WA WA - Nancy Moyer, 36, Tenino, 6 March 2009

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I wonder if LE has even talked to those guys working across the street? They know that Nancy made it home and then disappeared and those guys would be a good place to start looking. Has LE checked over the whole area around her home and across the street? Who knows, her body might be hidden in some place across the way and it hasn't been uncovered if the place hasn't been searched. She could be real close. It seems like that happens a lot.
They brought out dogs (search dogs and cadaver dogs) however WAY too late... What, 2 weeks later? It seems though that if she was close the dogs would have found her. I don't know if the Railroad Guys have been questioned or not.
What makes this creepy is that this Matthew is blogging in the very present tense like Nancy went on vacation! He should be saddened, upset, freaked out, and he's acting like this has become everyday news for him...
Everyone knows the last person to see a missing/murder victim is the ONE person
that is investigated over and over again!

This woman is separated from her husband, the kids are with Dad and she's sitting by herself doing nothing?? She had a date planned Sat. nite. Who is the mystery abducter?? LE can find kinks in Matthew's story/marriage because its not NORMAL to write blog after blog after blog (unless you are obsessed) and also have a coworker and husband who talk like they are reciting from a children' book.

More than weird!!

<snipped>What makes Matthew creepy is he is talking to her like she has gone on a vacation or somehting. Like he''s going out of his way to make it sounds that this is the present and not past tense.You should see the love around here. Someone brought in donuts on Friday when we got the stack of flyers. Sorry, I know you hate missing treat days! If it's any consolation, Debbie has been ready to make Rae's dip since Monday, but she said we'll wait cause it's your favorite. (Talk about loyalty!)

Seriously though, everyone's real worried and we're working real hard to find you. I need you to be strong for us and hang it there a little longer. I can't tell you how many people are pulling for you. Please be strong. We all miss you. Talk to you again soon.
They brought out dogs (search dogs and cadaver dogs) however WAY too late... What, 2 weeks later? It seems though that if she was close the dogs would have found her. I don't know if the Railroad Guys have been questioned or not.

Right, but Cadaver dogs are for corpse's so 2 weeks out makes sense. I noticed that LE is ruling out the local/close to victim vicinities now with dogs, prior to waiting till the victim is 1 block away. The list of adult SO's is terrying, I hate this case to end up with not knowing what happened to Nancy!
2 weeks out for the cadaver dogs - that's fine. But 2 weeks out before ANY dogs were here. It had rained, snowed, rained for 2 weeks making it very hard for the dogs to track any scents. I wonder why Thurston County had their own search 2 weeks later, and only AFTER the community got together for a search on Saturday. WHY WEREN'T DOGS BROUGHT IN THE FIRST DAY THEY TOOK THE CASE OVER??????I don't know if it's just me but it feels like they were not prompt about dealing with this. It sickens me to the fullest degree that of all the local Sheriff's/police that live in this small community weren't doing something more about it. It's not just for the sake of Nancy, but for all of the other loved ones in this community that not only want answers but for our safety as well. Maybe they have, but I haven't heard anything about it, and I live here.
BL, I will try to be more respectful to your situation and I totally agree. The case of missing women has now become an epidemic. There has to be a FBI manual for information and tips for cases where if women, children or men go missing that specific Guidelines (contact your local federal office) and terms that have to be met. I agree that dogs should have been out sooner. Since this is your community I would recommend vigils and voulnteer searches and getting the word out. Being a member of your community and being proactive will hopefully find the truth as to what happened to Nancy. Hang in there!!

Meet @ the Tenino Park (historic name “the Quarry”) @ 9am this Saturday.
(Meet in the gravel parking lot by the kids play ground- not the camping & ball field parking lot.)
On the other board, one (or maybe several) of the locals had emailed Texas Equusearch regarding a search for Nancy.

This person posted yesterday that Equusearch has been in contact and are willing to come out and organize a search!

They are in NY searching for Corrie Anderson so it won't be right away. Equusearch will be working with Nancy's ex-husband for the family.

Meet @ the Tenino Park (historic name “the Quarry”) @ 9am this Saturday.
(Meet in the gravel parking lot by the kids play ground- not the camping & ball field parking lot.)

