WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #14

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We all feel it's something right under our nose. Sometimes i think we should start right back on maple & start knockin on doors. That or get a dog & start going around town.. & the other side of the highway.
I think a recreation of what happened that night would be very helpful. I also think that there is a clue we are missing laying on Maple Street - be it a neighbor, empty apt. or some lost article laying in the grass somewhere. If the witnesses did another drive-by maybe it would jog their memories as to what else was around that night when they saw Lindsey walking home.

onamission, What is the email address to the governor. Maybe if we all emailed her it would help.

You know the saying.. The squeaky wheel gets the grease

Let's get squeaky :)
Something to add: The Beehive donated around 10 boxes of latex gloves for the searchers (for the last search weekend)

From your post (THANK YOU), underlining by me: "First one we walk into multiple latex glove sets laying around on the floor & a wheelchair. Pretty obvious this hadn't been cracked open since a death."

Did any of the stuff lying around look like it was fairly recent? Please pardon my insensitivity here - but do you think someone could have tied Lindsey to that wheelchair and used the gloves to hide fingerprints?

Are you spinning the looks of that room in your head, now, months after you saw it? I guess I'm asking if anything about the room raised your hinky meter.

Also - do you remember the room numbers of any of the rooms you looked at?


I found the "public affairs office" email address for Washington State National Guard.. pao@wa.ngb.army.mil

I emailed them a flyer and asked them to distribute it among their soldiers and to pass it on to anyone they could.
This is the response I received from the National Guard!

Ms. Walkup, Thank you for your email. I am familiar with Lindsey's situation - as youknow, her father is a Tennessee Guardsman. We sent the missing person flyersof Lindsey out to our units to post in our facilities in the days after herdisappearance. Please believe me when I say the Washington National Guardhopes and prays she will return safely to her parents. The Governor activates the National Guard in times of State Emergency toaugment local jurisdictions when their response capacity has been exceeded.The Governor issues an emergency proclamation and authorizes the AdjutantGeneral to use the National Guard. It is common for the Guard to beactivated in the aftermath of natural or man-made disasters. To answer yourquestion, the National Guard does not have the authority to activate itselfto conduct a search. I do appreciate your efforts to find Lindsey and I hope she is found soon. Best regards,
Linda, I went a little bit different route. Instead of asking them to be activated I asked that they send this weekends search information flyer out to their troops. Hopefully at least some of them will show up.

I also sent the flyer to my son to send to his friends (as he is NG and has a lot of NG friends locally).
I don't really remember the room #'s. I've got a couple shots of the front that's about it.

I'd entered them from behind - not the front doors.

I can picture the room, wheelchair & gloves.

I'm sure whoever cleaned up the room assumed the gloves on the floor were used leading up to the prior death.

I'm undecided if you could really pull anything off in there.
We did a reenactment after Amber went missing! It was on the news to see if we could jog anyone’s memory, I think it is worth a shot for Lindsey. Maybe we could get the media out there as well to see if it may help someone remember!
Who has Melissa Baum contacted for help? IIRC TES will not respond unless a family member calls. Has Melissa looked into how she can make this next search less chaotic? Has she researched any groups for K-9 groups that would be willing? If Melissa isn't impressed with the investigation thats being led by the local LE maybe she could contact other agencies. I'm sure the web site for missing children have some wonderful suggestions and tips. Are there local clubs of ATV's or horse groups available? Perhaps if someone from the FBI could interview the mom the investigator could discover more clues which could help in the search.

I want Lindsey found because she deserves that right and Melissa has to lead in the search. Off the front porch, away from close friends and interact with LE and search for her child.

Novice Seeker
Novice Seeker, Trust me.. things are being done that aren't shared on the internet. Some things just aren't anyone elses business. Ya know?

And MB is NOT "just sitting on the porch waiting". She is out there just like the rest of us.

Please stop making it sound like she's doing nothing but sitting around feeling sorry for herself.
Jennifer and OneAMission - you guys are breaking my heart :) I hope that some of the Guardsmen will join you this weekend in MeCleary. My prayers are with you guys!

Novice Seeker, Trust me.. things are being done that aren't shared on the internet. Some things just aren't anyone elses business. Ya know?

And MB is NOT "just sitting on the porch waiting". She is out there just like the rest of us.

Please stop making it sound like she's doing nothing but sitting around feeling sorry for herself.

bolding by me. And this is very evident from the Affidavit which clearly implies that MB has, at a minimum, been driving up and down Maple Street. In my opinion, she, like a smart mom, appears to keep going back to the starting point and trying to find a clue, a feeling, whatever to help her locate her daughter. Apparently she cruises around at night, trying to find Lindsey - to the point that it makes the No. 1 POI in this case nervous. MB is doing something right!!!

Novice Seeker, Trust me.. things are being done that aren't shared on the internet. Some things just aren't anyone elses business. Ya know?

And MB is NOT "just sitting on the porch waiting". She is out there just like the rest of us.

Please stop making it sound like she's doing nothing but sitting around feeling sorry for herself.

Jenn O,
Thank you for saying that this is how rumors get started! MB is working just as hard as everyone else even harder because she is up nights most all night trying to find her baby! Not to mention that she is with us at the center doing everything possible!!!! right along with the rest of us.

We love you MB and Lindsey we will never stop helping you until Lindsey is home!!!!!!
Novice Seeker, Trust me.. things are being done that aren't shared on the internet. Some things just aren't anyone elses business. Ya know?

And MB is NOT "just sitting on the porch waiting". She is out there just like the rest of us.

Please stop making it sound like she's doing nothing but sitting around feeling sorry for herself.

If there is a child missing and the public is being asked to help it does become our business to a certain degree. Things are being done, that's great news but it seems that LE would be providing better or even some updates on this case. I in no way imply that Melissa is doing nothing, although the Match.com registration didn't help to convince me where her main priorities are. But, that's just me. I do however hope that several LE agencies are aware of this business which some don't feel needs to be shared. And, I hope you are right that she's out there everyday leading the charge in the search for her daughter.

Novice Seeker
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