WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #5

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Anyone know if there are mines, open wells or caves in McCleary? I keep dreaming that I'm hearing her screaming but there's an echo like you'd hear from someone under ground. I don't see anything I just hear her screaming.
I sent that exact message through the "Contact Us" thing on NG's page. I'm not sure if there is another way to email her. But I hope others will email her as well. :)

I sent e-mails off to NG, PrimeTime News, & Issues with Jane 3 days ago complaining that we all know where Paris Jackson & MJ are, but we don't know where Lindsey, Haleigh, & many more are at. I also asked them to leave the MJ coverage to Showbiz Tonight, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc. etc. etc. That with Lindsey's case time is of essence to get her name & picture out to the viewing audience. I told NG I thought she was an advocate for the missing...MJ isn't missing! :furious: It is time to get back to what she is known for & Lindsey needs her attention now!

At least AMW is covering the case tonight...I'm glad someone realizes that she needs everyone's help...A.S.A.P.

Here are some more questions I have.

1. Did Lindsey know that she needed to be alone that night? Of course, they asked if MK could sleep over or vice versa but what if they knew it wasn't possible? LB and Josh get in a squabble/argument/whatever & Josh goes home. LB leaves her phone at home (although I'm sure she usually had it with her).

2. Was this person not someone that LB was familiar with but "knew" because she was expecting him or her?

3. When was LB's father notified that she was missing?

4. How long, after granted leave, did it take for her dad to get to McCleary?

5. Did her dad have a girlfriend or wife? A friend that lived with him in Tennessee?

Ok... I know I may be WAYYYY OFF on this one but just some questions I thought I would ask. Since only 2 people actually took a poly and passed, everyone else is still a suspect...correct?


Thanks for reading... I'll sit over here with my fruity pebbles cereal & await the responses. :blowkiss:

Snipped for space.

IIRC, in one of the earliest articles published about Lindsey, LE stated that the father is not suspect. I would have to go back and find that, it is here somewhere.

1. Okay, I see what you're asking. IMHO, it's a bit too complex for a 10 yr old to anticipate the need to create a fight with a sibling, pretend to ask about a sleep over in order to create a diversion and think ahead to leave a cell phone at home. I'm not saying it's impossible but in my experience as a Mom, which is all that I have to base an opinion on, no matter how mature or sophisticated a 10 yr old might be...that's a lot of logic and strategy for a 10 yr old KWIM? JMHO.

2. I'm not sure what you're asking on that one. I assume you are asking if there was a meeting scheduled that would pick up Lindsey on behalf of her father and carry her to TN? I see that as a possibility perhaps. I think it would involve more than one person knowing the plan and after all the media attention, somebody would spill the beans...JMHO.,

3.& 4. We have no way of knowing the answer to this question. The notification could have been a phone call initially from Mom to Dad, then a notification would have had to have been made by Red Cross. The we have the time consideration it takes to receive notification(it's not an instantaneous process, although it can move more quickly stateside to stateside rather than stateside to combat theater)
1. Red Cross is notified, and information taken and processed by Red Cross.
2. If not in a major city, the red cross message must travel through it's own channels to be sent to national level and then distributed to the Military. (state to state can be up to 24 hours).
3. Military receives the notification, it must pass down through the channels of the chain of commands to the company level. Soldier must be located and brought in for face to face reading of RC message.
4. Chain of command beings emergency leave form ~ this hinges on~ if a specific request is made within the RC message for the soldier to leave and come to the area. No request in that RC message? Another must be sent~ requesting soldiers presence.
5. While leave form is being processed we have the issue of money. Did he have money to travel? If not, he would have had to apply for an AER (or equvilant in the NG) loan or grant. Takes time to process that paperwork.
6. Once leave forms are processed and if the loan/grant was needed and it was processed and the money deposited into the soldiers account we have the manifesting of a plane ticket to and from WA.

See where I"m going with this? It's not easy. It does take time. (this was one of the many tasks that I volunteered to do in assisting families during the last deployment. I advised the families on the process, and provided emotional support)

I dont' know the answer to number five. Did anyone look up to see his relationship status in TN?

