WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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Is it confirmed that MB stated she received a call / text msg from a friend who was informing her that s/he sent JB home, or was is it the friend whom is quoted as saying such?

Again, stray thoughts pop up in my feeble brain ....
  • :waitasec:
  • Were local pay phones records reviewed?
  • Were MB's, KK's and SW's(?) computers also confiscated / searched by LE?
  • Are MB's, KK's and SW's bank accounts being monitored?

    Found on TrueCrime.forums-free.com "Discussion with Melissa McCann"

    Re: Discussion With Melissa McCann (MM)
    by MelissaMcCann » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:37 am

    no, my facebook thing had nothing to do with lindsey what so ever,, she wasnt in my store for a very long time prior to that and again it was only up for a few days. i guess you can never really prove who did it but i do konw and confronted them.. so there is no relation,, not going to air my dirty laundry here but i did not involve LE. I tend to like to take care of problems on my own.

    I wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE as I wouldnt of had anything to offer. I did provide them a couple things they asked for since LB was on my cell plan:waitasec:When they came to the house to talk to MB which was nonstop those first few days I sat there while conversations where happening and probably answered things without thinking about it. I dont recall anymore what all was said
    registered member

  • Ummmm ... huh? :banghead:
Hi, Hairball, and welcome to Websleuths!
I'm pretty new here myself, but I've found other posters to be pretty thick-skinned types, except when the issue at hand pertains to a hurt or endangered a child (or any other innocent life). Unfortunately, and all too often, we are discussing exactly that. We feel the same things you do. We understand your anger; we share it. We all want Lindsey to come home safe and sound, and yesterday if not sooner, and we hate with you anything that gets in the way of that.

We also mean no harm or disrespect to anyone, and most especially not to the parents and loved ones of a missing child. We cry with MB, and with KK, and so many others, and we lie awake at night thanking God for the grace that finds our children sleeping safely in the next room. And when the morning comes, if there are questions that need asking, we ask them, even if it's hard. Some of those questions will turn out to have been unnecessary. Most of the answers won't matter. But the hard truth is that Lindsey Baum is still missing, and LE has no viable leads to her whereabouts. That means all questions are valid.

You said that you read this entire thread before posting. Did you realize that there are fifteen 'general' threads that come before this, sixteenth, one? There are also many threads which address specific topics, like the one for MikeB's wonderful aerial photos (
thanks, MikeB!) and the one for
sex offenders in the area. Angel Who Cares (
) brings all the news and media reports every day, here to Lindsey's forum.
There is but one reason for all of it: to support MB in finding her daughter and bringing her home. We support MB. We trust McCleary PD, the Grays Harbor County Sheriff's Department, and the FBI. We are grateful to every person who searches, and for every photo and bit of research. We can even appreciate your fierce defense of MB and KK, because it means your heart is in the right place, and that makes you
one of us.

(Note: sorry for all those "we's". I am speaking for myself only, and too lazy to edit.)

Hi Coastal, ITA with what you have stated here and am almost positive it reflects the feelings of all those who post here. I also want to welcome Hairball to our Lindsey forum.

Over the years there is one thing I have learned that helps keep a forum on track. It is often not what is posted but rather the way it is posted that makes a big difference in setting a 'tone' that is conducive to productive sleuthing. So there is a way to put a thought across and discuss any subject {within the bounds of TOS}.

I just had to speak out as I don't want our forum to be temporarily closed because tempers are up on certain subjects. If a name has not been mentioned in the media we are very careful to respect that person's privacy and resort to initials. And if the person has been named they are fair game, so to speak, and should be looked into as is everyone else in that situation.

It is all about Lindsey. If we keep her first and foremost in our minds as we post we won't have any problems with our discussions IMO. XOX
Ummmm ... huh? :banghead:

Hi Chuck, :waitasec: I'm a bit confused. The statement brought over from TC written by MM, was that part of your post or added by Serendipity? I don't remember reading it and have now re-read it several times.

She seems to say you can't ever really prove who did it but she does know and has confronted them but didn't mention it to LE as there is no relation and she doesn't want to air her dirty laundry so has taken care of it on her own.

