WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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The last article on the link thread says the rumor was that there was a confession, started by someone who wanted to settle a score with the supposed suspect. I don't know if that sounds like LE is strategizing.
IF and that's a big if, there were some truth to this rumor. Would LE say it's only a rumor to protect the investigation? My other thought is whether the rumor was started by the perp or someone connected to him/her. The story is pretty intricate KWIM?
Natalee Holloway was 'hit by a car and disposed of in a crab trap', according to one rumor in Aruba. I don't think that happened to Natalee, and I don't think it happened to Lindsey, either. Such a thing might explain a missing body, but it would be impossible not to leave a lot of other evidence behind.
Natalee Holloway was 'hit by a car and disposed of in a crab trap', according to one rumor in Aruba. I don't think that happened to Natalee, and I don't think it happened to Lindsey, either. Such a thing might explain a missing body, but it would be impossible not to leave a lot of other evidence behind.

Hi Coastal, You're right I think unless there was no injury to cause bleeding. And if it was an accidental death, why would the person responsible go to the lengths of hiding her so well that she wouldn't be found in 5 months?

The penalty for disposing of the body isn't very stiff. And maybe they would still be charged the same whether they hid the body or not. I don't know. If they already had a record it certainly wouldn't help with their sentencing. Do I think all this would roll thru their mind at that moment? I don't really think so. They would be mostly panicked IMO

I often see at this point in a case where posters get a bit edgy, wanting to see the case move forward. It is happening now in Somers case and here too. We will start to see wild theories pop up and new avenues to explore. And what makes it worse is when LE gives out almost nothing on the case.

So we will wait patiently and constantly dig like good Sleuthers do. ;} All I know is she most likely didn't disappear on her own so someone knows something!
Quite the contrary, and in all honesty I do not understand the "core member" as you have defined in your statement.

It might not ever make sense to me that when there is a search planned or in progress why the media should detour the searchers. As I have posted previously, It seems the search team is struggling for volunteers, the searches are only done on two day weekends, and not every weekend (weather permitting). So as someone looking on the outside, looking in, I do not understand why the media would even want to interrupt the search team at the cost of maybe finding Lindsey Baum.

MarieG - By core member I mean those who are regular members that dedicate every weekend (with few exceptions) at least to the Lindsey Baum Search Center. Core members typically have roles at the center outside of simply just searching HTH

What I think is not getting across is media is rarely if ever there during an entire search. Media is there typically long enough to get their shots and interviews for the pieces that they run and they've never been a bother or an interference IMO. Once they have completed their shots/interviews and disperse then searchers continue to do what they are sent out to do which is complete a thorough search of an area. If 5 minutes of tearing through bushes and overgrowth is lost to one searcher due to an interview or requested media shot then it is picked up by a fellow searcher.

That is hardly anything comparable to a detour or a hindrance IMPO. If you compare the 5 to 10 minutes of our "search time" that they request/take up compared to the couple of searchers we get in turn because someone has caught the show on the air then I actually think they are increasing the chances of us covering more area.

Without the media then I fear we would be doing far worse than "struggling for volunteers". And just for the record, searches with outside volunteers are minimal, yes, because we don't have the turn outs that we'd like many weekends but we have core teams that go out often several times a week outside of our search weekends. If a place needs to be searched it gets searched regardless of the weather. Searchers have trekked through hail, creeks, culverts, sun and beating rains Mondays through Sundays to check an area and we will continue to.

IF and that's a big if, there were some truth to this rumor. Would LE say it's only a rumor to protect the investigation? My other thought is whether the rumor was started by the perp or someone connected to him/her. The story is pretty intricate KWIM?

Scandi was correct in saying this is a rumor (or a "version" of a rumor at least) that has been around for quite some time. However, it honestly is only one of several quite varied versions that have been running around lately. We have seen a significant increase in this rumor since it was posted elsewhere in cyberspace though which may just be a coincidence but either way definitely something that we are all hoping is being thoroughly investigated.
What I think is not getting across is media is rarely if ever there during an entire search. Media is there typically long enough to get their shots and interviews for the pieces that they run and they've never been a bother or an interference IMO. Once they have completed their shots/interviews and disperse then searchers continue to do what they are sent out to do which is complete a thorough search of an area. If 5 minutes of tearing through bushes and overgrowth is lost to one searcher due to an interview or requested media shot then it is picked up by a fellow searcher.

That is hardly anything comparable to a detour or a hindrance IMPO. If you compare the 5 to 10 minutes of our "search time" that they request/take up compared to the couple of searchers we get in turn because someone has caught the show on the air then I actually think they are increasing the chances of us covering more area.

