WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #14

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Thanks, and it was good to see you. My daughter reunion went great. She considers her and I as "badass friends".

Unfortunately, with the news of the last week I am carrying an ache around with me all the time. Just like the rest of you. I didn't mean to give up hope. Hope that Lindsey is alive and in hiding for whatever reason. But it just went away. I want to cry. I am angry. At McCleary for not being a supportive small town like small towns are supposed to be. At her family for not being a perfect family. And anger isn't an adequate word for how I feel about the creep that took her away. But it's all overshadowed by this big ache inside me. It's tough. You know what I mean. We will never be the same.

MikeB, Thank you so much for saying what I couldn't find the right words for.
I want to publicly thank Dawn Davis and Sandy Stafford from Laura Recovery Center for taking time out of their lives to fly from Texas to Washington State this past weekend to help us at Lindseys Search Center.

And to Brad Dennis for all of his help too. Even though I never talked to him I heard he was actively involved via phone and email.

You guys have NO idea how much you are appreciated by everyone up here.

Thank you for caring about us and thank you, most of all, for caring about Lindsey.

Love you all! You've sparked a passion in me.. My prayers are that I never ever have to do this kind of thing again. But if I do.. I hope I can have the same impact on someones lives as you guys have had on mine.
Since everyone decided to be JennO this past weekend, I've decided to change my name to Margaret.

I think we should just start calling everyone Jenn...it would in some ways make life easier as someone would always answer and you'd always remember everyone's name...of course, it would also make life somewhat difficult in trying to get information from a specific person...
I think we should just start calling everyone Jenn...it would in some ways make life easier as someone would always answer and you'd always remember everyone's name...of course, it would also make life somewhat difficult in trying to get information from a specific person...

Yesterday everyone was JennO according to their coffee cups. Except me. No one wrote my name on my coffee cup.

Oh and I also learned a very valuable lesson yesterday. Never EVER make jokes about the President...

Had a close call yesterday when I made THAT mistake. :D
I was really pleased with the local turn out on Saturday. We were slammed right away. It was an organized chaos. All in all everything went fairly smooth. Thanks to the locals you really impressed me this weekend.
Apparently my computer is double posting today......

Morning McCleary, I had the same problem which drove me bonkers and the minute I got a new mouse I have had no problems. I bet it is your mouse. xox
I just had to pop in here and say that I am impressed with the search center members (core group) and all the searchers that have showed up thus far. It is not easy to do (mentally, emotionally and often physically) what any single one of them is asked or expected to do, yet they do it anyways. Without you guys, :angel: JennO, Potted, JennM, JVK, Breanna, Destiney, Cyberswept, Mike B, McCleary, YvonneCares, Sadly Mistaken and all you others:angel: - there would not be a search center and we would not be able to do what we are doing - which is working together to help bring Lindsey home.

Thank you guys so much - you guys have taught me that yes it is overwhelming and sometimes it all seems so impossible - but that is not what it is about - what all this work boils down to is bringing Lindsey home where she deserves to be.
Honestly.. I shouldn't be on this list. We just went for one day and I don't really feel like I did anything.. if you know what I mean. It was really hard to leave there and drive home.. One search and on one tiny little road out of so many roads and forests just didn't seem to be even close to enough. It is just overwhelming.

I do have to say.. as I sat there waiting for more people to join our group.. and I looked around at the posters and stuff, like JVK has posted.. it just hit me how real this was. Not that I didn't already know that but.. I don't know.. its hard to explain. The reality of the situation just hit me. We are discussing Lindsey's "case".. these people are LIVING her disappearance and working SOOO hard to bring her home! They have to be exhausted,overwhelmed and discouraged with all the new stuff that has come out but you would not know it. They are there making sure everyone feels welcome and important... always with a smile on their faces. I was impressed. I heard about the whole small town mentality and all that before going there. I didn't see that AT ALL!
I can not express enough how much we need vounteer searchers. With all of the area we are trying to search it is very important that we have the man/woman power to get the jobs done. I believe there is another search scheduled for sat and sunday. I ask everyone who can come out and help with the searching to come help. We are in the mist of hunting season and a big weather change. Leaves are going to start comming down soon and that may hinder our ability to see the forest floor. so please, if you can, come out and do a search with us.

thanks everyone!
Morning McCleary, I had the same problem which drove me bonkers and the minute I got a new mouse I have had no problems. I bet it is your mouse. xox

No mouse...I'm at school so I'm using the touchpad on my laptop. I think it's just a wimpy connection.
Honestly.. I shouldn't be on this list. We just went for one day and I don't really feel like I did anything.. if you know what I mean. It was really hard to leave there and drive home.. One search and on one tiny little road out of so many roads and forests just didn't seem to be even close to enough. It is just overwhelming.