Is anyone welcome to search? It's supposed to be nice that day... heavy on "supposed to." I live a medium distance and would like to help.
About this weekend's search: I know the searchers may have some leads or ideas of their own.
But, if there is time or a willingness, could you search the wrecker yard very near Nancy's house? Maybe with dogs? Same for the railyard. ?
Thank you.
Where are the updates in the news on this case? Nancy Moyer is a mother of 2. I am glad to hear that the search will continue Sat, 4/4/09. Is the NEWS there even following this story??
It was mentioned that there were workers (I can't remember what type, maybe railroad??) directly across the street from Nancy's house. Were they questioned as to what they may have seen, as well as what they were doing. What hours were they there? If she came out front, and they were working, it seems someone should have seen something. But maybe whatever happened, happened after work had ceased. Do we have any info on these workers?
This via someone that was at the search:

No new clues or finds this morning. Search party contained about 30 people, and LE brought a dog.
Nancy is lucky to have such wonderful co-workers.
Yanno...Here is the thing that bothers me. Poor Nancy's family and co-workers are the ONLY ones coordinating searches for her. It's been a beautiful day in WA, I've been in an out all day. I've looked everywhere for some news on the search. Local newspapers etc., NOTHING. These poor people have emailed our local news and none of them seem to care. It's downright sad.

Nancy is a young mother. She has 2 young daughters that most likely miss their Mom beyond words. WHAT the HAY is wrong with our local media and reporters? WHAT are they doing and WHAT are they getting paid for? What's more important than a missing Mother, Child, or anyone else for that matter? I just don't get it :confused:

I'm ranting I know but WOW.

This reminds me of another local mom who went missing here a year ago (Amy Mullins). There was such a lack of concern for her. The FAMILY organized a search for her and they did find her body in an old refrigerator on her ex-husbands property. I still have the video of that search and them finding her. It was awful!

I hope I never go missing in WA. They apparently put little effort into missing people. Really...there is just little effort and coverage.

I realize many are missing. But shouldn't the local media be focusing on the missing?

Ugh. I'll stop now :hand:
Breanna, you are totally right. Its as though the story hit a wall. I am going to research that other story in WA.

This is what I found:
Steve Mullins on trial for the murder of wife Amy Mullins

LE really needs to press that Co-worker, he is the key to this case. Anymore information about him will be helpful.
Breanna, you are totally right. Its as though the story hit a wall. I am going to research that other story in WA.

This is what I found:
Steve Mullins on trial for the murder of wife Amy Mullins

LE really needs to press that Co-worker, he is the key to this case. Anymore information about him will be helpful.

I so agree with you. He needs to be looked at and looked at hard.

I was ranting, and still am :)

I cannot figure out how to get the video of Amy's search over here. It won't work.

So go to google and type in: The search for Amy Mullins The Olympian. It's the video by reporter Matt McVay.

This is so off topic I know....but just goes to show that the friends and family were the ones searching and found her. I'm surprised the poor guy in the red shirt and suspenders who found her didn't have a heart attack :eek: Poor guy.

I'll follow this post up with another post from a local on another board who has been coordinating the searches. I hope that's okay to do. If it's not slap me and put me in a corner later please.

It sounds like it's mostly friends, volunteers and co-workers who are searching for Nancy right now.
Keep searching is my advice do not stop until you find something. We have been looking for Kellisue Ackernecht for 6 months, what went wrong in her case was the weather was against us and there was no awareness in the public about her until a week after she went missing. We are keeping all in our prayers and hope that you are successful in finding Nancy.
Here is the post from the person on the other board who is apparently the one coordinating.

Saturday's Search


We (the searchers) were told law enforcement was also conducting a search but we saw no one. That doesn't mean they were not there, it just means they were were probably in different areas looking. I am unaware if dogs were involved, but I pray they were. I have heard nothing on the news so I assume they found nothing if they were out.

We have so many pieces of a puzzle but the pieces don't all link together yet. I know that police resources are limited. I had hoped they would ask us for help with searching. At the very least, point us in a direction of interest they might have. The more resources you can tap into, the greater your chance of recovery. However, we have had no contact with them. I know they are concerned about contamination of a crime scene if we do find her, but the sooner we find her, the more evidence they will have to work with. The longer it is utnil she is found, the more degridation of the crime scene...the harder it will be to get good evidence.

I know there have been questions about her family not being at any of the searches. This has been deliberate on my part. I have not been in contact with the family in person and do not want to be in contact with them until we have a resolve. I am constantly wrestling with my own demons about what happened to Nancy becase of my long work relationsihp with her. Keeping my emotions in check and keeping these searches as analytical as I can is a struggle. I am exhausted after each and every one. Having her family there would make it harder for me to maintain my focus. That might be selfish of me, but finding her is my top priority. What if we found her and they were there. I don't want them to see her in their minds as other than the vibrant, warm person she was.

As Tubbs has said, we are entertaining all ideas folks have. Whether they are psychic impressions or just random thoughts, we appreciate everything folks are bringing to the table.

We will solve this mystery. Thanks for all your help and support.

I believe this blogger is the Co Worker in question. I find it interesting how he doesn't want the family there!

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