Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #5 *C. Capone guilty*

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RA's booth at the fair. Per Kristina's post on last Monday, this was to be info booth along with info re: RA's case. The only thing I see is a request for donations. And why the pink ribbon....which is for breast cancer? Anyone dare to ask on FB page or in the media where the donations are going?

There is a little baby in the wagon down there on the right side of the photo. I wonder to whom it belongs.

I think the daughters did a wonderful job and it looks like there are flyers and handouts on the table. I don't think it is very kind to be so critical of them. If you don't want to donate money, then don't, but I am not prepared to accept that they are scam artists.
There is a little baby in the wagon down there on the right side of the photo. I wonder to whom it belongs.

I think the daughters did a wonderful job and it looks like there are flyers and handouts on the table. I don't think it is very kind to be so critical of them. If you don't want to donate money, then don't, but I am not prepared to accept that they are scam artists.

I tend to agree with you. We have no idea what the daughters are going through. They are young and may be getting bad advise and might even be getting advise from LE. They are lost with out their mom, trying to live somewhat normal lives the best they can. I for one just cant judge them as I haven't been walking in their shoes and I hope I never will. I just hope they find out what happened to their mom so they aren't stuck in limbo. Gezzz we follow these cases every day and get frustrated that we don't have answers.Can you imagine if it was you?

Rachael, we keep you in our mind every day and hope justice will prevail.
I tend to agree with you. We have no idea what the daughters are going through. They are young and may be getting bad advise and might even be getting advise from LE. They are lost with out their mom, trying to live somewhat normal lives the best they can. I for one just cant judge them as I haven't been walking in their shoes and I hope I never will. I just hope they find out what happened to their mom so they aren't stuck in limbo. Gezzz we follow these cases every day and get frustrated that we don't have answers.Can you imagine if it was you?

Rachael, we keep you in our mind every day and hope justice will prevail.

I just look, watch and listen. I've been following this case from the get go and have reasons for my critisims. I hope you have a chance to go back and read her previous threads and the FB site. As I've said from the beginning also, they have needed help, but what good advise I've seen given seems to have fallen on deaf ears with no response. Maybe it was the people who critized who got the ball rolling again????? JMO
I am waiting on pins and needles. I know this sentencing has NOTHING to do with Rachael but I just keep HOPING he wants to talk. OR someone is waiting to spring something new. I hope he rots in jail for everything he has done, some of what he hasn't done and everything in between. Most of all I hope Rachael is found SOON.
I am waiting on pins and needles. I know this sentencing has NOTHING to do with Rachael but I just keep HOPING he wants to talk. OR someone is waiting to spring something new. I hope he rots in jail for everything he has done, some of what he hasn't done and everything in between. Most of all I hope Rachael is found SOON.

Agree, maybe he needs a little help ;)

33 months. Plus 3 years supervised release. Plus $3,000 fine ($1,000 X each of the 3 firearms he was in possession of. Plus $100 assessment for whatever.

Sentencing guidelines were 33-41 months, and judge gave him the low end. Should note same judge he faced back in 1997 over previous charges (felony??) in which, if I caught in among all the blabbering, was a mere 1 yr.

More details later, just wanted to get the sentencing out there.

KREM and KXLY had vans in the parking lot, and one of them grabbed Amber on the way out to do an interview, so check their web sites for stories and post-court video.

ETA: KREM site states they will have live report from courthouse at 5pm, which should be available on their web site as live stream
Two people, other than his bloviating attorney (what he is paid to do), and bloviating CC himself, got up to speak on his behalf. Shall not be named to protect the innocent, but one was somebody associated thru church/clergy and the other one of CC's family members.

Apparently several associates/friends/whatever of his also wrote letters in his support. Blessedly not read in court, although a few short snippets came out of that.

Govt of course asked for the max 41 months. So you could call this a big fat defense "win" in that he only got the bottom end.

But when you figure the feds don't normally go knocking on business people's doors to look for weapons they shouldn't have, we all know the reason he ever made it to court is because of the suspicions surrounding RA's disappearance, so she was in effect the "white elephant" in the room, which of course nobody could talk about.

Hardest thing to listen to was his attorney talking about CC out hunting with the deer rifle, and the horrific images that jumped into my head when he was talking about that.

CC himself. Fast talker. Fast fast fast.

Oh yes, forgot to mention, one of the conditions, which I believe is AFTER his release in 33 months, presuming of course LE hasn't nailed down enough evidence to get him for murdering RA, is mandatory mental health counseling, and at his own expense. At least up to his ability to pay.

He was at one point, I think when in a juvenile correction facility, said to have a "social personality disorder" and "history of lying." No shockers there.