Is MM talking about who took Lindsey? Bizarre to say the least, eh?

Gosh, it must be in her writing her post MM misstated something which gives the totally wrong idea she wants to put across. I simply can't imagine her knowing something that might be case worthy and not giving the info to LE.
Is it confirmed that MB stated she received a call / text msg from a friend who was informing her that s/he sent JB home, or was is it the friend whom is quoted as saying such?

Again, stray thoughts pop up in my feeble brain ....
  • :waitasec:
  • Were local pay phones records reviewed?
  • Were MB's, KK's and SW's(?) computers also confiscated / searched by LE?
  • Are MB's, KK's and SW's bank accounts being monitored?

    Found on TrueCrime.forums-free.com "Discussion with Melissa McCann"

    Re: Discussion With Melissa McCann (MM)
    by MelissaMcCann » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:37 am

    no, my facebook thing had nothing to do with lindsey what so ever,, she wasnt in my store for a very long time prior to that and again it was only up for a few days. i guess you can never really prove who did it but i do konw and confronted them.. so there is no relation,, not going to air my dirty laundry here but i did not involve LE. I tend to like to take care of problems on my own.

    I wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE as I wouldnt of had anything to offer. I did provide them a couple things they asked for since LB was on my cell plan:waitasec:When they came to the house to talk to MB which was nonstop those first few days I sat there while conversations where happening and probably answered things without thinking about it. I dont recall anymore what all was said
    registered member

  • Hi Serendipity, I'm not a MOD but am wondering about your bringing over a quote from TC. I respect the fact you referenced where the quote came from but you didn't give a link to it. Normally that is done. The reason I am concerned is acc to TOS here there are a few sites we don't link to, even if we happen to belong there. I don't know if TC is one of those sites. The way to tell is if you link it there will be xxxx's and it will not post here.

    I know you are new and might not know this. I am trying to find the correlation between what Chuck posted and MM's post and it must involve MM's cell phone. I wish you had stated what your ideas are about that correlation so we can see what you mean in your post. WELCOME to WS.
I don't think this had been posted so...


Information about trespass suspect sought

Olympia: Young slender male in silver car trespassed, approached a child, say officials

Olympia police have received two reports of a suspicious person trespassing or approaching children in the past three days.

According to a news release from the department:

Police responded to a home in the 1200 block of Etheridge Drive Northeast about 3:21 p.m. Friday after a homeowner spotted a stranger in his fenced backyard. The homeowner confronted the man, who said he was a building inspector for the city.

The homeowner asked to see the man’s identification, and the man said he would retrieve it from his car. The man then ran to a car parked more than a block away.

The man was described as 5 feet, 9 inches and 20 to 25 years old, with a thin build and reddish-brown hair. His vehicle was described as a silver, newer-model Mazda sedan with a yellow “Titus Will” advertisement visible. The homeowner said the man drove south, toward downtown Olympia.

Two girls, ages 9 and 12, live at the home and were expected to return from school shortly, their father told police.

About the same time Tuesday, a possibly related incident was reported about eight blocks away.

In that incident, a “slender, young white male” pulled up next to a 10-year-old girl walking home from her bus stop about 3:45 p.m. and asked if she wanted a ride. The girl fled to her home, and the man’s vehicle was described as a silver import missing its front license plate.

The girl attends Roosevelt Elementary School, which sent fliers about the incident home with students.

Crime Stoppers

Anyone with information about either incident is asked to call the Olympia Police Department at 360-753-8300 or Thurston County Crime Stoppers at 360-493-2222.




Edit: Both newspapers got the address wrong.

I called The Olympian who blamed the OPD

Then i called the OPD who blamed the Olympian.

The correct area is:

1200 Ethridge Ave NE

(there is no 'Etheridge' or 'Drive')

My cut and paste skills need work...sorry. I attached the comment about the cell phone to help answer a question from a fellow member.
Chuck, I always enjoy bouncing thoughts and theories about this case with you and can't see where your comments could be seen as attacks on another. Hopefully others will realize that this is about the case that involves a child who disappeared which not one person saw or heard anything on the street.