Do I think it's possible that SB was involved. Anything is possible. Do I think it's probable given the other scenario's? No I really don't think so, but that is only my opinion and don't let it deter you from looking as far as you need into the situation to rest your concerns. JMHO :)

ETA: for anyone curious about stateside request for a soldier's presence from a combat theater: it can take up to 7 days for that soldier to return. Although I have seen it done in as quickly as five days. That's the Military moving like their hair is on fire too.
Good mornin' my good people :D

Sorry I haven't been posting much but I do read every day. This pregnant stuff has me sooooo sleepy! If I'm not eating, I'm sleeping.

The other day I asked the question regarding how the deployment of LB's dad would go since she is missing. Thanks to all that answered and helped me to understand it better. Please don't throw any tomatoes my way BUT my reason for asking is because I have this feeling, in the back of my mind, that this whole situation could involve her daddy. I'm in no way saying her dad "kidnapped" her but is it at all possible that Lindsey spoke with her dad, told him the troubles she was going through (school & "troubles with Josh") and begged him to just "come home" or "let me move with you". Did Lindsey have a hard time accepting the fact that her daddy was in Tennessee & not coming back to "their family"? Did Lindsey have nightmares or have feelings that something bad was going to happen to her dad because he was getting deployed? Did daddy decide to take LB out of the situation she was in? Did he have someone else take her to put a halt to him being deployed? We've seen crazier things happen. Maybe he didn't want to go & truly wanted to help his daughter so he planned something out (with his military skills) and hoped for the best? My biggest problem with this is... How on earth did "this person" know that Lindsey was walking, alone, at 9:15pmish on a Friday night? But then again, how would anyone know this?

Here are some more questions I have.

1. Did Lindsey know that she needed to be alone that night? Of course, they asked if MK could sleep over or vice versa but what if they knew it wasn't possible? LB and Josh get in a squabble/argument/whatever & Josh goes home. LB leaves her phone at home (although I'm sure she usually had it with her).

2. Was this person not someone that LB was familiar with but "knew" because she was expecting him or her?

3. When was LB's father notified that she was missing?

4. How long, after granted leave, did it take for her dad to get to McCleary?

5. Did her dad have a girlfriend or wife? A friend that lived with him in Tennessee?

Ok... I know I may be WAYYYY OFF on this one but just some questions I thought I would ask. Since only 2 people actually took a poly and passed, everyone else is still a suspect...correct?


Thanks for reading... I'll sit over here with my fruity pebbles cereal & await the responses. :blowkiss:

1. It was Lindsey's habit to have friends stay over or stay over at their house. As far as not wanting to be alone that particular night, it sounds as if she just didn't want the fun to end after swimming, getting videos, etc. If she was afraid to be alone that night, she didn't mention it to anyone. She didn't seem to be afraid to walk home or she could have used KK's phone to call her mom to make arrangements or asked someone at KK's to drive her home.

2. Unfortunately, there is no way to answer this one. If there were no communications from the internet or her cell phone, the only way she could have been "expecting" to meet someone was face to face contact prior to the abduction.

3. I have seen no clear answer, but have to assume it was not long after she went missing.

4. He arrived at least a week after she went missing, but I would have to go back to find out exactly how long it took him to arrive in WA. We don't know the answer to when leave was granted and permission to leave Tenn. came about. I would also have to assume he put things in order to ship out upon his return.

5. Now that is a question I would love the answer to myself. Does he have another "family" in Tenn.? Could they have something to do with her vanishing in an attempt to keep him stateside?

I don't think they suspect the father since he appears to have a solid alibi of being in Tenn. and in the military. I would hope they have questioned everyone he is associated with there.

Sidenote: Keep eating well and sleeping! This is nature's way of letting you know there will be many cold or missed meals and no sleep after the baby is born. Take advantage of it while you can! ;) Congrats!
Playing catch-up here. Was it ever confirmed that it was a friend of MB's who paid for SB to fly in? If so, was it confirmed who that friend was who paid for his flight?