CC claimed that his roommate was also a convicted felon? Did we miss something in his background, or was one of his youthful drug convictions and/or malicious mischief, a felony?

The one name I dearly hoped would pop up in court was David Stone, but of course he seems to be unrelated to the weapons charges.

There was information (not explained) that came up in the pre-sentence investigation which brought him down from a sentencing level of 37-46 months to the 33-41 which was used today. There was also a grand jury at some point. Not sure if after the initial charge, or if that was related to the pre-sentencing investigation, but I'm inclined to believe the latter based on the context in which it came up.

RA's family of course was there, and other than them, some people who appeared to be media and maybe a couple friends, the sum total of the "good" side of the courtroom.

CC's bunch on the other. Lot of names came up from Moscow, but none that I recognized. My sense is he REALLY had that town snowed.

Fast talker.

Me no like. At all.
Why did he feel he had to bring up the roomy's past record? Thinks he should be charged also..because he hid CC's gun in his house? Nutball. He'll be out in 2 years to spread his venom agan...on some unknowing woman.

ETA: AOT....too bad you couldn't find someone to ask about Stone.
Why did he feel he had to bring up the roomy's past record? Thinks he should be charged also..because he hid CC's gun in his house? Nutball. He'll be out in 2 years to spread his venom agan...on some unknowing woman.

ETA: AOT....too bad you couldn't find someone to ask about Stone.

Well, I thought about hopping into the back of KXLY's van and beating a stinking answer out of them as to who DS is, but that would have been a really bad idea in the parking lot of a federal courthouse. :waitasec:

Fast talker, I didn't catch why the heck he even brought up his "roommate" but he didn't make any real attempt to dodge a bigger sentence, unless you consider how he tried to complement the judge on not having aged at all since the last time he faced him. Can't find that case (yet) as it would have been another federal case, not state.

Something to do with CC and his friends getting "bored" and busting into a safe. To tune of five figures, but I didn't write that down (maybe $33,000, but a guess).

The honorable judge, after handing him 1 yr in prison, also told him to wear a chain (necklace) with a key around his neck, and anytime he even thought about doing something wrong, to grab that key to remind himself of his freedom. That one makes me need to go find a good beer.

Might work with a bad kid (CC was a ton of that as well, did I mention he tortured animals among his youthful "escapades", and uh, arson?) to help get them straight, but he would have been something like 36 at the time and already a felon -- armed robbery of a convenience store.

Did we cover the case of breaking into the safe previously? Sounded familiar. Maybe when Fapone was still dropping in with her insights.

It wasn't the case of him breaking into his previous wife's home and holding a knife to her throat. That wasn't this same judge. I don't see his name on any of the old Idaho (Latah County) cases, so it had to have been federal.

CC "apparently" represented himself that time, and there was some discussion, or at least was brought up by both CC and his attorney, that transcripts from that court were not available for them to review. I took that as "missing" or lost transcripts, obviously not withheld from defense team.

I need that beer. Far too many suits for one day. Other than those of us in the peanut gallery, not to include the media.

Really nice (and big, but then I've never had reason to see inside of courtroom before) courtroom. Lots and lots and lots of either mahogany or cherry, leaning the former. Nice sound system. Taxes well spent on that spiffy new courthouse. Seats in the gallery a serious kind of hurt though. If I were queen for a day, Barca loungers for all. Or at least something along the lines of decent theater seating. After all, it is theatre of a sort.

With cup holders of course.

Must go grab a good casked microbrew, enjoy a fine Indian summer evening and further ponder today's ongoings, but it was immensely interesting. So many suits, one of whom looked vaguely familiar, but everybody else aged in the 20 years I was away making a living.

If anybody has something on the last time he faced a federal judge :gavel:(unrelated to this), please share. He and this judge sure knew each other, or at least CC well remembered him, or claimed to in all his fast talking. :talker:

I am speechless and Pi@@ed. Unbelievable! Ok truly it IS believable but WTHeck is going on????????

I keep hoping THIS, THIS is it, this will bring someone with some PERTINENT information out of the wood work. KNOWING he is away (hopefully) for the FULL 33 months. Gives that someone time to get themselves taken care of before having to worry about the likes of Capone. ???

Still SO MANY maybes! 6 months next month. 6 MONTHS!!! SOMEONE had to have seen or knows SOMETHING. I just don't buy that we still have NOTHING.

Sorry I am pretty much ranting and raving. I know you all understand and AOT I sure wish we were neighbors, I sure could use the beer.
I am speechless and Pi@@ed. Unbelievable! Ok truly it IS believable but WTHeck is going on????????