So, don't you dare stop sharing your thoughts, opinions and theories.:blushing:

Novice Seeker

Thanks, NoviceSeeker. There were a few occasions when I had become so frustrated with myself and that I had intended to stop posting altogether, mainly because so often I review the multiple paths to which this case might lead and each of those paths currently seems to lead to a jagged tear in the sleuthing ether road.

As long as at least a few of my sanity marbles remain intact I will gladly participate in this give and take of thought, opinion and theory. Oh my.
As many of you know (those who figured out who I am), I've been out of work all year. Needless to say, I have a LOT of time on my hands. Sure, I search for jobs, mostly online, then send out 2 or 3 resumes a day early in the morning. But in the mean time, while I wait for my phone to ring, I sit and worry about LB and wish there were searches conducted during the week that I could join in on. I just bought a new (used) handheld GPS so I'm anxious to use it! LOL! Seriously, for anyone familiar with Western Washington's lovely weather, you might be aware how famous it is for being beautiful during the week, then rainy and stormy on weekends. Well, every weekday when the sun is out and there is no rain, I often say to myself, "Self, today would be a good day for a search!".

Has anyone ever thought of doing searches during the weekdays? If so, let me know. If it ever becomes a reality, I'd be willing to join in. Weather permitting, of course. I don't mind a little rain, but heavy downpours and high winds make trudging through forests a bit dangerous.

Let me know.

As for my initial posts, I'm glad at least one or two of you understood where I was coming from. Sure, I may have ruffled a few feathers, but apparently at least a few folks understood what I was saying and how I was feeling. No offense meant or any hard feelings. I apologized once, but here it is again: I'm very sorry if I seemed to accuse anyone of "absurd" accusations regarding MB and KK. It's just that they have become my friends since August, and I respect their emotions and feel their pain. I would never, ever post anything negative toward them on a thread intended to help them.

So, as for the weekday search option, I'm always up for it if it's a decent day. If not, I'll still try to make in on weekends for as long as I can.

Oh, and speaking of a small silver car... we spotted one in McCleary on Sunday that mysteriously drove slowly by a place we were searching, then later drove by the search center, then parked down the street. A few of us found it suspicious, so us "Sleuths On Duty" drove by and got the car's license number! That would be so wild if this car is the one from Olympia. It was a Honda Accord V-6 2-door. The license number is jotted down somewhere but I don't have it myself.

BTW, FYI... I've had years of comments about my username since I've used it for about 12 years. I've had countless people ask about it. I'm a huge cat lover, and have had many during my 51 years on the planet. It just so happens I had one back in the 80's I named Hairball. He didn't have them, I just though the name was cute. It sort of stuck with me over the years.

Everyone have an awesome evening!
I noticed them, I just decided to pick one and stick to it. LOL! I just learned about WS on Saturday from KK. I'll eventually roam around the forum and check out other threads, including ones with photography (since I'm a photographer myself). Have a good night.

You said that you read this entire thread before posting. Did you realize that there are fifteen 'general' threads that come before this, sixteenth, one?
Hi Chuck, :waitasec: I'm a bit confused. The statement brought over from TC written by MM, was that part of your post or added by Serendipity? I don't remember reading it and have now re-read it several times.

She seems to say you can't ever really prove who did it but she does know and has confronted them but didn't mention it to LE as there is no relation and she doesn't want to air her dirty laundry so has taken care of it on her own.

Is MM talking about who took Lindsey? Bizarre to say the least, eh?

Gosh, it must be in her writing her post MM misstated something which gives the totally wrong idea she wants to put across. I simply can't imagine her knowing something that might be case worthy and not giving the info to LE.

Ummmm ... double-huh? :banghead: :banghead:

Found on TrueCrime.forums-free.com "Discussion with Melissa McCann"

Re: Discussion With Melissa McCann (MM)
by MelissaMcCann » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:37 am

no, my facebook thing had nothing to do with lindsey what so ever,, she wasnt in my store for a very long time prior to that and again it was only up for a few days. i guess you can never really prove who did it but i do konw and confronted them.. so there is no relation,, not going to air my dirty laundry here but i did not involve LE. I tend to like to take care of problems on my own.

I wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE as I wouldnt of had anything to offer. I did provide them a couple things they asked for since LB was on my cell plan:waitasec:When they came to the house to talk to MB which was nonstop those first few days I sat there while conversations where happening and probably answered things without thinking about it. I dont recall anymore what all was said
registered member


I've never quoted MM. SS must have inserted multiple quotes?

I read that as MM referring to a post (or whatever; I'm using the word 'post' to reference whatever it is MM is referencing ... since I do not know what IT is, I'll call it a 'post' :crazy: ) on her Facebook page, of which someone may have commented on or attributed to possibly having been posted by LB via the computer in MM's store?

Does anyone have a screen-cap of the post, or whatever IT is?

I'm totally guessing this, so ... moi = :loser:

I also interpret it as MM exhonerating LB, by timeline and opportunity, and indicating she [MM] knows who "did it". I suppose it was something improper? MM indicates she addressed the issue in some way and did not involve LE. But I wonder, what might MM's 'dirty laundry' entail ... and why should her statements about the Facebook item involve LB, even though MM indicates LB is not involved?

This is much more interesting:

It seems that MM was kind enough to add LB to her cell phone plan. Is MB's cell phone also on MM's plan? ... just curious.

Oh, I don't believe it matters much, except:
  • It's MM's cell phone plan.
  • MM pays the cell phone plan bill.
  • MM sees all phones calls to and from LB's cell phone (and possibly MB's?).
  • Perhaps MB pays a portion of the bill?
Since MM is a (long-time or relatively new: which?) family friend, I'm guessing she is perceived as being a second mother to LB. I can understand MM being so nice as to want to help LB in various ways, such as providing a cell phone and perhaps other items.

Something odd:

I wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE as I wouldnt of had anything to offer. I did provide them a couple things they asked for since LB was on my cell plan:waitasec: When they came to the house to talk to MB which was nonstop those first few days I sat there while conversations where happening and probably answered things without thinking about it. I dont recall anymore what all was said
  • What does "wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE" mean?
  • Was MM then 'indirectly' asked? By whom?
  • Why would LE allow/want MM to remain present while they initially spoke with MB? Odd protocol, that.
  • Why would have MM "answered things" without applying thought, notably in light of the fact that, well umm, LB's gone a missin'?
  • :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :waitasec: :banghead:
I know I'm nitpicking here, but the consequences of wearing a pseudo-sleuth hat while reading such commentary from principals and almost-principals are heightened curiousity and extreme inquisitiveness:
  • What - LB abduction
  • Who - ?
  • Where - McCleary
  • When - evening of 06/26/2009
  • How - ?
  • Why - ?
Ummmm ... double-huh? :banghead: :banghead:


I've never quoted MM. SS must have inserted multiple quotes?

I read that as MM referring to a post (or whatever; I'm using the word 'post' to reference whatever it is MM is referencing ... since I do not know what IT is, I'll call it a 'post' :crazy: ) on her Facebook page, of which someone may have commented on or attributed to possibly having been posted by LB via the computer in MM's store?

Does anyone have a screen-cap of the post, or whatever IT is?

I'm totally guessing this, so ... moi = :loser:

I also interpret it as MM exhonerating LB, by timeline and opportunity, and indicating she [MM] knows who "did it". I suppose it was something improper? MM indicates she addressed the issue in some way and did not involve LE. But I wonder, what might MM's 'dirty laundry' entail ... and why should her statements about the Facebook item involve LB, even though MM indicates LB is not involved?

This is much more interesting:

It seems that MM was kind enough to add LB to her cell phone plan. Is MB's cell phone also on MM's plan? ... just curious.

Oh, I don't believe it matters much, except:
  • It's MM's cell phone plan.
  • MM pays the cell phone plan bill.
  • MM sees all phones calls to and from LB's cell phone (and possibly MB's?).
  • Perhaps MB pays a portion of the bill?
Since MM is a (long-time or relatively new: which?) family friend, I'm guessing she is perceived as being a second mother to LB. I can understand MM being so nice as to want to help LB in various ways, such as providing a cell phone and perhaps other items.

