WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #4

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I have no idea how long her body was out in the elements. I haven't heard anything about that.

I definitely did not say MC's feet were visible from the road. For the record, I didn't see her feet or body. But I'm pretty sure seeing her feet from CB road would be impossible.

I know you didn't see her but didn't you say something about the person who found her walking along and possibly seeing her feet before they saw the rest of her body? I was thinking maybe they were walking up the road because you had said that it was criminal trespassing to walk through that property.
Just a hint. In one statement, LE did say they may eventual find another scene to investigate. I took that as not murderer at CB. Plus evidence gathered from house never says it was evidence related to the crime. Last thing, pictures del rio posted didn't include blood evidence in grass, around bushes and such. From what I understand there would have been lots, (LOTS), of blood if that was a "fresh" body being mutilated. Police might have cleared out the area to remove all the blood or even had Fire Dept. wash it away. Both would have left evidence that was done too.

I agree with you. None of my photos show any indication of blood, and I didn't notice anything suggesting blood or a "clean up" of blood. So, in my opinion, I think very little, if any, blood was at the CB property.
Just a hint. In one statement, LE did say they may eventual find another scene to investigate. I took that as not murderer at CB. Plus evidence gathered from house never says it was evidence related to the crime. Last thing, pictures del rio posted didn't include blood evidence in grass, around bushes and such. From what I understand there would have been lots, (LOTS), of blood if that was a "fresh" body being mutilated. Police might have cleared out the area to remove all the blood or even had Fire Dept. wash it away. Both would have left evidence that was done too.

Thank you. What about the part of your theory where you talked about her dating older men because she had done that before?
I have no idea how long her body was out in the elements. I haven't heard anything about that.

I definitely did not say MC's feet were visible from the road. For the record, I didn't see her feet or body. But I'm pretty sure seeing her feet from CB road would be impossible.

We were driving by just as LE arrived on scene when the body was found. We stopped and stood along the CB road for awhile and could not see anything from there.
I know you didn't see her but didn't you say something about the person who found her walking along and possibly seeing her feet before they saw the rest of her body? I was thinking maybe they were walking up the road because you had said that it was criminal trespassing to walk through that property.

No. Remember that the persons who discovered her body were walking along the beach. All beaches on that stretch of the river are owned by the PUD or other government agency, and are public lands (anyone may go on those beaches).

And, yes, it would be criminal trespassing to be on the CB property. But it's not criminal trespassing to be on "unimproved" land. The CB property is surronded by "unimproved" land.
So, what is everyone else's theory about the body placement-

do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
when do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?
Can you please explain the part when you say she's had a relationship with someone older in the past? I know she has dated boys a few years older, but I never before heard anything about her being involved with older men.

I believe we, (actually I wasn't commenting then), hashed over this in first thread or 2nd. Anyway it was an over age boyfriend when she was too young, don't know the dates, sorry. A charge of rape of a minor was reduced because he was the boyfriend. He took plea. Gave him motive, so the focus was on him for awhile, but he was actually in jail for an assault, (3 months I believe), while murder took place. He has been talked to directly by someone posting her as well. That is from memory so I know most or all is incorrect, but hopefully I am close... :)
So, what is everyone else's theory about the body placement-

do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
when do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?

do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
IMO, no.
do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
IMO, I think it was hidden, at least to a certain extent.
when do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?
IMO, closer to Tuesday than Saturday (but I really have no idea).
I believe we, (actually I wasn't commenting then), hashed over this in first thread or 2nd. Anyway it was an over age boyfriend when she was too young, don't know the dates, sorry. A charge of rape of a minor was reduced because he was the boyfriend. He took plea. Gave him motive, so the focus was on him for awhile, but he was actually in jail for an assault, (3 months I believe), while murder took place. He has been talked to directly by someone posting her as well. That is from memory so I know most or all is incorrect, but hopefully I am close... :)

Ok, yes I do know about that. I was thinking you were talking about another man around JF's age. That boyfriend I think was 5 years older than her but if she did in fact have a relationship with JF, he would be 24 years older- over twice her age!
Is it just me or does it seems like the killer went out of his way to spread evidence around Central Washington?

It also seems that the killer did not care about hiding the evidence. Maybe they think that they did such a good job covering their tracks that it did not matter if LE found the body. I believe that the killer intended for the body to be found, just like they intended for the car to be found. Maybe they did it because they get off on seeing the police work?

The murder took place in the Pacific North West, unless I am wrong, I believe that serial murders pick this area because of the access to remote wilderness.
There are so many places where someone can dispose of a body. This killer either did not care or intended for the police to find the body. Maybe there was hope someone living at Crescent Bar would be blamed.

