WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #4

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Good question. If the intent was to hide the body, than apparently (or obviously) the killer did not do a very good job. Or maybe the perp was paniced and just left it where he/she/they thought it could be disposed of without them being seen. If the intent was to have the body found, I imagine there could have been more obvious areas.

Can't really say, though, especially since I'm not familiar with the geography of the area.

ETA - It is possible that the proximity of where the body was found to where the car was left was intentional to try to create difficulty for the investigation.

Yes, ajfa, you've hit on something I haven't been able to quite put my finger on: Where she was found seems to be neither an obvious place to hide something nor an obvious place to leave something you want discovered quickly. So maybe there is some significance to the location other than how quickly or not the perp wanted the body to be found. Maybe she was placed in that particular location for a specific person to find her - for example, the perp knew that a specific person always takes walks along that stretch. That's just an example of an alternate reason to place her there. I have no idea what the real reason could have been.
ETA - If the person was trying to create difficulty for the investigation, wouldn't it make more sense to leave the body where it might never be found than to leave it somewhere that might cause a little bit of confusion for local agencies?
del rio, you seem to know the CB area and have been to the scene. Can you tell me if a pickup or SUV sized vehicle pulled down that driveway and parked to the left right up against the bank if the vehicle would have been hidden from the roadway above? I can't tell from the satellite view of the property. If I was attempting to do what this person was doing I wouldn't want my car parked out in the open.

Just trying to get a fix on whether the perp would want access to the house to pull his vehicle into the garage while he attempted to do the deed. And I don't think I would want to even wash my hands at this location for fear of leaving behind evidence, (but then I am smart while murderers are not).
Not mentioning names, of course, but there's a local photographer who advertises himself as a photography/production company, and quite frequently has "free model shoots" . I know he's currently advertising one on his myspace right now. The problems is, almost every single model in his "photo album" is an underage, high school girl, usually dressed provocatively. He requested my daughter as a friend, and seems to have a lot of other young girls as friends as well (in fact, there's a picture on the front page of his profile that says (Mackenzie Model of the Month, though the picture doesn't really look like her). After looking more into this, I found that he was actually at the memorial, as you can see pictures he took there on his facebook page. I was at the memorial as well, and specifically remember the minister stating she wanted to be a model, dancer, and beautician. Though I feel bad for dragging someone else into this, especially if it's nothing, I thought it was at least worth thinking about.

yep, that's another J. name that we covered in thread 1 and/or 2
ETA - If the person was trying to create difficulty for the investigation, wouldn't it make more sense to leave the body where it might never be found than to leave it somewhere that might cause a little bit of confusion for local agencies?

Good point. Unless the person was in a hurry or just didn't have the time to really come up with a good place and returned to what was familiar as the best option.

As one who is not local, I have to imagine that whomever did this knew exactly the location of where to dispose of the remains in a pinch. I don't think it was a long drawn out process of elimination as to where to leave the body. It may have been a poor choice (or good choice) but it was, at the time, probably the only choice that was apparent to the perp.
Someone in a previous post/thread suggested that the body could have been placed there with the intension of being transported and dumped in the river (by boat). If the body was not on shore (or feet near the river) but was in the bushes just above the shoreline, I would think it would be hidden and awaiting its next step - a boat to transport the body somewhere else.

Does everyone think her final resting place was the killer's intent??

That has to be it! What other explanation is there for a body that isn't really hidden but isn't really out in the open either?? This is what del rio originally suggested and for some reason it really makes sense now!
Does a framer work closely with a drywaller?, or could they be one in the same?

a couple quick questions... it sounds obvious that the moms BF is in construction. That we know. Also sounds like the possibility of the murder weapon (whether it actually caused her death or was post mortem) being a construction tool is pretty bang on. Does anyone know what his expertise was? I'm sure he dabbles in all areas of building, but usually there is one thing that you are most comfortable with. One tool that your hands are used to working with. (like a teacher is a teacher, but french might be her specialty) Tiling? Roofing? Drywall? I'm thinking of the post that spoke of the police visiting local shops to see if they sold a certain knife? I believe that we will find out it was something found on a construction site, and quite possibly something he was used to working with. Anyone know what skill he was known for?

