WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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Perhaps I missed it but, has anyone determined:

* The Park N Ride Bus Schedule for the evening of 06/26/2009
* The trash / recycles pick-up schedule
* Street cleaners (Elgin or boots on the ground?)
* Repairpersons /Service personnel / Emergency HVAC / Plumbing
* McCleary Community Church services - was anyone attending that evening
* Walkers / Joggers / Dog walkers
* Was anyones pet spooked or acting unusual that evening
* Where were McCleary PD squad cars

Do I think LB stepped into a bus that evening? No.
Do I think LB was placed ... No.

I'm just trying to be complete.

I researched the bus angle and nothing came from it. Iirc, there were no buses in or out of McCleary that late (including summer schedule).

Someone said something at one time about someone posting lost dog signs, but I have no idea when that was or what ever came of it. Someone else might remember?
Were houses searched for a 'secret' room, crawlspace?

There is also a house across the street from the Beehive that is owned by the Beehive. Seems to me someone local was going to go check it out as it was for sale, but they said someone was occupying it.
Hi ya Chuck, I do know an Investigator Davin is the lead on the case and they have a full time gal on the case in Montesano. She might be Davin, I don't know.

When the FBI first came down from Seattle there was a link saying the computer guru guy {name ???} was in charge of the case. A couple of weeks ago JenniferO said the FBI is still in charge.

The deal with the FBI tho is the way they operate is they do their own investigation in the case as the local LE does. Then the FBI bows to the locals for arrests, etc. So the FBI would never be in charge of the local LE operation as far as I know.

If Coldcaseman happens to read here today he would know how this works in GHC.

Back to work, but will think about your big post Chuck and respond when I get home. xox

Ok, I've done some research (now that I have a working laptop) and it seems that Polly Davin is a Grays Harbor County Detective. I thought I had read she worked for the FBI. I was incorrect when I said that the FBI was 'in charge of the case'. They are not in charge but they are (it seems) still actively helping out

According to a post in the Media thread
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links ONLY - no discussion
Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Detective Polly Davin now spends most of her time about 16 miles away in a small Montesano office, filled with files, in-boxes and phones. A couple computers hum on the desktop.

Davin shares the office with a handful of sheriff’s detectives and FBI agents still dedicated to the case full-time. Other investigators come and go as necessary.

The core investigators — Davin, Keith Peterson and Ed McGowan — have a good balance of temperaments and perspectives. They will often sit over meals and try to sort through different aspects of the case as a group.

My apologies for the mistake.
Based upon ... ? Have the allegations against WB been confirmed, and is *this* JM *THEE* JM:RSO? I've read of no evidence regarding either.

It does make me wonder:

An evening in a small town neighborhood, with at least some individuals on the street either driving to work or visiting in neighbors yards ...

/// but *no one* sees nor hears anything *unusual* ///

... but yet, a then-10 yr old goes missing under their very noses?

So then, what was so 'usual' that someone might have witnessed and thought nothing of it? What are we missing?

It seems impossible to create a timeline / opportunity list, simply because it would be so unwieldly ... some timelines are not concrete and there seems to be too much opportunity for too many.

Do we need a 'this person was here at this time' and their 'opportunity level was x', thread?

Chuck IMO what's missing is the truth about what happened that evening. Until we, IMO again, get the real story none of this is going to make any sense. Even worse, Lindsey won't be found and allowed the peace and justice she deserves.

As for the FBI, does the state of Washington have a state agency to deal with crime and investigations? Just very concerned that if the local LE or their neighbor's continue to head this investigation that there is a higher risk that this case will never be resolved because of local connections. One example of what could prevent this case from being solved, why hasn't the LE addressed the inconsistencies given and at least determined a more realistic understanding of what happened at the beginning of this crime and shared it with the public. Just that alone could lead to more tips b/c someone might realize that whatever they saw or heard that night or about that night is indeed information that's connected to LB.

Does that make sense? Sometimes what gets transferred from my head to paper gets mumbled.

Novice Seeker
I don't know how to bump things over to this thread so will copy and paste the info from the dream thread.

Konamocha 8/26/09 #327

I did find out that the night LB disappeared the city was having a retirement party for one of their employees at the community center from 5-7pm.

I am also almost positive that there was a hispanic dance at the vfw that night too. The construction that sticks out in my mind of late is at the school and the landscapers that were at the beehive on the corner of 7th. The city did recently pave the city hall parking area and they started to remodel the park

KageyKaren 8/26/09 #335

The VFW & retirement party has not been discussed here as of yet. Could you find out if this may have been a private party booked at the VFW

I am not sure how much was looked into as of yet but according to this post but retirement party ended approximately 9 not sure how long the other gathering lasted or if there was one. Lindsey went missing approximately between 9:15-9:30 by witness accounts of last being seen.
Hi, We learned quite a bit since yesterday.