Snipped for space.

IIRC, in one of the earliest articles published about Lindsey, LE stated that the father is not suspect. I would have to go back and find that, it is here somewhere.

1. Okay, I see what you're asking. IMHO, it's a bit too complex for a 10 yr old to anticipate the need to create a fight with a sibling, pretend to ask about a sleep over in order to create a diversion and think ahead to leave a cell phone at home. I'm not saying it's impossible but in my experience as a Mom, which is all that I have to base an opinion on, no matter how mature or sophisticated a 10 yr old might be...that's a lot of logic and strategy for a 10 yr old KWIM? JMHO.

2. I'm not sure what you're asking on that one. I assume you are asking if there was a meeting scheduled that would pick up Lindsey on behalf of her father and carry her to TN? I see that as a possibility perhaps. I think it would involve more than one person knowing the plan and after all the media attention, somebody would spill the beans...JMHO.,

3.& 4. We have no way of knowing the answer to this question. The notification could have been a phone call initially from Mom to Dad, then a notification would have had to have been made by Red Cross. The we have the time consideration it takes to receive notification(it's not an instantaneous process, although it can move more quickly stateside to stateside rather than stateside to combat theater)
1. Red Cross is notified, and information taken and processed by Red Cross.
2. If not in a major city, the red cross message must travel through it's own channels to be sent to national level and then distributed to the Military. (state to state can be up to 24 hours).
3. Military receives the notification, it must pass down through the channels of the chain of commands to the company level. Soldier must be located and brought in for face to face reading of RC message.
4. Chain of command beings emergency leave form ~ this hinges on~ if a specific request is made within the RC message for the soldier to leave and come to the area. No request in that RC message? Another must be sent~ requesting soldiers presence.
5. While leave form is being processed we have the issue of money. Did he have money to travel? If not, he would have had to apply for an AER (or equvilant in the NG) loan or grant. Takes time to process that paperwork.
6. Once leave forms are processed and if the loan/grant was needed and it was processed and the money deposited into the soldiers account we have the manifesting of a plane ticket to and from WA.

See where I"m going with this? It's not easy. It does take time. (this was one of the many tasks that I volunteered to do in assisting families during the last deployment. I advised the families on the process, and provided emotional support)

I dont' know the answer to number five. Did anyone look up to see his relationship status in TN?

Do I think it's possible that SB was involved. Anything is possible. Do I think it's probable given the other scenario's? No I really don't think so, but that is only my opinion and don't let it deter you from looking as far as you need into the situation to rest your concerns. JMHO :)

ETA: for anyone curious about stateside request for a soldier's presence from a combat theater: it can take up to 7 days for that soldier to return. Although I have seen it done in as quickly as five days. That's the Military moving like their hair is on fire too.


Thank you for breaking it down for me :D I think I just went nuts this morning & thought maybe, just maybe, it's the person least expected...which to me, would be the one person in her life that is not "near" her. I think I need to lay off the fruity pebbles :crazy:
Playing catch-up here. Was it ever confirmed that it was a friend of MB's who paid for SB to fly in? If so, was it confirmed who that friend was who paid for his flight?


No, I believe that statement came from someone whose identity has not been verified.
5. Now that is a question I would love the answer to myself. Does he have another "family" in Tenn.? Could they have something to do with her vanishing in an attempt to keep him stateside?

I don't think they suspect the father since he appears to have a solid alibi of being in Tenn. and in the military. I would hope they have questioned everyone he is associated with there.

Sidenote: Keep eating well and sleeping! This is nature's way of letting you know there will be many cold or missed meals and no sleep after the baby is born. Take advantage of it while you can! ;) Congrats!

snipped by me :D

That's exactly where my mind was going with the family thing. I mean, if he does have a family there in TN, I'm sure they would be aware with issues LB was having at home (Diversion). To me, the last place they would look to suspect someone would be a person living on the other side of the country. There's many many many miles in between. Scary thought that I just don't like AT ALL.