I do have to say.. as I sat there waiting for more people to join our group.. and I looked around at the posters and stuff, like JVK has posted.. it just hit me how real this was. Not that I didn't already know that but.. I don't know.. its hard to explain. The reality of the situation just hit me. We are discussing Lindsey's "case".. these people are LIVING her disappearance and working SOOO hard to bring her home! They have to be exhausted,overwhelmed and discouraged with all the new stuff that has come out but you would not know it. They are there making sure everyone feels welcome and important... always with a smile on their faces. I was impressed. I heard about the whole small town mentality and all that before going there. I didn't see that AT ALL!

I think the fact that anyone takes the time to worry about someone else's missing child earns them a big thank you...and the time people are spending both on line and physically in town and the surrounding area looking makes the people (especially those of WS :) ) very caring and special people, and everyone who works toward getting all the missing angels home deserves any recognition given them.
ATVs would be awesome to bring. We have some areas that we could really use them.

I will not be there this coming weekend. Sports and my step sons wedding reception will keep me occupied.
Thanks, and it was good to see you. My daughter reunion went great. She considers her and I as "badass friends".

Unfortunately, with the news of the last week I am carrying an ache around with me all the time. Just like the rest of you. I didn't mean to give up hope. Hope that Lindsey is alive and in hiding for whatever reason. But it just went away. I want to cry. I am angry. At McCleary for not being a supportive small town like small towns are supposed to be. At her family for not being a perfect family. And anger isn't an adequate word for how I feel about the creep that took her away. But it's all overshadowed by this big ache inside me. It's tough. You know what I mean. We will never be the same.

BIG (((hugs))) MikeB
:blowkiss: :hug:
ATVs would be awesome to bring. We have some areas that we could really use them.

I will not be there this coming weekend. Sports and my step sons wedding reception will keep me occupied.

Is it only Saturday and Sunday or will there be people out on Friday too?
McCleary, Saturday and Sunday only.
Honestly.. I shouldn't be on this list. We just went for one day and I don't really feel like I did anything.. if you know what I mean. It was really hard to leave there and drive home.. One search and on one tiny little road out of so many roads and forests just didn't seem to be even close to enough. It is just overwhelming.

I do have to say.. as I sat there waiting for more people to join our group.. and I looked around at the posters and stuff, like JVK has posted.. it just hit me how real this was. Not that I didn't already know that but.. I don't know.. its hard to explain. The reality of the situation just hit me. We are discussing Lindsey's "case".. these people are LIVING her disappearance and working SOOO hard to bring her home! They have to be exhausted,overwhelmed and discouraged with all the new stuff that has come out but you would not know it. They are there making sure everyone feels welcome and important... always with a smile on their faces. I was impressed. I heard about the whole small town mentality and all that before going there. I didn't see that AT ALL!

SadlyMistaken - I am not sure who you were at the search center but know that just being there and helping with even one search made you an important part of what is being done. Every piece in a puzzle is an important piece.

Heads up for everyone there will be searches this upcoming weekend as well. <-I see JennO beat me too it..
I'm going to do my best to get my stuff together so I can come out and search for at least a few hours this coming weekend...if not able to search, I might be able to bring stuff to feed some people.
O/T - On Thursday: Upon inspecting a certain area .. we ran into... logger humor?




BTW: Sorry to the loggers that yelled 'HEY' and i .. just kept going... We'd already been there for 30min not sure how you didn't notice.. :)

Couple pictures from Friday:


O/T - On Thursday: Upon inspecting a certain area .. we ran into... logger humor?



I guess that's one way to keep track of where your logs are...or where your trailer is...as long as you can remember where one or the other is...
NO! Not the reporters....they're kinda scary....having to watch what you say, what you do....danged inconvenient at times...although we do appreciate them keeping Lindsey in the news.
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