WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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TY. Hopefully you can help me understand this aspect of an investigation b/c this is like everything else Legal which is like learning Latin at my age. Hard on the brain, at least to mine.

I posted in another comment about an article that has the local sheriff or undersheriff (which btw, what does that mean?) talking about the lack of and useless tips that are coming into his office. So, if the sheriff is in charge of receiving any/all tips and appears to be the one who determines if a tip is valid how can the FBI help?

Novice Seeker
Quick note on what an Undersheriff is - defined as a deputy to the sheriff, second in command.

In Grays Harbor the Sheriff's department has three divisions, each with an admin officer who reports to Undersheriff Scott and then Sheriff Whelan.
Just a quick clarification: Undersheriff Rick Scott is with the Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Office - not McCleary PD.

I myself like Scott's work, I was impressed early on watching him in TV interviews. I can see how that quote might not seem professional but for me it fit in with the story. Quotes can be so taken out of context in media, I tend to give folks some slack.

But that's just me. :)

I sure wonder who is responsible for the rumors.

Thank you, SarahC .. I stand corrected as to Scott being from the GHCSO instead of the McCleary PD ... but my point remains the same.

ITA, Scott's quoted statement fits with the story, but it lacks completion. The statement just hangs there, and many will read it and infer Scott doesn't want any more phone calls. That's bad news. You never know which off-the-wall phone call might be the one that brings Lindsey home.

Most, if not all of us on the forums probably read each article to its entirety, from the 'lede' to the last period. The general population typically are not that complete. Many people skim read statement bites or hear sound bites, and infer contexts in to stories other than original intent.

We are a fortunate crew, I expect we might be at least a bit more informed on this [and other] case than non-Internet savy and many general population folk.

Every statement offered for general consumption by LE should be measured and precise as to context and intent ... Scott stopped short of that necessity.
Thank you, SarahC .. I stand corrected as to Scott being from the GHCSO instead of the McCleary PD ... but my point remains the same.

ITA, Scott's quoted statement fits with the story, but it lacks completion. The statement just hangs there, and many will read it and infer Scott doesn't want any more phone calls. That's bad news. You never know which off-the-wall phone call might be the one that brings Lindsey home.

Most, if not all of us on the forums probably read each article to its entirety, from the 'lede' to the last period. The general population typically are not that complete. Many people skim read statement bites or hear sound bites, and infer contexts in to stories other than original intent.

We are a fortunate crew, I expect we might be at least a bit more informed on this [and other] case than non-Internet savy and many general population folk.

Every statement offered for general consumption by LE should be measured and precise as to context and intent ... Scott stopped short of that necessity.

I agree with you about the comments regarding the very law enforcement investigating this case. Most of us do read the entirety of an article with no intent of manipulating or misconstruing statements. This sheriff's unprofessional comment which could affect this case is b/c of what he said during an interview, not b/c someone took an article and copied, added to or deleted any of HIS words to form that sentence.

This article represents and describes how this group of LE is handling this case. Why is a group with this mindset being left in charge of handling any evidence and tips related to this case? From what some have shared this community hasn't quite rallied around to search for this child and with the LE making these sort of comments it most definitely doesn't help this case. And that is an injustice for this little girl.

Novice Seeker
Thank you, SarahC .. I stand corrected as to Scott being from the GHCSO instead of the McCleary PD ... but my point remains the same.

ITA, Scott's quoted statement fits with the story, but it lacks completion. The statement just hangs there, and many will read it and infer Scott doesn't want any more phone calls. That's bad news. You never know which off-the-wall phone call might be the one that brings Lindsey home.

Most, if not all of us on the forums probably read each article to its entirety, from the 'lede' to the last period. The general population typically are not that complete. Many people skim read statement bites or hear sound bites, and infer contexts in to stories other than original intent.

We are a fortunate crew, I expect we might be at least a bit more informed on this [and other] case than non-Internet savy and many general population folk.

Every statement offered for general consumption by LE should be measured and precise as to context and intent ... Scott stopped short of that necessity.

I have been quoted by the newspapers many times over the years. That alone can be frustrating cause they NEVER get it right. Give Rick some slack. He's a very experienced professional LEO. Maybe it's the newspapers you should lose confidence in. Rick has no say over what they print ...

I have been quoted by the newspapers many times over the years. That alone can be frustrating cause they NEVER get it right. Give Rick some slack. He's a very experienced professional LEO. Maybe it's the newspapers you should lose confidence in. Rick has no say over what they print ...


