WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #10

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This is horrible to say.. and I might even get yelled at by a mod. But if my 10 year old spelled as badly as MK does.. I would die of shame. Seriously, she is 10 years old. Words like uncle, money, friend, what, again,.. (the list is endless) should be spelled correctly.

JenniferO ~ Of the little I have been able to read that has been written in public, this is one of the first things I noticed when first getting to know these two girls.

Lindsey's spelling is quite admirable in comparison. I think it reflects well on her and her home life. But, that's just MO.
Is her Aunt into astrology?

Not sure what they call this. But it's something.

Looks like she's at her Aunts house. One of her status remarks said something to the effect of being there. Mom might not know she's using the computer.

I can run a lot of different heavy equipment.. i can also replace motors in cars, change the oil, replace clutches and brakes.. I'm not much of a girly girl, that's for sure. LOL

Interesting, not much of an excuse for mom, though, especially in these days. Great job on picking up on things that not even DD yet knows :D:D.

I operated at buggy, scraper during my college days to pay my way through but was always jealous of the excavators, as I was hitting manhole covers they were digging nice deep holes and such :dance:

So, I was impressed when I heard about your heavy equipment skills, I must say. And sleuthing skills to boot.

Thanks for the info on MK, that is really interesting info and can be tracked, which is even better. Wish a DD would do that rather than trash J and feel sorry for herself in that other land of sleuthing where feeling sorry for being persecuted seems to be the a priori topic at the time, but that's a whole nother topic that I won't even begin to delve in to.

Nice to see that sleuthing can happen, as you have clearly demonstrated, using trial, error, information, and zero hearsay....well, at least minimal hearsay. Hearsay is sometimes worthwhile as long as it doesn't turn into some kinda circus.

I hope the rain stops over there or you are able to get back into that heated rig ;)
It's actually the same picture.. one is just cropped smaller


That photo of Lindsey, imo, captures her personality and essence more than any other I have seen to date. She is a trooper, and I stumbled at "is" in hopes that "was" isn't a reality. What a personality she "is" :dance:
Interesting, not much of an excuse for mom, though, especially in these days. Great job on picking up on things that not even DD yet knows :D:D.

I operated at buggy, scraper during my college days to pay my way through but was always jealous of the excavators, as I was hitting manhole covers they were digging nice deep holes and such :dance:

So, I was impressed when I heard about your heavy equipment skills, I must say. And sleuthing skills to boot.

Thanks for the info on MK, that is really interesting info and can be tracked, which is even better. Wish a DD would do that rather than trash J and feel sorry for herself in that other land of sleuthing where feeling sorry for being persecuted seems to be the a priori topic at the time, but that's a whole nother topic that I won't even begin to delve in to.

Nice to see that sleuthing can happen, as you have clearly demonstrated, using trial, error, information, and zero hearsay....well, at least minimal hearsay. Hearsay is sometimes worthwhile as long as it doesn't turn into some kinda circus.

I hope the rain stops over there or you are able to get back into that heated rig ;)

Yeah, I love how she started spouting her mouth off about ML and the "local rumor mill" saying *this and that*. Once I started questioning it.. it came out as being all lies and then she started complaining that people were misquoting her. If you read back at her posts.. you can see where she started talking about all of it and said she couldn't give details.. not once did she say she thought ML was lying. It wasn't until she was questioned about her contacts that all of a sudden they were lies and she would prove it but she'd have to "out" a bunch of innocent kids/people and she just didn't want to do that.
Strange.. she had no problems throwing around names any other time.. Why not now?
off to bed.. night all!
A few things I'd like to comment on here:

Jen said: I don't think that I can post to minors myspaces

Jen then posts dates

HMM said: Hi JenniferO ~

You know, I suspected something like this. I noticed she left a comment on her uncles WK's photo page and it was dated 7/31/09, and yet the last log in on her page, the page that we all are aware, of was 7/24/.

Nice Catch!

Who could not agree with a great sleuthing? And what concerned sleuthe would not claim that this url or post should not be shared by concerned sleuthes.

A great testament to super sleuthing - Well, you've got me stumped Jennifer! I've tried several different ways to find her new page and I'm not having any luck at all. Is she going by Kayla or Fistey or MK. It doesn't appear she's using her last name, first name, second name, or other. Is she friends with anyone that we already know and can follow it that way?

Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks, because first hand info on this is surely acceptable and fantastic ~

Then the pictures are offered, something that does not cause a problem in revelation of information, this is visual information, and causes we who are looking for this child to get all worked up and want to find her.

