may travel unaccompanied at full adult fare if the following conditions are met in their entirety:

If any of the above conditions are not met, then the passenger must be accompanied by a passenger at least 15 years of age or older in order to travel.

  • The passenger's trip will begin and end on the same schedule (no transfers).
  • The passenger's trip will be no longer than five (5) hours in duration.
  • The passenger's trip (origin to destination) must take place during daylight hours only.
  • Both the origin and destination stations are full service agencies or company operated facilities.
  • The destination station will be open at the time the passenger is scheduled to arrive.
  • Parent, Guardian or Legal Custodian of the child must complete and sign the Unaccompanied Child Form authorizing the child to make the trip and return this to the Customer Service Supervisor on duty. This form specifically names the person authorizing the trip and the person meeting the child at the destination station and the telephone number(s) at which this person may be contacted. It also provides an emergency contact name and telephone number in the event it is needed.
  • In order for the child to be released at the destination, the person named on the Unaccompanied Child Form as the one meeting the child must have positive picture identification, such as a driver's license or state issued identification card, and provide such to the agent at the destination station. Without such identification, the child will be released into the custody of Child Protective Services or to local law enforcement officials in the destination city.
  • A fee of $5 will be assessed for each child traveling unaccompanied.

If any of the above conditions are not met, then the passenger must be accompanied by a passenger at least 15 years of age or older in order to travel.

Supposedly "new details" (probably not to WSers though) upcoming on Fox, after the commercial break.
For the "Disturbed" myspace
music playlists http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.singleplaylist&friendid=402470771&plid=698917
and this...

also, another possible myspace http://www.myspace.com/406143315
This is the only bus line that I could find for McCleary WA.

Just FYI for the sleuths that are looking at buses right now.


...County-wide public bus service is provided by the Grays Harbor Transportation Authority. Bus lines commute through McCleary several times daily to county cities for 50 cents (one zone) and connect with Olympia. There are "senior" and "disabled" discounts available. The Authority also provides daily bus service to Lewis and Pacific Counties with connections to Seattle, Portland and beyond...

NOTE: There is a date of a special being offered in the year 2003, I don't know the last time this website was updated.
if....MLA comment is true....then Lindsey mood's on her myspace bother me :(

Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvitomorrow.
Mood: happ at 2:10 PM Jun 17
Lindsey Baum is bored as hell
Mood: bored at 8:01 PM Jun 8
Lindsey Baum cabt wait to hang with kayla agian
Mood: anxious at 2:13 PM Jun 8
Lindsey Baum i've been getting a lot of nightmares latley and i have this bad feeling that something bads gonna happen
Mood: scared at 6:48 AM May 29
Lindsey Baum has joined MySpace!
Mood: good at 4:04 AM May 29

Do we know who Kayla is? Is she listed on any of LB's MySpace pages?
I could've sworn I read a post earlier that stated that there are NO bus stops in McCleary.

ETA: I stand corrected! Apparently there IS a bus station in McCleary.
Thanks to everyone who is way ahead of me on this case. Disturbing to say the least. I did look at her My Space and was disturbed, not only by the content, but by the comments:

Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvi tomorrow.
Mood: happ at 2:10 PM Jun 17

Lindsey Baum is bored as hell
Mood: bored at 8:01 PM Jun 8

Lindsey Baum cabt wait to hang with kayla agian
Mood: anxious at 2:13 PM Jun 8

Lindsey Baum i've been getting a lot of nightmares latley and i have this bad feeling that something bads gonna happen
Mood: scared at 6:48 AM May 29

Lindsey Baum has joined MySpace!
Mood: good at 4:04 AM May 29

Twilight Freak (her on-line name) leads me to assume she likes the Twilight series (my son is reading that book right now).

Brother is 12, and going to Juvi?

Dad is in Tenessee - recently divorced?

a child walking alone at 9 or 9:30 at night scares me. What parent allows that -- sure she is 11 next Tuesday, but still too young in my eyes (unless your buddied up).

Gotta go back to reading MS :)

I agree with this. What I want to know is, who was the "adult" that broke up the fight with Lindsey's 12 year old brother and sent him home? Also, where did they go swiming early that day and who was with them in the video store?

The reason I ask is I believe some stranger did not just come upon her by chance. I think it was someone who knew her who either offered her a ride or invited her into their home, a crime of opportunity. Or maybe she met this person at the pool.

When I was a little girl about Lindsey's age there was this man in the neighborhood that used to ride his bike around and when he would see me he would always ride next to me and tell me I was pretty - I would always instantly run, but another child like Lindsey who needed love and attention my have not.

I am worried for this child, seems like I am more worried than her mother..who sits on the porch and waits for news and believes she is still alive.

I think LE was right to look in every home and car.

Hi Mendara, And as was noted last evening here by an astute poster, . . .refered to her daughter in the past tense in a comment she gave a reporter. That quote is found in the last 2 pages here somewhere and the past tense word is bolded.

I'll miss being here today as it's off to the office, but see 'ya tonight. xox
I could've sworn I read a post earlier that stated that there are NO bus stops in McCleary.

There is transit from what I can determine but it's not like greyhound Liz.

Here is the stop and schedule:


McCleary Station - 3rd & Maple

It looks like it might connect towns? I'm not looking at her getting on a bus, IMHO. I'm just providing info for those that are sleuthing that angle.

ETA: I'm going to go look up the address for the Shell station (IIRC) and see how close it is to the bus stop for those that are sleuthing.

Found the Address for shell: 305 S 3rd St McCleary WA. So she left friends house and never made it to be seen on cameras at the shell? Is that correct?
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