WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #18

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Two white cars circled in blue:
View attachment 9078

ETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_baJ5h1kw9o&feature=player_embedded

Does it look like the guy in the white t-shirt looks over as the white car drives by? Maybe it was loud and it made him look? Just a thought.


Please let these videos bring justice for sweet Lindsey.

OT a bit, my daughter this morning brought up Lindsey and I was somewhat surprised as I spoke to her about it way back in June but I keep that kind of real life away from her. She told me as she was walking home yesterday from her friends house, she started thinking about what would make her get into a car or go with someone. She told me absolutely nothing, there couldn`t be anything told to her to have her do that with a man or woman, she said even if it was one of her brothers friends. She said mom I hope Lindsey was just taken by someone she didn`t know and not someone who she trusted.

This is coming from my 11 year old....it broke my heart but at the same time made me so very proud...
Why can`t they tell us what Mr. Plaid is asking about....

(I`m sorry this is a new netbook and I know that my ` is backwards but i cannot find how to get the right one and I don`t know how to use my question mark...sorry, just wanted to remind everyone that i`m not illiterate.... :)

The men are not suspects, but Scott said investigators don&#8217;t know what information they may have, whether they know it or not. After 10 months of trying to identify them through other means, they hope the public can help.

The footage shows a man in a camouflage cap and blue plaid shirt entering the Shell station on 3rd Street at about the time Lindsey was walking home. Footage also shows a man in a brown shirt with a young boy, who may be the occupants of a white Honda Ridgeline seen in the parking lot.
"We've never been able to identify the occupants of that pickup truck or that man in the plaid shirt," Scott said.

As for why such a long delay in getting these tapes, Scott says they thought they had all the video camera footage from the nearby stores, but there was a language barrier with the owner of the station and the owner was not that familiar with the surveillance software. They didn't even know the video existed until now.

The men are not suspects, but Scott said investigators don&#8217;t know what information they may have, whether they know it or not. After 10 months of trying to identify them through other means, they hope the public can help.

Sounds like two opposite comments, unless they were spliced together like the video....

From http://www.kval.com/news/national/92729204.html
"We've never been able to identify the occupants of that pickup truck or that man in the plaid shirt," Scott said.

As for why such a long delay in getting these tapes, Scott says they thought they had all the video camera footage from the nearby stores, but there was a language barrier with the owner of the station and the owner was not that familiar with the surveillance software. They didn't even know the video existed until now.

Sounds like two opposite comments, unless they were spliced together like the video....

From http://www.kval.com/news/national/92729204.html

:highfive: These are the nuances in his speech that keep me hanging on to his words. Compulsively driven to pay attention after so many times of retracting his comments about the verbiage he uses. His words appear very prepared for effect.

Did anyone notice that when the boy and brown shirt father figure came into the station the little boy made a beeline for the rest rooms. There was no chat with dad as if to say he was going to the bathroom. Both father and son appeared familiar with the station. The father wasn't looking around as if he didn't know what isle he needed and couldn't find it like a stranger coming into town might. This is if in my armature way looked at them correctly. This father son appeared to be use to going through town (maybe weekend visits with dad), and stopping for a pee break either to or from. I would imagine Mike could tell LE if he saw the two casually throughout the year stop in but not know his name.
The man in the green shirt however appeared to me to not be as laid back as the father son team or anyone else in the videos. Seem to have that slumped I want to blend in and out of the station look. Body language just seemed to me to say "I must be unassuming!" These are just my humble comments showing nothing to fact just imagination of scenarios. :innocent::sleuth:
:highfive: These are the nuances in his speech that keep me hanging on to his words. Compulsively driven to pay attention after so many times of retracting his comments about the verbiage he uses. His words appear very prepared for effect.

Did anyone notice that when the boy and brown shirt father figure came into the station the little boy made a beeline for the rest rooms. There was no chat with dad as if to say he was going to the bathroom. Both father and son appeared familiar with the station. The father wasn't looking around as if he didn't know what isle he needed and couldn't find it like a stranger coming into town might. This is if in my armature way looked at them correctly. This father son appeared to be use to going through town (maybe weekend visits with dad), and stopping for a pee break either to or from. I would imagine Mike could tell LE if he saw the two casually throughout the year stop in but not know his name.
The man in the green shirt however appeared to me to not be as laid back as the father son team or anyone else in the videos. Seem to have that slumped I want to blend in and out of the station look. Body language just seemed to me to say "I must be unassuming!" These are just my humble comments showing nothing to fact just imagination of scenarios. :innocent::sleuth:

You make good points. It does appear that the kid and dad were familiar with the station. I just wish we knew what the plaid guy's purpose there was. He doesn't buy anything. He just goes and talks to the clerk then leaves. Does the clerk recall that after watching the video? He may have bought gas, we don't know. We just know he didn't use a credit/debit card because LE can't identify him. Oh maybe he came in and said "put $20 on pump # such-n-such", and then walked back outside to pump gas. That would make sense for the short time he spoke to the clerk. But then again if he did pump gas, I imagine they would have found him on the outside surveillance camera.

ETA: And now I remember seeing the surveillance outside and he walked in from the left side and walked out to the left side - not to the pumps.



This is not the shirt but close.



  • seti_shirt.jpg
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FYI - some of the media links for the surveillance videos contain less footage than others.

Thought it would be good to provide a couple of links that contain the most footage available:



Something in particular I&#8217;m curious about is in the 3rd video titled &#8220;Male, blue plaid shirt&#8221;.

Beginning at 30 seconds into the video, we see a blue SUV pull up and park at the pump.

A woman who is presumably the driver, gets out of the blue SUV and walks directly into the Shell station just as the man in blue plaid shirt is exiting.

Then at 1:48 on the tape, it appears she is captured again by a different camera the moment she enters the store.

Does anyone recognize her?

Police stepping up search for missing Lindsey Baum
May 11, 12:16 AM

On June 26, 2009, 10-year-old Lindsey Baum left a friend's house to walk home. She only had 3 blocks to walk, but she disappeared before she ever made it home.

Lindsey's disappearance has been hard on her small hometown of McLeary, Washington with a population of only 1,500 people. Many have searched and many have been questioned, but Lindsey is still missing.

The FBI's Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) team has talked to two-thirds of the towns residents and have used state-of-the-art equipment to try to located Lindsey. They have brought in profilers to analyze the behavior of persons of interest and Lindsey's personality for clues.

More at link...
what do u think?

I know it's probably not the case, but were these taken on 6.26?

Anyways, the man in the video and the man in the pictures seem to walk differently -- not that I can tell from the pictures 100%, but it's just something I noticed.
I know it's probably not the case, but were these taken on 6.26?

Anyways, the man in the video and the man in the pictures seem to walk differently -- not that I can tell from the pictures 100%, but it's just something I noticed.

pictures were taken yesterday
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