Hi, DD,

I know media exercises poetic license, but when offering statements to media I believe an interviewee has the responsibility to demand the interviewer to "write my statement exactly as I have spoken it.". Pipe dream? Not necessarily. If a reporter feels their story will be scrutinized for accuracy I believe they are more likely to be accurate than to embelish or sensationalize.

I am not beating up on the GHCSO, I know they have a tough job ... but if you sign up for a job ,,,, :innocent:
I have been quoted by the newspapers many times over the years. That alone can be frustrating cause they NEVER get it right. Give Rick some slack. He's a very experienced professional LEO. Maybe it's the newspapers you should lose confidence in. Rick has no say over what they print ...


Why would the newspaper put words into the sheriff's mouth in a case that's receiving public attention? If he didn't make that statement then hopefully he will step up and demand a retraction. However, just from the articles that have included comments from him I'm inclined to believe that he made that comment. It's b/c of the way this case has been handled along with the numerous comments he has made during this case attacking the public who are following this case that led to my lack of confidence of this LE's handling of this case.

Novice Seeker
I have been quoted by the newspapers many times over the years. That alone can be frustrating cause they NEVER get it right. Give Rick some slack. He's a very experienced professional LEO. Maybe it's the newspapers you should lose confidence in. Rick has no say over what they print ...


Hi DD, Ulterior motive here as I wanted to say I appreciate your posts here and think you are a stickler for detail for the most part. ;}

I also wanted to point out the article from the Daily World also says " . . fielding media calls all day asking him about alleged warrants and arrests". I don't know if it was so much community members calling in 'hot' tips as it was the media responding to a rumor about impending arrest/s.

I think the media got ahold of some info and it spread like wildfire among the ranks causing lots of calls to Sheriff Scott. The media can be unrelenting as each wants the scoop first. And the problem with them is as you say, they don't always get it right. I bet the media didn't even do any research to see who it was that was supposedly going to be arrested.

I read allot of Lindsey forums and haven't read about that rumor at all ;}
I actually heard the rumor last monday (I live in Grays Harbor county) and kept checking here to see if anything was posted about it. I also kept checking the newspaper and nothing, after a couple of days I realised it was just that, a rumor. Im not sure if it would be appropriate to post a rumor here so I will just say it involved a hit and run and hide scenerio and multiple individules involved. I have to admit I was hopping that it was a break in Lindseys case, although I still hope for a much more happy outcome.

Hi Scandi, just in case you didn't see Razzberry's post. Seems like locals knew about it though. Razz says she knew about it Last Monday :)

Thanks Razzberry for the info. A rumor, if I understand correctly can be posted if it is clearly identified as such and names are not stated, just initials. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong.
Hi Scandi, just in case you didn't see Razzberry's post. Seems like locals knew about it though. Razz says she knew about it Last Monday :)

Thanks Razzberry for the info. A rumor, if I understand correctly can be posted if it is clearly identified as such and names are not stated, just initials. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks Knox, I read Razz's post and was just contemplating that she didn't mention possible impending arrests which was noted in the Daily World article you posted. Maybe that wasn't a part of the local rumor but something the media itself picked up on. xox
Thanks Knox, I read Razz's post and was just contemplating that she didn't mention possible impending arrests which was noted in the Daily World article you posted. Maybe that wasn't a part of the local rumor but something the media itself picked up on. xox
The rumor I had heard was that an individual had confessed to hitting Lindsey while she was walking home, that he was scared and did not know what to do so he drove her to westport put her into a crabpot and dumped her into the ocean. The way I heard it was there was more than one person involved and that the police had the vehicle and were investigating. I had heard he was hispanic. Like I said in my previous post I took it as that a rumor because I knew if it were true it would have been in the newspaper posted here and on the news. Still I looked everywhere all week for reports and finally the artical in the dailyworld confirmed it was just a rumor.
Hi, DD,

I know media exercises poetic license, but when offering statements to media I believe an interviewee has the responsibility to demand the interviewer to "write my statement exactly as I have spoken it.". Pipe dream? Not necessarily. If a reporter feels their story will be scrutinized for accuracy I believe they are more likely to be accurate than to embelish or sensationalize.

I am not beating up on the GHCSO, I know they have a tough job ... but if you sign up for a job ,,,, :innocent:

as I said, obviously you haven't worked with news reporters..They print what they think will make good reading, not necessarily what is correct....or even what you want...