Thanks Jennifer for that explanation and the great link. I had never read that. And don't feel bad at all. Info is still being refined as happens in every case. ;}

Thanks Tamg too for those snippets. Knowing now that the partee was at the community center and scheduled between 5 and 7 is a fact. Kagey's saying it ended around 9 is a bit conflicting, but I think that might be attributed to people sitting around chatting afterwards especially if there was any libation served. LOL

Hi Chuck, the article where the Mayor was quoted left me with the impression he was home at the time Lindsey would have been walking past his property. I'll have to go re-read that, but why else would it be mentioned in the Affidavit unless it was a timely matter.

Back to basics, no matter if Lindsey walked straight down Maple or turned up on 6th, she did walk past his property and it is a nice big lot that is approx 1/4 of that whole block. {On some maps I see a separate tax lot where the outbuilding is on the NE corner of the Mayor's lot. He might own it or not, don't know.}

And the 2 facts that lead me to believe she turned up 6th are:

* Mr Self lives across Maple St from the Mayor and he didn't see anything in regards to Lindsey walking home.

* The 6 searches of the JM property. Even tho nothing was found, there had to be a reason LE wanted to do as thorough a search as possible.

So looking at the people who lived on the route she walked towards home goes to opportunity IMO at this point until we learn anything new or different.

Have a great day Peeps xox
I don't know how to bump things over to this thread so will copy and paste the info from the dream thread.

Konamocha 8/26/09 #327

I did find out that the night LB disappeared the city was having a retirement party for one of their employees at the community center from 5-7pm.

I am also almost positive that there was a hispanic dance at the vfw that night too. The construction that sticks out in my mind of late is at the school and the landscapers that were at the beehive on the corner of 7th. The city did recently pave the city hall parking area and they started to remodel the park

KageyKaren 8/26/09 #335

The VFW & retirement party has not been discussed here as of yet. Could you find out if this may have been a private party booked at the VFW

I am not sure how much was looked into as of yet but according to this post but retirement party ended approximately 9 not sure how long the other gathering lasted or if there was one. Lindsey went missing approximately between 9:15-9:30 by witness accounts of last being seen.

Report events described below are not necessarily in chronological order but the 06/26/2009 evening-related events they describe, might be:
  • LB left MK's 06/26/2009 ~9:10pm-9:15pm
  • Witnesses place LB between 6th and 5th on Maple ~9:15pm to ~9:30pm
  • MK states during a vigil; "I saw Lindsey at the end of Maple". MK did not provide a time but, note this: "end of Maple". We might infer that to mean at Main St or 3rd St., but I do not believe MK meant that. It's just that she might have become so accustomed to having seeing LB at that distance when she walked toward or away from either house. If MK was indeed accurate regarding at Main St. or 3rd., then that would change things quite a bit since it was assumed the other witnesses saw LB *after* MK watched her. If that's true, and the other witnesses place LB at 6th/5th ... how possibly could MK see LB at Main/3rd?
  • MB did not begin searching until between 9:30pm and 10:00+pm, first on foot then by car with friends.
  • MB calls police ~10:50pm.
  • Potential abductee situation determination 06/27/2009 at ~4:00am.
Why was MK and LB not allowed to have a sleepover? I've read two different reasons:
  • KK and family had something planned for early next morning.
  • KK's BF had to go to work early next day and wanted undisturbed sleep that evening.
Has anyone confirmed which, or is it a different reason?



WHOA, Thanks so much for that Jvk and to you too Jennifer for mentioning it. Each person on that cover is equally important to find but I am tickled at the photo they used of Lindsey and her placement on the page.

Nifty Neato! It will be a great read I bet. xox
WHOA, Thanks so much for that Jvk and to you too Jennifer for mentioning it. Each person on that cover is equally important to find but I am tickled at the photo they used of Lindsey and her placement on the page.

Nifty Neato! It will be a great read I bet. xox
That is so wonderful. Us as parents would love to have our children on People - But NEVER in a situation like this. This is great exposure for the Baum family and I am happy Lindsey is on the cover. I hope this gets a lead or someone to talk. The media is getting less and less interested in Lindsey's case....and it is frustrating me. I pray this helps.
That is so wonderful. Us as parents would love to have our children on People - But NEVER in a situation like this. This is great exposure for the Baum family and I am happy Lindsey is on the cover. I hope this gets a lead or someone to talk. The media is getting less and less interested in Lindsey's case....and it is frustrating me. I pray this helps.

Me too Nosylla, Add to that all the sudden missing person cases it is simply scary what is going on in our world right now. Something is broken and it is such a huge problem maybe the President needs to make a few speeches about it. Oh, I can't believe I said that! ;} Ah- hmmmmm.

What we can do is work to keep these cases alive and all brains working together. And then do all we can to promote the family as the root of goodness for all citizens. Eventually this evil in our world might be eventually slowed way down. xox
Post #5 from the Media Links Only thread:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links ONLY - no discussion

Michaela Campen [sic] is the last person known to have seen Lindsay. The girls were at Michaela's home around 9:30 Friday night, hoping Lindsay could sleep over.
"I told her you need to head home, it's getting dark soon, a half hour of light left. She put on her shoes and headed home," said Kara Campen.[sic]

That last statement: "She put on her shoes....".
  • Was LB wearing shoes when they arrived at MK's house?
  • Did LB typically remove her shoes upon arriving at MK's [or any friends] house?