Without the media then I fear we would be doing far worse than "struggling for volunteers". And just for the record, searches with outside volunteers are minimal, yes, because we don't have the turn outs that we'd like many weekends but we have core teams that go out often several times a week outside of our search weekends. If a place needs to be searched it gets searched regardless of the weather. Searchers have trekked through hail, creeks, culverts, sun and beating rains Mondays through Sundays to check an area and we will continue to.

Hi LN4L, Can I be so bold as to ask if you have searched in any of the open areas where search dogs were taken? I've read that some of these areas have been re-searched several times, like the water tower area for instance.

This isn't the search thread, but I think what caused some questions about the searches was the photo in the Olympian. I'm sure you can understand.

And again I know we are all so grateful to you and your peers who are giving of themselves to help locate Lindsey. I think we know most of you here! xox
The idea that a body has not yet been found remains a positive imo, Lindsey is young, but fiesty, so it is possible, imo, that she is still alive and continuing to make decisons according to what she is able to work out. Yes, it's been a long time but children have come out of this area of incredible hopelessness, in good shape, despite the trouble experienced. I personally still believe that "no mail" is good news with respect to Lindsey. Cheers
Just thought i'd toss this in here:

I once had a reporter trailing behind me say "So what did you say your philosophy was?" <in ref to search/method> - When i'd said nothing. This was a low-blow attempt to prompt a <sound bite> response. I said "I didn't say anything"

We appreciate the media attention, and this ^ was (hopefully) an isolated incident.

You have to be careful to protect yourself & the integrity of the search.

It can be difficult to get anything done with media/cameras around. I don't inherently blame them.

At times no one wants to compromise information by putting the media ontop of it.

There were times i had shoo'd reporter(s) away from stuff that by-rule we wouldn't (& were told not to) share with the public. (common sense stuff)

I'm sure it can be almost equally difficult to get the shots they are looking for. It's awkward for both sides. - I know a little about (the difficulty of) being on the media side too.
As far as searching areas that have already been searched. Sometimes this is one hand not talking to the other (FBI, LE & Search Center) - It's difficult to just 'assume an area has been searched.. w/out really knowing. We keep very good track of where we've been... & sometimes we return.
Just thought i'd toss this in here:

I once had a reporter trailing behind me say "So what did you say your philosophy was?" <in ref to search/method> - When i'd said nothing. This was a low-blow attempt to prompt a <sound bite> response. I said "I didn't say anything"

We appreciate the media attention, and this ^ was (hopefully) an isolated incident.

You have to be careful to protect yourself & the integrity of the search.

It can be difficult to get anything done with media/cameras around. I don't inherently blame them.

At times no one wants to compromise information by putting the media ontop of it.

There were times i had shoo'd reporter(s) away from stuff that by-rule we wouldn't (& were told not to) share with the public. (common sense stuff)

I'm sure it can be almost equally difficult to get the shots they are looking for. It's awkward for both sides. - I know a little about (the difficulty of) being on the media side too.

Thanks Jvk, That makes a lot of sense, realizing you look at it from both perspectives. A photographer and a searcher. xox
Hi LookN4Lindsey, I'm wondering if you know where Lindsey was on Friday.

We have differing reports. Kara has said Lindsey spent the day there swimming and Junsada {Libby's daughter} has posted she was only there for 1 1/2 hours. We know the girls left Libby's in time to pick out videos at the vid store and it closes at 8pm.

And do you know where else she and her friend MK went that day besides to the video store. I wonder what else she did all day long.

Regarding rumors (and it is only a rumor!), ie: a hit / run / hide situation:

Wasn't one of the witnesses driving to work that evening? Why hasn't that person come forward publicly?

Understand? This is how rumors are started and extended.

I do not believe there was a hit / run situation.
Regarding rumors (and it is only a rumor!), ie: a hit / run / hide situation:

Wasn't one of the witnesses driving to work that evening? Why hasn't that person come forward publicly?

Understand? This is how rumors are started and extended.

I do not believe there was a hit / run situation.

And that person would want to come forward publicly for what reason? I would imagine there were several people driving in McCleary that evening...

sounds to me like if that person is listed as a witness he/she already came forward..

And that person would want to come forward publicly for what reason? I would imagine there were several people driving in McCleary that evening...

sounds to me like if that person is listed as a witness he/she already came forward..


Exactly my point.:dance:
hmmm odd my post yesterday was deleted.

Hi Melissa, I came back last night to give you a WELCOME to WS and found it gone as well.