I heard from a VERY reliable source that the FBI visited a specific "home improvement" store inquiring about specific tools that were used in this murder. I do not want to disclose the place or type of tools, but I will say that it wasn't scissors at this location. More along the lines of what you are referring to grey.

I think the time of death was sometime between 4:00 (last text to bf) and 5:40. I think her phone was turned off/destroyed by whomever did this to her...

I don't think we can determine that she was murdered the day she went missing by the last text message or ping. Even though it isn't likely, she still could have turned her phone off while she met with someone, it could have died, or if she was held its very possible the phone was disposed of before anything was done to her just so that she couldn't be located.

So, what is everyone else's theory about the body placement-

do you think the killer wanted her body to found?
do you think they tried to hide it but had to leave in a hurry?
when do you think they placed it there- Tuesday or Saturday?

I'm torn on whether I think they wanted her found or not. From the skid marks in Del's pictures part of me thinks they meant to place her in the pond and missed. Maybe they didn't mean to leave her in the pond, but put her there til they figured out what to do next. (not sure how deep the pond is) Also, if they wanted her found that bad why not leave her in the middle of the driveway rather than an area with bushes and stuff?

Last but not least, another crazy whacko theory I had:
I have seen some say that they don't believe someone close to her could do this. If the body was as mutilated as some are saying (I'm sorry for wording it like that) it has it indeed has similarities to the Spillman case. My thought is that possibly whoever did this (I still feel it was a crime of passion and someone close to her) did these things to the body to make people say "no family member could do that to someone they love". I think it is possible someone wanted this to look like a serial killers doings to take the heat off of themselves and buy time. Just my crazy ideas though!!

Phew! A day at work makes for hours of catching up!
I just watched a show about Ashley Reeves, I will not go into great detail and correct me if I am wrong; she had some type of relationship with a teacher, it sounds like they were just friends. The teacher wanted more. During an altercation she broke her neck and he tried to strangle her. He panicked, dumped her body in the woods and started to cover-up. He was caught quickly, confessed, and when the police found her she was still alive. She eventually recovered.

I know humans sometimes make connections that are not logical. But I would not help thinking about what happened to Mackenzie.

If we look at the simplest explanation: She went to the boat launch to meet someone, that she did not want her boyfriend to find out about. They drove to Crescent Bar and something happened. She ended up dying and the killer did their best to cover up what happened. Then dumped the car far away from where her body was located.
del rio, you seem to know the CB area and have been to the scene. Can you tell me if a pickup or SUV sized vehicle pulled down that driveway and parked to the left right up against the bank if the vehicle would have been hidden from the roadway above? I can't tell from the satellite view of the property. If I was attempting to do what this person was doing I wouldn't want my car parked out in the open.

Just trying to get a fix on whether the perp would want access to the house to pull his vehicle into the garage while he attempted to do the deed. And I don't think I would want to even wash my hands at this location for fear of leaving behind evidence, (but then I am smart while murderers are not).

If you parked there during the daylight hours, then a vehicle that was driving towards CB would be able to catch a momentary glimpse of your car (assuming they were even looking that direction, which is doubtful because it's somewhat of a steep roadway and there's a sharp, blind curve right there).

If during darkness, there's probably no way they would be able to see your car.

A car driving away from CB (up the hill) would be totally unable to see a car parked at that location.
del rio, you seem to know the CB area and have been to the scene. Can you tell me if a pickup or SUV sized vehicle pulled down that driveway and parked to the left right up against the bank if the vehicle would have been hidden from the roadway above? I can't tell from the satellite view of the property. If I was attempting to do what this person was doing I wouldn't want my car parked out in the open.

Just trying to get a fix on whether the perp would want access to the house to pull his vehicle into the garage while he attempted to do the deed. And I don't think I would want to even wash my hands at this location for fear of leaving behind evidence, (but then I am smart while murderers are not).