I keep hoping THIS, THIS is it, this will bring someone with some PERTINENT information out of the wood work. KNOWING he is away (hopefully) for the FULL 33 months. Gives that someone time to get themselves taken care of before having to worry about the likes of Capone. ???

Still SO MANY maybes! 6 months next month. 6 MONTHS!!! SOMEONE had to have seen or knows SOMETHING. I just don't buy that we still have NOTHING.

Sorry I am pretty much ranting and raving. I know you all understand and AOT I sure wish we were neighbors, I sure could use the beer.

Well I didn't hear the word "determinate" mentioned, but then again this is a federal sentence, not Idaho, but I believe that is still mandatory, and he won't be getting out early on good behavior.

Very disappointed in local media's coverage. Not just that they STILL report the SUV as hers, and it and her cell phone were found out in a field (uh, NO on all counts) but that they came up with 10 years as the max sentence for federal weapons charge, when the most that was ever considered was 46 months, before some pre-sentencing evidence dropped him down to the next lower bracket.

I think LE has a lot already, but anything sent to a crime lab -- DNA etc, is simply going to take a long bleeding time. My guess is they would way rather have a body than not to go filing homicide charges. Only get one chance to make it stick.

Hopefully some dang Pod person in Moscow (no offense to those that really don't swallow that CC is some saint who "turned his life around" because he owned a business named PMS and was a good mechanic and went to church) will wake up, and talk.

If not, clock is ticking, and in the scheme of things, 33 months may not be much time at all.

Wonder if the mental illness runs in their family? (CC's, not RA's) Judge did make a point of him being required to undergo mental health counseling.

The beer only helped a little. Still seeing Rachael's face and some eff-ing deer rifle. I cannot even fathom what her kids are going thru. If I were in their shoes, I believe I'd need to stay medicated 16 hours a day.
I wish I had the bank to offer a big reward. If I did, I would. Capone will not talk - three years is nothing compared to what he would get for confessing. Ugh.
Speaking in court, Capone said he is an honest man and believes he made a mistake.

Disappointed that they couldn't use this opportunity in sentencing to put the squeezes on him about RA. Just doesn't seem fair they let him plea down and he's a POI in her case. Mimimum sentence for someone with his past......and on parole..... NOW the mandated mental health help. ??? Little late for RA and her loved ones. :(

Well things have prolly changed a little since his last time there. Maybe he'll have too much raisin jack and spill his guts to his new roomy, who'd like to cut a deal also.

Now we can only hope some firewood gathers or hunters may come across her somewhere....or anyone that may know something will come forward.

Thanks for going AOT. I wouldn't have jumped in the van or beat anyone, LOL, but I would have asked why LE put his name out there, just because I would hope to get some kind of answer. :crazy: Did they annouce in court where he'll be going for his short vacaton? Wonder if it will be on the records in a few days if they didn't?

Wonder if Fapone has wind of it yet?
I wish I had the bank to offer a big reward. If I did, I would. Capone will not talk - three years is nothing compared to what he would get for confessing. Ugh.

Wish I had the bank roll for an island "retreat" of the incorrigibles. Too many repeat offenders who didn't seek the help and wind up worse. There are so many ideas, foundations, etc on the internet that can be researched and help in obtaining a reward. Little bit of gathering resources, organizing and marketing. I would have helped if I were in the area, wouldn't have taken a lot of people (but the more the better to save time) Marketing could have been done along with keeping her name/case out there, as well as educate the women and men on DV and stalking. We can tell our daughters, but the sons need to be aware also. Those same sons have mothers, sisters, and daughers who wouldn't want that to happen to them. Just to reinforce why the fathers are so protective and panic stricken when the age of dating comes around. JMO
Speaking in court, Capone said he is an honest man and believes he made a mistake.

Disappointed that they couldn't use this opportunity in sentencing to put the squeezes on him about RA. Just doesn't seem fair they let him plea down and he's a POI in her case. Mimimum sentence for someone with his past......and on parole..... NOW the mandated mental health help. ??? Little late for RA and her loved ones. :(

Well things have prolly changed a little since his last time there. Maybe he'll have too much raisin jack and spill his guts to his new roomy, who'd like to cut a deal also.

Now we can only hope some firewood gathers or hunters may come across her somewhere....or anyone that may know something will come forward.

Thanks for going AOT. I wouldn't have jumped in the van or beat anyone, LOL, but I would have asked why LE put his name out there, just because I would hope to get some kind of answer. :crazy: Did they annouce in court where he'll be going for his short vacaton? Wonder if it will be on the records in a few days if they didn't?

Wonder if Fapone has wind of it yet?


No mention that I recall of where he gets locked up. Isn't there a link somewhere that covers federal prisoners? Hopefully no spa at least.

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