First it had to be done by a Mod. One thing about WS is it is carefully monitored to make sure what is posted is in compliance with TOS or the rules of the board. I have no idea why it was deleted as I am just a poster like you.

I did notice tho that you really zoned in on one poster in particular, and possibly as an aside, you mentioned maybe that poster had a crush on you, being facetious I am sure. One of our main rules here is we attack the post and not the poster. It works well as you can still get your point across if you single out a post to comment on.

WS is widely read by many people who are not posters. Like Sheriff Scott. He said SS like, he appreciated WS. That meant allot to the members of the forum.

I'm thinking of questions for you. The main one I have is what time did Lindsey get to Libby's house. I ask that with all due respect to you, and not thinking it is such a case sensitive question it can't be answered.

Thanks Melissa
Hi Melissa, I came back last night to give you a WELCOME to WS and found it gone as well.

First it had to be done by a Mod. One thing about WS is it is carefully monitored to make sure what is posted is in compliance with TOS or the rules of the board. I have no idea why it was deleted as I am just a poster like you.

I did notice tho that you really zoned in on one poster in particular, and possibly as an aside, you mentioned maybe that poster had a crush on you, being facetious I am sure. One of our main rules here is we attack the post and not the poster. It works well as you can still get your point across if you single out a post to comment on.

WS is widely read by many people who are not posters. Like Sheriff Scott. He said SS like, he appreciated WS. That meant allot to the members of the forum.

I'm thinking of questions for you. The main one I have is what time did Lindsey get to Libby's house. I ask that with all due respect to you, and not thinking it is such a case sensitive question it can't be answered.

Thanks Melissa

that i dont know, i just know they were swimming earlier in the evening. sorry

ok so to the poster whose every post mentions my name, do you have an actual question for me
One thing that has kept me coming back to the Lindsey thread, besides my fervent hopes of Lindsey being located, is the goodwill, respect, and cooperation that has always made the Lindsey forum stand out. I would be very sorry if this forum became confrontational, as some do over time.
One wise poster said: One of our main rules here is we attack the post and not the poster. It works well as you can still get your point across if you single out a post to comment on.
Of course I agree, I have been the subject of many posts where I have been misinterpreted, but to my shame. I should have responded more clearly many times, and that is one of the problems, miscommunication because of emotional stress as regards the trouble...geez, "me", stop being so formal! Okay, what I'm saying is all of us do our best to express, and sometimes we get too emotional when the
"s" hit's the fan, such as frustration about Lindsey. Can you imagine how frustrated "mom" is? Her frustration, and her son's frustration, must be so much more impossible to deal with than our frustrations. I believe that we all need to keep Lindsey alive in hope and thought, no matter how long she has been gone, and I am sure that mom visits this space from time to time, hoping that all of us are keepin' on with positive hopes. I'm not a religious person, sorry, but I do believe that Lindsey is still alive, in my soul. For now, that's enough for me. I share this with "mom" as well just because I honestly believe that Lindsey is alive, even after all of this loss. I may be wrong, but I need to express this to you all who visit this place because I do honestly believe that dear Lindsey will be found, alive.
that i dont know, i just know they were swimming earlier in the evening. sorry

ok so to the poster whose every post mentions my name, do you have an actual question for me

I recall that swimming place, and it was right next to the highway, yes. I'd say that if some pedophile was local, and knew that swimming area, he would definitely have honed in on that pool. That includes locations and properties right next, in that neighborhood, which to me would be more worthy of checking out than some dude driving down the highway out of town.
How many neighbors to that pool have been investigated, and inquired of? Some old man, watching the kids at the pool sort of thing?
That pool, with the clutter and such, even seen on google earth clearly, was a place that existed at the time of the crime, clearly kids, including Lindsey, were there, and that seems to me to be a place that needs to be "cleared" or investigated much more than has been. That place was used often, locally, and enjoyed by many kids in the area. We need to know a whole lot more about the person who owns that property, imo. Even the ornaments on that property, the clutter, are causes for interest. Those people who own the property are "people of interest" imo

Why do a couple of old people have a pool?
Are they attracting kids to their place?
Just a thought, that pool is ugly
I apologize to the owners of that pool if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that you understand that this idea needs to be approached. I'm not after you in any way, I am simply doing what the police would do, eliminating possibilities. You have a pool, and you have skulls dangling around your property. Clearly, you have allowed Lindsey to enjoy your pool. That was nice of you. Please tell us all about what you knew or found out about Lindsey. That would be excellent, and something that you have never done. My question is "why" are you being so silent about a disappeared child who frequented your pool often with her friends?

Much appreciated
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