I'd say yes, vehicle(s) could easily be hidden behind the house. Especially at night.

If we look at the simplest explanation: She went to the boat launch to meet someone, that she did not want her boyfriend to find out about. They drove to Crescent Bar and something happened. She ended up dying and the killer did their best to cover up what happened. Then dumped the car far away from where her body was located.

That does sound plausible. Considering that, IIRC, according to one news report she was expected home for the evening meal (I believe at her father's), would there have been enough time to drive down to CB, do whatever, and get home in time for supper?
MissAnonymous said:
Even though it isn't likely, she still could have turned her phone off while she met with someone, it could have died, or if she was held its very possible the phone was disposed of before anything was done to her just so that she couldn't be located.

I think if she was having an affair, there is a very strong possibility she turned her phone off. The reasoning would be so she wouldn't be interrupted by say, her boyfriend?
A few comments.

According to a neighbor the property had a bar gate across the driveway that was padlocked with a set up much like the WDFW uses. Which makes it very difficult to cut.
(Del you might be able to verify this)

MC cell phone had several calls to Lowe’s in the days (week?) before she went missing. I don’t know if LE ever figure out who she was calling there.

JF was at one time a drywaller. But I think he is more a jack-of-all-trades now.
Someone mentioned the killer "trying" to dismember her (sorry) and getting sick... is this in reference to the possibility that there was vomit at the scene? I've been thinking about that one for a couple of days now.

Also, del rio, do you know of any large wildlife around Crescent Bar? I've never seen anything but birds but that doesn't mean they aren't there.
Maybe she told someone that she was going to end the relationship with her boyfriend and did not follow through for whatever reason. Whoever she was with got pissed and threw her phone, when it kept ringing? With these new phones chances are the back would have come off and the battery would have disconnected.

I wonder how much time LE spent looking through her car?
If during darkness, there's probably no way they would be able to see your car.

A car driving away from CB (up the hill) would be totally unable to see a car parked at that location.

Seems like no reason to go into house or garage. We are pretty sure she was brought there deceased. This would be out of the heat of the moment, giving suspect plenty of time to think it through, (also, plenty of time to WORRY). With that worry building I would think someone would want to be in and out of there as fast as possible. Check for any headlights, then turn down the driveway staying against the bank. Stop just before that first picture you took. Turn off lights but leave engine running, (restarting car can be heard louder then leaving it run). Drag/carry body, (which should be wrapped in plastic sheeting to keep vehicle "clean"), and leave it. Plastic collects fingerprints so take it with you to dispose of elsewhere.

Thinking it through this way leads me to think mutilation was attempted at the first scene, (possibly up Pitcher Canyon/Mission Ridge area??) Can you make it into Beehive Lake yet? Maybe up that way could be the BIG scene???
Someone in a previous post/thread suggested that the body could have been placed there with the intension of being transported and dumped in the river (by boat). If the body was not on shore (or feet near the river) but was in the bushes just above the shoreline, I would think it would be hidden and awaiting its next step - a boat to transport the body somewhere else.

Does everyone think her final resting place was the killer's intent??

A boat would be noticed in the river, at CB....I think.
According to www.courts.wa.gov, JF has absolutely no criminal record of any kind. He's never been charged with anything criminal, and he's never even been cited with a traffic infraction.

From what I could tell he hasn't always lived in WA. I don't think he had anything to to with it.
The day Mackenzie disappeared, the snowmobiler also disappeared. The killer may have left the body there, planning on coming back. Then the snowmobiler got lost. I believe the search area is just across the river and to the north. You would think twice about moving a body is helicopters were flying over head even if they weren’t looking for you.
According to www.courts.wa.gov, JF has absolutely no criminal record of any kind. He's never been charged with anything criminal, and he's never even been cited with a traffic infraction.

OOPs regarding previous post. I read JL not JF. SORRY. I think JF did have something to do with it but JL did not. Too may J names on here to keep them all straight.
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