Looks like she's at her Aunts house. One of her status remarks said something to the effect of being there. Mom might not know she's using the computer. No idea what is actually happening, but Jen has offered a new piece of the puzzle, which is excellent.

I am posting some snips from WS that demontrates WS focus where "all people" involved are equally valuable. This is a "take it for what it's worth" post because I know that many people are going back and forth from one place to another in order to "validate" this or that idea, especially when trying to equate ideas with the DD "rumor mill" thing.

My impression is that nobody can validate anything related to crime unless they completely undress themself from pre-conceived ideas and concepts and dress, then undress, then dress, their idea from the birthplace of the idea of the crime in order to ensure that "nothing" has been lost to emotion.

Emotion is perhaps the worst enemy in that it demands attention to the focus and direction of the goal, to solve it, no matter what, even if one needs to join the realm of the "rumor mill".

All of us, my guess, know that emotion has driven many of us into some sideroad that has turned out to be a battlefield between sincere and concerned individuals, the DD and J thing in SM demonstrates this clearly.

Goodnight, and it's incredible that some are continuing to find new information, and that commitment will kill the beast for sure!
Goodnight, and it's incredible that some are continuing to find new information, and that commitment will kill the beast for sure!

Night Norm and I see Jennifer has already hit the hay. She did a stellar job with her proactive photo shoot after a full day of excavating. I hope she got a great backrub tonight. Ya Ya

See you tomoz ;}
McCleary.. gotta love our governor. She makes cut backs in the smartest places, huh?

I mean, god forbid she take a cut in pay or travel less to cut state expenses.. Let's free the sex offenders so we don't have to pay to house them, feed them, give them medical care for when they get the $hit beat out of them in prison (which is very common and happens a lot. Even the murderers hate and will try to kill sex offenders if they get a chance)
Ya know, the more I see the actions and inactions of the adults surrounding Lindsey, I see more and more how this could have happened.

It's incredible that the kids of McCleary are still unmonitored online...or possibly and just as scary, that they are monitored and the parents don't care.
McCleary.. gotta love our governor. She makes cut backs in the smartest places, huh?

I mean, god forbid she take a cut in pay or travel less to cut state expenses.. Let's free the sex offenders so we don't have to pay to house them, feed them, give them medical care for when they get the $hit beat out of them in prison (which is very common and happens a lot. Even the murderers hate and will try to kill sex offenders if they get a chance)

Yeah Jen and she is up in arms about the "Lower Property Taxes Initiative I-1033" :boohoo: because it puts a limit on government growth. I hope it passes! Everything the government does should have to be taxpayer approved. There would be a lot less waste.

In the back of my mind I do hope they have at least one investigator who continually looks out of the box, relating things together, placing people with places they could go, etc. xox

I hope this is true, also. It's just human nature but so many times, an investigator will have a theory and then go about trying to prove that theory instead of letting the evidence guide them to the truth. It can stall an investigation from the very beginning, which is why I get so mad when they consider a child a runaway initially without any proof that that's the case.
McCLEARY, Wash. - The mother of a girl missing since June is going to New York City to raise awareness about missing children.

Melissa Baum will be part of the “Amber Ready Back to School Safety Weekend” starting Friday in Times Square. Amber Ready is a company that produces DNA and fingerprint kits for children.

McCLEARY, Wash. - The mother of a girl missing since June is going to New York City to raise awareness about missing children.

Melissa Baum will be part of the “Amber Ready Back to School Safety Weekend” starting Friday in Times Square. Amber Ready is a company that produces DNA and fingerprint kits for children.

Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer as I'm sure many and myself included see a positive side to things that bring awareness to Lindsey. Dennis and Sheri milstead of the Caylee case used these kits after purchasing them at a whole sale cost do to their foundation "Kid Finders" and it was stated CA used her nurse persona while getting kids parents to finger print them for future use if necessary. There are threads in the parking lot. I don't get going to represent a company that is pitching a product. I had mine fingerprinted in marysville at a kids festival. Nothing wrong with this except Mom B doesn't need to go to NY to promote this for children. She can promote amber alert kits right in her own town and state, even hold an event for kiids after purchase of kids. I'm praying there is a more reasonable explanation for this east coast flight. I also would be curios if MB Anothy's old spokesperson may be a part. I can't believe Michelle B spokes person would come into town and be satisfied with just a hello I'm here to support you, and then adios, asta la vista to never be heard from again. It just doesn't seem to be her way of operation. I feal she has used her media suave' to possibly influence someone who is feeling lost in all this, wanting to maybe do more for her daughter. This is going to be interesting watching this unfold. Send me to the corner if this turns out to be true and good in the search for Lindsey.
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