One thing is certain there was some effort to mask his identity or he would be behind bars by now.
Here is my theory... Mom's BF is allegedly having a few unwarranted affairs around town. Mac does not like her mom dating him. She sees him for the real person he is. She spends more time with dad because she doesn't like to be around them together. She hears legit rumors of his affairs. She tells him she wants to talk to him. She leaves salon to go meet at the dock/park. (maybe she gets a coffee first. Coffee shop can't confirm or deny they served her, or maybe coffee at McDonalds in the drive thru) While waiting for him, she texts her BF. Mom's BF shows up and she starts to tell him that she has discovered the affairs and she is going to tell her mom. He says they should go somewhere else and talk and suggests taking a drive. (they get in her car) He realizes that without Mac's mom, he is nothing. No money, failed relationships, rocky marriage, etc. She is his source of money and employment. (I bet if we check back, he does countless construction jobs because of her building commitments) Without her, where is he. He realizes he has to shut her up immediately. (Maybe Mac's mom caught him cheating before and said never again?) They end up at the murder scene. (I am not convinced this is the spec house or where her body is found, I think there will be another spot disclosed) He uses something to knock her out. He uses tools from construction to mutilate her body. I am going with a jab saw. Dry wallers use them. (my neighbor is a drywaller and this tool is gruesome. I can't believe they even sell this tool. I'd panic anytime my kids would go in his garage for fear they would hurt themselves.) He is attempting to dismember her and get rid of her body. Never to be seen again. He can't take the gruesome task and decides to try and make her unrecognizable. (People has attested to the fact that parts of her body were partially removed~allegedly) When he realizes that this isn't going as planned (or not planned) he needs help. Does he possibly call the brothers that are currently incarcerated to help with he body removal? They arrive and help load the body into the back of their pick up truck. (assumption) These are the car tires he is seen washing later that night at the car wash. They follow Mom's BF in Mac's red car to where her car was found. He leaves it there to seem like an abduction. He gets in their truck with the body. They head to CB and dispose of her body where it is discovered. He knows he only as until 7 when Mac is supposed to be at her dad's for dinner. Shortly there after, family will start to wonder.
Mac's mom is NOT involved at all. She as been warned by police that he is their only POI. She is told not to talk or give any information.
This is why there was no sex.
They were not having an affair, and she was not pregnant.
Mom's BF has been questioned, failed poly and now has a lawyer.
Brothers were picked up on other charges but are being held. Have they talked?
911 calls from Mac's mom the other night are most likely sheer fear of him coming over.
Mac's mom and Dad are being quiet because they KNOW what is going on.
The end. (for now anyway!)

*** "Brothers were picked up on other charges but are being held. Have they talked?" ****

If the brothers haven't yet, they will soon enough.

It's a known prosecutor tactic to put a person in jail (on something that a judge will be OK with), and keep them isolated, miserable and scared in jail for a while in order to "encourage" them to be more "cooperative" on an unrelated matter (that way, the jailed person goes unrepresented by an attorney and LE may freely question him). I strongly suspect this is what is going on with the brothers.

Mr. Riesen is a very good and experienced attorney. We all should have the utmost confidence in him. He's knows what he's doing.
So, what is everyone else's theory about the body placement-

do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
when do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?

Do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
No, that may have been the killer's *hope* but it would have been unreasonable to expect so.

Do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
Possibly; I think the intent was to get in and out as quickly as possible.

When do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?
I would lean closer to Tuesday. The longer the body was at the scene the more damage might have occurred from elements and animals, possibly contributing to the appearance that there might have been some mutilation.

Just my .02.
If you were going to hide a body, would you hide it where Mackenzie was found?
Ok, yes I do know about that. I was thinking you were talking about another man around JF's age. That boyfriend I think was 5 years older than her but if she did in fact have a relationship with JF, he would be 24 years older- over twice her age!

The psychological reasons a woman "goes for" an older man can be meet whether he is 5 years his older or 24. And 5 years her older back than makes a much bigger difference then it would at age 17. 24 years her older would make up that difference.

Also, we could just as easily switch this around. Maybe the relationship was NOT her choice but pushed on her and she decided she had had enough. Also have thought that maybe they weren't going to a vacant house up the valley but just taking a drive up to the snow-line, usually something fun to do -- maybe not this time... :(

The problem I see with some theories is they don't provide a reason for why no one knew where she was going after class. SHE would have had to have a very good reason not to tell anyone what she was doing. And drugs and other things just don't seem like enough reason to keep this secret from absolutely EVERYONE. If her mom's bf, (or anyone else for that matter), called out of the blue and said I just want to talk with you, there is no reason to hide their meeting. If there was a relationship, or past relationship, she has a reason not to tell anyone they planned on getting together after school.
Do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
Yes, maybe by someone who was viewing or trying to sell the house. The killer had to know that at some point the body would be found at that location. There are thousands of other places where you could hide a body with a zero chance of being found.

Do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
I don’t think so. It sounds like there was some attempt to pose the body for those that would find it.

When do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?
She was murdered on Tuesday or Wednesday at a different location.
Maybe Mackenzie was just teasing this older man and never intended to get involved. She could have just thought that it was fun that an older man was paying attention to her.
If you were going to hide a body, would you hide it where Mackenzie was found?

Good question. If the intent was to hide the body, than apparently (or obviously) the killer did not do a very good job. Or maybe the perp was paniced and just left it where he/she/they thought it could be disposed of without them being seen. If the intent was to have the body found, I imagine there could have been more obvious areas.

Can't really say, though, especially since I'm not familiar with the geography of the area.

ETA - It is possible that the proximity of where the body was found to where the car was left was intentional to try to create difficulty for the investigation.
Good question. If the intent was to hide the body, than apparently (or obviously) the killer did not do a very good job. Or maybe the perp was paniced and just left it where he/she/they thought it could be disposed of without them being seen. If the intent was to have the body found, I imagine there could have been more obvious areas.

Can't really say, though, especially since I'm not familiar with the geography of the area.

ETA - It is possible that the proximity of where the body was found to where the car was left was intentional to try to create difficulty for the investigation.

Someone in a previous post/thread suggested that the body could have been placed there with the intension of being transported and dumped in the river (by boat). If the body was not on shore (or feet near the river) but was in the bushes just above the shoreline, I would think it would be hidden and awaiting its next step - a boat to transport the body somewhere else.

Does everyone think her final resting place was the killer's intent??
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