    ... the temperature (within 15 miles of McCleary) on 06/26/2009: 71°
    Not hot by any stretch, but did it warranty wearing a hoodie? Perhaps. But it was hot enough for a swim earlier that day.

    How does LE know what LB was wearing *underneath* her outer clothing? Did MB provide that information? MK?

    Near-11 yr olds don't need nor want supervision while bathing or dressing so it is plausible this info did not come from MB.

    Since LE supposedly withheld that LB was wearing a 'mismatched bikini style bathing suit' ...
  • Is it possiblke LB removed her outer clothing [down to her bathing suit] while at MK's house?
  • And LE was not made aware of the bathing suit until KK / MK or someone from the K household informed LE?
If LB had removed her shoes and outer clothing while at MK's, could this have upset an adult in the housesold to the point where LB was asked to leave [without the adult stating that as the reason] .. and LB simply put on her shoes and carried everything else?

Unlikely but, ... leave no stone unturned.
Chuck, very good questions.

re: the shoes.
I can't comment on if Lindsey or anyone else always remove their shoes when entering KKs house but I always remove my shoes when entering mine or anyone elses house. So it doesn't seem odd to me that Lindsey did it that night.
She had slip on shoes on so it would be easy to kick them off and slip back on within a few minutes.

re: the hoodie
It wasn't a heavy weight type hoodie sweatshirt. It was a lightweight long sleeve tshirt material shirt with a hood.

re: the bathing suit.
It is my opinion that Lindsey wore her bathing suit under her clothing because it was like wearing a bra. I know at that age I wore mine for that reason. I wasn't developed enough to have a bra but darn it I wanted one! The bathing suit top was a good alternative at ten years old.
As far as the LE withholding that info... MB did know Lindsey was wearing it that night and told the LE about it. LE choose to withhold the info. No idea why. I guess it's common in cases to withhold some detail that could be a key to the case. Maybe someone else can explain why that is done.
Chuck, very good questions.

re: the shoes.
I can't comment on if Lindsey or anyone else always remove their shoes when entering KKs house but I always remove my shoes when entering mine or anyone elses house. So it doesn't seem odd to me that Lindsey did it that night.
She had slip on shoes on so it would be easy to kick them off and slip back on within a few minutes.

re: the hoodie
It wasn't a heavy weight type hoodie sweatshirt. It was a lightweight long sleeve tshirt material shirt with a hood.

re: the bathing suit.
It is my opinion that Lindsey wore her bathing suit under her clothing because it was like wearing a bra. I know at that age I wore mine for that reason. I wasn't developed enough to have a bra but darn it I wanted one! The bathing suit top was a good alternative at ten years old.
As far as the LE withholding that info... MB did know Lindsey was wearing it that night and told the LE about it. LE choose to withhold the info. No idea why. I guess it's common in cases to withhold some detail that could be a key to the case. Maybe someone else can explain why that is done.

Thank you, JennO.

Removing ones shoes is not common practice in this neck of the woods; interesting.

Slip-on shoes:
is it possible to run while wearing such shoes, without them peeling off while doing so?

Bathing Suit:
Then 'mismatched bikini style bathing suit' might mean: bikini bathing suit top with regular uw?

If true, we no longer need to research on whether LB / MK had intended on sneaking in a late-evening swim. If not true, then we might assume a full bikini bathing suit where top and bottom do not match.
Thank you, JennO.

Removing ones shoes is not common practice in this neck of the woods; interesting.

Slip-on shoes:
is it possible to run while wearing such shoes, without them peeling off while doing so?

Bathing Suit:
Then 'mismatched bikini style bathing suit' might mean: bikini bathing suit top with regular uw?

If true, we no longer need to research on whether LB / MK had intended on sneaking in a late-evening swim. If not true, then we might assume a full bikini bathing suit where top and bottom do not match.

You bring up some great points.

re: running in slip on shoes.
I can't even walk in slip on shoes, can't imagine even trying to run in them. But I have seen girls do it and they didn't fall off. So anything is possible.

I don't know how common removing shoes is here.. but my family does it, always have. I think it mainly stems from the fact that 90% of the time it's wet out and removing shoes keeps the wet muddy footprints in one confined area. I know I'd rather clean a small throw rug that is kept by the door than to shampoo all of the carpet in my living room. But I'm lazy.. so the easier the better in my opinion. lol

As far as the bathing suit.. I don't know if it was a top and bottoms, just a top or just the bottoms. I've never discussed it with MB and honestly I don't know if it's ever been mentioned what exactly the "mismatched bathing suit" consisted of. I have assumed since it was "mismatched" that it was a top and bottoms.. but you bring up a good point as it could have been the top and she wore underwear under her jeans (more info that the LE has kept from us maybe?).
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