Something odd:


  • What does "wasnt ever asked anything direct from LE" mean?
  • Was MM then 'indirectly' asked? By whom?
  • Why would LE allow/want MM to remain present while they initially spoke with MB? Odd protocol, that.
  • Why would have MM "answered things" without applying thought, notably in light of the fact that, well umm, LB's gone a missin'?
  • :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :waitasec: :banghead:
I know I'm nitpicking here, but the consequences of wearing a pseudo-sleuth hat while reading such commentary from principals and almost-principals are heightened curiousity and extreme inquisitiveness:
  • What - LB abduction
  • Who - ?
  • Where - McCleary
  • When - evening of 06/26/2009
  • How - ?
  • Why - ?

My head is going Gurgle Gurgle as it is almost confusing and so much can be read into it. Thank Goodness it wasn't what I thought tho.

I don't know if MM is that close to Lindsey, and would rather guess MLechester instead as Lindsey poured her heart out to her when she was in distress. Even after all your thoughts, Chuck, and what MM said, I wonder if MM monitored Lindsey's calls? For some reason I think she is more detail oriented than MB by nature.
my hard drive crashed and i am soooo bummed. I am checking in from my phone and it is not the easiest thing to do. I would like to know more about this mm thing. Come home lindsey.
YO! Hey....Hi everyone.

I can honestly say I have no idea what is going on here. Don't post much. I'm more of an on the ground type of person.

I'm sure we're all here for the same reason tho. No doubt about that right~!

I can say that this weekend our searchers at Lindsey's center had some pretty choice words and ideas for justice for poor little Shinaya. We came up with our own brand of justice. Can't post it here or I'll get banned. But you get my drift.

Let's all move on and get back to Finding Lindsey. That's the goal.

We are all good and everything is moving forward. Time to refocus and regroup. Done!

One last thing....I truly believe that the difference in Lindsey's forum compared to others is that I have never seen WS posters go from just being sleuthers and posting to actually being the Core Group Searchers. It makes it difficult.

We are there every weekend slogging thru mud and whatever else...then come back and see the wonderful sleuthers here sleuthing like they should! We take offense...get upset. Because we are there and know what is going on.

I for one do get upset when we are questioned or our search technique is questioned....but I made the decision to do this and I'm not going to be deterred. I ask all of us...the Core Group at the Center who spend our time searching and DON'T need pats on the back for doing so....please just don't react to the WS posters who are only doing what they have done since the beginning....Sleuthing.

Let em' go and let it rip. That's what they are supposed to do! We just need to hit the ground and not worry about the rest of it. Ok?

All just MHO.

And Sean....you will be getting a call tomorrow. We (like 4 or 5 of us) are going to hit the ground this week. I can't help Tues....but think I can be there Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun....

Time to hit it hard for Lindsey. We'll do what we can.

Nite all.
Great post, breanna!
Um, I'll never get these quotes right. Here goes nothing.

Somebody said this:

...I also interpret it as MM exhonerating LB, by timeline and opportunity, and indicating she [MM] knows who "did it"...

about this:

Re: Discussion With Melissa McCann (MM)
by MelissaMcCann » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:37 am

...i guess you can never really prove who did it but i do konw and confronted them.. so there is no relation,, not going to air my dirty laundry here but i did not involve LE. I tend to like to take care of problems on my own.

I've seen this post before, and if I remember the context correctly, MM was referring to something that had been posted elsewhere, which thing she took issue with, and which was not specifically dealing with what happened to Lindsey.

Clear as mud, me.
I noticed them, I just decided to pick one and stick to it. LOL! I just learned about WS on Saturday from KK. I'll eventually roam around the forum and check out other threads, including ones with photography (since I'm a photographer myself). Have a good night.
I mentioned the additional threads by way of invitation, really, although it doesn't sound like that now that I read it again. I'm sorry.

(where's that smilie with the pointy hat when you need him? and which way is the corner?) <<< ;-)

JVK and seventeenseconds also posted some great pictures of McCleary. Do go see.
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