WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #19

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Gosh! I didn't know there were rattlesnakes in wenatchee. I just killed one out by my chickenhouse. Sorry to be off topic, but it really surprised me.

Scary. Glad you got him and not the other way around.

And rattlers are everywhere around there in the summer.
This is a link explaining how to submit a case to "America's Most Wanted"http://www.amw.com/about_amw/faq.cfm
Sorry, bad link
Backtracking a bit, but I hadn't seen this discussed before. The Property Seizure Report and its item 13, is what was found as the result of a search warrant for Mackenzie's car. Logically, I think that everything written on the report refers to something found in the car,with, maybe, one, exception. Also, I think the item 13 means just what it says. Glass was found in the car, from a countertop at home. . There could have been a broken glass countertop at Mackenzie's home; broken through completely innocent means, and she might have gotten glass on her jacket, hair, or sweater just in walking by. . "@ home LOI -recovery" This is a vehicle search warrant, so, I think "recovery" is the vehicle, not Mackenzie's body.The deputies talked with Mackenzie's family before filling out the property report.
Since LE talked with Mac's Mom and Dad Before listing the items on the property seizure report, I think it's posible they might have asked if anything upsetting had happened at home that day. An accidental breaking of an expensive glass kitchen countertop might have led to an arguement. MOO This leaves, completely unanswered, why the clothing and other items Are NOT on the report.


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Backtracking a bit, but I hadn't seen this discussed before. The Property Seizure Report and its item 13, is what was found as the result of a search warrant for Mackenzie's car. Logically, I think that everything written on the report refers to something found in the car,with, maybe, one, exception. Also, I think the item 13 means just what it says. Glass was found in the car, from a countertop at home. . There could have been a broken glass countertop at Mackenzie's home; broken through completely innocent means, and she might have gotten glass on her jacket, hair, or sweater just in walking by. . "@ home LOI -recovery" This is a vehicle search warrant, so, I think "recovery" is the vehicle, not Mackenzie's body.The deputies talked with Mackenzie's family before filling out the property report.
Since LE talked with Mac's Mom and Dad Before listing the items on the property seizure report, I think it's posible they might have asked if anything upsetting had happened at home that day. An accidental breaking of an expensive glass kitchen countertop might have led to an arguement. MOO This leaves, completely unanswered, why the clothing and other items Are NOT on the report.

MOO .. I do not believe items were retrieved from any of the C houses.
If ANYONE is in Wenatchee and can travel...

PLEASE do all of us a favor and head on down to the county clerks and see if there's any public documentation we have not seen yet and get it.

IMOO the clothing and other more important evidence is on a sealed evidence sheet, but until someone visits the courthouse we can't do anything but wonder.
The local newspaper, Weatchee World, is following this story;even creating a "hot topics" heading on the front page which will take you to Mackenzie Cowell. Clicking on her name will give you any new story, plus every story the paper has done, in chronological order, from day one, just scroll down. I think that if any new docs were available, the paper would have them and do a story. Their website has a hit counter, no doubt. Mac's link probably gets dozens a day. One of us will probably get to the courthouse, in time. I'm going to try to get a friend to drive me.
The local newspaper, Weatchee World, is following this story;even creating a "hot topics" heading on the front page which will take you to Mackenzie Cowell. Clicking on her name will give you any new story, plus every story the paper has done, in chronological order, from day one, just scroll down. I think that if any new docs were available, the paper would have them and do a story. Their website has a hit counter, no doubt. Mac's link probably gets dozens a day. One of us will probably get to the courthouse, in time. I'm going to try to get a friend to drive me.

I'm sure if there was anything additional LE wanted in the paper it would get there, but we all can see that the WW never covered the glass shards from her car or even referenced the evidence lists that we KNOW exist because we have them in our possession. In fact, I was watching the comments real time on WW when the last article got posted and they kept removing posts that referenced those documents, so I don't think that LE or WW want the court documents to be common public knowledge which is why it would be smart to at least make a field trip to the courthouse and at least see if there's any public docs we don't have yet.

Most days I'm glad I don't live there anymore, but days like today, it would be SO freaking convenient. :banghead:
I just didn't know why "Poobah90" said"Sorry to heat that Buzz."
Went to Chelan Co courthouse today . Talked to the Sheriffs record clerk ,asked for any public record for Mackenzie Cowell case. Clerk said she would go see. She was gone a little while then had another lady named Deborah talk to me. She told me "This is an ongoing case and they could not give out any info. I said if it was public info. we have a right to see " I then was referred to Douglas co since her body was found there. But car search and any clothes were found in Chelan Co.
IMO They seem to be witholding something. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
Went to Chelan Co courthouse today . Talked to the Sheriffs record clerk ,asked for any public record for Mackenzie Cowell case. Clerk said she would go see. She was gone a little while then had another lady named Deborah talk to me. She told me "This is an ongoing case and they could not give out any info. I said if it was public info. we have a right to see " I then was referred to Douglas co since her body was found there. But car search and any clothes were found in Chelan Co.
IMO They seem to be witholding something. Maybe someone else will have better luck.