Hi DD, Ulterior motive here as I wanted to say I appreciate your posts here and think you are a stickler for detail for the most part. ;}

I also wanted to point out the article from the Daily World also says " . . fielding media calls all day asking him about alleged warrants and arrests". I don't know if it was so much community members calling in 'hot' tips as it was the media responding to a rumor about impending arrest/s.

I think the media got ahold of some info and it spread like wildfire among the ranks causing lots of calls to Sheriff Scott. The media can be unrelenting as each wants the scoop first. And the problem with them is as you say, they don't always get it right. I bet the media didn't even do any research to see who it was that was supposedly going to be arrested.

I read allot of Lindsey forums and haven't read about that rumor at all ;}

that is correct, as I said before, media is all about selling....being correct is way down their list of priorities.

Why would the newspaper put words into the sheriff's mouth in a case that's receiving public attention? If he didn't make that statement then hopefully he will step up and demand a retraction. However, just from the articles that have included comments from him I'm inclined to believe that he made that comment. It's b/c of the way this case has been handled along with the numerous comments he has made during this case attacking the public who are following this case that led to my lack of confidence of this LE's handling of this case.

Novice Seeker
A retraction you say, oh they can do that, but in my experience they can and often will word that in such a way as to make matters worse. Remember they are about selling, not about news...

The rumor I had heard was that an individual had confessed to hitting Lindsey while she was walking home, that he was scared and did not know what to do so he drove her to westport put her into a crabpot and dumped her into the ocean. The way I heard it was there was more than one person involved and that the police had the vehicle and were investigating. I had heard he was hispanic. Like I said in my previous post I took it as that a rumor because I knew if it were true it would have been in the newspaper posted here and on the news. Still I looked everywhere all week for reports and finally the artical in the dailyworld confirmed it was just a rumor.

Wow, that's quite a rumor, but that would leave some evidence blood, shoes, tire marks, glass, something. It would tend to make some noise and get some attention too....Naw obviously a rumor..

Wow, that's quite a rumor, but that would leave some evidence blood, shoes, tire marks, glass, something. It would tend to make some noise and get some attention too....Naw obviously a rumor..


Hi DD, That rumor has been out there about a month, keeps coming back again. Time will tell, eh?
Hi DD, That rumor has been out there about a month, keeps coming back again. Time will tell, eh?

I hadn't heard that rumor, guess it's possible...but I would think there would be some evidence. vehicle pedestrian collisions can be a bit messy.....

I hadn't heard that rumor, guess it's possible...but I would think there would be some evidence. vehicle pedestrian collisions can be a bit messy.....


Yes, it would probably take the dogs or luminal to disclose any evidence and since we have been told almost nothing about that we can't even try to put it together as to what might have happened.

I think that article in the paper might start to make some people a bit nervous now. Hopefully.

And like I always repeat what a very wise local poster said to me, LE is using the media as a tool in Lindsey's case to further the investigation. Let it be the reason that Justice will come for Lindsey and that she will be found soon and brought back home. xox
IF and that's a big if, there were some truth to this rumor. Would LE say it's only a rumor to protect the investigation? My other thought is whether the rumor was started by the perp or someone connected to him/her. The story is pretty intricate KWIM?
IF and that's a big if, there were some truth to this rumor. Would LE say it's only a rumor to protect the investigation? My other thought is whether the rumor was started by the perp or someone connected to him/her. The story is pretty intricate KWIM?

Hi Knox, IF there is some truth to this rumor you bet 'cha I think they would try to pull someone out who has info about something to do with either the abduction or disposal of Lindsey.

Here it seems like reverse psychology, saying all the hot tips and possibility of warrants and arrests are not true. So whoever did this to Lindsey relaxes and then hopefully gets careless, says something to the wrong person when drunk, etc.

My impression of the GHSD is that they do things by the book, methodically and looking from the inside of the box out. They work every tip to see if they can rule it out to go on to the next one. They have been shown to be tenacious in their going back and back again to re-question or re-search properties.

On the other hand, the FBI team, who I am sure {well, IMO}, are on immediate call for advice and brainstorming and might be the creative part of the partnership in the investigation.

And I can see it as a perfect way to protect an investigation, planting the seed it is all rumor and they are back to square one. It will stop discussion of it by the community members for one thing. Right now I don't think there was ever anything for the press to report that they had wind of. IMO
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