ACCCCKKKK Thanks for scaring me! hehe just picking :D I have 3 sisters that will be over here everyday and of course my JB to help me out though :) We are going to have one spoiled lil crawfish on our hands LOL
i will have Marks last name within the hour...seems he's been asked to not come back to the grocery store in Mccleary
1. It was Lindsey's habit to have friends stay over or stay over at their house. As far as not wanting to be alone that particular night, it sounds as if she just didn't want the fun to end after swimming, getting videos, etc. If she was afraid to be alone that night, she didn't mention it to anyone. She didn't seem to be afraid to walk home or she could have used KK's phone to call her mom to make arrangements or asked someone at KK's to drive her home.

2. Unfortunately, there is no way to answer this one. If there were no communications from the internet or her cell phone, the only way she could have been "expecting" to meet someone was face to face contact prior to the abduction.

3. I have seen no clear answer, but have to assume it was not long after she went missing.

4. He arrived at least a week after she went missing, but I would have to go back to find out exactly how long it took him to arrive in WA. We don't know the answer to when leave was granted and permission to leave Tenn. came about. I would also have to assume he put things in order to ship out upon his return.

5. Now that is a question I would love the answer to myself. Does he have another "family" in Tenn.? Could they have something to do with her vanishing in an attempt to keep him stateside?

I don't think they suspect the father since he appears to have a solid alibi of being in Tenn. and in the military. I would hope they have questioned everyone he is associated with there.

Sidenote: Keep eating well and sleeping! This is nature's way of letting you know there will be many cold or missed meals and no sleep after the baby is born. Take advantage of it while you can! ;) Congrats!

You know this made me think of something. Where did LB and family move from? Tennessee? Where in Tennessee? Is MB's family from the McCleary area?
my hubby works in Mccleary...JB also got asked not to come back to the store for apparently shoplifting...we are headed up there to Bear Festival today...maybe i'll hear something
my hubby works in Mccleary...JB also got asked not to come back to the store for apparently shoplifting...we are headed up there to Bear Festival today...maybe i'll hear something
Wow...keep it up! So what we heard could have been JB instead of Lindsey that shoplifted. Hmmmm...very interesting!

Enjoy the Bear Festival!! If you have a camera with you and get near the fire department, could you grab a photo of the doors where they park their trucks? ;)
IIRC, I read on this forum or another, well-regarded one that SB does have a new family in Tennessee.

This can be confirmed or discounted if someone has the time. I dont' unfortunately. I think it needs to be. JMHO. Not that it's of importance if he does have a family it just gives us a bigger picture of Lindsey's life.

You know this made me think of something. Where did LB and family move from? Tennessee? Where in Tennessee? Is MB's family from the McCleary area?

I think we need to look at this too Rosie. Again, this can easily be found with some deep digging. It will also give us a bigger picture of Lindsey's life.
still trying to get Marks last name..it might take longer than I thought...ill see what happens when i get into town..I"ll also try to get a pic of the fire station doors
Interesting. I wonder why Mark was asked to not come back to the store. Loitering? Shoplifting? Waiting on pins and needles for more on this guy.
I don't know anything about her relationship status...but I would think she put the kids into the McCleary school because she lived closer...not to mention it's a better school as far as getting an education.

One thing that's been poking at my mind today is somthing I think I read in an article, but haven't been able to find (of course, I haven't had a lot of time to read them all) but it said something about the Baum's dollar store in Elma. I went to the store a couple months ago and there were a man and a woman there, and they said it was theirs. Unfortunately I don't remember what the woman looked like, so I don't know if it was MB, but the comment about her relationships nagged the incident back into my mind.

Here is the link to the owner information on the dollar store:
(NOT MB -- but I think a friend - as I found this the other day in a court record while sleuthing - LOL)
I want to go find and post (if it's okay?) Not sure any of this is relevant at all.

Here is the link to the marriage info on MB and LB's dad:

If anything in this post is NOT okay to post here - please let me know and I'll edit or admin forgive me and delete?
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