Unless a court order was issued specifically stating documents are sealed, the public has a right to see the documents, investigation or no investigation.

It seems they're playing the 'wait until someone plays the FOIA card on us' ploy.

I certainly understand LE's position ... they haven't a clue and they need to keep everything close to the vest and hope the perp(s) trip up or for someone to turn them in, then during questioning they can validate against the 'super secret' case information.

That's a thankless job ...
Went to Chelan Co courthouse today . Talked to the Sheriffs record clerk ,asked for any public record for Mackenzie Cowell case. Clerk said she would go see. She was gone a little while then had another lady named Deborah talk to me. She told me "This is an ongoing case and they could not give out any info. I said if it was public info. we have a right to see " I then was referred to Douglas co since her body was found there. But car search and any clothes were found in Chelan Co.
IMO They seem to be witholding something. Maybe someone else will have better luck.

Thanks so much for trying YOJO!
I now am convinced the "glass chards [sic] from kitchen counter @ home - LOI recovery" refers to the kitchen counter @ 2395 Pitcher Canyon Road.

Why were the "glass chards" [sic] important?

I suspect: glass was found near to or around the outside of MC's vehicle (from 2395 resident's shoes having approached MC's vehicle upon discovering it parked on their property: remember, they reported there were "childrens clothes" in the vehicle) ..or.. since MC suffered blunt force trauma, broken glass found in the residence raised a red flag.

I also now am convinced this is a love triangle case.
New Theory and an interesting one. It Made me remember this: This is an email I received from a friend who gave me OK to post as long as I removed names and initials. "I have not told anyone this because it was told to me by **. the mother of the ****** who lives up PC. Her son and daughter-in-law was question by Le that night Mac 's car was found .
She told me they saw a tall ******** thin man,with a dark jacket with a hood over his head walking by their house on road. When he got closer to their house he turned his head away from them as not to be seen. It just seemed out of place to see a ******** in that area to them. Don't know if he had anything to do with the murder. I'm sure **would'nt lie."
Later, I was told this man walked up the road, not down.
The Property Report was of stuff found in the car. Glass may well have been found immediately outside it. I guess the location of interest at home could be the home where a recovery happened; in this case, vehicle recovery occurred at the Pitcher Canyon Address Chuck Maureen mentions in his post. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sleuthier minds than mine needed.
Whether or not it was ever searched is obviously a question for LE, not me. If they did not search every home directly connected to MC, I'd be both shocked and dismayed.

Am not here to discuss that specific house or spread or start rumors. Bring logic to the table, that of course those homes were looked at right off the bat. Parents likely gave their blessing. Were they OFF the table already on Feb 17, date of that document, is all I'm asking.

Of course they were at some point. LE, per your own link, stated they had been cleared. How do they clear a home that close to the victim without having taken steps to clear it, i.e. by searching it? Just like everybody was a POI and nobody was a POI early on. LE had no apparent clue which direction was up the first few days. It takes time to "clear" people and places.

The rumors are all in the links that somebody else posted as somehow being evidence of at this point I'm not sure what.

But taking aim at people here who are trying to help, and have lives that don't allow them to follow several cases (or even one) 24/7 every day of the year doesn't bring anything to the table either.

Just want links to any and all property seizure records. Not with an ounce of intent to implicate anybody related to MC, or any one at this juncture, as I don't have the first clue who murdered her, but never at any point did I have any of her family or her boyfriend on radar for longer than 30 seconds. Nor any bad poets. Nor the "brothers" in jail who aren't brothers at all.

Hopefully LE does have a clue, and we will see justice for MC soon. That's why I am here. To bash about ideas.

Again -- trying to catch up. And as you want mainstream media links -- so do I. Not from May 18 "all clear" as I already knew that (posted the video link from KOMO even before you posted the written story).

Once again, thank you to anyone who could be so kind as to provide those links related to any and all official LE documents.

There aren't "links" to the official documents because they are sealed now and should have been from the beginning (probable oversight). They are public record however, so you could go to the Clerk's office if you wanted to try to gain access.
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